Media policies & regulation for media freedom & independence

Media policies &
regulation for
media freedom
& independence
Organised by
the Hellenic Foundation for European
& Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP)
& the Association of European
Journalists (AEJ) – Greek Section
Thursday, 30 June 2011
Neo Amfitheatro
Central building
of the University of Athens
9.30-9.45: Welcome
9.45-11.00: Session 1
Structural regulation: Current policy debates for media freedom and independence
Chair: Mr. Paschos Mandravelis, Journalist
Dr. Evangelia Psychogiopoulou, Research Fellow and Mediadem Project Coordinator, Hellenic Foundation for
European and Foreign Policy, Digital terrestrial television in Greece: Legal issues and challenges
Dr. Pierre-François Docquir, Senior Researcher, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium: Safeguarding the
plurality of the national media landscape when all borders are lost
Dr. Rachael Craufurd Smith, Senior Lecturer, University of Edinburgh, The development of a media plurality
test in the UK: Criteria and competence
Discussant: Dr. Dia Anagnostou, Senior Research Fellow, Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy
11.00-12.30: Session 2
Content regulation: Current policy debates for media freedom and independence
Chair: Ms. Ιsaia Tsaousidou, Secretary General, Association of European Journalists – Greek section and
International Vice President, Association of European Journalists
Ms. Birgitta Jónsdóttir, Icelandic MP and Chair for the International Modern Media Institute, The Icelandic
Modern Media Initiative
Mr. William Horsley, Media Freedom Representative of the Association of European Journalists, Wikileaks and
its implications for media law and ethics
Prof. Susana de la Sierra, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Journalists’ self-regulation: Developments in Spain
Dr. Dilek Kurban, Director, Democratization Program, Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation, What’s
in the news? The changing landscape of content regulation in Turkey
Discussant: Ms. Spyridoula Kalogirou, Head of Legal Department, Hellenic Audiovisual Institute
12.30-13.30: Lunch break
13.30-14.45: Session 3
Public service media and their freedom and independence
Chair: Dr. Daniel Smilov, Research Director, Centre for Liberal Strategies
Dr. Henrik Søndergaard, Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen, The process of selling a public service
channel – Ten years after
Prof. Alina Mungiu-Pippidi, Hertie School of Governance, Public service broadcasting in Eastern Europe
Dr. Sebastian Müller, Researcher, University of Bielefeld, Public service broadcasting: The principle of state
independence in the case of Germany
Discussant: Mr. Athanasios Papageorgiou, President, Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation
14.45- 16.15: Session 4
Regulatory bodies and media freedom and independence: Current practices and future challenges
Chair: Dr. Evangelia Psychogiopoulou, Research Fellow and Mediadem Project Coordinator, Hellenic
Foundation for European and Foreign Policy
Dr. Stephan Dreyer, Senior Researcher, Hans Bredow Institute, The independence of media regulatory bodies
Dr. Alexandros Oikonomou, Lawyer, Greek National Council for Radio and Television, The Greek National
Council for Radio and Television: In search of its regulatory role
Mr. Pantelis Borovas, Head of the Media Sector Unit, Greek National Competition Commission, The role and
practice of the Hellenic Competition Commission regarding the support of pluralism in the media sector
Dr. Aggelos Syrigos, Assistant Professor, Panteion University and Vice President for the Sector of Electronic
Communications, National Telecommunications and Post Commission, Does the National Telecommunications
and Post Commission have a role in regulating the media?
Discussant: Prof. Dimitris Charalambis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
MEDIADEM is funded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and
demonstration activities (2007-2013).