University of Oregon Solar Radiation Monitoring Laboratory and

University of Oregon Solar Radiation Monitoring Laboratory and Support
Network for Research and Innovation in Solar Energy (SuNRISE) PV
Building a Solar Panel Test Facility at the UO
Developing the Infrastructure for a Solar Powered Future
So you want to go green and install solar electric panels on your rooftop?
Awesome! Do you know what type of panel gives you the best real performance
in Eugene? Vote for our proposal, and we will help you find that out!
If funded, this proposal will create a state-of-the-art outdoor solar panel testing
facility on the University of Oregon (UO) campus that could bring long lasting
benefits to everyone. The facility will provide reliable information that helps you
maximize the return for your solar investment. It will help attract solar industry to
Eugene, provide training for solar professionals and students interested in solar
electricity. The goals for this project are twofold. First the project will enable high
quality testing of new, innovative, and less expensive solar panel technologies to
expedite their introduction into the market. Second, the facility will provide
EWEB customers and solar installers with accurate information on solar electric
panel performance in the Eugene environment. Demand is high for quality solar
testing facilities and having one in town certainly would make Eugene more
attractive for solar companies considering moving here.
This effort is being jointly proposed by the University of Oregon Solar Radiation
Monitoring Laboratory and the Support Network for Research and Innovation in
Solar Energy (SuNRISE) PV laboratory (for more information see and ).