1983, No. 1 Dannevirke and District Soldiers' Institute Dissolution 1633 ANALYSIS Title Preamble J. Short Title 2. Interpretation 3. Property vested in Association, etc. 4. Dissolution of Institute and tennination of trust, !'le. 5. Powers of District Land Registrar 6. Private Act Schedule 1983, No. I-Private An Act to tenninate the trust known as the Dannevirke and District Soldiers' Institute, to transfer the assets of the trust to the Dannevirke and District Returned Services Association (Incorporated), and to discharge the trustees [23 September 1983 WHEREAS there was established in Dannevirke in 1917 from public subscriptions a trust known as the Dannevirke and District Soldiers' Institute the property whereof comprises the land described in the Schedule hereto together with the buildings thereon and the chattels therein contained, which trust was deemed to be a war fund within the meaning ascribed to that term by section 2 of the War Funds Act 1915: And whereas the present trustees, and the Dannevirke and District Returned Services Association (Incorporated), and all persons concerned are agreed that the purposes for which the said trust was established have failed and that the terms of the said trust are incapable of being continued: And whereas there is a provision in the original trust deed which states as follows, namely, "Should the Executive Committee of the Institute together with the trustees decide at any future time that the Institute is no longer required and that the same should be wound up then the trustees shall hold the said trust property and funds for such purpose institution or object of a public 1634 Dannevirke and District Soldiers' Institute Dissolution 1983, No. 1 nature or interest as the trustees and the committee of the said Institute at a joint meeting shall determine": And whereas the said Institute no longer exists as a body nor is there any survivor or successor of its Executive Committee: And whereas the trustees and all persons concerned are agreed that the trust should be terminated and the real and personal property of the trust be vested absolutely and beneficially in the Dannevirke and District Returned Services Association (Incorporated): And whereas the objects of this Act cannot be effected efficiently and economically otherwise than by legislation: by the General Assembly of New Zealand in Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows: BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED 1. Short Title-This Act may be cited as the Dannevirke and District Soldiers' Institute Dissolution Act 1983. 2. Interpretation-In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,"Association" means the Dannevirke and District Returned Services Association (Incorporated): "Trust" means the Dannevirke and District Soldiers' Institute: "Trustees" means the trustees of the trust holding office immediately before the commencement of this Act. 8. Property vested in Association, etc.-(I) The land described in the Schedule to this Act is hereby vested in the Association for an estate in fee simple, subject to all reservations, restrictions, encumbrances, liens, and interests to which it was subject immediately before the commencement of this Act. (2) On the commencement of this Act(a) All real and personal property belonging to the trust shall become vested in the Association: (b) All money payable to the trust shall become payable to the Association: (c) All liabilities, contracts, and engagements, and all rights and authorities of any nature whatever, of the trust shall become liabilities, contracts, engagements, rights, and authorities of the Association: (d) All proceedings pending by or against the trust may be carried on, completed, and enforced by or against the Association. 1983, No. 1 DanneVlrke and DIStrict Soldiers' InstItute Dissolutwn 1635 (3) The real and personal property of the trust is hereby declared no longer to be a war fund within the meaning of the War Funds Act 1915. 4. Dissolution ofInstitute and tennination of trust, etc.(I) The Dannevirke and District Soldiers' Institute is hereby dissolved. (2) The trust is hereby terminated. (3) On and after the commencement of this Act, the trustees shall be released and discharged from the obligations and duties imposed on them by the instruments which created the trust. 5. Powers of District Land Registrar-The District Land Registrar for the Land Registration District of H~wkes Bay shall make such entries in his registers and on any outstanding documents of title and generally do all such things as may be necessary to give effect to the provisions of this Act. 6. Private Act-This Act is hereby declared to be a private Act. SCHEDULE SectIon 3 (I) that piece of land situated in the Borough of Dannevirke, containing 2772 square metres, more or less, being part Suburban Section 20, Dannevirkf', and being also Lot 8, Deposited plan No. 10332, and being all of the land comprised and described in certificate of title, No. D2/130 (Hawkes Bay Registry). ALL