Topic Web - Kington St Michael School Home Page

Topic Overview for Eagle Class -Term 3 and 4. January 2016 to April 2016
Discuss & express views about fiction, nonWriting
fiction & poetry
Ask & answer questions; make predictions Learn to spell common ‘exception’ words
Use joined letters of an appropriate size
Make inferences and deductions
Use knowledge to read ‘exception’ words Group ideas and sentences into
Read range of fiction & non-fiction
Make simple additions & changes after
Use dictionaries to check meaning
Prepare poems to perform
Use prefixes & suffixes in spelling
Check own understanding of reading
Retrieve & record information from non- Use dictionary to confirm spellings
Write simple dictated sentences
fiction books
Plan to write based on familiar forms
Discuss reading with others
Rehearse sentences orally for writing
Books and stories from Scotland, Ireland
Use varied rich vocabulary
and Wales and Europe- Hans Christian
effectiveness of own and others’
Anderson- the Snow Queen, The Tinderbox,
The Princess and the Pea. Story box
write non simple reports and explanations,
theatre. Book Week.
reviews and descriptions, recounts and
Class book- Finn Family Moomintroll
Geometry & Measures
Know and use standard measures
Read scales to nearest whole unit
Know 2, 5,3,(y3 4,6,)
Use symbols for £ and p and add/subtract
tables and division facts
simple sums of less than £1 or in pounds
Use place value for TU addition and
Tell time to the nearest 5 minutes
Identify & sort 2-d & 3-d shapes
Count in 2s, 3s,4s, 5s, 8s & 10s
Identify 2-d shapes on 3-d surfaces
Identify, represent & estimate numbers
Order and arrange mathematical objects
Compare / order numbers, inc. < > =
Know number facts to 20 (+ related to 100) Use terminology of position & movement
Use x and ÷ symbols Secure place value to
100, write numbers above 100
Y3- Mentally add & subtract units, tens or Measure simple perimeter
Draw 2-d / Make 3-d shapes Identify and
hundreds to numbers of up to 3 digits
right angles
Written column addition & subtraction
horizontal, vertical, perpendicular
Solve number problems, including
multiplication & simple division and missing
clockwise turns, half and
number problems
Use commutativity to help calculations
My healthy body- what’s inside?
Teeth and how to care for them.
Exercise, healthy food choices, water and
Handwashing and germs.
Jump for Joy week -exercise and health.
Growing and changing.
Basic needs of animals & offspring
Simple food chains & habitats
Forces, pushes pulls
Gravity , air resistance and magnetism
Compare how things move on different
surfaces, force arrows
Grammar Use . ! ? , and ’
letters for names and places
Use a range of conjunctions, expand noun
phrases with adjectives
Use perfect tense
Use range of nouns & pronouns Use time
Introduce speech punctuation
Know language
of clauses, use adverbial phrase
Spelling, use plural and verb rules
Speaking & Listening
Articulate & Justify answers
Initiate & respond to comments
Use spoken language to develop
Give structured descriptions
Participate activity in conversation
Consider & evaluate different viewpoints
Find and write simple
fraction Understand
equivalence of e.g. 2/4
= 1/2 .Use & count in
tenths .Recognise, find
& write fractions
Recognise some
equivalent fractions
Order fractions with
common denominator
Art & Design
Use 2Graph to create and interpret graphs
charts and tables (Purple Mash)
Work on co- ordinates and maps
Use ICT on- line dictionaries
Y3 Art ICT packages creating weather
calligrams, using the National Gallery on line
Y3 art work – calligrams –art packages and on line
galleries NGA- kids
Observational art work
Code simple instructions , de bug and fix
problems – Purplemash coding steps
for Mothering Sunday
Design & Technology
Generate, model & communicate ideas
Use range of tools & materials to complete practical tasks
Evaluate existing products & own ideas
Build and improve structures- dioramas
Understand where food comes from
Use and shape foil for a modelling activity
Weather watching , recording and
Use geography terms
‘human’ and ‘physical’
Name & locate world’s continents and oceans
Use basic vocabulary to describe a less familiar area
Use aerial images and other models to create simple plans and
maps, using symbols
Use simple fieldwork and observational skills to explore
the school grounds and local area, study the immediate
environment .Locate world’s countries, focussing on the UK and
Study a region of the UK- Scotland- know the capital cities of UK
Use 4/8 points of compass, symbols & keys
.Use fieldwork to observe, measure & record
Learn the parts of the body in French, understanding that
nouns have genders in French.
Learn more about adjectives and gender agreement.
Story-telling in French-Dear Zoo and learn zoo animals and
Safety online.
Sculpture lesson – action figures in foil
Y2 Use drawing , colour mixing and painting to
create a ‘story’ painting with characters and a
Interpret simple tables
& pictograms
Ask & answer
comparison questions
Easter in France
Explore pitch and demonstrate with body movement.
Plan a class arrangement of Fossils in the Rock
and plan own prehistoric music piece using
beat, rhythm and pitch.
In Term 4 we will be exploring using different instruments and
symbols in music.
Growing and
Significant events in
living memory
Tim Peake –life in
Physical Education
Master Term 3 –gymnastics
Term 4 Participate in handball games
Newsround events
in world news
basic movement, e.g. running, jumping, throwing,
catching, balance, agility and co-ordination
Gymnastics and apparatus lessons- jumping and rolling
Religious Education Our termly valueFriendship.
Easter Story and the resurrection
.Easter celebrations
Thoughts and Prayers – writing a new class
prayer book.
Judaism- How special is the relationship Jews have with God?
Celebrating Passover and keeping Kashrut (food laws) help Jews
show God they value their special relationship with Him.