MONAD TRAINER,S AIDE, INC. THIS CUSTOMIZED MINI CATALOG IS FOR THE CATEGORY OF B ULLYING Our reputation, based on over 40 years experience, guarantees you unequalled customer service; and to never pay more than the producer charges. For a Free Preview, or to purchase any title in our catalog contact: EF 1.800.344.6088 Monad Trainer’s Aide - Discrimnation Mini Catalog - Contact: - 1.800.344.6088 ABCs OF DISCRIMINATION Series COMPLETE BLUE-EYED, THE Series (TRAINERS TOOLCHEST) 6 DVD program with ancillary materials Featuring Diane Sawyer and John Stossel, who host documentaries on various discrimination issues. AGE & ATTITUDES (19 minutes). Discrimination of job interviews for older candidates. FAIRER SEX, THE? (16 minutes). Gender discrimination and its effect on 2 people in a major urban center. (California Newsreel) DVD or 3 video program, and Trainer’s Guide Jane Elliott made headlines in the ’70s, with the video, “The Eye Of The Storm.” It’s was a filming of her 3rd grade class exercise about the impact of discrimination. Over the years while conducting diversity workshops, she had the original video revised, edited and shortened into the following versions. Blue-Eyed/Brown-Eyed. The original 90 minute version. Essential Blue-Eyed, The. A 2 segment video, totaling 87 minutes Trainer’s Edition. Is a powerful, dramatic 50 minutes of the original exercise. Debriefing. Is a 36 minute adult experience and reorientation. 30 Minute Blue-Eyed, The. Edited to the 30 most dramatic minutes. LINGUISTIC PROFILING (10 minutes). People frequently profile a person’s race when conversing on the phone. This can become a form of racism when they are denied a job, apartment, etc. TRUE COLORS (19 minutes). An undercover racial experiment with 2 males (black and white) as each attempts to rent an apartment, apply for jobs, purchase a car, and conduct other everyday activities. UGLY TRUTH, THE (26 minutes). A 20/20 segment focusing on the subtle discrimination against people of average and below-average looks, in favor of those who are good-looking. UNDER SUSPICION (15 minutes). A 20/20 segment dealing with black shoppers, suspiciously eyed because of their color. Purchase only, $295 in either format CREATING THE RESPECT EFFECT: PREVENTING HARASSMENT, DISCRIMINATION & RETALIATION (LEARNCOM) 2 part training program for managers and employees The program is a cost-effective, results-oriented, vignette-based training program for employers seeking to improve work environments and reduce the risk of legal issues. Purchase only, $995 DIFFERENCES Purchase only, and only as an entire series, $595 (STAR THROWER) 4 minute DVD with ancillary materials Created by BJ Gallagher, co-author of the diversity classic, A Peacock In The Land of Penguins, explores people’s differences through the voices of dogs that really results in a common bond. ANGRY EYE, THE (ADMIRE) 30 minutes Jane Elliott’s famous “blue eyed” exercise is sprung upon college students, in exploring the nature of prejudice. Rental $295; Purchase $395 Purchase only, $295 EYE OF THE STORM, THE BEYOND SEXUAL HARASSMENT: OTHER FORMS OF HARASSMENT (ADMIRE) 25 minutes Jane Elliott’s filming of her third grade class exercise on discrimination, and its impact. See the video “Blue-Eyed/Brown-Eyed” for an update on this exercise and its application to diversity programs. (MEDIA LEARNING) 15 minute DVD; Manager & Employeee versions Attorney Greg Naylor helps employees/viewers identify and prevent illegal actions involving gender, religion, age, disability, and subtle forms of harassment. Rental $295; Purchase $845, DVD has Spanish Purchase only, $295 BILL COSBY ON PREJUDICE DIVERSITY: WHAT IS DIVERSITY? (SMART-START MEETING OPENERS) (PYRAMID) 24 minutes There’s nothing funny about prejudice. In one long, jolting monologue, Bill Cosby, portraying America’s composite bigot, drives the point home. (VISIONPOINT/SOLLAH) 4 minute DVD A short title that reviews the many types of diversity. Purchase only, $195 Purchase only, $295 CLASS DIVIDED, A (ADMIRE) 60 minutes Filmed 15 years after “Eye Of The Storm”, this sequel explores the after effects on the children in Jane Elliott’s classroom experiment Purchase only, $295 1 Monad Trainer’s Aide - Discrimination Mini Catalog - Contact: - 1.800.344.6088 2 Monad Trainer’s Aide - Discrimination Mini Catalog - Contact: - 1.800.344.6088 3