To: Catherine D Davidson, In nterim Univeersity Librariaan From: Angie An, B Business Librrarian, Peterr F. Bronfman Business Library Date: November 21, 2014 Re: Library Stattement in Su upport of Pro oposal for aa Master of R Real Estate and Infrastructure (MR REI) Intro oduction This liibrary statem ment is written n in support o of the propossed Master off Real Estate aand Infrasstructure (MR REI) program, a 42 credit‐h hours, three teerms program m at the Schu ulich School of Business. The MREEI aims to prepare students for future leeadership roles in real estate and infrasstructure deve elopment, invvestment and d managemennt, by buildingg on the existting curricculum in Real Estate and In nfrastructure Program, addding additionnal courses, an nd formalizing certaiin co‐curricular features off the Program m. York U University Lib braries (YUL) w will be able to o support thee proposed prrogram, as YU UL maintains a strongg print and electronic colle ection in the relevant real estate and in nfrastructure development, investtment and maanagement subject areas. Also, the Petter F. Bronfman Business LLibrary (Bronfman Library) will be able to provide ad dditional suppport to this program by offfering instru uctional servicces, research and referencce assistance,, library facilitties such as sttudy space and group study ro ooms, resourcce sharing, an nd interlibraryy loan servicees. Angie e An is the liaison librarian responsible ffor providing collection deevelopment, instructional servicces, and reseaarch and teacching support for real estatte and infrasttructure for SSchulich. She has re eviewed the p program prop posal. YUL h has developed d a collection to support te eaching and rresearch in a vvariety of existing underrgraduate and d graduate co ourses in estaate and infrasstructure in Scchulich and in n the School o of Admin nistrative Studies (SAS), th herefore, the library is wel l‐positioned tto support th he proposed program with new w courses. Colllections Support S Introduction has developed d a strong collection in are eas related to real estate and infrastruccture YUL h development, inve estment and m management over the yeaars. The collecction is constantly growingg UL’s acquisitio ons of new priint and electrronic resourcees in these arreas. While th he collection by YU in gen neral providess strong supp port for the prroposed MREEI program, a few areas co overed by the course electives such as infrastructure as an asset class, commercial real estate asset management need to be strengthened. Acquisition of additional materials in these areas begins now on initial notification of this proposed new program, and will continue to grow in the future. Access to Resources It should be noted that due to the interdisciplinary nature of the proposed program, relevant print materials can be located at several YUL libraries based on their collection specialty. For instance, the Osgoode Hall Law School Library possesses the strongest collection of legal research monographs, print journals, legal encyclopedia, which covers real estate law and property law. Steacie Science and Engineering Library collects materials related to site planning and design, and project management. Business materials on topics such as real estate finance and management, project finance, real estate portfolio management and asset management are located at the Bronfman Business Library. The Scott Library houses YUL’s print government documents and microform collection; nonetheless, increasing number of useful provincial, federal, and international government documents are now accessible online. While the program proposal makes no mention of the use of video resources, students will have access to audio‐ video materials through the Sound and Moving Image Library. Remote access is also available through collections such as Books24x7 and Films on Demand. YUL’s online catalogue serves as a gateway for identifying and accessing all library research resources, such as electronic books, online periodicals, and specialized databases. Many electronic resources can be accessed both on and off‐campus by simultaneous users 24/7 through the catalogue and Passport York authentication. Furthermore, a list of tailored subject area and course‐specific research guides on business research (, as well as a detailed list of Business Databases ( are offered by the Bronfman Library. A comprehensive e‐learning program called SPARK (the Student Paper and Academic Research Kit) developed by York’s Learning Commons will help students better understand how to write their assignments and apply academic integrity in their course work. SPARK is a collaborative project that was developed by YUL, the Writing Department at the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, and Learning Skills Services at York University. More information about SPARK can be found at: Major Resources to Support the MREI Program Reference Materials Print and digital specialized encyclopedias, dictionaries, glossaries, handbooks, directories and biographical sources are available in the YUL’s collection in support of the program. This includes materials located in the Reference Room of the Bronfman Business Library of relevance. Examples of key resources include not are not limited to: Real Estate Handbook, Concise Encyclopedia of Real Estate Business Term, Dictionary of Real Estate Terms, Annual Construction Forecast, and 2014 Designated Members Source Guide (The Appraisal Institute of Canada.) 2 Books and E-Books The York University Libraries maintain a strong and growing collection of print books on real estate and infrastructure development, investment and management subject areas. This collection is constantly expanding and the most recent editions of many books are added to the collection on an annual basis. Course readings and popular supplementary materials are requested to be placed on course reserve to maintain equitable access for students. Furthermore, the print book collection is supplemented by e‐book packages, namely Books 24x7 and Ebrary. These collections complement the more academic nature of YUL’s print collection, as they contain many practitioner‐focused books. They are accessible to students around the clock, both on and off‐campus. Print and Electronic Journals A decent collection of relevant print journals can be found in the Bronfman Library, the Scott Library, and the Osgoode Hall Law Library. An excellent collection of relevant electronic journals can be accessed online. YUL focuses on collecting electronic journals rather than print journals to provide the York community with 24/7 on and off‐campus access. The demand for periodicals, especially electronic journals, is increasingly fulfilled through our involvement and memberships in the Ontario Council of University Libraries’ consortial purchase agreements. The following is a list of some of the journal titles YUL subscribes to that will support the proposed program: Real Estate Review, The Canadian Realtor, Journal of the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association, Journal of Property Management, Canadian Real Estate Review, Canadian Property Management, The Real Estate Journal, Infrastructure, Infrastructure Finance, Infrastructure Investor, Infrastructure Today, Journal of Infrastructure Development, Information Infrastructure & Policy, Project Finance, National Real Property Law Review, Real Property, Area Development Site and Facility Planning, Property Management, Canadian Property Management, Journal of Property Management, International Journal of Strategic Property Management, and National Underwriter/Property & Casualty Risk & Benefits. Periodical Databases and Indexes YUL subscribes to many journal aggregator databases. The primary databases and indexes of relevance are: Business Source Premier, Proquest Business, Scholars Portal Journals, and HeinOnline. Students can search thousands of full‐text scholarly journals, trade publications, magazines and newspaper articles through these databases. Full‐text linking and link resolver technology is available in most of YUL’s periodical databases, which allows students to connect to the full‐text of the journal within a few clicks, or to an interlibrary loan (ILL) form if the library does not subscribe to the journal. The Bronfman Library created a guide on finding business articles using major business journal aggregators, available at: A broad selection of current and historical newspaper databases will further support research in the proposed program. YUL offers access to databases such as Factiva, Lexis Nexis Academic, Canadian Newsstand Major Dailies, Financial Times Historical Archive, and Proquest Historical Newspapers. For a detailed guide to newspaper sources available at YUL please consult: 3 Theses and Dissertations Most North American and some European theses and dissertations can be accessed from Proquest Dissertations and Theses. Students requiring dissertations from other regions are recommended to locate them with the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, and order them via interlibrary loan if full‐text is not available. A research guide on how to obtain theses and dissertations from various geographies can be viewed at: Videos and DVDs Faculty and students may wish to use Films on Demand if they require access to streaming video content. This resource is available through the catalogue and provides on and off‐campus access to a collection of streaming business videos on real estate and related topics. More information on accessing these collections can be viewed at: Specialized Electronic Resources The Bronfman Library offers a number of research guides which will serve as helpful resources for students in the MREI program. In particular, the company research, industry research, marketing research, finance research, and career research for business students guides. These guides and more can be found on the following webpage: Furthermore, a more comprehensive listing of all of the business resources available at YUL can be seen on the following page: Data Specialized finance data services such as Datastream, MorningStar Direct, and WRDS are available at the Bronfman Business Library. Students are recommended to refer to the “Financial Research Databases” tab in the finance research guide, as it links to guides on some of the library’s more complicated finance data products: Geospatial data through products such as Scholars GeoPortal and SimplyMap are available to students and faculty. Free resources such as GeoBase, Geogratis, and Open Data – Canada are also available. Furthermore, computer software ArcGIS is available at the Map Library. An in‐ depth guide about using geospatial data at YUL can be viewed at: Students and faculty have access to a wide variety of public use microdata files and aggregate statistics through resources such as CANSIM, Scholars Portal’s <odesi>, and U.S. data. An in‐ depth research guide covering many data and statistic sources is available at: 4 Collections Procedures and Policies The Bronfman Library’s Business Collection Development Policy was last updated in 2005, it can be viewed at:‐us/contact‐us/liaison‐librarians/business‐ collection‐development‐policy/ YBP and Coutts are YUL’s preferred print monograph vendors, other vendors are sometimes used as well. The comprehensive approval plan is supplemented by individual orders from publisher and vendor catalogues. Liaison librarians also review faculty and student requests, faculty publishing trends, WorldCat, Global Books in Print, and new acquisition lists maintained by prominent academic business libraries to further refine the library’s collection development in business subjects. The liaison librarian will review the recommended readings and purchase titles which do not already form part of the collection when new courses are proposed. If any new databases may be required for the MREI program, the liaison librarian will obtain pricing information and arrange for faculty trials if a broad need for the database is determined. Library Services & Spaces Interlibrary Loans, Resource Sharing, and Off-Campus Resources Students and faculty have access to the collections of other university libraries through the interlibrary loan system called Rapid Access to Collections by Electronic Requesting (RACER). Faculty and students typically receive most items for free as YUL subsidizes the cost for most of the materials. Please consult the following link for more information on RACER:‐services/borrow‐renew‐return/racer‐interlibrary‐loan/ A reciprocal borrowing agreement with most Canadian universities and some North American libraries (with the exception of University of Toronto) is in place for students and faculty at York. Students and faculty may borrow materials when visiting other university libraries which are a member of the reciprocal agreement. More information on this agreement can be found at:‐services/borrow‐renew‐return/direct‐borrowing‐at‐other‐ libraries/ Citation Management Systems Zotero and Mendeley are both open source citation management software, YUL maintains detailed guides on using them: Zotero ( Mendeley ( Liaison Librarians Angie An is the liaison librarian for real estate and infrastructure, she is available to assist students and faculty with research assistance, provide library‐instruction sessions, and to develop research guides. More details on subject expertise at the Bronfman Library can be viewed here: 5 Supplemental Research Assistance IM chat, e‐mail, telephone, and in‐person research assistance at the Bronfman Library are provided seven days a week, with the exception of the month of August (5 days a week). Individual research consultations may be arranged, and if deemed necessary, referrals may be made to librarians at other libraries. For example, legal questions may be referred to the Osgoode Law School Library’s reference librarians. A number of short streaming videos on various business research topics such as searching article databases, finding company and industry information, and using citation management software can be viewed here: The Bronfman Library has also prepared an extensive list of subject research guides ( and course‐specific guides ( Information Literacy and Library Instruction The real estate and infrastructure librarian is well placed to collaborate with faculty to develop a meaningful information literacy component in the MREI program to help students develop a good understanding of relevant research resources, and to help them to effectively search, retrieve, evaluate and apply information available at the library. Instruction sessions and supporting web guides can be provided on request. Examples of such guides can be viewed at: Library Facilities The Bronfman Library provides students with different types of spaces that accommodate both individual and group study. The library has computer workstations, open tables, individual study carrels, a quiet study room on the second floor where no electronic devices are allowed, and comfortable lounge seating. Six group study rooms are available for booking online. Students can also borrow projectors for in‐library use, as well as laptops and an iPad. Black and white printing, color printing, photocopying, and scanning machines are available for students to use. Also, the students in this program will be able to use the Graduate Student Reading Room at the Scott Library. Conclusion Library support for the proposed MREI program is solid. Some of the courses which will form part of the MREI program are already taught as part of the MBA program, and the proposed new courses can be easily supported through acquisition of needed materials. YUL’s electronic and print collection in real estate and infrastructure development, investment and management subject areas continues to grow, and will provide the necessary support for this graduate program. The liaison librarian is looking forward to working with MREI faculty to further strength resources and services in support of this program. 6 APPENDIX 1: LIBRARY STATISTICS (from 2013-14 York University Libraries Annual Report) CIRCULATION Scott Circulation Services Reserves Self Check 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 Total 78,661 46,314 180,576 305,551 102,247 43,347 146,662 292,256 78,545 38,764 135,647 252,956 Sound and Moving Image Library Circulation Reserves Total 54,322 1,118 55,440 44,214 803 45,017 34,703 496 35,199 3,674 3,123 2,864 Total 187 747 10,763 11,697 267 235 2,427 2,929 252 258 1,603 2,113 Total 7,583 7,262 14,845 6,238 7,015 13,253 5,571 6,807 12,378 Total 20,136 2,225 22,361 18,177 1,812 19,989 17,969 1,987 19,956 Total 9,817 26,450 16,115 52,382 7,244 24,103 14,499 45,846 6,136 20,703 11,578 38,417 Total Circulation Total Reserves Total Item Circulation 381,834 84,116 465,950 345,098 77,315 422,413 294,868 69,015 363,883 Renewals Total Transactions 420,534 886,484 387,429 809,842 338,446 702,329 Archives & Special Collections Map Library Circulation Reserves GIS Bronfman Circulation Reserves Frost Circulation Reserves Steacie Circulation Reserves Self check Nellie Rowell Langford Library 1,636 1,425 1,218 15,485 14,021 11,967 USE OF ERESOURCES Number of successful fulltext article requests Number of database searches 2011/2012 2,580,451 11,373,598 2012/2013 2,967,518 11,942,278 LAPTOP LENDING Scott Bronfman Frost Steacie 2012/2013 3,703 252 6 581 4,542 2013/2014 1,388 292 336 208 2,224 Education Resource Centre Total 2011/2012 6,956 398 8 1,335 8,697 2013/2014 3,469,115 21,373,886 APPENDIX 1: LIBRARY STATISTICS (from 2013-14 York University Libraries Annual Report) ITEMS SHELVED Scott Circulation Government Documents Microtext Reference Reserves Map Library Archives & Special Collections Bronfman Frost Steacie Total 2011/2012 2012/2013 646,382 7,039 18,654 2,469 9,679 4,795 8,142 21,924 45,611 65,344 830,039 512,582 4,799 17,083 1,865 4,999 5,678 9,159 17,165 40,521 57,931 671,782 As of COLLECTION GROWTH Print Volumes Microform Units Journal Titles/Other Subscriptions Digital Journal Titles Digital Mongraph Titles Media Maps Aerial Photographs GIS Data titles Sound Recordings Videocassettes Films DVDs Manuscripts and Archives Manuscripts (Linear metres) University Records (Linear metres) Photographs (Linear metres) Moving Image Archives (Linear metres) Titles Catalogued DIGITAL COLLECTIONS @ York Digital Items Created Total Digital Items April-30-12 As of April-30-13 2013/2014 435,987 3,410 17,313 1,148 6,507 5,365 5,034 17,758 35,305 44,889 572,716 As of April-30-14 2,326,764 4,166,311 4,952 76,494 656,909 2,365,014 4,182,047 4,653 80,560 698,045 2,360,851 4,195,918 3,993 90,261 727,512 112,934 5,051 684 43,302 8,922 2,708 18,110 113,477 5,051 684 43,591 8,870 2,679 19,454 113,534 5,051 698 44,732 8,678 2,679 21,315 4,504 918 394 88,955 4,543 925 399 89,004 4,657 942 399 89,072 380,207 193,230 54,927 2011/2012 14,739 54,355 2012/2013 30,124 86,605 2013/2014 24,334 110,939 APPENDIX 1: LIBRARY STATISTICS (from 2013-14 York University Libraries Annual Report) RESOURCE SHARING ILL, Interfilm Total Lending ILL, Interfilm Total Borrowing 2011/2012 10,777 5,301 2012/2013 9,535 4,591 2013/2014 8,831 4,445 REFERENCE SERVICES Scott Information Desk Reference Other Total Transactions 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2,543 36,252 38,795 9,341 21,389 30,730 8,848 7,275 16,123 8,821 3,360 12,181 8,327 1,546 9,873 7,234 1,289 8,523 5,223 5,223 1,633 980 2,613 862 181 1,043 Map Library Reference Other Total Transactions 3,414 2,253 5,667 1,083 1,499 2,582 570 1,423 1,993 Archives & Special Collections New Users Returning users Total Users 675 387 1,062 641 484 1,125 345 235 580 Bronfman Reference Other Total Transactions 5,559 14,214 19,773 5,970 15,487 21,457 6,415 14,863 21,278 Steacie Reference Other Total Transactions 12,409 4,231 16,640 4,203 5,216 9,419 4,305 3,203 7,508 Frost Reference Other Total Transactions 2,693 2,146 4,839 1,908 2,320 4,228 1,557 2,300 3,857 44,050 105,439 33,952 82,727 30,371 60,905 2,435 2,368 2,470 Scott Reference Reference Other Total Transactions Sound and Moving Image Reference Other Total Transactions Total Reference All Transactions Virtual Reference APPENDIX 1: LIBRARY STATISTICS (from 2013-14 York University Libraries Annual Report) LIBRARY INSTRUCTION 2011/2012 2012/2013 Classes Archives Bronfman Frost Maps Scott Steacie Participants 31 115 64 48 347 89 694 Total Classes 801 3,338 2,169 1,423 13,099 5,460 26,290 33 98 73 39 382 129 754 LIBRARY ACCESSIBILITY SERVICES Pages Scanned Total Texts Provided 2012/13 747,987 1,882 2013/14 617,963 3,256 STUDY SEATS Scott Bronfman Frost Steacie Total 2012/13 2,108 321 236 337 3,002 2013/14 2,108 321 247 337 3,013 Total 2011/2012 2,559,753 292,911 108,575 432,640 3,393,879 2012/2013 2,512,098 282,736 89,598 382,120 3,266,552 2013/14 2,426,675 287,969 82,480 278,995 3,076,119 OPERATING BUDGET Salaries Part Time Assistance Benefits 2011/2012 $ 11,007,011 $ 908,958 $ 2,632,769 Subtotal $ 14,548,738 2012/2013 $ 11,360,677 $ 772,729 $ 2,685,270 $ 14,818,676 2013/2014 $ 11,426,013 $ 944,488 $ 2,693,041 $ 15,063,542 Collections Binding $ 10,374,644 $ 31,114 Subtotal $ 10,405,758 $ 10,420,140 $ 30,000 $ 10,450,140 $ 10,547,459 $ 40,796 $ 10,588,255 General operating Total Expenses Recovery Total Expenses less recovery $ 1,975,435 $ 26,929,931 $ 973,142 $ 25,956,789 $ 2,002,775 $ 27,271,591 $ 965,004 $ 26,306,587 $ 1,826,869 $ 27,478,665 $ 887,945 $ 26,590,721 Gifts in Kind $ $ $ Turnstile Count Scott Bronfman Frost Steacie 588,980 890,825 2013/2014 Participants 523,535 563 2,868 2,628 891 14,298 5,807 27,055 Classes 22 124 71 38 345 125 725 Participants 436 4,520 1,697 1,093 12,892 4,707 25,345