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Upcoming Events
Auxiliary Board of St. Mary’s Presents Second Annual Art Auction
Beginning at 7 p.m., guests will preview the variety of
works of art, lithographs, etchings, serigraphs, animation
cells, sports memorabilia, water colors and original oils on
display while enjoying cocktails and live music. Silent auction
items include several enticing vacations, a Hotline surfboard,
a golf cart, a Toni Henkel handbag and an incredible lineup
of offerings. Starting at 8 p.m., Ross Galleries from
Holbrook, N.Y., will launch the live auction including, this
year, 10 pieces of framed artwork from the children of St. Mary’s
Home. WVEC Channel 13 is the media sponsor for the event.
Tickets are $60 per person and $100 per couple. Call Kim
Thumel, Auxiliary board president, at In Your Own Skin, skin
therapy center at 757-962-3655 for tickets or more information.
Guardian Society
After recently launching
The Guardian Society,
designed to establish a lasting legacy
with gifts made through estate plans,
St. Mary’s is pleased to announce
the following new members:
Carl M. Albero
Ed and Trish Blair
Bob Guess & Patti Petty
Mollie Pavlik, chair of the art
auction committee, pictured above,
has worked with a dedicated
group of committee members since
last year to organize this event.
12th Annual Qualified Gas Contractors Benefit Golf Tournament
Contact David Gregory at 757-490-9799 for more information.
Plus, feeling lucky? Participate in the 2007 Qualified Gas Contractors of South Hampton
Roads Raffle and help support St. Mary’s. First prize is a 2007 GMC Sierra Truck, and
second prize is a 40” Sony BRAVIA Flat Panel LCD HD-TV. Winners will be drawn on
Thursday, May 24, and each ticket is $100. Contact David Gregory at 757-490-9799
for more information.
Lucy J. Oldfield, in memory of
Lee and W. Henry Jordan
M. R. Welch, Sr. and
Wife, Mary R. Welch
For more information on becoming a
member, contact Martha Price Stewart
at 757-446-6797 or 1-800-237-6555.
A Publication of St. Mary’s Home for Disabled Children • Winter 2007
The Guardian
Teaming Up with Make-A-Wish
ast year Julie Carey, Director of Wishes
for Make-A-Wish Foundation® of
Eastern Virginia, and Melanie Perez-Lopez,
Social Worker with St. Mary’s Home, began
planning to identify children at St. Mary’s Home
who could be granted wishes and what those
wishes would be. Since all of the children at St.
Mary’s need specialized care, choices for each
child vary as much as the children
do themselves.
When 15-year-old Mercedez
blinked her eyes and lit up with
excitement, the care team knew
that sending her to Twin Lakes
State Park near Blackstone, Va.,
was an excellent choice for a
teenage girl who loves to be
outside. After many days of
planning, Mercedez, her former
teacher, Dr. Dorothy Elkins,
Samuel, Dr. Elkins’ adopted child
with special needs, and caregiver
Patrick enjoyed a trip
to Discovery Cove
last November.
Byron headed for a cabin in the woods on
August 11. They arrived only to find their cabin
was not accessible for people with disabilities.
With the help of a quick thinking park ranger,
a ramp suddenly appeared, and Mercedez began
enjoying two days in nature gazing at the lake
and watching movies on her new DVD player.
In September, Adam’s wish to see a
NASCAR race came true as well. After a send-off
party at St. Mary’s, Adam and family were on
their way to Richmond International Raceway
where they had great seats for the race. His
mom exclaimed, “Phil and I were so happy to
see Adam’s face light up with a big smile and a
laugh when the race cars came screaming around
the track so close it made our hair blow all
around.” Adam also had a personalized infield
tour where he met Jeff Gordon, Richard Petty,
Joe Nemecheck and Scott Riggs.
The next wish trip occurred in
November for 17-year-old Patrick to
go to Discovery Cove in Orlando, Fla.
He departed in a limousine from
St. Mary’s Home and boarded a plane
for Orlando where he not only got in
the water with dolphins but also visited
Sea World and the Magic Kingdom.
“I was so overwhelmed when I
received the phone call,” says mother
Gina Roberts, “because I never
thought we’d have this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”
Please see ”Make-A-Wish“ page 2
Fueled by
Part of the Norfolk Public School
System, NORSTAR was established to
provide an environment to foster critical
thinking skills in gifted high school
Make-A-Wish continued from page 1
Not all of the wishes at St. Mary’s Home
fall into the “I wish to go…” category. Also
Make-A-Wish is committed to making
children’s dreams come true.”
slated in the near future is the installation of
The Make-A-Wish Foundation® has
a Sway Fun. This specialized swing is the first
become one of the world’s most well known
totally inclusive, wheelchair-accessible glider
charities since its inception in 1980 and has
with room for two wheelchairs
granted over 135,000 wishes in
and additional passengers.
the United States and around
Ten of the children at
the world. The Foundation has
St. Mary’s have chosen this
maintained the grassroots
students. A project team of four NORSTAR
“I want to have…” wish and
fulfillment of its mission with
students has been awarded a grant from
will be present at the grand
a network of more than 25,000
Lemelson-M.I.T. to work on a special
dedication party in 2007.
volunteers who serve as wish
invention for the children of St. Mary’s
Home. The students are part of the
Invention and Research Division of
“We are truly excited
about working with Make-A-
granters, fund raisers, special
Adam with Scott Riggs at Richmond
International Raceway.
Wish here at St. Mary’s Home,”
events assistants, and in numerous
other capacities. The local
says Melanie Perez-Lopez. “To see our children
Eastern Virginia Chapter serves all of Hampton
and their families have the chance to do
Roads, the Peninsula, Williamsburg, Emporia,
everything from swim with the dolphins to
Franklin, York, James City, Sussex, Isle of Wight,
Charles Sherburne, Granby High School,
meet Richard Petty makes us extremely
Surry, Greensville & Southampton counties and
9th grade; David Miller, Granby High
grateful that an organization such as
the Eastern Shore. ♥
NORSTAR. The team includes: Lukaas
Hendrix, Maury High School, 10th grade;
School, 10th grade; and Aivars Cudney,
Granby High School, 12th grade.
Although their advisor and teacher
Alhambra Supports St. Mary’s
Joy W. Young has been a resource for this
invention team, the students have forged
ahead fueled mostly by their creativity
and desire to help these children. They
tournaments. Pictured below, the group came to
Order of Alhambra is to provide
give St. Mary’s a $10,000 check from the proceeds
assistance, education and residences for people
of the September 21 golf tournament. The Padul
with developmental disabilities. Padul Caravan
Caravan has recently stepped forward with an
plan to develop a special shelving unit so
No. 69 has a history of supporting St. Mary’s
additional $30,000 commitment over the next
residents at St. Mary’s can exercise their
Home dating back to the 1960s. Over the years,
three years to help fund a 2007 StarTrans
own determination in selecting an item to
the group has transitioned from having charity
Senator shuttle bus, further demonstrating their
place on their wheelchair. ♥
balls as fundraisers for the Home to golf
steadfast and generous support over the years. ♥
Lukaas Hendrix and Aivars Cudney take
measurements in the Occupational Therapy
Support Services department of a range of toys
that could be used with their invention.
art of the mission of the International
GC Brian Hallman, Martha Stewart (St. Mary’s), PGC Johnny Romanus, Bill Giermak (St. Mary’s), PGC Paul
Siebeking, SDIII JR Black and PGC Jerry Hyatt.
• B O A R D
The Few, The Proud, The Jo-Kell Team
The employees at Jo-Kell form an incredible group of generous folks. Throughout the year,
they participate in many community outreach activities. One of the favorite organizations
they support is St. Mary’s. The Jo-Kell staff recognizes that caregivers at St. Mary’s often play
the role of bringing the soul out of children and young adults whose bodies do not work as
well as they should. The Jo-Kell team also realizes that continued financial support is an
essential component of quality care for these special children.
For this reason, St. Mary’s is part of the Jo-Kell life. Jo-Kell employees enjoy participating
each year in the St. Mary’s 5K run.
This year, a couple of lucky Jo-Kell
runners received a coveted original
work of art by residents of St. Mary’s.
In addition, the employees at
Jo-Kell have a month-long charitable
campaign that culminates in a
celebration for all of their employees.
Every October, owners and
Jo-Kell’s Annual Employee Appreciation Day in October 2006
management recognize Jo-Kell
Pictured from left to right standing: Suzy Kelly, CEO; Marty Kelly,
employees in celebration of
President; Bill Giermak, CEO of St. Mary’s; Martha Stewart,
Development Director of St. Mary’s; Chad Riggs, Jo-Kell; Doe Lassen, activities of games, prizes and
community service. All efforts
Jo-Kell. Seated at the head of the table is Joe Kelly, the founding
father of Jo-Kell.
culminate on Employee
Appreciation Day where employees
enjoy a day of fun, food, and more games and prizes. With a match from the company,
the Jo-Kell team contributed over $6,000.00 to St. Mary’s in 2006. The company and its
employees understand the importance of continued financial support of the Home, and
with the generosity of the Jo-Kell family, hope to be a part of the lives of St. Mary’s children
for years to come. ♥
Message from the President of the Board
It is with great pleasure and immense gratitude that I report on the successful conclusion
of the House of Promise $4 million Capital Campaign as the year came to an end on
December 31, 2006. Each of you who contributed your financial support, your time and your
spirit of care for the children added to this achievement as we close the first chapter in the
life of the new St. Mary’s.
The most inspiring success of which you can be especially proud is that, in the new
facility, there continues to be a decrease – 24% this year – in the number of days children are
spending as inpatients in the hospital. We know this is due in large part to better filtration,
windows from floor to ceiling that allow for natural light in hallways and classrooms, and
twice the number of nurses’ stations allowing for closer observation and more efficient
administration of treatments. What better news can there be?
Now that one chapter closes, another begins. The St. Mary’s staff is ready to move
forward in the new facility with expanded and creative programs and services. We look
forward to adding staff to provide direct intervention for those children with more critical
needs and to launching special projects like a new playground and the purchase of
specially-designed vehicles that will allow the children to travel out into the community,
where they benefit from activities that all children enjoy and deserve.
Your investment in St. Mary’s children, as you can see, has made a difference in their lives.
We ask now that you continue your support with an annual gift so that the children of St. Mary’s
will reap as much benefit from their new Home as possible. Perhaps you will consider
increasing your support or will consider a gift for the future of St. Mary’s with a planned gift
to the Endowment, like the donors who are members of The Guardian Society. We greatly
appreciate your renewed support and your investment in the children of St. Mary’s.
Thank you so much. ♥
Suzanne Puryear
Vinnie McPhillips
Longtime Board Member
J. Vincent McPhillips passed
away on November 22, 2006
after more than 40 years of
service to St. Mary’s. Vinnie
McPhillips had invaluable
accounting experience that
he drew upon when giving
St. Mary’s sound advice on the financial undertaking of
moving into a new facility. “Vinnie was truly a safeguard
of the Home’s assets,” said fellow Board Member
Don Price. Chuck McPhillips summarized his father’s
dedication to St. Mary’s when he said, “Dad’s dedication
to St. Mary's sprang from his devout Catholic faith
and his love for helping others. His was not a faith
of florid oratory, but one that spoke quietly and
humbly through his good works. His real strength lay
in tending to an organization that was truly capable
of providing – and perpetuating – the best possible
care for these special children. Dad died a happy
and fulfilled man, in no small part due to his 40-plus
years of service at St. Mary’s.”
Board of Trustees 2007
Suzanne Puryear
Michael Cotter
Vice President
Norma Taliaferro
Richard Knapp
Donald Price
Immediate Past President
The Most Rev.
Walter Sullivan
Carl Albero
Theodore Broecker
George Consolvo
Michael Duffy
Sandra Gordon
Gregory Kilduff
Frederick Napolitano
Vince Napolitano
William Ripley
J. Hume Taylor, Jr.
William Giermak, CEO
Kimberley Thumel
President of the
Auxiliary Board
Joseph Toland, M.D.
Medical Director
Robert Voogt
The Mission of St. Mary’s
The mission of St. Mary’s Home for Disabled
Children is to provide quality, specialized care
within a home-like environment for special
children with severe disabilities, so each child
can achieve his or her fullest potential.
The Guardian is published by St. Mary’s Home
for Disabled Children, a non-profit organization.
If you have questions or comments, please contact
Mary Helen Hilton, Marketing Communications
Manager, St. Mary’s Home for Disabled Children,
6171 Kempsville Circle, Norfolk, Virginia 23502,
(757) 622-2208, ext. 307 or