iCare 2010 Handbook - iCare Counseling Network

iCare 2010 Handbook
iCare 2010 Handbook
1 2 iCare 2010 Handbook
iCare 2010 Handbook
A Warm Welcome:
NY Mental Health Issues: Clinical Perspec ve Dr. Bradford Smith MA Counseling as Mission; Four Essen als Every Family Needs to Thrive; Perspec ves on the work of helping others Dr. George Philip MA Living for Christ in a Healthy Way: Role of Physical Health and its care Dr. Pauline Daniel CT Substance Abuse: Today’s emerging dilemma calls for Good Samaritans who DARE to CARE Dr. Thomas Idiculla MA Ins tu onal Context of Counseling ty and to develop a naƟonwide network of counselors to strategically
Dr. Thomas Kulanjiyil IL Counseling Prac ce in South Asian community impact the community for Kingdom advancement. AŌer a successful
Leslie Verghese NY Emerging Family Trends Mary Thomas Canada Juggling Ministry and Family Priori es Rev. Dr. Chris Gnanakan ME Children of Divorce Rev. Dr. David Ravinder NJ Pastoral Counseling Dr. Jacob Philip NY Mental Health Issues: An Introduc on Rev. Dr. Geomon George CT Leadership: Self Care and Burn‐outs Rev. Dr. Koshy Muthalaly KS The Role of Chris an Upbringing in Building Strong Asian Immigrant Families. Rev. Dr. T. V Thomas Canada Biblical Basis of Counseling Rev. Philip Thomas NY Hospital Chaplaincy and Hospice Care Vimala Thomas NY Hospital Chaplaincy and Hospice Care Ryan & Shoji Boldt IL Living in the Truth ‐ The key to personal and rela onal health Sam George IL Mental Health: Community and Cultural Per‐
spec ve Rev. Dr. Suresh Thomas GA Susan Thomas NY Nurturing Small Groups: Marriage and Paren ng: Unique challenges facing South Asians Valsa Johnson NY Suicide: Community Awareness Dear Counseling Professionals and Ministry Leaders,
It gives us great pleasure to welcome you for the second iCare Counseling Network ConsultaƟon of South Asian ChrisƟan Leaders in North
Dr. Binu Chacko America. iCare is a joint iniƟaƟve of Parivar InternaƟonal (Chicago)
and Agape Partners InternaƟonal (Boston) to bring together ChrisƟan
counselors, Youth leaders, and Pastors of South Asian background to
learn, connect, serve and address the challenges facing the communi-
consultaƟon in 2008 held in Chicago, it was decided that iCare be
held once every two years in various ciƟes of the USA
Many selfless volunteers toiled for many weeks and months to bring
this event to fruiƟon. On behalf of the naƟonal and local core team,
we welcome you to enjoy these three days of study, discussion, and
Yours for iCare,
Jacob Philip
Parivar InternaƟonal
Leslie Verghese
Agape Partners InternaƟonal
3 4 iCare 2010 Handbook
iCare 2010 Handbook
Saturday: 1:30PM – 4:30 PM; Mental Health Issues; Chair: Dr. Jacob Philip
1:30PM Praise & Worship—New York Team Program Schedule
July 30 Friday
6.00pm Registra on Friday 7pm–9pm; Counseling as Mission; Chair: Dr. Binu Chacko (NY) (NY)
7:00pm Praise and Worship—New York Team 7:15pm 7:40pm Welcome: Leslie Verghese (NY) Mental Health Issues in SA Community: An Introduc on: Dr. Binu Chacko (NY) Counseling Prac ce in SA community ‐ Dr. Thomas Kulanjiyil (IL) 8:05pm Plenary I: Counseling as Mission ‐ Dr. Bradford Smith (MA) 8:50pm Conclusion and Prayer 7:20pm Saturday: 9:00am–12:30pm: Perspec ves on the work of helping others
Chair: Dr. Thomas Idiculla (MA)
1:40PM Introduc on: Dr. Jacob Philip (NY) 1:50pm Children of Divorce—Rev. Dr. Chris Gnanakan (ME) 2:10pm Juggling Ministry and Family Priori es – Mary Thomas (Canada) 2:40PM 3:00PM Suicide Warning Signs ‐ Valsa Johnson (NY) Break 3:10pm 3:30pm 3:50pm Substance Abuse ‐ Dr. Pauline Daniel (CT) Unique Challenges of Marriage/Paren ng – Susan Thomas (NY) Leadership Challenges: Self‐Care and Burn outs— Dr. Joemon George (CT) 4:10pm Hospice Care ‐ Vimala Thomas & Philip Thomas (NY) 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm Interac ve session, Q&A, and Prayer Exhibit Booths/Free me/Networking Dinner Saturday 6:30pm to 9pm: Four Essen als Every Family Needs to Thrive;
Chair: Sam George
6:30pm Praise & Worship—His Voice 7:00pm South Asian Family: Perceived Needs – Sam George (IL) 9:20am Praise and Worship—Melvin John and Team The Role of Chris an Upbringing in Building Strong Families ‐ Rev. Dr. Koshy Muthalaly (KS) 7:20pm 7:40pm 9:40am Plenary II: Perspec ves on the work of helping others ‐ Dr. Brad Smith (MA) Emerging Family Trends: Leslie Verghese (NY) Book Release: Rt. Rev. Dr. George Ninan and Rev. Dr. Jacob Thomas 10:25am Break 7:45pm 8:30pm Four Essen als Every Family Needs to Thrive ‐ Dr. Brad Smith Q&A 10:35am Ins tu onal Context of Counseling: Dr. Thomas Idiculla (MA) 10:55am Marriage Assessment ‐ Ryan & Shoji Boldt (IL) 11:15am Role of Physical Health and its care – Dr. George Philip (MA) 11:35am Pastoral Counseling ‐ Rev. Dr. David Ravinder (NJ) 11:55am Nurturing Small Groups ‐ Rev. Suresh Thomas (GA) 12:00pm Interac ve session, Q&A 12:20pm Conclusion and Prayer 12:30pm Lunch Break 9:00am 5 8:45pm Conclusion and Prayer Sunday 9am‐12:30pm
Caring for Our community Together; Chair: Leslie Verghese
09:00am Praise & Worship 09:30am Devo on: Finney Joshua (NY) 09:45am Message: Rev. Dr. T.V. Thomas (Canada) 10:45am Break 11:00am Caring for the Whole Person: Final Thoughts: Brad Smith (MA) 11:15am Networking & Partnership ‐ Sam George (IL) 11:30am Where do we go from here? – Dr. Thomas Idiculla (MA) 11:45am 12:15pm 12:30pm Interac ve session, Q&A, Feedback Conclusion and Prayer Lunch 6 iCare 2010 Handbook
Keynote Speaker
iCare 2010 Handbook
Rev. Dr. Bradford Smith (Boston, MA)
Dr. Bradford Smith is a Boston area psychologist and President of Care and Counsel Interna onal, a nonprofit group focused on developing Chris an counseling resources to meet the unprecedented human need seen today around the world. An ordained American Bap st min‐
ister and former execu ve with World Vision, Brad is currently Chair of the Care and Counsel as Mission Interest Group of the Lausanne Com‐
mi ee for World Evangeliza on. He has taught psychology and coun‐
seling at the University of Massachuse s and Tu s University School of Medicine as well as several schools in Eastern Europe where he travels regularly. His new book on care and counsel as mission is scheduled to be available in October 2010. Brad has degrees from Tu s University and Gordon‐Conwell Theological Seminary as well as PhDs from Claremont Graduate University and the University of Massachuse s. Brad has been married to Dr. Amy Rex Smith for 35 years and they have a son, Nathan. Care and Counsel Interna onal focuses on the as‐
sembling, developing and mobilizing of a global con ngent of Christ‐
following. Presenta ons: Plenary I: Counseling as Mission (Friday 8:05pm) Plenary II: Perspec ves on the work of helping others (Sat 9:40am) Plenary III: Four Essen als Every Family Needs to Thrive ‐ (Sat 7:45pm) 7 Chairs/Presenters
Sam George, BE, MS, MA, (PhD): Sam serves as the Execu ve Director of Parivar Interna‐
onal, a family ministry to the Asian Indian community in North America. He worked in the so ware industry for nine years before stepping into Chris an ministry. He studied at Fuller and Princeton theological seminar‐
ies with major in Chris an Leadership and Prac cal Theology. He writes a weekly na‐
onal column Family Ma ers for India Trib‐
une, one of the largest circulated newspa‐
pers among the Indian American communi‐
ty. Sam is the author of Understanding the Coconut Genera on: Min‐
istry to the Americanized Asian Indians. Sam is married to Mary George, PhD and they are parents of two boys. They live in the north‐
ern suburb of Chicago. Sam and Mary recently authored the marriage prepara on book tled Before the Wedding Bells: Preparing for a Las ng and Fulfilling Marriage. Dr. Thomas Idiculla is the founder and President of Agape Partners Interna onal, Boston, MA and the Director of Mental Health Services Evalua on Department at McLean Hospital, one of the largest psychi‐
atric hospitals of Harvard Medical School in Boston. He is the general editor of the Strangers in a Foreign Land, a book that looks at the Indian Chris an Community in the United States. Dr. Idiculla and his wife, Suja, are the parents of four children, Miri‐
am, Stephen, Jeremy and Aaron. He can be contacted by email at diculla@agapepartners.org, by phone at 781‐223‐0082, and on the web at www.agapepartners.org 8 iCare 2010 Handbook
iCare 2010 Handbook
Jacob Philip Nanthica u, D.Ph. serves as the Director of Northeast region of Parivar Interna onal and the Commu‐
nity Counseling Center based out of New York. Earlier he was involved with student ministry with Inter‐Varsity in India and also taught Chris an counseling in a college in India. He did his BD from Union Biblical Seminary, Pune (India) and MTh from United Theological Seminary, Banga‐
lore (India). Jacob earned his Doctor of Theology (D.Ph.) in Pastoral Counseling from SATHRI, Serampore University (India) and complet‐
ed one‐year residency in Clinical Pastoral Educa on (CPE) from Har ord Hos‐
pital, Har ord (CT). He is married to Darly and they are parents of two chil‐
dren and they live in New Hyde Park (NY). Leslie Verghese, LCSW‐R. Leslie is a New York state Licensed Psychotherapist. He is currently pursuing a doc‐
torate in Chris an Counseling. He has also earned Field Instruc on privileges from Fordham University to work as a field supervisor for MSW students. Leslie is working as the Director of Clinic Services of Lifespire which is a premier social service agency in New York providing re‐
habilita ve clinical services to over 1500 developmental‐
ly disabled and seriously and persistently mentally ill individuals in over 100 loca ons. He serves as the Execu ve Director of Agape Partners Interna onal with its principal offices in Waltham, Massachuse s that primarily focuses on marriage and teen counseling, overseas missions and social research. Other ministerial involvements and achievements include: Curriculum Coordinator of SSNAK Inc., conduc ng seminars and trainings on various topics rela ng to family, marriage, teenage sexuality issues, abuse preven on etc. Married to Jessy. Four children; Japhia, Joshua, Johana and Jaynah. Binu Chacko, M.D. Binu is married, has two children, is involved in family ministry in his local church and is on the leadership team of Parivar – North East Region. He is also currently the Chief Resident at the JHMC ‐ Psychiatry Resi‐
dency Program in Queens, New York. He plans to special‐
ize in either Addic on or Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. He also receives psychodynamic psychotherapy training at the Advanced Center for Psychotherapy. His passion is to serve the Lord by helping others through counseling and various seminars. He was our previous presenter on Addic on and Mental Illness. Rev. Dr. T.V. Thomas: Originally from Malaysia, Dr. T.V. Thomas studied in Malaysia, India, Canada and United States. He is the founder and Director of the Center for Evangelism & World Mission (founded in 1984) in Regi‐
na, Canada where he makes his home with his wife, Mary and their three grown children ‐ Victor, Molly and Melanie. For over three decades T.V. has enjoyed trans‐
denomina onal and trans‐con nental ministry of speaking, teaching and networking. From 1984 to 1994 Dr. Thomas served as the Professor of Evangelism for the Murray W. Downy Chair of Evangelism at Canadian Theological Seminary. He currently serves on numerous na onal and interna onal boards. He is also a co‐chair of the Inter‐
na onal Network of South Asian Diaspora Leaders. Thomas Kulanjiyil, PsyD., PhD: Thomas currently serves on the faculty of College of DuPage, Glen Ellyn (IL) and also teaches at Wheaton College, Wheaton (IL) as a guest psychology professor. He has previously served on the Behavioral Science faculty of Houston Bap st Uni‐
versity. Dr. Kulanjiyil earned his B.Th., BD, and MTh de‐
grees from Serampore University (India); MA in Philoso‐
phy from Osmania University, Hyderabad (India); MA and PsyD in Clinical Psychology from Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL; and a PhD in Chris an Thought from South Florida Bible College & Theological Semi‐
nary, Deerfield (FL). Dr. Kulanjiyil’s research and wri ng interests include in‐
tegra on of faith and psychology, culture and psychology, and ethnic minori‐
es and culture sensi ve counseling. He is one of the founding members of Parivar Interna onal. He is the recipient of the 1999 Sandra Koscielniak Edu‐
ca onal Award from the Associa on of Illinois Townships for his outstanding services to youth and families in Illinois. He was also featured in Chicago Trib‐
une (1999) for his professional outreach to the ethnic minori es the Greater Chicagoland. He lives in Woodridge, west of Chicago with his wife Omana, and their two adult children. Rev. Dr. Chris Gnanakan, DMin, PhD. Director of Training, Outreach to Asia Na onals, 61 Sunny Hollow, Bangor, ME ‐ 04401, USA. For More Informa on, visit www.chrisgnanakan.com. Chris is happily married to Dor‐
oth, an Informa on Technology so ware educator, and they have two daughters Alethea and Charis. 9 10 iCare 2010 Handbook
Rev. Dr. A. Koshy Muthalaly is a professor in the School of Professional and Graduate Studies at Southern Nazarene University, Bethany, OK where he has been teaching since 1999. He also taught for many years at Spring Arbor College, Michigan in the area of Family Life Educa on. Besides pastoral expe‐
rience both in India and the USA, Dr. Muthalaly spent many years serving on the faculty of the United Theo‐
logical College, Bangalore, India teaching mainly in the area of Prac cal Theology and direc ng their Counseling Center. He also served as their Dean of Prac cal Work. Before ge ng into teaching he also served as Chaplain of the Bangalore Bap st Hospital, Bangalore, India for a me. He has B.A. (HONS) in English Literature from Bangalore University, Bangalore, India, a B.D. from Union Biblical Seminary in Maharashtra, India, an M.Th. from the United Theological College (Serampore University), Banga‐
lore, India (where he was the winner of two awards for being the best gradu‐
a ng M.Th. student in the university), a Ph.D. in Psychology of Religion from Southern Bap st Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY and the MBA from Southern Nazarene University in Bethany, OK. Dr. Muthalaly has spoken in conferences both in India and here in the USA and loves teaching in a Chris‐
an ins tu on. He writes Bible curriculum and ar cles for Chris an publica‐
ons on a regular basis. He can be reached at koshy@snu.edu. Rev. David Ravinder, PhD: Rev. Ravinder currently serves as the Pastor of Whitehouse United Methodist Church, NJ. He is also the honorary Senior Pastor of United Evangelical Chris an Fellowship, an Asian Indian Chris an Fellowship in New Jersey. Prior to his or‐
dained ministry, he served as the Director of Lifeline Counseling Center, an outpa ent Mental Health Clinic in Bridgewater, NJ. David has taught advanced courses in Pastoral Marriage and Family Counseling in the USA, India and Singapore. He received the Th.M. and Ph.D. degrees from Princeton Theological Semi‐
nary (USA) in the area of Pastoral Theology with concentra on in Pastoral Care and Counseling. He is married and has three grown children and three grand‐children. 11 iCare 2010 Handbook
Mrs. Mary Thomas Mary was born in Kerala, India. A er receiving two Masters degrees in Chemistry and Educa‐
onal Administra on respec vely from Nagpur and Poo‐
na Universi es, India, she taught junior college students for nine years. Mary also earned a Masters degree in Chris an Studies from Canadian Theological Semi‐
nary. In her university career she was ac ve in student evangelism and discipleship through the na onal Inter‐
Varsity Chris an Fellowship. Today, Mary teaches part‐ me at Western Chris‐
an High School. Mary and her evangelist husband, Dr. T.V. Thomas have three adult children (Victor, Molly, Melanie), and make their home in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. Mary's ministry involves counseling, reaching out to interna onal students and South Asian families in the city. She serves on the Board of Directors of Rainbow Centre which reaches out to underprivileged youth in Regina. She was the former Chair of the Board of Directors of Asian Sport Educa on and Cultural Interna onal and currently she serves on the Board of Canadian Food Grains Bank. Mary’s passion to speak at conferences, retreats and seminars has taken her to Europe, Asia and several loca ons of North America. Mary enjoys reading, gardening, and keeping up with na onal and interna onal news. You can contact her at tvmthomas@gmail.com Valsa Johnson is a licensed, Clinical Social Worker from New York who has worked extensively in the Mental Health field for the past 22 years. She has worked in vari‐
ous capaci es as a Supervisor and is currently working for the State of New York at Queens Children Psychiatric Cen‐
ter as well as the Mental Health Clinic at Riker’s Island Deten on Center. Mrs. Johnson is also involved in indi‐
vidual and family counseling within the Indian communi‐
ty. She is also currently the President of the IPC Easter Region Women’s Fellowship. Mrs. Johnson has been married for thirty‐one years and has two daughters, Evelyn and Marilyn. Dr. Pauline Dinakar Daniel (Health activist‐ PHM USA
circle) Pauline presents: Substance Abuse‐‘ Today’s emerging dilemma calls for Good Samaritans who DARE to CARE. 12 iCare 2010 Handbook
Ryan & Shoji Boldt‐ Shoji is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor specializing in adolescent, family and marriage counseling for over 10 years. She has a passion for helping individuals and families a ain healing and wholeness. Her diverse life experiences have contribut‐
ed to her interest in helping bridge mul ‐
cultural issues. Her life is a witness to how God uses adversity to build character. For the last 4 years, she has been involved with Parivar Interna onal in communi‐
ca ng the needs of Second Genera on South Asians and their families in America and offering support through counseling. Ryan has been on staff at Willow Creek Church for the last 12 years serving in the Evangelism, Men's and Harvest ministries and most recently as an Area Pastor. Ryan and Shoji teach at Willow Creek's Marriage Ma ers Ministry as well as for other classes and support groups. They have a passion to grow in their marriage, family and faith while engaging the South Asian and American culture. Ryan grew up in Northwest Wisconsin, graduated Trinity in 2002 with a Masters in Divinity. Shoji & Ryan met at Trinity and have been married for 10 years. They have 2 children Priya 6 and Stephen 4. They can be reached at sboldt@awakeningscounseling.com or rboldt@willowcreek.org Rev. Philip Thomas, M. Div. Philip Thomas is a Board Cer ‐
fied Chaplain and has worked as a Hospice Care Net Work Chaplain for 11 years. He is an Ordained Minister with Church of God, Cleveland, TN. He currently serves as the Youth Pastor of Eben Ezer Church of God, New York. Con‐
tact Informa on 516 841‐5846. Vimala Thomas, M. Th. Vimala Thomas completed her B.D and M.Th from United Theological College India, and Clinical Pastoral Educa on in USA. She is a Board Cer fied Chap‐
lain and is involved in Pastoral ministry for 7 years and works with the Hospice Care Network, NY. 13 iCare 2010 Handbook
Rev. Dr. Suresh Thomas‐ Born and raised in Chennai, India from Orthodox background. Came to know Christ personally in 1985. Completed undergraduate studies in Chemistry, Biblical studies from Melbourne, Australia and completed graduate studies in Business administra on, MSW, and subsequently a Doctor of Ministry in Leader‐
ship and Preaching from Asbury Theological Seminary, KY. Married to Julie from Sri Lanka and they have three kids‐ Akshay (15 yrs.), Talia (12 yrs.) and Anya (5 yrs.). Served in Pastoral min‐
istry for 10 years in India, Sri Lanka and USA. Served as missionary in SriLanka for 3 years doing Psychosocial rehabilita on among the war‐refugee commu‐
nity. Served as a Case Manager of refugee‐rese lement for Interna onal Res‐
cue Commi ee in Atlanta for 1.5 yrs. Currently engaged in Church plan ng among second and third genera on Asian community in Metro‐Atlanta. Rev. Dr. Geomon K George is the Pastor and President of the Interna onal Gospel Church, CT. He earned his doctor‐
ate at University of Edinburgh and his M. Div from Eastern Bap st Theological Seminary. He is the author of Religious
Pluralism: Challenges for Pentecostalism in India and a con‐
tribu ng author to other books, especially in the areas of theology, hermeneu cs, mission, religious pluralism and contemporary culture. For several years he has been a leader for holis c min‐
istry and Chris an higher educa on in India and in the United States. George Philip. MD. DM. Dr. Philip completed medical studies from Trichur Medical College, India. A er further training in Internal Medicine and Cardiovascular Medicine, underwent advanced training in Cardiovascular Imaging from Boston Medical Center. Presently he is working in Cardiology Dept at Saint Vincent Hospital, Worcester, MA. Susan Thomas, LCSW, CT: Susan serves as the Director of the Center for HOPE, a bereavement center for children and families at Cohen Children's Medical Center, NorthShore LIJ Health System. She has been working with children and families for the past twenty‐four years. She is also a cer fied Thanatologist and a Cer fied trauma & loss specialist and provides training/workshops at semi‐
nars/conferences locally and na onally. In addi on, Su‐
san also maintains a private prac ce in New Hyde Pk, NY; 718/516 470‐3123. 14 iCare 2010 Handbook
Planning Team
iCare 2010 Handbook
iCare2008 ‐ Chicago Consultation Report
Leslie Verghese Dr. Jacob Philip Dr. Binu Chacko Dr. Thomas Idiculla Sam George Rev. Dr. David Ravinder Rev. Dr. Johnson Ra nasamy Tams Mathew Melvin John T.C. Kurien Denny Kurien Sajee George Benson Abraham Adarsh Abraham Susamma Varghese Lyshus Mathew Darly Jacob Japhia Verghese Grace Jacob T.M. John Acknowledgement
Presley Paul, Website and online registra on Vivek Samuel, Handbook Layout and design Sponsors:
Agape Partners Interna onal Parivar Interna onal 15 The first ever consulta on of South Asian Chris an caregivers in North Ameri‐
ca took place in the suburbs of the windy city of Chicago from 5th through 7th of September 2008. It was jointly organized by Parivar Interna onal and Agape Partners Interna onal. The event was held at the facility of Awana In‐
terna onal in Streamwood, IL. It was a ended by over 60 lay and professional caregivers from the South Asian community from all across the United States and Canada. A endees included students, lay counselors, Pastors, Social workers, Chris an counselors, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, hospital chaplains, military chaplains and others from Boston, Connec cut, New York, New Jer‐
sey, Atlanta, Orlando, Houston, Dallas, Los Angeles, Sea le, Missouri, Wiscon‐
sin, Regina and of course Chicago. The consulta on began on Sept 5th, 2008 at 6pm with dinner. Sam George, Execu ve Director of Parivar gave a warm welcome to all delegates and intro‐
duced the format of the consulta on. The worship leaders for the en re weekend were Abey & Lisa Philip of philipmusic.com. The plenary speakers were Dr. T.V. Thomas of Center for Evangelism and Missions in Regina, SK (Canada) and Dr. Paul Meier, founder of Meier Clinics based in Richardson, Texas. Throughout the weekend, there were 14 topical seminars that ran on four tracks of Youth, Marriage, Community and Counseling prac ce. Morning devo onal reflec ons on Saturday and Sunday were given by Sam George and Rev. Jai Prakash Masih, Pastor of the Asian Mennonite Church in Chicago re‐
spec vely. The consulta on concluded with a discussion on future plans of iCare network by Dr. Thomas Idiculla of Agape Partners Interna onal. In his inaugural talk on Friday night, Dr. T.V. Thomas talked about the growing family needs among immigrant families and presented a theology of care. He encouraged the delegates with the core theme of Chris an Counseling ‐ ‘we 16 iCare 2010 Handbook
care for the hur ng, because God cares for them’. He presented God as com‐
passionate and talked about his compassionate care reaching out to people through us. iCare 2010 Handbook
The plenary talk in the evening was given by Dr. Paul Meier, in which he shared his call to ministry and journey into teaching and providing care to churches in the USA and around the world. It was an inspira onal talk and surely it was encouraging to learn that the perspec ves about mental health issues among Asian Indian community were common to mainstream America as well. Altogether there were 14 presenta ons. The youth track was presided by Col. Thomas Joseph and three papers were presented ‐ Cross‐cultural counseling by Rev. Nate Sauve (Chicago, IL); Substance abuse by Dr. Binu Chacko (Queens, NY); and Crisis pregnancy by Nissy Philip (Atlanta, GA). The marriage track was presided by Dr. Thomas Kulanjiyil and four papers were presented ‐ Marital conflicts by Nevi Christodos (Chicago, IL), interracial marriage by Shoji Boldt (Chicago, IL); Domes c violence by Veena Keeny (Chicago, IL); and Coun‐
seling in churches by Rev. Dr. David Ravinder (Roselle Park, NJ). The communi‐
ty track was presided by Rev. Dr. T.V. Thomas and four papers were presented ‐ Chris an paren ng by Dr. Jacob Philip (Danbury, CT); Marriage Trends by Dr. Thomas Idiculla (Boston, MA); Ministry among Hispanic community by Dr. Alicia LaHoz (Wheaton, IL); and Financial Counseling by Brian Kapur (Chicago, IL). The final session on counseling prac ce was presided by Dr. Thomas Idi‐
culla and three papers were presented ‐ Integra on of faith by Dr. Dolly Thomas (St. Louis, MO); Psychiatric Help by Dr. Rajeev Sharma (Chicago, IL); and Lay Counseling Training by Dr. Mabel Koshy (Chicago, IL). Sunday morning began with an extended worship session led by Rev. Isaac Wilson, re red pastor of Indian Evangelical Free Church and Abey & Lisa Phil‐
ip. In the morning message, Rev. JP Masih shared from Ma hew 11:28‐30 about Christ’s invita on to all those who are burdened and broken. The par cipants proposed several projects. A five member team will plan out future ac vi es of the iCare network. Sam George collected an event evalua‐
on from all delegates and expressed gra tude to all par cipants who made the consulta on effec ve and successful. A cer fica on of par cipa on was handed out to all delegates. The mee ng ended with prayer and benedic on by Dr. T.V. Thomas. Praise be to God for what was accomplished at the first ever consulta on of South Asian counselors in North America and for the crea on of this informal network across this region of the world. A Unique Book on Counseling
to be released at iCare2010
Western countries have been the premiere choice of des na ons for South Asians immigrants over the last five decades. This trend is escala ng in the 21st century. Many have made excep onal upward socio‐economic strides in a rela‐
vely brief me. These admirable gains have not been without emo onal pain or deep wounds to South Asian individuals, families and communi es. This is both research‐based diagnosis and insigh ul prescrip on by a team of seasoned scholar‐prac oners of South Asian background thriving in the West. This is an invaluable resource for social workers, professional counselors, pastors, psy‐
chologists, lay counselors, educators, cross‐cultural counselors and the like to bring healing to the South Asian soul. Publisher: Primalogue; Price: $24.95 (Discounts available for bulk orders)
Available online at www.ParivarInterna onal.org
17 18 iCare 2010 Handbook
iCare 2010 Handbook
Strangers in a Foreign Land" takes an honest look at various issues within the Indian Pentecostal community in the Unit‐
ed States. An unvarnished evalua on of the past, present and fu‐
ture of the community, different perspec‐
ves from a number of authors, wri ngs on a wide variety of topics, and the prac cal recommenda ons presented in this book make it a mely and invaluable re‐
source. This book will certainly prove to be a valuable tool for parents and ministers who aspire to lead the young genera on to spiritual maturity." from the Foreword
by Ezhamkulam C. Samku y, Ph.D. EDITOR: Thomas Idiculla PhD, Revised Second Edi on available October 2010; Publisher: Cummings & Hathaway; Price 12:95; Available online www.agapepartners.org Online Resources
Free Confidential Counseling to youths, couples/parents.
Youth and Family Seminars: Youth, Marriage, Parenting, Abuse,
Addiction, Stress and Anger Management;
Christian Counselors and Life Coach Training
Research and Consultations : Second Generation issues, Emerging
trends in marriage, Leadership Challenges
Focus on the Family Www.family.org 800‐A‐FAMILY Family Life Ministries Www.familylife.org 800‐FL‐TODAY Family Research Council Www.frc.org 800‐225‐4008 Garry Collins Www.garycollins.org Online Porn Addic on Www.purein macy.org 719‐531‐3400 Soul Healing Www.soulhealinglove.com 704‐364‐9176 ♦
Publications: Strangers in a Foreign Land (Revise Edition)
Parivar Interna onal Www.parivarinterna onal.org 847‐362‐1804 ♦
India Missions: Equipping the native Christians in Gujarat for
spreading the good news to millions.
Agape Partners Www.agapepartners.org 781‐223‐0082 ♦
Sickle Cell Project, South Gujarat
Marriage Builders Www.marriagebuilders.com 651‐762‐8570 Marriage Savers Www.marriagesavers.com www.AgapePartners.org
781-223-0082 | 917-669-0275 | 516-503-1629
19 American Family Associ‐ Www.afa.net a on 20 662‐844‐5036 iCare 2010 Handbook
iCare 2010 Handbook
21 Notes
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