Arc & Gas Welding & Cutting Equipment 32 R OVER 50 YEARS OF SAFFIRE – THE SAFE REVOLUTION Murex Welding Products Saffire brand celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2006. Since the introduction of the first Saffire nozzle mix gas welding and cutting system, the brand has become synonymous with absolute safety in all aspects of oxy-fuel welding and cutting. 1956 was the debut year of the Saffire nozzle mix gas welding and cutting system, which fundamentally rewrote the principles and working methods of gas mixing along the lines of safety. The idea of using a nozzle mixing, high-pressure system was quite well known at the time, but although its safety advantages were recognised, Saffire was the first to put it into practice. Consequently, Saffire was enormously successful from day one. A market leader from the start, Saffire has grown and changed with improvements since then, but the principle – Safety First – has always been the motivating force behind all developments. One of the immediate effects Saffire had was the simplifying of the oxy/fuel welding and cutting procedure, and by making the equipment virtually maintenance free, we had also ensured that mixing and handling two of the most reactive gases known was no longer a high-risk operation. In 1966 the new innovative blowpipe, Saffire 3, won a Design Centre Award. The original Saffire nozzle mix gas welding and cutting blowpipe has today evolved in the Saffire 5. In 2005 is was estimated that there could have been as many as half a million in use throughout the world. Versatility in use and on-going product developments have been instrumental to the success of the Saffire brand. Its application area is immense throughout all sectors of industry and it can be used for heating with acetylene and propane, flame cleaning, rivet cutting, circle cutting, gouging and sheet cutting. It is a system that provides a solution for so many jobs on a day-to-day basis in the workplace. From the original nozzle mix system, the Saffire gas product range has been dramatically developed to embrace flashback arrestors, regulators and other devices all synonymous with Safety First. Today flashback arrestors are fitted to all oxy-fuel welding/cutting systems and the use of this product is universally recognised as good procedure by Health & Safety Executives and factory inspectors. All Saffire products are now supplied under the quality management system of BS EN ISO 9001. Saffire was, and still is, a truly earth shaking revolution – and it remains the safest yet. As we’ve said since 1956, “Make it Saffire, Keep it Safe.” 33 R Saffire 300 Series 2+ Multi-Stage Regulators The Multi-stage series employ the principles of 2-stage gas control to provide precise and accurate delivery pressures under all conditions. This ensures the regulators are able to cover a full range of service requirements from fusion welding through to high integrity laboratory applications. The Saffire 300 Series 2+ regulators are the flagship models of the Saffire range. These multi-stage regulators are fully 300 bar capable whilst retaining the sensitivity and accuracy necessary for precise control. The regulators are fully compliant and certified to BS EN ISO 2530. As with all Saffire products these are manufactured under the quality management systems of BS EN ISO 9001. • 1st stage reduces the inlet pressure allowing very accurate adjustment through the 2nd stage • Fully compliant and certified to BS EN ISO 2503 with quality management to ISO 9001 • High strength brass body with operational data permanently engraved • High specification safety device to protect the user • Full 300 bar inlet capability • Solid bulkhead gauges • Stainless and Neoprene diaphragms • KelF micro valve in first stage • Broad seat A92 valve in second stage 34 Laboratory Regulators The Saffire Laboratory range provides both top and side entry connections to accommodate different cylinder valves. All components are purpose designed for non-corrosive high pressure gas service.1st stage diaphragm is coated stainless steel for high integrity leak tightness needed for “light” gases. NEVOC Regulator The trend in Europe to increased cylinder filling pressures has led to the adoption of a separate cylinder valve connection for industrial applications above 250 bar. The connection is designated “NEVOC” – New European Valve Outlet Connection. In practice cylinders filled above 250 bar and up to and including 300 bar will be fitted with NEVOC valves. Cylinders filled up to and including 250 bar will continue to use the standard BS 341 connection. This change will have the added benefit of being adopted across Europe. R ● GAUGES Solid bulkhead construction and easy-read faces. ● DIAPHRAGMS Stainless steel 1st stage for control of full cylinder pressure. Flexible neoprene 2nd stage diaphragm for control and accuracy. ● BRASS BODY Forged compact body to sit within the cylinder diameter. ● P.A. KNOB Markings to show gas type and pressure. ● SAFETY VALVE High discharge unit – which resets when safe condition restored (high pressure regulators only). ● BONNET New conical high strength bonnet to safely contain the increased cylinder pressures. ● CONTROL VALVE For acetylene service giving greater precision and control. BCGA CP7 Mark Shows when the regulator needs replacement or refurbishment. ● INLET FILTER Prevents foreign matter entering the regulator. Reduces the velocity of incoming gas and protects the mechanism. Connections are RH for Oxygen, Argon. Lit/Min 1.3 18.75 350 740 A-1.5 0701281211* Precision welding & laboratory or process applications 4 60 880 1860 O-4 0701281209* Heavy cutting & process applications 10 145 1093 2317 O-10 0701281210* Inert Purging & pressurising leak detection 4 60 895 1900 N-4 0701281217 Inert Purging & pressurising leak detection 10 145 1108 2350 N-10 0701281218 Inert “NEVOC” Inert gas applications 10 145 1108 2350 N-10 NEVOC 0701282018 Hydrogen Laboratory & food processing applications 10 145 4133 8760 H-10 0701281212* Helium Laboratory & testing applications 10 145 2933 6220 He-10 0701281215 CO2 Laboratory, farming & foundry applications 10 145 - - CO2-10 0701281216 Oxygen Oxygen All welding, cutting & process applications Model (Gas-Bar) N ACEME Pressure lbf/In2 Acetylene Max Flow Ft3/h PL T R E * It is recommended that flashback arrestors are fitted when using these regulators for oxy/fuel gas processes. Max Outlet bar ECTIO 2010 LH for Acetylene, Propane. Max Inlet Pressure - Acetylene & Propane 25 bar (362lbf/In2) Oxygen 300 bar (4350lbf/In2) Maximum pressures are those achievable with flowrates as defined in BS EN ISO 2503 Maximum flow is achievable at expense of pressure. SP N IN Footnote Part No 35 R Saffire 300 Series 1ec Single-Stage Regulators The single stage range of Saffire regulators continue the Saffire tradition of providing a comprehensive selection of robust and reliable units for the control of industrial fuel gases. The Saffire “Heart Valve” is at the heart of every regulator and provides full encapsulation of the working parts for maximum dependability. This component is custom designed for the specific gas service with both high tensile brass and stainless steel variants as appropriate. All the Saffire 300 Series 1ec regulators are fully compliant and certified to BS EN ISO 2503. • Solid forged brass body with all operational data permanently engraved For very heavy duty applications in arduous conditions both gaugeless and indicator regulators are available. • Fully compliant and certified to BS EN ISO 2503 • Unique encapsulated valve design for maximum control • Easy read gauge faces calibrated in bar and psi • High strength bonnet to provide full 300 bar inlet capability • Solid bulkhead gauges with clear faces 36 The indicator provides a reference to the contents of the cylinder but cannot be easily damaged like a gauge. Ideal for site work and scrap reclamation. R ● GAUGES Solid bulkhead construction and easy-read faces. ● DIAPHRAGMS At the heart of Series 1ec Regulators – a real breakthrough in design, being so simple in concept and yet so effective in service. The unbroken surface suspended between springs ensures the full area is available for use. ● AUDIBLE SAFETY VALVE High discharge unit which resets when safe conditions are restored. ● BONNET New conical high strength bonnet to safely contain the increased cylinder pressures. ● FORGED BODY Solid construction to fully contain the 300 bar service pressure. ● P.A. KNOB Markings to show gas type and pressure. ● BCGA CP7 MARK Shows when the regulator needs replacement or refurbishment. ● HEART VALVE Unique encapsulated control valve for maximum dependability and accurate control. ● INLET FILTER Prevents foreign matter entering the regulator. Reduces the velocity of incoming gas and protects the mechanism. Footnote LH for Acetylene, Propane. Pressure psi Max Flow Lit/Min Ft3/h Model (Gas-Bar) PL T R E * It is recommended that flashback arrestors are fitted when using these regulators for oxy/fuel gas processes. Max Outlet bar ECTIO 2010 Max Inlet Pressure – Acetylene & Propane 25 bar (362lbf/In2) Oxygen 300 bar (4350lbf/In2) Maximum pressures are those achievable with flowrates as defined in BS EN ISO 2503 Maximum flow is achievable at expense of pressure. SP N IN Connections are RH for Oxygen, Argon. ACEME N Part No Acetylene General welding, cutting & heating applications 1.3 18.75 313 650 A-1.5 0701282685* Oxygen General cutting & welding 4 60 820 1740 O-4 0701282681* Oxygen Cutting & heating 10 145 1170 2480 O-10 0701282682* Inert Purging & pressurising leak detection 10 145 500 1060 N-10 0701300011 Single Stage Gaugeless Regulators, Indicator and Propane Versions Acetylene Scrap cutting & heating, welding & cutting 1.3 18.75 313 650 A-1.5 Indicator 0701282686* Oxygen Scrap cutting & heating, welding & cutting 10 145 1170 2480 O-10 Indicator 0701282683* Propane Scrap cutting & heating, welding & cutting 4 60 267 560 P-4 Gaugeless 0701282687* 37 R Shielding Gases The range provides for both MIG and TIG variants based on the BS EN 13918 : 2003. Both units are calibrated to ensure maximum gas efficiency for the gas shielded arc welding processes. • Purpose designed for process • Full 300 bar inlet capability • Metered outlet orifice coupled with a highly efficient flow gauge gives accuracy and therefore economy when MIG welding • Factory calibrated and quality managed through ISO 9001 system Arc-35L & Co2-35L These two gauge single-stage regulators will cope with the majority of MIG/MAG welding applications and are small enough to sit within the circumference of the cylinder. Fitted with a flow gauge instead of the vulnerable bobbin type flowmeter, they have proved themselves ideal in the very rugged situations this equipment often has to withstand. Ar-2TIG This single-stage regulator has been preset at 2 bar (30psi) to give a constant performance. It has been designed specifically for Argon-Tig welding and can be used by itself or with a bobbin type flowmeter. Argoshield Arc-40L Proved to be the most economic regulator for use with Argon and Argon mixtures. The two stage design eliminates the pulsating of gases which is so wasteful. It will overcome the problem in the most economic and efficient manner. Fitted with a flow gauge which is coloured to indicate recommended flow rates, this regulator will cope with heavy duty service where high flow (up to 40L/M-80ft3/hr) is required. The two stages and large diaphragm greatly reduce the possibility of freezing. 38 R Saffire MK4 Gas Economiser This device provides economy in the use of gas in welding operations up to nozzle size 25. During non-welding periods the blowpipe can be hung safely on the hooked lever which operates the gas shut-off valves in the economiser. Saffire CO2 Heater Specifically designed for use with Carbon Dioxide this unit allows flows of up to 40cfh without the risk of freezing or noticeable changes in the flow or pressure. They are available in 230V, 150 Watt versions. Flowmeter The vantage flowmeters are damage resistant tough poly carbonate with solid brass body and fittings. Two models are available, which are designed for use with the MIG or TIG process. • Calibrated flow at 0 – 15 or 40 litres/minute Model Description Part No. Saffire Economiser MK4 Gas economy device 0701282575 Flowmeter Argon/CO2 14 L/m Dry bobbin type, 0-14 L/m 0701300021 Flowmeter Argon/CO2 30 L/m Dry bobbin type, 0-30 L/m 0701300022 CO2 Heater 230V 200W Cylinder mounted vaporiser for CO2 0701020010 Shielding Gas Regulators Model Gas Lit/Min Rated Flow ft3/h Applications Arc-40L Argon and Argon Mixtures 40 80 MIG Welding with argon rich mixture 0701281229 Arc-35L Argon and Argon Mixtures 35 70 MIG Welding 0701282684 CO2-35L CO2 35 70 MAG Welding 0701282688 Ar-2 TIG Argon Preset at 2 bar pressure TIG Welding with flowmeter 0701282689 Part No. 39 R Saffire Heavy Duty & Pipeline Regulators For extra high performance, this range of regulators is process designed and engineered to a high standard of excellence. Incorporating 230 bar safety with sophistication, the instrument can meet better service demands. INLET PRESSURE 69 to 172 bar 1000 to2500 lb/in2 MAX INLET PRESSURE 230 bar/3335 lb/in2 M600 GP Regulator • • • • FLOW CHARACTERISTICS - M600 OG OUTLET PRESSURE This unique regulator is in widespread use throughout the industry. It has a proven performance in applications where stable high pressures and flows are required. Many of these are of a critical nature such as diving, cable pressurisation, power generation and a wide variety of laboratory applications in universities, nuclear and the chemical industry. Full 230 bar capability. lb/in2 bar 600 41.5 400 27.5 200 14.0 Working pressure of 0.40 bar/600psi Flow rate of 3200l/m (6800ft3/h) Inlet pressure 69 to 172 bar Maz inlet pressure 230 bar/3335 lb/in2 1770 2360 2950 L/MIN 3750 5000 6250 ft /hr 3 A-INLET 124 bar/1800 lb/in2 B-INLET 14 bar/200 lb/in2 MAX INLET PRESSURE 230 bar/3335 lbf/in2 High flow-oxygen single stage with two gauges. For cylinder or pipeline. Working pressure 0 to 14 bar (0 to 200lbf/in2). lb/in2 bar 200 14.0 150 10.5 100 7.0 75 5.0 50 3.5 30 2.0 FLOW CHARACTERISTICS - OR 14 OUTLET PRESSURE Heavy duty cutting Thermic lancing Steel scarfing Maximum flow – cylinder 4000l/m (8500 ft3/h) Maximum flow – pipeline 2595l/m (5500 ft3/h) Supplied with adaptor 1180 2500 FLOW (AIR) High Flow OR 14 • • • • • • 590 1250 A B A B A B B A B A B A 0 427 944 1416 1888 2360 2832 3303 3775 4248 L/MIN 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 ft /hr 3 FLOW (AIR) INLET PRESSURE 17 bar/250 lb/in2 High Flow S150-OL2 • • • • • Super high flow Maximum flow 8495l/m (18,000 ft3/h) Pipeline applications Inlet pressure 17bar/250 16/in2 Max inlet pressure 24 bar/350 16/in2 High Pressure Single S-Type For very high pressure service these regulators permit active gas control of up to 2500 psi (170 bar). Safe and utterly reliable, the high pressure S Series have been uprated to allow full 230 bar capability. 40 MAX INLET PRESSURE 24 bar/350 lb/in2 FLOW CHARACTERISTICS - S 150 OL2 OUTLET PRESSURE A high flow-oxygen regulator designed for heavy duty machine cutting, lancing and scarfing. The two gauge regulator has a working pressure of up to 10 bar. lb/in2 bar 150 10.5 100 7.0 50 3.5 25 1.7 0 944 1888 2832 3775 2000 4000 6000 8000 4719 5663 6607 7551 8495 9438 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 18,000 20,000 FLOW (AIR) L/MIN 3 ft /hr R M600 GP Regulator High Pressure Single S-Type, High Pressure Refrigerant High Flow OR 14 High Flow S150-OL2 Ordering Information Ordering Information Description Part No Description Part No High Pressure Multi-Stage M600 M600 GP Nitrogen/Oxygen/Air (40 bar, accurate, high pressure service) 0701300020 High Flow OR14 OR14 Oxygen (14 bar,Thermic Lancing, Scarfing, Cutting) 0700151840 High Pressure Single S-Type S400 GP Nitrogen/Oxygen/Air (27 bar, High pressure applications 0 to 27 bar) 0701300016 High-Flow S150-OL2 S150 OL2 Oxygen (10 bar, Profile Cutting) 0700147726 S1500 GP Nitrogen/Oxygen/Air (100 bar, High pressure applications 0 to 100 bar) 0701300018 S2500 GP Nitrogen/Oxygen/Air (170 bar, High pressure applications 0 to 170 bar) 0701300019 41 R Saffire Welding and Cutting Blowpipes ® Saffire 5 ® Saffire DH 3 5 Saffire 5 is probably the most robust and versatile gas welding, cutting and process blowpipe available. The well tried and tested Saffire offers refinement, precision engineering and a level of strength and operational safety essential to survive the rigours of today’s welding environment. • Full EN ISO 2503 compatible • Unique aluminium alloy gun drilled handle specially shaped for comfort and lightness with strength and reliability • Parallel torqued inlet fittings with filters for maximum safety and durability • Totally encapsulated trim valves for precise gas control • Heavy chrome finish for maximum wear resistance • Cutting attachment with a host of operational features As with all Saffire products, the Saffire 5, welding cutting and process blowpipe is manufactured under the demanding BS EN ISO 9001 quality Management System. ® DH 3 The Saffire DH 3 is a tried and tested blowpipe designed for lightweight production welding and maintenance. It is a complete welding and cutting blowpipe of proven design. • Exceptionally comfortable in use • High integrity trim valves • Accepts standard lightweight and FN nozzles • Full EN ISO 5172 compatible Welding • Welds from 1mm to 8mm plate • Light and positive, ideal for high quality welding • Precision engineered mixer for precise gas control • All positional facility for nozzles through the serrated connection teeth • Accepts all lightweight swaged nozzles and DH tips with suitable neck Cutting • Cuts up to 50mm plate • Heating oxygen valve for optimum user control • Parallel tubes for increased visibility when in use • High tensile brass head for extended service life • Piston cutting oxygen valve provides smooth cutting action • Silver soldered joints throughout • Uses all standard AFN nozzles Process • Accepts multi-flame heating tip to give 500 litres per hour capacity • Cutting oxygen characteristic allows smooth bevels for plate edged preparation for welding 42 R ® 5 Cutting Attachment Designed to cope with the rigours of the modern welding and fabrication environment, the robust Saffire 5 cutting attachment offers a host of features including a cutting oxygen valve which allows more control of the cutting oxygen flow for improved cut quality. The gas tubes between the body and head are in line, giving maximum visibility of the working area, also connections between the gas tubes and the head and body of the cutting attachment are brazed for increased strength. The head itself is equipped with internal threads for the head nut which greatly reduces the risk of thread damage, and finally the whole of the cutting attachment has a chrome finish to increase heat reflection and reduce spatter adhesion. In addition to welding between 1mm and 25mm and cutting to 200mm using acetylene, Saffire 5 with its increased flow capacity and using the appropriate attachments, can be used to perform a wide range of oxy fuel gas processes which include: • Heating with acetylene • Heating with propane • Flame cleaning • Rivet cutting • Gouging Ordering Information Description Part No Saffire 5 Equipment Shank – 3/8 in. BSP connections Welding mixer – acetylene Heavy duty mixer – acetylene Mixer – propane Cutting attachment Small circle cutting attachment Large circle cutting attachment 700mm bent neck – propane 200mm bent neck – acetylene 0701256723 0700143537 0700143525 0700143758 0701256941 0700143640 0700144928 0700157553 0700143884 Cutting Nozzles – Acetylene A-SNM-Sheet A-NM 1/32 in 3-6mm A-NM 3/64 in 5-12mm A-NM 1/16 in 10-75mm A-NM 5/64 in 70-100mm A-NM 3/32 in 90-150mm ANME 1/32 in 3-6mm ANME 3/64 in 5-12mm ANME 1/16 in 10-75mm ANME 5/64 in 70-100mm ANME 3/32 in 90-150mm 0700126533 0700143016 0700143017 0700143018 0700143019 0700143020 0700016120 0700016121 0700016122 0700016123 0700016124 PNM Cutting nozzles – Propane P-NM 1/32 in 3-6mm 0700143780 P-NM 3/64 in 5-12mm 0700143781 P-NM 1/16 in 10-75mm 0700143782 Acetylene – Gouging AGNM 13 0700126809 Acetylene heating nozzles A-HT size 25 A-HT size 50* A-HT size 100* 0700126134 0700126135 0700126136 Propane super heating nozzles Saffire 1H Saffire 2H Saffire 3H Saffire 4H Saffire 5H 0700157557 0700157558 0700157559 0700157560 0700157561 * Requires use of H.D. Mixer 0700143525 Saffire DH 3 Shank 1/4in BSP Connections Cutting Attachment Mixer 0701281934 0701257523 0701256673 Saffire DH 3 Accessories Heating Tip and Neck Assembly 0701256652 • Circle cutting WELDING AND CUTTING OPERATIONS HEATING OPERATIONS 43 R Saffire Welding and Cutting Blowpipes The range of Saffire NM cutters continues the tradition of nozzle mix design with the quality and reliability synonymous with Saffire. A proven design incorporating the latest technical features necessary to meet the changing service requirements of the hand cutting market. • • • • • • Nozzle mix principle for maximum safety Backfire resistant design Progressive “bleed” characteristics Two length options 90° and 75° cutting heads Robust engineering All Saffire Cutters are equally suitable for Acetylene and Propane service simply by changing the nozzle. Saffire cutters have the benefit of a unique cutting oxygen flow valve which through the cutting lever acts indirectly to bring in the oxygen stream. This important feature gives a true “bleed” characteristic to create splash free starts and progressive piercing and the smoothest possible cutting conditions. Saffire NM Cutters are designed to BS EN 150 5172 “Handheld Blowpipes for Welding and Cutting” and manufactured under the quality management systems of BS EN ISO 9001. ® NM 250 The NM 250 Model is principally intended for general workshop cutting up to 250mm (10") capacity. The balance and trim combined with 500mm (18") length make it ideally suited for most industrial applications. ® NM 400 This model has the benefit of a 75° head and 700m (27") length combined with a cutting capacity of 400mm (16"). The cutter is designed for heavy duty fabrication and scrap cutting applications where the combinations of head angle and extended length create both positive and comfortable working conditions for the operator. 44 Ordering Information Description Saffire NM 250 Saffire NM 400 Part No 0701256484 0701256482 Saffire NM250 and NM400 Accessories Small circle cutting attachment 0700143640 Large circle cutting attachment 0700144928 Saffire super heating adaptor 0701250458 B.S. Note: Where applicable blowpipes and nozzles are designed and manufactured to comply with BS EN 150 5172. R 45 R Saffire Welding, Cutting and Process Nozzles WELDING NOZZLES CUTTING NOZZLES Swaged and Lightweight Welding Nozzles Acetylene Nozzle Mix – ANM Swaged and lightweight nozzles are manufactured from high grade swaged tellurium copper. The unique mandrel swaging provides smooth accurate gas passages which, in turn, control the precise flame shape. Saffire® ANM Series cutting nozzles are manufactured from Tellurium Copper and are of solid, one piece drawn construction. This technology provides the best conditions for a high velocity gas such as acetylene and enhances stability and cutting efficiency. Size *Plate Thickness ft3/h l/h mm in(swg) 1 26 0.9 (20) 0700122207 2 56 1.2 (18) 0700122208 3 88 2.0 (14) 0700122209 5 142 2.6 (12) 0700122210 Part No 7 198 3.2 1 10 285 4.0 5/ 32 (8) 0700122212 13 360 5.0 0700122213 18 540 6.5 3/ (6) 16 1 /4 (3) 25 740 8.2 0700122215 35 1000 10 5/ (0) 16 3 /8 (4/0) /8 (10) 0700122211 0700122214 0700122216 The seats of ANM nozzles are diamond turned to guarantee “metal to metal” seal with the blowpipe head. This is essential to ensure no head seat leaks, thereby reducing backfire risks. Size *Plate Thickness mm in. mm in. Part No 3-6 1/ 32 6 1/ 4 0700143016 5 - 12 3/ 64 12 1/ 2 0700143017 10 - 75 1/ 16 75 1-3 0700143018 70 - 100 5/ 64 100 4 0700143019 90 - 150 3/ 32 150 6 0700143020 190 - 300 1/ 8 300 12 0700143022 Equipment to be used with Saffire 5, Torches and NM Cutters. Equipment to be used with Saffire 5. A-NME (ANM Extended) Saffire Lightweight Swaged Nozzles Size Size *Plate Thickness ft3/h l/h mm in(swg) 1 26 0.9 (20) 2 56 1.2 Part No 0700140200 (18) 0700140201 3 88 2.0 (14) 0700140202 5 142 2.6 (12) 0700140203 7 198 3.2 1/ 8 (10) 10 285 4.0 5/ 32 (8) 0700140205 13 360 5.0 3/ 16 (6) 0700140206 18 540 6.5 1/ 4 (3) 0700140207 25 740 8.2 5/ 16 (0) 0700140204 0700140208 *Plate Thickness mm in. mm in. Part No 3-6 1/ 32 6 1/ 4 0700016120 5 - 12 3/ 64 12 1/ 2 0700016121 10 - 75 1/ 16 75 1-3 0700016122 70 - 100 5/ 64 100 4 0700016123 90 - 150 3/ 32 150 6 0700016124 190 - 300 1/ 8 300 12 0700016125 Equipment to be used with Saffire 5, Torches and NM Cutters. A-SNM Size Equipment to be used with Saffire DH Torches. Model “O” Welding Tips *Plate Thickness mm mm in (swg) One size only 3 1/ 8 Part No 0700126533 Equipment to be used with Saffire 5, Torches and NM Cutters. Model “O” tips are precision drilled to ensure the accuracy of the micro flame. A-FN Size *Plate Thickness mm in. mm in. 3- 6 1/ 32 3-6 1/ 1/ 8 4 0700144735 Part No lead wt ft3/h l/h lbs/in2 1 0.175 5 2-3 0700993260 6 - 20 3/ 64 6 - 20 1/ 3/ 4 4 0700144736 2 0.425 12 4-5 0700993261 20 - 25 1/ 16 20 - 50 3/ 4 0700144737 3 1.1 31 6-8 0700993262 4 2.2 62 10 - 2 0700993263 5 4.5 125 18 - 3 0700993264 Equipment to be used with Model ‘O’ blowpipe. 46 Size *Plate Thickness Part No Equipment to be used with Portapak & DH3. 2 R PNM – Cutting Nozzles Propane Superheating Nozzles Saffire PNM Series cutting nozzles are of two piece design made up of a brass inner nozzle with splines and a hollow drawn copper outer sheath. The reason that PNM’s differ from ANM is that different gas mixing criteria apply. Oxy-propane has a lower burning velocity than oxy-acetylene and this requires two things to develop good flame conditions. First, turbulence must be created between the inner and outer parts of the nozzle to obtain adequate mixing of the propane and oxygen. Secondly, the volume of mixed oxy-propane needs to be more than double that of oxy-acetylene for the same usable heat. This is achieved by having very large channels (the splines) to conduct the greater gas volumes. The “H” Series are designed to provide a large flame giving a broad spread of heat over a large area. The nozzles are widely used for pre and post heating of weldments and for the shaping and forming of steel components. There are 5 models in the range provide a range of flame sizes. ® Propane Nozzle Mix – PNM Size *Plate Thickness Size Btu/h 1H 72,000 - 163,000 0700157557 Part No 2H 102,000 - 188,000 0700157558 3H 183,000 - 361,000 0700157559 4H 236,000 - 406,000 0700157560 5H 281,000 - 618,000 0700157561 Equipment to be used with Saffire 5, torches with heavy duty mixer Part No. 0700143758. NM250 with adaptor Part No. 0701250458. mm in. mm in. Part No 3-6 1/ 32 6 1/ 4 0700143780 Note – up to 766,000 Btu/h can be obtained from 5H when used on NM250 5 - 12 3/ 64 12 1/ 2 0700143781 with adaptor. 10 - 75 1/ 16 75 1- 3 0700143782 70 - 100 5/ 64 100 4 0700143783 90 - 150 3/ 32 150 6 0700143784 190 - 300 1/ 8 300 12 0700143786 Equipment to be used with Saffire 5, Torches and NM Cutters. P-NME (PNM Extended) Size Acetylene Heating Nozzles AHT heating nozzles are designed to provide intense focussed heat. They are used for spot heating of small areas quickly. There are 3 sizes in the range designated by their consumption of gas. *Plate Thickness mm in. Part No Size BTU/h Part No 3- 6 1/ 32 6 1/ 4 0700016130 25 52,000 0700126134 5 - 12 3/ 64 12 1/ 2 0700016131 * 50 91,000 0700126135 10 - 75 1/ 16 75 1-3 0700016132 * 100 139,000 0700126136 70 - 100 5/ 64 100 4 0700016133 90 - 150 3/ 32 150 6 0700016134 190 - 300 1/ 8 300 12 0700016135 mm in. Equipment to be used with *Saffire 5, torches with heavy duty mixer Part No. 0700143525. Note – Plate thickness refers to mild steel. Equipment to be used with Saffire 5, Torches and NM Cutters. PROCESS NOZZLES Acetylene Gouging Nozzles AGNM nozzles employ the nozzle mix principle for gouging. In application the nozzle cuts a “U” shaped groove in the plate. The most common use is to “back gouge” butt welds to remove any defects prior to laying the final sealing run. They also find application in the removal of defective welds or flaws in steel plates. The use of oxy-acetylene allows for high speed cost effective production. There are 3 models in the range each providing a “U” groove of different dimensions. Gouging – A-GNM Size Depth (in) Groove width (in) 13 1/ 8 - 3/8 1/ 4 19 1/ 4 - 7/16 5/ 16 25 3/ 8 - 1/2 3/ 8 - 5/16 - 7/16 - 1/2 Equipment to be used with Saffire 5, Torches and NM Cutters. Part No 0700126809 0700126810 0700126811 Note – Where applicable, blowpipes and nozzles are designed and manufactured to comply with BS EN 150 5172. 47 R Safety Devices Saffire 36ec Flashback Arrestors Flashback Arrestors are essential safety devices which provide the maximum protection for the operator and his equipment in the event of a flashback. A flashback can be caused by a variety of conditions such as sustained backfire, incorrect hose purging or simply the wrong gas pressure. Most are attributable to operator errors. When a flashback occurs the flame front and pressure wave retreat into the blowpipe and hose at a very high speed. This can cause detonation within the system. It is essential that the regulator and more particularly the cylinder are protected from the effect of a flashback. The well proven 36ec conforms to the requirements of BS EN 730-1. The unit offers comprehensive protection from the dangers of flashback and has the following important safety features: • Reset Button – this is protected within the body of the unit to protect against damage. Very important. The “pop-up” feature indicates when a flashback has occurred and the arrestor activated. Simply lift to reset • Sintered Metal Flame Arresting Element – very large diameter with extensive surface area – designed to arrest the flashback flame quickly. The element size is important to long service life and to allow high flow use • Non-return Valve – upstream of the flame arresting element ensures no gas can backfeed to ignite incoming gases • Thermal Cut-off Device – designed to completely isolate the system by cutting off all incoming gases in the event of a fire • Pressure Sensitive Cut-off Valve – in the event of a flashback the pressure wave will activate the valve to cut off the gas supply automatically 48 R Indicator button In normal operation a green safety band shows around the button. After a flashback the band does not show and the outer shroud must be lifted to reset the unit. Non-return valve Upstream of the flame arresting element, this unit ensures no gas can backfeed and ignite incoming gases. Sintered metal flame arresting element Extensive surface area designed to arrest a flashback flame quickly. The element surface area is important to ensure long service life and to permit high gas flow in normal operation. Pressure sensitive cut-off valve In the event of a flashback the pressure wave will activate the valve to cut off the gas supply automatically. In the event of a flashback the flame front strikes the retaining plate thereby displaying much of the flashback force. The flame front passes into the absorbtion chamber and is quenched as it enters the flame arresting element. The following pressure wave passes through the filter and activates the flow cut off valve by its pressure. This causes the reset button to move downwards. This equipment is thus rendered safe with the flashback flame extinguished and the incoming gas supply stopped. Thermal cut off device Designed to cut off the gas in the event of extreme temperatures such as a hose fire. The unit is activated at 95ºC. Saffire XL5 Flashback Arrestors Ordering Information The Saffire® XL cylindrical flashback arrestors, are of advanced design giving a higher flow rate. Internally the XL is equipped with a large cylindrical flame arresting element, an automotive reset non-return valve and a heat sensitive automatic cut-off. Description • Automatic reset non-return valve • Heat sensitive cut-off valve • High flow flame arresting element • Inlet filter for internal mechanism • Conforms to BS EN 730-1 Saffire Hose Check Valves A vital piece of equipment protecting against backfeed. The Murex hose check valve is a self-aligning non return valve which Is spring loaded and detects reverse gas flow; it automatically closes, therefore preventing the conditions which lead to flashback. Conforms to BS EN 730-2. Part No FBA Model 36ec Acet/ Propane FBA Model 36ec Acet/ Oxygen 0701282274 0701282274 FBA XL Acet/ Propane FBA XL Oxygen 0701258986 0701258985 BV 12 Hose Check Valve 1/4" x 6.3mm LH 0701261904 BV 12 Hose Check Valve 1/4" x 6.3mm RH 0701261905 BV 12 Hose Check Valve 3/8" x 6.3mm LH 0701261906 BV 12 Hose Check Valve 3/8" x 6.3mm RH 0701261907 BV 12 Hose Check Valve 3/8" x 10mm LH 0701261910 BV 12 Hose Check Valve 3/8" x 10mm RH 0701261911 Flashback arrestors should always be used in conjunction with hose check valves as these help to prevent the backflow which leads to flashback. All Saffire® Safety Devices fully conform to BS EN 730-1 and BS EN 730-2. 49 R Saffire Hose and Fittings Saffire welding hoses The Saffire Multiplex range of hoses meet the requirements of the European Standard BS EN 559. “Rubber hoses for welding, cutting and allied processes.” Saffire Multiplex Hose is a machine extruded hose having high strength and maximum Flexibility whilst maintaining its essential lightness. The range is designed for both standard and heavy duty cutting and welding applications. Ordering Information Description Saffire Lite Fitted Hoses Oxygen – Blue 6.3mm x 5M 1/4" RH 6.3mm x 5M 3/8" RH 6.3mm x 10M 3/8" RH 10mm x 5M 3/8" RH 10mm x 10M 3/8" RH 10mm x 20M 3/8" RH 071262251P 071262254P 071262255P 071262103P 071262259P 071262260P Acetylene – Red 6.3mm x 5M 1/4" LH 6.3mm x 5M 3/8" LH 6.3mm x 10M 3/8" LH 10mm x 5M 3/8" LH 10mm x 10M 3/8" LH 10mm x 20M 3/8" LH 071262201P 071262204P 071262205P 071262102P 071262209P 071262210P Propane – Orange 10mm x 10M 3/8" LH 10mm x 20M 3/8" LH 071261175P 071261176P Saffire Hose Fittings Nut Couplings 1 Nut Coupling 3/8" BSP LH Pack of 10 Nut Coupling 3/8" BSP RH Pack of 10 Nipples 2 Nipple for 6.3mm Bore Hose 3/8" BSP Nut Pack of 5 Nipple for 8mm Bore Hose 3/8" BSP Nut Pack of 10 Nipple for 10mm Bore Hose 3/8" BSP Nut Pack of 5 2 5 1 4 3 50 Part No 0700032034 0700032035 0700151405 0700932030 0700151314 Hose Couplers 3 Hose Coupler Equal 3/8" BSP LH Pack of 10 Hose Coupler Equal 3/8" BSP RH Pack of 10 0700033234 Hose Splicers 4 Hose Splicer for 6.3mm Hose Pack of 10 Hose Splicer for 10mm Hose Pack of 10 0700016160 ‘O’ Clips 5 O Clip for 6.3mm Hose Pack of 10 O Clip for 10mm Hose Pack of 10 0700888910 0700033235 0700016161 0700888911 R IMP Flame Cutting Machines The IMP flame cutting machine represents the latest development in portable machine technology descending from a long line of tried and trusted predecessors. The IMP incorporates a great many user benefits not usually available on this class of machine and can operate on a variety of gas types such as acetylene, propane and natural gas. The machine lends itself to multiple blowpipe operation and has a capacity to cut 150mm plate as standard. Infinitely variable speed control and free running clutch extend its range of applications. The IMP is highly portable being light, well balanced and easy to carry and position. Whether on track or free standing, the inherent stability of design guarantees smooth, accurate cuts across the whole range of plate thicknesses. Ordering Information Description Part No IMP Portable Cutting Machine-Single Blowpipe Comprises:Tractor with 10m input cable, Hose set (blowpipe to valve block) blowpipe, Blowpipe holder and 342mm blowpipe bar, Radius bar and balance weight for circle cutting 75-1380mm diameter, Head nut spanner, Instruction manual IMP Machine Single B/pipe-NM 240V IMP Machine SingleB/pipe-NM 110V 0701254163 0401254164 IMP Portable Cutting Machine-Double Blowpipe Comprises:Tractor with 10m input cable, Double hose set (blowpipe to valve block), Two blowpipes, Two blowpipe holders, Two 525mm blowpipe bars, Radius bar and balance weight for circle Cutting 75-1740mm diameter, Headnut spanner, Instruction manual IMP Machine Double B/pipe-NM 240V 0701254169 Options of 40V, 32V machines are available plus 24V DC for site work. (Both Single Blowpipe and Double Blowpipe versions.) Optional Equipment Interlocking extruded aluminium guide track 2m long including spring clip Track extension clips – Pack of 5 0701254178 0701254179 51 R Saffire Welding, Cutting and Heating Outfits Saffire Outfits The range of Murex range of Saffire Welding and Cutting outfits offers the most comprehensive selection available. Purpose designed following an intensive programme of market research, each outfit is tailored to the needs of a particular market sector, ranging from heavy duty industrial down to micro welding. The Saffire outfits, which include use of both the Saffire DH3 and Saffire 5 blowpipes, meet the requirements of BS EN 1505172 and are manufactured under the quality management systems of BS EN ISO 9001. A range to suit all types of welding and cutting applications. Saffire 5 SupAcet UK Ordering Information The Saffire SupAcet is a heavy-duty gas cutting and welding outfit offering a comprehensive package at an exceptionally competitive price. The blowpipe employs the world-renowned Saffire “tip mix” principle for operational simplicity and economy. Ergonomically designed, the Saffire Shank and precision mixer ensures full operational safety by creating a modulated blend of gases at the tip for smooth burning. Description • Plate Cutting up to 75mm • Full welding facility up to 5mm Saffire 5 Welding, Cutting & Heating Outfit Ordering Information A highly versatile outfit for the general fabrication industry. Fully BS EN ISO 5172 designed. As with all Saffire 5 combinations the outfit can be uprated to take all Saffire accessories and has the benefit of a multiflame heating head as standard which much improves the outfit’s total capability. Description • Plate Cutting up to 75mm • Full welding facility up to 8mm Part No Saffire 5 SupAcet UK 0700016050 Package Comprises: Saffire Single Stage Oxygen Regulator 0-10 Saffire Single Stage Acetylene Regulator A-1.5 Saffire 5 Shank and Cutting Attachment Saffire 5 Welding Mixer Cutting Nozzle ANM 1/16" Welding Nozzles 5, 7, 13 Saffire XL5 Flashback arrestors – Oxygen Saffire XL5 Flashback arrestor – Acetylene Factory fitted hose Assemblies – twin constructed Spark Lighter Cylinder Key Nozzle Cleaner Set Goggles Service Spares Operating Instructions Part No Saffire 5 Welding, Cutting and Heating Outfit 0701256727 Package Comprises: Saffire 5 shank and cutting attachment Saffire 5 Welding Mixer Swaged welding nozzles 2, 5, 7 10, 13, 25 Cutting Nozzles ANM 3/64, 1/16 Saffire Multi Flame heating tip assembly Spark Lighter Nozzle Cleaner Set Operating Instructions Carrying Case • Heats consumes 500 L/hr Saffire DH3 Welding Outfit Ordering Information A general-purpose outfit for production and maintenance welding. The DH3 is purpose designed for lightweight welding and is exceptionally comfortable in use. Description • Full welding facility up to 26mm 52 Part No Saffire DH3 Welding Outfit 0701282228 Package Comprises: Saffire DH3 Shank Saffire DH Mixer Lightweight swaged nozzles 2, 3, 5 Carrying Case Operating Instructions R Saffire Model ‘O’ Microset Ordering Information For use in a variety of fine welding applications including jewellery, electronics, dental and lead welding.The Model ‘O’ Microset is a finally balanced injector blowpipe ideally suited to fine welding and brazing applications.The injector capability makes the blowpipe equally suitable for use with acetylene or hydrogen fuel gas and thereby lends itself to use in the electronics, jewellery and medical engineering fields. Description Part No Saffire Saffire Model ‘O’ Microset 0701256500 Package Comprises: Saffire Model ‘O’ Blowpipe and Neck Saffire Model ‘O’ Tips 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Spanner Operating Instructions Carrying Case for blowpipe • Welds 0 – 1.5mm Saffire Portapak Ordering Information Portapak gives the user a complete workshop on wheels; light in weight and safe, it can be easily transported in a car boot or a van for all those difficult to reach locations. Equally suited to the light industrial engineer, plumber or do-ityourself enthusiast the Portapak has many unique operational and safety features. Description • Full welding facility up to 5mm • Steel plate cutting up to 20mm • Engineered trolley for functional stability with Flamepak 10 or 20 cylinders • Flashback Arrestors to BS EN 730-1 specification • Carry or wheel anywhere, the Portapak weighs only 26kg Part No Saffire Portapak (exc cylinders) 0701256509 Package Comprises: Saffire DH Shank, mixer and cutting attachment Saffire single stage oxygen regulator 0-10 Saffire single stage acetylene regulator A-1.5 Saffire AFN 3/64 cutting nozzles Saffire lightweight welding nozzles 2, 5, 10 Saffire oxygen hose 5m x 6mm with HCV Saffire acetylene hose 5m x 6mm with HCV Saffire XL5 Flashback arrestors– Oxygen Saffire XL5 Flashback arrestor – Acetylene Saffire multiflame heating tip assembly Goggles Spark Lighter Nozzle Cleaner Set Spanner Cylinder Key Operating instructions Trolley with wheels Carrying case for blowpipe • Compact trolley with fully retractable handle for simple storage The contents of each outfit in the Saffire range has been carefully selected to meet the exact user requirements of its targeted market sector. However no two welding projects, environments or users are exactly the same. To cater for process flexibility Murex offer a comprehensive range of precision engineered accessories designed to enhance and increase the performance of all the outfits should the need arise. 53 R Certificate of Conformity and Origin In order to provide legal protection to our Distributors and End User Customers Murex Welding Products offer a full documentation service. Under the terms of the Consumer Protection Act 1987 it is an offence to supply any consumer goods which fail to comply with general safety requirements. For Murex Distributors the provision of this documentation service confirms compliance with National Standards and manufacturing origins. For end users it provides peace of mind and confirmation that they are dealing with a long established, respected and reliable company. Murex Welding Products have been established for nearly 80 years with a reputation second to none. Supporting the above, Murex provide a full Technical Information Service and would be delighted to answer any customer questions. To contact them or to obtain your Certificate of Conformity please contact: Murex Technical Information Service Contact: Paul Woodford Telephone: 01992 659083 Fax: 01992 788053 Mobile: 07768 602096 54 NOTES 55 NOTES 56 Your Local Distributor Contact Details Murex Welding Products are available from a Nationwide Distributor Network. For information about Murex Welding Products call us on 01992 710000, visit you local Murex Distributor or visit the Murex Welding Products website: Portfolio of Products Murex Welding Products offer a comprehensive range of: • Arc Welding and Cutting Equipment • Gas Welding and Cutting Equipment • Welding Consumables • Personal Protection Equipment and Welding Accessories Murex Welding Products Hanover House, Britannia Road, Waltham Cross, Hertfordshire EN8 7TF Telephone: +44 (0)1992 710000 Facsimile: +44 (0)1992 719191 Email: In the interest of continuous improvement MUREX reserves the right to change the specifications or design of any of its products without prior notice