Wilfrid Laurier University Department of Chemistry CH110/120 Fundamentals of Chemistry/Introductory Chemistry Fall, 2011 Instructor: Dr. Ken Maly Phone: 884-0710 ext. 2249 Office: N3020B email: kmaly@wlu.ca Lecture Hours: Section A: MWF, 12:30-1:20 pm Section B: MWF, 1:30-2:20 pm Location: N1001 (Science Building) Office Hours: MW, 2:30-4:30, or by appointment Required Textbook: “Chemistry, Canadian Edition”, by Olmsted, Williams and Burk, John Wiley & Sons. Package includes the textbook and code card to access online WileyPlus resources (online study guide, solutions manual, quizzes). Also Required: •A “clicker” (iclicker) to be used in class to respond to questions. These can all be purchased from the Campus Bookstore. CH110 Evaluation: Midterm 1 (Friday, Oct. 14th, 5:30-7:00 pm) Midterm 2 (Friday, Nov. 11th, 5:30-7:00 pm) Prelecture Quizzes (online MyLearningSpace) Post-lecture Assignments (using WileyPlus) Participation (based on clicker responses) Laboratory Component Final Exam: CH120 (no laboratory component) Evaluation: Overall grade (out of 75) will be scaled to 100% 10% 10% 5% 5% 5% 25% 40% 100% CH110/120 Course Topics (And corresponding sections of Olmsted, Williams, and Burk) The course topics will focus on the following textbook chapters, but may include supplemental material from other chapters and other sources. 1. Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry (Ch. 1) 2. The Behaviour of Gases (Ch. 2) 3. Energy and its Conversion (Ch. 3) 4. Atoms and Light (Ch. 4) 5. Atomic Energies and Periodicity (Ch. 5) 6. Fundamentals of Chemical Bonding (Ch. 6) 7. Theories of Chemical Bonding (Ch. 7) 8. Organic Chemistry (Ch. 10) 9. Effects of Intermolecular Forces (Ch. 8) - time permitting Please note: Notes will be posted on MyLearningSpace prior to lectures so that you can print them off and bring them to class. These notes will not be complete: there will be spaces and blanks for you to fill in during lectures. CH110 Laboratory Labs are held on alternating weeks, and begin the first week (September 12th). You must bring a lab coat and safety goggles or glasses to every lab (including the first one). You must purchase a lab manual prior to or during the first lab session. The lab manuals can be purchased in the chemistry prep room (N3010), cost: $10 – cash only. Laboratory Instructor: Sherilyn Van De Wynckel Office : N3013C Email: svandewynckel@wlu.ca Lab Sections for CH110: Section 1, 2 – Monday 2:30-5:20 pm Section 3, 4 – Monday 7:00-9:50 pm Section 5, 6 – Tuesday 2:30-5:20 pm Section 7, 8 – Tuesday 7:00-9:50 pm Section 9, 10 – Wednesday 2:30-5:20 pm Note: Attendance of ALL laboratory sessions is mandatory. Lab Schedule – Fall 2011, Odd Weeks (Lab Sections 1, 3, 5, 7, 9) Week th Experiment/Assignment th September 12 –14 September 19th – 21st Lab Safety and Locker Check-In Experiment 1: Determination of Vitamin C in Broccoli Bring lab coat, goggles, closed toed shoes, long pants, $10 for manual. Experiment 1: Determination of Vitamin C Lab Report Due in your TA/IA drop box by 5:00 pm of your lab day September 26th - 28th Experiment 2: Acid-Base Indicators Lab Prelab Assignment Due October 3rd - 5th Experiment 2: Acid-Base Indicators Lab Report Due in your TA/IA drop box by 5:00 pm of your lab day October 11th -12th (Tuesday and Wednesday groups only) October 17th – 19th Experiment 3: Limiting Reactant Lab Prelab Assignment Due In lab Limiting Reactant Report Due October 24th – 26th Experiment 4: Dumas Method for Determining the Molecular Weight of Volatile Liquids Experiment 4: Prelab Assignment Due October 31st November 2nd Experiment 4: Dumas Method Lab Report Due in your TA/IA drop box by 5:00 pm of your lab day November 7th - 9th Experiment 5: Thermochemistry and Hess’s Law Prelab Assignment Due November 14th -16th Experiment 5: Thermochemistry Lab Report Due in your TA/IA drop box by 5:00 pm of your lab day November 21st - 23rd Assignment 2: Molecular Models Due AT THE Beginning of your Lab Time handed in to your ia/ta directly Assignment 1: Emission Spectroscopy Due at 5:00pm of YOUR lab day in your Ia/Ta drop box Experiment 6: Benzoic Acid Synthesis Lab Prelab Assignment Due November 28th - 30th Experiment #6: Benzoic Acid Synthesis Lab Report Due in your TA/IA drop box by 5:00 pm of your lab day. December 5th (Monday groups only) Experiment 3: Limiting Reactant Lab – Monday Only Prelab Assignment Due Limiting Reactant In lab Report Due Lab Schedule – Fall 2011, Even Weeks (Lab Sections 2, 4, 6, 8, 10) Week September 12th–14th Experiment/Assignment Purchase Lab Manual from Chemistry Department ($10) and Goggles and Lab Coat. September 19th – 21st Lab Safety and Locker Check-In. Experiment 1: Determination of Vitamin C in Broccoli Bring goggles, lab coat, closed toed shoes, long pants. September 26th - 28th Experiment 1 Determination of Vitamin C Lab Report Due in your TA/IA drop box by 5:00 pm of your lab day October 3rd - 5th Experiment 2: Acid-Base Indicators Lab Prelab Assignment Due October 11th – 12th Experiment 2: Acid-Base Indicators Lab Report Due in your TA/IA drop box by 5:00 pm of your lab day (except Monday groups submit on Tuesday instead) October 17th – 19th Experiment 3: Limiting Reactant Lab Prelab Assignment Due Limiting Reactant In Lab Report Due October 24th – 26th Assignment 1: Emission Spectroscopy Due at 5:00 Pm of Your lab Day in your IA/TA drop box October 31st November 2nd Experiment 4: Dumas Method for Determining the Molecular Weight of Volatile Liquids Prelab Assignment Due November 7th - 9th Experiment 4: Dumas Method Lab Report Due in your TA/IA drop box by 5:00 pm of your lab day November 14th -16th Experiment 5: Thermochemistry and Hess’s Law Prelab Assignment Due November 21st - 23rd Experiment 5: Thermochemistry Lab Report Due in your TA/IA drop box by 5:00 pm of your lab day November 28th - 30th Assignment 2: Molecular Models Due At the beginning of your lab time handed in directly to your IA/ta Experiment 6: Benzoic Acid Synthesis Lab Prelab Assignment Due December 5th Experiment #6: Benzoic Acid Synthesis Due for all days by Monday December 5th at 5:00 pm in your IA/TA drop box Clicker Registration You are responsible for purchasing your clicker from the Laurier Bookstore. You are required to register your clicker online via MyLearningSpace (https://mylearningspace.wlu.ca). When you login you will see a course called “Clicker Registration –Fall 2011”. To register your clicker, follow these steps: 1. Enter the “Clicker Registration –Fall 2011” course by clicking on the title 2. From the homepage, click on the “Click here to register your clicker” link 3. Begin the quiz by clicking the “Start Quiz” link 4. Enter your 8-character serial number (located on the back of your clicker, under the barcode) into the text box. SAVE YOUR ANSWER and click “Go To Submit Quiz” then click on “Submit Quiz” Please note: Failure to register your clicker in this way may result in loss of clicker marks. You MUST complete the quiz to have your clicker marks assigned to you. If you registered your clicker in previous terms, you MUST register it again for this term. You will be able to confirm your clicker registration within the “Clicker Registration – Winter Fall” area in MyLearningSpace. Please watch the News for information on when and how to do this. Please direct any questions about this process or about clickers in general to clickers@wlu.ca. A clicker troubleshooting station is available at the help desk in the library. Supplemental Instruction (SI) This course is S.I.-supported. Each week, your S.I. Learning Assistant will facilitate learning/research groups where you and your peers will work together on learning the course content and preparing for tests, while also researching and preparing for your major written assignment. S.I. learning/research groups are free and voluntary. S.I. doesn't replace lectures, labs, or tutorials. For more information visit us online at www.wlu.ca/study. Your SI Learning Assistant is: Stephen Burke Drop Dates 2011/2012: September 18: September 25: November 7: January 9: January 16: March 5: final day to cancel Fall term and Fall/Winter session registration with no tuition charge (cancellation fee applies). final day to drop 12-week and Fall/Winter course(s) or withdraw at 10% tuition charge Final day to drop course(s) or withdraw from 12-week course(s) without failure and for possible tuition adjustment (tuition charge assessed at 55% of course rate) final day to cancel Winter term registration with no tuition charge (cancellation fee applies). Final day to drop 12-week winter term course(s) or withdraw at 10 percent tuition charge (tuition charge assessed at 10% of course rate) Final day to drop course(s) or withdraw from two-term or 12-week winter term course(s) without failure and for possible tuition adjustment (tuition charge assessed at 55% of course rate) Examination Deferrals: The Academic Date section of the Calendar (Printed and Web Site Versions) clearly states the examination date period for each semester. Students must note that they are required to reserve this time in their personal calendars for the examinations. The examination period for Fall is DECEMBER 8 - 21. The examination period for Winter is APRIL 5 - 26. Students who are considering registering to write MCAT, LSAT or GMAT or a similar examination, should select a time for those examinations that occurs outside the University examination period. For additional information that describes the special circumstances for examination deferment, consult the University calendar. Student Awareness of the Accessible Learning Centre: Students with disabilities or special needs, are advised to contact Laurier’s Accessible Learning Centre for information regarding its services and resources. Students are encouraged to review the Calendar for information regarding all services available on campus. Academic and Research Misconduct: Academic misconduct is an act by a student, or by students working on a team project, which may result in a false evaluation of the student(s), or which represents a deliberate attempt to unfairly gain an academic advantage. Academic misconduct includes: please refer to http://www.wlu.ca/page.php?grp_id=2505&p=11452 . Plagiarism Detection Software: Wilfrid Laurier University uses software that can check for plagiarism. Students may be required to submit their written work in electronic form and have it checked for plagiarism.