The University of Western Ontario Faculty of Education Constitution

The University of Western Ontario Faculty of Education
Constitution of the Students’ Council Amended April
The University of Western Ontario
Faculty of Education
Students’ Council Constitution
This Constitution is established in the belief that the students of the Faculty of Education at the University
of Western Ontario wish to establish a Students’ Council of elected and appointed representatives
entrusted with the task of representing the aims and interests of the student body. The Students’ Council
is recognized to exist as a body to serve and represent the larger student body and their desire to have a
greater voice in the formation and direction of the University and Community experiences.
In this Constitution:
1. Constitution means the constitution of The University of Western Ontario Faculty of Education
Students’ Council;
University means The University of Western Ontario;
Faculty means the Faculty of Education at the University;
The Association means all full-time pre-service students enrolled at the Faculty;
ESC means all elected and appointed members of The University of Western Ontario Faculty of
Education Students’ Council, including the Executive Committee;
6. Executive Committee means the President, the Vice-President (Academic Affairs), the Vice
President (Administration & Student Affairs), the Vice-President (Communications), the VicePresident (Finance), and the Vice-President (Social Activities);
7. University Students’ Council (USC) means The University of Western Ontario Students’
8. Faculty Advisor means voting member of the Faculty Council who is an ex-officio member of the
9. the registration period refers to the dates for registration shown in the Faculty Calendar;
10. the school year means the period of time from registration until the final dates shown for the
examination and practicum in the Faculty Calendar;
11. union association refers to the union which governs the school in which a member of the
Association performs his/her first practicum (ETFO, OECTA, or OSSTF);
12. Donation Fee means the $30 student donation fee collected by the Registrar’s Office when
students pay tuition;
13. ESCargot refers to the name of the ESC’s bi-weekly newsletter.
Article I - Name
The name of this organization shall be The University of Western Ontario Faculty of Education Students’
Council (ESC).
Article II - Objectives of the Council
The following represent the aims and objectives of the ESC:
1. to act as the governing body of The Association;
2. to administer student affairs of the Faculty within the limits of this Constitution and the regulations
of the University;
3. to act as the medium of communication between The Association, the Faculty, the University, and
the Community;
4. to work in cooperation with the University Students’ Council;
5. to provide and improve social, living, recreational, academic, and professional development
services to students of The Association;
6. to create opportunities for students to develop in their academic environment;
7. to provide a means by which students can freely challenge, improve, and initiate desirable
changes in their environment;
8. to encourage and facilitate student participation in various existing and potential extra-curricular
9. to stand as an example to both the University and London communities of what students can do
by and for themselves.
Article III - Membership
All members of The Association and only those members shall be eligible to vote for and hold office on
the ESC, or serve on any of its committees.
Article IV - Composition of the ESC
1. The following elected officers shall be voting members of the ESC:
a. President
b. Vice-President (Academic Affairs)
c. Vice-President (Administration & Student Affairs)
d. Vice-President (Communication)
e. Vice-President (Finance)
f. Vice-President (Social Activities)
Each officer position is limited to one member with the exception of Vice-President (Social
Activities) which MAY have up to two (2) members.
2. The above officers shall appoint members of The Association to the following positions and these
persons shall be voting members of the ESC. Subcommittees will be appointed only if there is
sufficient interest at the discretion of the Executive Committee member.
a. Arts & Theatre Committee Chairperson
b. Athletic Committee Chairperson
c. Campus/Community Issues Chairperson
d. Charity Committee Chairperson
e. Graduation Formal Committee Chairperson
f. Health and Safety Committee Chairperson
g. Lesson plan Committee Chairperson
h. Newsletter Committee Chairperson
i. Literary Magazine Committee Chairperson
j. Social Events Committee Chairperson
k. Research Committee Chairperson
l. Yearbook Committee Chairperson
m. three (3) Ontario Teachers’ Federation (OTF) Teacher Education Liaison Committee
(TELC) Representatives (from different union associations)
n. three (3) Representatives to Faculty Council (see regulations of the Faculty Council)
o. one (1) Professional Liaison Committee (PLC) Chairperson (see regulations of the
Faculty Council)
p. two (2) Representatives to the Preservice Programs Committee (see regulations of the
Faculty Council)
Each committee is responsible for advertising and promoting their own events. All events must be
approved by the President and through the USC Student Organization Advisors
3. The President shall appoint a member of The Association to act as the Speaker at all ESC
4. By vote of the ESC, the chairpersons of any Ad Hoc committees may become voting members of
the ESC.
5. Any Faculty Advisors shall be ex-officio members of the ESC (no voting privileges).
6. It is each member’s responsibility to read the Constitution and understand its working.
Article V - Duties of the Executive Committee
Members of the Executive Committee
shall meet at the call of the President;
shall act on behalf of The Association in emergency situations;
shall oversee the work of all committees;
shall authorize the spending of monies between meetings of the ESC;
shall report to the ESC on all actions and deliberation of the Executive Committee;
shall hear proposals from members of the Association regarding special events or projects held
for The Association;
7. shall attend mandatory office hours;
8. shall attempt to establish a website within the first month of operation;
9. shall commit to a term of duty beginning with election until the next ESC is elected;.
10. shall receive no renumeration for acting as a member;
11. shall be responsible for the organization, design, and distribution of spirit wear to members of the
12. shall use the profits from spirit wear to purchase a gift for the following year’s class.
Article VI - Duties of the Executive Committee Members
1. The President (one position):
a. shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the ESC;
b. shall call the first meeting of the ESC and the first meeting of the Executive Committee;
c. shall countersign all cheques issued by the Vice-President (Finance);
d. shall be an ex-officio member of Faculty Council and appoint and oversee the other three
(3) representatives;
shall be the ESC’s representative to the University Students’ Council;
i. If the President does not wish to fulfill this role, he/she may appoint any member
of the Association to represent the ESC at USC meetings and thus become a
voting member of the ESC.
shall retain minutes of meetings from parts d) and e);
shall be an ex-officio member of all ESC committees;
shall be responsible for all communications between the ESC and the administration of
the University and of the Faculty;
shall be responsible for reviewing and approving the content of all written
correspondence of the ESC;
shall act as Chairperson at meetings of the ESC in the absence of the Speaker;
shall act as Chairperson of the Executive Committee and inform all members of future
meeting dates;
shall appoint the Speaker in accordance with Article IV, 3;
shall coordinate the selection of the Undergraduate Teaching Award recipients by
appointing four members of The Association, one from each division, to a committee that
will field nominations from The Association and select three (3) professors or instructors;
shall attend mandatory clubs training in September offered by the USC;
shall chair a Constitutional Review Committee (comprised of all the members of the
Executive committee) to ensure the Constitution document is current.
2. The Vice-President (Academic Affairs) (one position):
a. shall assume the duties of the President in his/her absence;
b. shall become the President of the ESC should the President resign or be removed from
his/her position (he/she may choose to retain the Vice-President (Academic Affairs)
duties or the Vice-President (Academic Affairs) position shall be declared vacant and
subsequently filled according the Articles XVI, 6);
c. shall appoint and oversee the following representatives:
i. Preservice Program Committee Representatives (2)
1. Vice-President (Academic Affairs) shall act as one (1) defacto
representative. Between the two (2) representatives, one must be at the
secondary level and one at the elementary level.
ii. Professional Liaison Committee Chairperson (1)
iii. Lesson plan Committee Chairperson (1)
iv. Research Committee Chairperson (1)
d. shall return minutes of meetings from Part c);
e. shall appoint three (3) of the ESC’s representatives to the OTF Teacher Education
Liaison Committee (TELC) who must represent different union associations (ETFO,
i. Representatives shall be appointed based upon both a resume application and a
formal interview.
f. shall direct students with academic concerns to the Preservice Office and follow-up with
such concerns;
i. document all student academic concerns regarding matters within the Faculty;
ii. keep all concerns and documentation confidential.
3. The Vice-President (Administration & Student Affairs) (one position):
a. shall distribute an electronic copy of the Constitution to all members of the ESC before
the first ESC meeting;
b. shall record and retain copies of the minutes of all meetings of the ESC and of the
Executive Committee;
shall distribute to all Executive Committee members an electronic copy of the minutes of
all the Executive Committee meetings within two days of such meetings;
shall distribute to all ESC members an electronic copy of the minutes of all ESC meetings
within one week of such meetings and post the same outside the ESC office;
shall at the request of the President, prepare sufficient copies of the agenda for all
meetings of Executive Committee;
shall upon the completion of the school year, leave the Faculty Advisors a copy of all
ESC and Executive Committee meeting minutes for safekeeping;
shall keep a record of ESC members’ meeting attendance;
shall maintain all ESC calendars and bulletin boards unless designated to a committee;
shall appoint and oversee the following:
i. Athletic Committee Chairperson (1)
ii. Campus/Community Issues Chairperson (1)
iii. Health and Safety Committee Chairperson (1)
shall be a voting member of the committees in Part i);
shall retain minutes of meetings from Part i).
4. The Vice-President (Communications) (one position):
a. shall act as a liaison with the Communications Officer of the USC;
b. shall facilitate the distribution of Westernizers to members of the Association;
c. shall appoint and oversee the following:
i. Newsletter Committee Chairperson (1)
ii. Literary Magazine Committee Chairperson (1)
iii. Yearbook Committee Chairperson (1)
be a voting member of the committees in Part c);
e. shall retain minutes from Part c);
f. shall oversee the publication of the ESCargot in consultation with the Newsletter
Committee Chairperson and the President;
g. shall design, build, and maintain the ESC website until the following year’s ESC is elected.
5. The Vice-President (Finance) (one position):
a. shall receive and promptly deposit all monies in the name of The Association (if the VicePresident (Finance) is unable to attend any function where a financial transaction occurs,
he/she shall immediately designate responsibility to collect and account for monies to an
appropriate Executive Committee member);
b. shall upon the authorization of the ESC or the Executive Committee, pay all bills and
keep records of the same (all cheques shall be signed by the President and VicePresident (Finance));
c. shall keep all necessary financial records pertaining to the Association up to date and
have such records available to all members of the Association;
d. shall make a full financial report to the ESC by the end of the first term in order to
approve the budget;
e. shall make additional financial reports at the request of the ESC;
f. shall make a full financial report to the ESC at the last meeting of the school year;
g. shall make all financial records available for audit upon the request of the USC VicePresident of Finance;
h. shall leave at least one copy of an Income Statement for the school year with a Faculty
Advisor at the end of the first month of the following school year for safekeeping;
i. shall report to and work in cooperation with the manager of the Preservice Office
regarding acquisition and spending of the Donation Fee.
6. The Vice-President (Social Activities) (up to two (2) positions):
a. shall be responsible for arranging activities of a social and cultural nature for the Faculty;
b. shall appoint committees, where necessary, to assist with the above responsibilities;
c. shall appoint and oversee the following:
i. Arts & Theatre Committee Chairperson (1)
ii. Charity Committee Chairperson (1)
iii. Graduation Formal Committee Chairperson (1)
iv. Social Events Committee Chairperson (1)
d. shall be a voting member of the committees in Part c);
e. shall retain minutes from Part c);
f. shall submit all social activity proposals to the Executive Committee for financial
g. shall attend mandatory clubs training in September offered by the USC.
Article VII - Duties of ESC Members General
Members of the ESC:
1. shall attend all ESC meetings (failure to attend two meetings, with or without regrets, may be
considered a ‘neglect of duty’ with possible removal from ESC according to Article XIII);
2. shall attend all meetings of the committees of which they are members;
3. shall be prepared to give a report at each ESC meeting pertaining to their responsibilities or, if
unable to attend, send a report with his/her respective Executive Committee member;
4. shall submit year-end reports to the Executive Committee by the final meeting of the ESC;
5. shall submit to the President any written correspondence prior to distribution;
6. shall submit all activity proposals to his/her Executive Committee member for final approval;
7. shall ensure that committee chairs are dutiful and responsible in organizing and promoting events
of the committees;
8. shall uphold the intention and spirit of the Constitution.
Article VIII - Duties of Specific ESC Members
1. The Executive Committee members:
a. shall perform their duties according to Article VI.
2. The Athletic Committee Chairperson:
a. shall be responsible for organizing athletic events such as intramurals and special trips;
b. shall book gymnasium time immediately for the following year;
c. shall act as a liaison between the ESC and the University’s athletic associations.
3. The Campus/Community Issues Chairperson:
a. shall be responsible for the organization of Faculty diversity, equity, and interfaith
awareness conferences and workshops;
b. shall be responsible for the organization of Faculty environmental awareness campaigns;
c. shall facilitate the organization of carpooling among members of the Association;
d. shall act as a liaison between the ESC and the USC Vice-President Campus Issues.
4. The Graduation Formal Committee Chairperson:
a. shall be responsible for organizing the Faculty’s graduation formal in April.
5. The Health and Safety Committee Chairperson:
a. shall organize health and safety activities deemed necessary including first aid courses and
blood donor clinics.
Committee Chairperson:
a. shall be responsible for the collection of teacher candidate lesson plans;
b. shall organize the collected lesson plans within the provided webCT course and in a
format that can be distributed to members of the Association;
7. The Newsletter Committee Chairperson:
a. shall be responsible for organizing the publication of the bi-weekly Faculty newsletter
(usually called The ESCargot);
b. shall oversee the publication of the ESCargot in consultation with the Vice-President
(Communications) and the President.
8. The Literary Magazine Chairperson:
a. shall be responsible for organizing the publication of a Faculty literary magazine (a
selection of literary and artistic works created and submitted by students);
b. shall oversee the publication of the Faculty literary magazine in consultation with the
Vice-President (Communications) and the President.
9. The Arts and Theatre Committee Chairperson:
a. shall act as a liaison between the ESC and the producer of the annual show;
b. shall organize performance opportunities for members of the Association including, but not
limited to coffee houses, movie nights, and talent shows).
10. The Charity Committee Chairperson:
a. shall act as a liaison to the ESC for clubs and special interest groups;
b. shall organize charity events and activities in conjunction with the Vice-President (Social
c. shall be responsible for selecting the charity to which all proceeds from activities from
Part b) go which must then be approved by the Executive Committee.
11. The Yearbook Committee Chairperson:
a. shall be responsible for organizing the Faculty yearbook;
b. shall be responsible for taking photos of events and happenings in the Faculty throughout the
school year;
c. shall be responsible for organizing graduation photo sittings for members of the
12. Research Committee Chairperson
a. shall organize and distribute surveys to be conducted amongst the Association
concerning satisfaction with ESC performance at the end of each term;
b. shall organize and present findings from the surveys in Part a) to the ESC at the first
meeting of the second term and the last meeting of the school year.
13. Speaker of Council
a. shall be the chairperson of all meetings of the ESC;
b. shall give attendance records of ESC meetings to Vice-President (Administration &
Student Affairs) at the end of each ESC meeting;
c. shall be responsible for the compilation and distribution of ESC meeting agendas to all
members of the ESC prior to ESC meetings.
14. Faculty Council Representatives
a. shall attend all meetings of the Faculty Council;
b. shall act as a liaison between the ESC and the Faculty Council;
c. shall work with in conjunction with the President in putting forth motions to Faculty council
on behalf of the Association when necessary.
15. Teacher Education Liaison Committee Representatives
a. should operate as an egalitarian committee, unless the members choose to appoint a
committee head;
b. shall attend all monthly TELC meetings and liaise all information from these meetings to
the ESC and the Association;
c. shall organize the obtaining and distribution of Edvantage cards to all members of the
d. shall attend the spring conferences held by their respective unions;
e. shall facilitate professional development by organizing mid-practicum socials in
conjunction with the social events committee;
f. shall cooperate with the Practicum Director in organizing a Principals’ Panel and a
workshop on professionalism in the workplace for the Association.
16. Professional Liaison Committee Chairperson
a. shall cooperate with the Preservice office to organize student volunteers necessary for
the Career Expo in mid-January;
b. shall organize a group studying event for the Social Foundations exams in each term
during the week before the exams;
c. shall organize portfolio building and interview workshops for the Association;
d. shall cooperate with the Faculty to organize classroom management workshops;
Article IX - Meetings of the ESC
1. After the election of the Executive Committee, the first meeting of the ESC shall take place at the
call of the President during the week following the appointment of the remaining ESC members.
At each meeting, the last item on the agenda shall be the setting of the date, time, and place for
the next meeting.
Emergency meetings shall be called upon the written requests of at least two members of the
ESC. Such a meeting must be convened by the President within three school days of receipt of
such a request. Such requests are to be posted outside the ESC office.
The ESC must meet once each month during the school year (including during practicum).
a) Simple majority of council members (50% +1) must be present at any meeting to constitute
quorum; b) when constitutional changes are being made, two thirds (2/3) of the ESC must be
6. The Executive Committee must meet at least once every two weeks, except during practicum.
Article X - Meeting Procedures
1. If the speaker is absent, the President shall be the Chairperson.
2. If the President is acting as Chairperson and wishes to speak to any motion, he/she shall have a
Vice-President take the chair.
President may not vote on any motion if he/she is the Chairperson, except to break a tie.
4. A defeated motion maybe re-introduced at the same meeting only by a vote of the ESC.
5. All other procedures pertaining to meetings shall be according to the Robert’s Rules of Order
Article XI – Delegations
1. Any group or member of The Association may request the support of the ESC. Such a group of
members shall be known to The Association as a Delegation.
2. Any Delegation wishing to appear before the ESC must submit its request in writing to the
President. The request must be dated at the time the President receives it. The request must be
approved by the President.
3. The Delegation shall present its request to the ESC at the next meeting. ESC members may ask
questions of the Delegation pertaining to its request.
4. The ESC must inform the Delegation of the ESC’s decision regarding the specific request. The
decision of the ESC shall be forwarded in writing, within two weeks of the council meeting, to the
person whose signature appears at the top of the list in the written notice which requested the
support of the ESC.
Article XII – Finances and Budget
1. The ESC shall receive its financial resources from:
a. a grant from the University Students’ Council;
b. all monies raised through ESC activities;
c. the Student Donation fee.
2. The ESC and the Executive Committee may only authorize the spending of monies that provide
positive opportunities for the members of The Association.
3. Budgets must be ready by the end of September and are to be approved by the Executive
Article XIII - Donation Fee
1. The ESC is responsible for ensuring that the Association is aware of the Donation Fee and the
exact steps required to opt-out of the Donation Fee if requested.
2. The ESC is responsible for collecting the Donation Fee from the Faculty in conjunction with the
manager of the Preservice Office.
3. The ESC must use this Donation Fee to guide the aims and objectives of the ESC as described in
this Constitution.
Article XIV - Neglect of Duties
Any member of the ESC who fails to fulfill his/her assigned duties may be removed from his/her position
on the ESC by a minimum three-quarters (3/4) majority vote by the ESC members present.
Article XV - University and Faculty Regulations
No part of the Constitution or any motion of the ESC or the Executive Committee may contravene any
regulation of the University or the Faculty.
Article XVI - The Ad Hoc Election Committee
1. During the Orientation Period, the Faculty Advisors shall call for student volunteers to form an ad
hoc election committee.
committee shall choose its own chairperson and shall consist of at least three members of
The Association.
3. This committee is responsible for conducting the election of the Executive Committee as defined
by Article IV, 1.
4. Members of the ad hoc election committee shall not be nominated for any elected position of the
5. This committee shall organize an all-candidates panel during the election period.
6. Once the election is held, the ad hoc committee is dissolved.
Article XVII - Ad Hoc Social Committee
1. This committee is responsible for organizing social activities in the first week(s) of the school year
until the election is held.
2. Once the election is held, the ad hoc committee is dissolved.
Article XVIII – Election of Members and Vacancies
1. The following members of the ESC shall be elected by the members of The Association:
a. President
b. Vice-President (Academic Affairs)
c. Vice-President (Administration & Student Affairs)
d. Vice-President (Communication)
e. Vice-President (Finance)
f. Vice-President (Social Activities)
2. For the positions above, the nominee receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared the
3. Should only one person be nominated for a position, that person shall be acclaimed to the
4. If there are no nominees for any positions, the Ad Hoc Election Committee shall appoint a person
to fill the position. A member of the Ad Hoc Election Committee may be appointed to fill such a
5. With the exception of the Executive Committee, if a member of the ESC resigns or is removed
from his/her position, then the Executive Committee shall appoint a member of The Association to
fill the vacant position on the Council.
6. With the exception of the President, if a member of the Executive Committee resigns or is
removed from his/her position, then the council shall elect a member from the Council to fill the
vacant position on the Executive Committee.
7. If the President resigns, or is removed from his/her position, then he/she shall be replaced
according to Article VI, 2, b).
Article XIX – Election Procedures
1. All matters pertaining to the election procedures shall be the responsibility of the Ad Hoc Election
Committee and the Faculty Advisors.
2. A candidate may nominate himself/herself. Nominations must be seconded by a member of The
Association. A candidate may seek only one position.
3. Nominations shall be received until twelve o’ clock (12:00) p.m. on the second day of classes
following the Orientation Period, with an all candidates meeting that afternoon. The candidate, or
his/her representative, must be present at the meeting or the nomination shall be deemed invalid.
4. Campaigning may begin immediately following the all candidates meeting and must end no later
than eight o'clock (8:00) a.m. on election day. Campaigning may not contravene the Regulations
of the University Students' Council.
5. One the fifth day of classes, an all-candidates panel must take place in the cafeteria, organized
by the Ad Hoc Election Committee.
6. Voting shall take place by the sixth day of classes following the registration period. The polling
station shall be located outside the cafeteria and be open from eight o`clock (8:00) a.m. to five
o`clock (5:00) p.m. Members of The Association must present their student card to be eligible to
vote. The election shall be by secret ballot. The successful candidates shall be announced on
election day, but the final vote tallies shall only be available to the candidates.
Article XX – Amendment of the Constitution
1. A motion to amend the Constitution must be moved and seconded, and passed by a two-thirds
(2/3) majority of the Council members present. This procedure shall be known as the first reading.
2. If a motion to amend passes the first reading, a second reading shall take place at the next
meeting of Council. If the motion obtains two-thirds (2/3) majority approval of the Council
members present, then the motion shall become part of this Constitution.
3. Should a motion to amend the Constitution be defeated during the first or second reading, the
same motion may be introduced at a future time provided that a simple majority of the council
members agree to have the motion reintroduced.
Article XXI – The Undergraduate Teacher Award
1. The award was established by Students` Council in 1997 to recognize excellence in
undergraduate (preservice) teaching at the Faculty of Education from the perspective of teacher
The normal procedure begins with the preparation of a nomination form, and announcement
of the nomination process by poster and through Social Foundations pre-lecture. This should
happen in mid-to late-February. Nomination forms and a receptacle for returned nominations
should be placed outside (or on) the door of the ESC Office.
Each nomination form submitted must be accompanied by a letter (a paragraph or two) in which
the nominator explains why she/he is putting forward the nomination.
Final deadline for all nominations is the final day of classes or alternative date set by the
The President of the ESC shall select a committee (approximately five members in total) to meet,
review the nominations, and select three winners. Alternatively, at the Executive Committee`s
wish, the entire Executive may comprise the selection committee. Some guidelines are as
There is no divisional restriction on winners (i.e.: the winners could be from any one or a variety
of P/J, J/I, I/S, Technology, Social Foundations / Psychology divisions) Repeat winners are
allowed from year to year (in that a different student body nominates each year).
If the committee cannot narrow the winning list to three, on some occasions four winners have
been named. Alternatively, fewer than three winners could also be named, or none for any given
year. Faculty Advisors to the Students` Council (on one or two year appointments) are ineligible
for this award during their advisor years (conflict of interest)
6. Suggested criteria for the choice of winners:
a. Quality of letters
b. Number of letters (Note: a letter with more than one signature counts only as one letter.)
c. Judgment (and opinions) of the selection committee
7. On the afternoon of Convocation during the Faculty of Education Awards Ceremony, a
representative of the ESC (usually the President) presents the awards.
8. Inform the winners and the Dean`s Office by letter or email by the end of April. Order and pay for
the awards at this time. Typically, plaques have been given with following inscription:
Award of Excellence
Presented to
for Excellence in Undergraduate Education
at the
Faculty of Education
The University of Western Ontario
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