LC Paper No. CB(2)1356/12-13(15) LICENSE TO EXPLOIT: A

LC Paper No. CB(2)1356/12-13(15) LICENSE TO EXPLOIT: A REPORT ON THE RECRUITMENT PRACTICES & PROBLEMS EXPERIENCED BY FILIPINO DOMESTIC WORKERS IN HONG KONG Alliance of Progressive Labor‐HK (APL‐HK) and Progressive Labor Union of Domestic Workers in Hong Kong (PLU) 15 April 2013, Hong Kong EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Alliance of Progressive Labor (APL) and Progressive Labor Union of Domestic Workers in HK (PLU‐HK) are currently doing participatory action research on recruitment practices and problems confronted by Filipino domestic workers (DWs) going to, or working in, Hong Kong. This is part of a comprehensive campaign on recruitment problems and violations, that is being undertaken by the DW unions, and their partner organizations in the Philippines and Hong Kong (APL in the Philippines, HK Confederation of Trade Unions, International DW Network, etc.). The first phase of the action research was a baseline survey that was done in November‐December 2012 among Filipino DW in Hong Kong. This is the executive summary of the research report on the survey. (Phase 2 of the research, which will follow soon, will do further study, validation and verification of the survey results.) MAIN OBJECTIVES OF THE SURVEY The main objective of the survey was to get baseline data among Filipino DW in Hong Kong in order to deeply analyse the recruitment situation, problems, practices, policies, patterns, and critical factors in the Philippines and HK. Based on this in‐depth study, recommendations and action proposals on recruitment policies, practices and problems will be made by the DW groups and trade unions; these recommendations will be presented to the HK and Philippine authorities for action. SAMPLING AND METHODOLOGY The survey interviewed more than 1,500 Filipino DWs all over HK in November to December 2012. The sample size, based on Slovin’s formula, has a margin of error of +/‐ 3%. The respondents were chosen using multistage sampling (cluster and systematic sampling). MAIN RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS 1. The average characteristics of the respondents (Filipino domestic workers) are: a. She is a woman, 36 to 37 years old; b. She has college‐level education; has a family/married/partner, or been widowed/separated; c. She has been in HK for almost 6 years (i.e. on her 3rd domestic worker contract); d. She has a female HK Chinese employer; serves 3‐4 people in the household; e. She receives a monthly salary of HK$3,743, which is slightly above the minimum. This compares favorably with the HK$3,501 average wage in 2004 (AMC/CMR 2004 study); f. She gets almost all of her weekly days off (3.9 days per month), but enjoys only less than 14 hours of this (instead of 24 hours required by law); g. She gets 10 to 11 statutory holidays per year, short of the 12 days legally mandated. 1 h. She works, on average, 15.6 hours per day; this is slightly longer than the 2004 average of 15.3 hours. Most frequently, the work starts at 6:00 AM and ends by 11:00 PM. 2. Recruitment channel a. The big majority (88% of respondents) paid/used a recruitment agency; the remaining 12% who did not use any agency were directly hired by the employer, sought work on their own, assisted by friends/relatives, or went through POEA/government channels. b. Among those who used recruitment agencies, the majority (58%) used agencies both in the Philippines and Hong Kong; 25% used agencies in the Philippines only, and the rest used agencies in HK only. 3. Financing the recruitment cost ‐‐ More than 2/3 (68%) had to take some kind of loan (from banks, financing agency, relatives or friends, or advanced by recruitment agencies) to pay the recruitment costs. 4. Names of recruitment agencies a. The respondents named a total of 435 recruitment agencies that they paid/used in going to, or continuing to work in, Hong Kong ‐‐ 245 agencies in HK and 190 in the Philippines. b. Of the 245 agencies in HK, 25 agencies are the most‐frequently used by the respondents. These 25 agencies (10% of all agencies in HK) handle almost half (44%) of the recruitment processing in HK. Many of these top agencies are the same most‐used agencies by Indonesian DWs in HK (2007 AMC, et. al research). c. The top most‐used HK agencies are: Emry’s, Technic, Overseas Employment, Top Maid, Suntec, Aura, Sincere, Further Creation and Premiere Nannies. Together, these 9 agencies handled more than a quarter (28%) of the recruitment processing of all respondents. d. Of the 190 agencies in the Philippines, 43 are the most‐frequently used by the respondents. These top 43 agencies (23% of total) in the Philippines processed the majority (58%) of all the respondents. e. The top most‐used agencies in the Philippines are: Ascend, All‐Pro Staffing, God's Will, Skytop, STD Manpower, Altima, Find Staff, James International, ABC Manpower, Angelex, Gammon International, King's Manpower, Mariz and Visayan Consolidated. f. If these reflect actual market conditions, these suggest a significant or dominant role of these small group of agencies both in HK and the Philippines. 5. Recruitment costs is a central problem among the DWs a. Average agency charges in Hong Kong: PHP42,647 (HK$8,123 @P5.25/HK$); b. Average agency charges in the Philippines: PHP74,433 (HK$14,178); c. Additional costs (on top of above agency charges): average of PHP6,853 (HK$1,305); d. Total recruitment cost (sum of all the above): average of PHP80,736 (HK$15,378). 6. These recruitment costs collected by agencies in Hong Kong and the Philippines are excessive and illegal; they are blatant, widespread, and persistent violations of recruitment regulation laws in HK and the Philippines. a. The HK Employment Ordinance (Part XII), and Employment Agency Regulation, which have been in place since 1968, allow recruiters to collect a commission not exceeding 10% of the first month’s wage, once the DW (job‐seeker) gets a job; the fee should not be collected in advance. The average agency charges in HK is more than 20 times the 10% limit, and is more than 2 months’ MAW. It is therefore illegal and the violation is blatant. 2 b. The Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA), the body mandated by Philippine law to regulate recruitment agencies including fees, had a limit of one‐month’s wage (2002‐2006); in 2006, this was replaced by the “no placement fee” policy. The average agency charges in the Philippines is 36 times the 10% limit in HK; it is 3.6 month’s MAW. It blatantly violates all the HK and Philippine regulations (zero placement, 10% limit, one‐
month limit). c. Around 90% of the respondents paid more than the 10% limit in HK; almost half of the respondents paid above the HK average fee (HK$8,123). Among those who paid the agency in the Philippines, the majority (58%) paid above the Philippine average of HK$14,178. Therefore, the violation is widespread in both places. d. It is significant to note that 10% of respondents paid below the 10% limit in HK; this corresponds to 17 agencies in HK (7% of the 245) who comply with the 10% law. e. The data also shows that the excessive and illegal agency charges have persistently increased over the years, both in the Philippines and Hong Kong. The yearly increase had been faster in the Philippines, despite the 2002 and 2006 POEA regulations. 7. In addition to recruitment costs, DWs also confronted significant problems with unacceptable practices by agencies, which increase the risk of DW to abuse and exploitation in HK. a. Minimum wage – More than 14% of respondents were told by agencies in HK or Philippines to accept wage below the MAW. This practice is illegal under HK laws, which punish employers if they pay DW below the MAW. Respondents identified 40 agencies in HK (16% of total agencies in HK) and 37agencies (19% of total) in the Philippines who had tried to offer them wages below MAW. b. Information on HK laws, working conditions, redress channels, support groups – More than 1/3 of the respondents (36%) were given wrong, out‐dated or no information at all about HK laws, working conditions, or support groups. This involved 128 agencies (52% of total agencies) in HK, and 109 agencies (57% of total) in the Philippines. c. Mandated benefits for DW – Almost 10% of the DWs were told by the recruitment agency that they will not get one or several of the mandated benefits for DWs (e.g. days off, statutory holidays, insurance paid by employer, etc.). This involved 92 agencies (38% of total) in HK, and 80 agencies (42% of total) in the Philippines. d. Personal documents (passport, ID, bankbook/ATM) – Less than 5% of the DW were asked by the agency to surrender any of these documents; however, a higher 11% were asked to surrender their passport. This is illegal under HK and Philippine laws. This involved 70 agencies in HK (28% of total), and 71 agencies (37% of total) in the Philippines. For DW who were forced to surrender their passport or documents to the agency, these documents were kept by the agency for an average of 3.5 months; some as long as 2 years. e. Other restrictions imposed by the agency – Almost 10% of the DWs were told by the agency not to join any organization of public actions or protests in HK; a higher 22% were told not to complain or “create any trouble” by complaining. Half of all agencies in HK (122 agencies, or 50%), and majority of agencies in the Philippines (105 agencies, or 55%) were involved in these. 8. The research has created a “scorecard” for each of 245 agencies in HK and 190 agencies in the Philippines, regarding their recruitment practices or violations. These scorecards have been standardized (z‐scores) for all the problem/violation categories for all the agencies. An overall “recruitment practices index” and rank has been created, listing all the agencies. The top‐ranked (i.e. worst recruitment violations and practices) agencies have been listed for Hong Kong and the Philippines. These names will be submitted to the HK and Philippine authorities, for further 3 verification and validation of information. APL, PLU and partners will work with the authorities in trying to establish if any of the agencies can be held liable for any of the violations. 9. The blatant, widespread and persistent violations of recruitment laws in HK and the Philippines – fees, practices, protection measures – reflect weak or lack of effort by both authorities to strictly enforce the laws. It also reflects lack of coordination between the two governments on dealing with the recruitment problems; there is currently no bilateral agreement addressing this problem. On the part of POEA, this can partly be due to the previous “deregulation” policy of the government (1995 law) intending to totally remove POEA’s role in recruitment regulation. This policy was repealed in 2007 and POEA had been mandated to strengthen its regulation functions. Therefore, now is the best time for each government to strengthen enforcement, and for both governments to strengthen collaboration, including a bilateral agreement on illegal recruitment activities. KEY RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Strengthen the recruitment regulation functions of the government agencies in HK (Employment Agencies Administration) and the Philippines (Philippine Overseas Employment Administration).  This should include effective capacity to crackdown and punish agencies for recruitment violations, especially in collecting excessive fees and other illegal recruitment practices.  Review concept of placement/agency fees to prevent agencies from circumventing limits on these.  Ensure cooperation with DW organizations and trade unions in HK and the Philippines, so that effective monitoring, action, policy and mechanism strategies can be discussed and undertaken. Create a Task Force where DW orgs/trade unions sit to address these recruitment problems.  Recognize DW groups and trade unions not only as dialogue partners, but as legal representatives of DWs in filing complaints and seeking redress from agencies who violate recruitment laws. 2. Stricter actions against the worst‐practice agencies revealed in this research, if the violations and illegal practices are verified. 3. Ensure that agency fee laws/regulations are firmly in place (e.g. 10% limit in HK and the zero‐
placement fee policy in the Philippines); strengthen and strictly enforce these regulations, and work out effective mechanisms to stop the blatant and widespread violations of these laws. 4. Create, enhance, strengthen “direct hire” channels for DW ‐‐ i.e. not using recruitment agencies or any third party intermediaries (individuals or groups) – so that recruitment agencies do not monopolize or create cartels that exploit the recruitment process. The direct hire channels can be offices authorized by POEA to process DW visa/employment papers handled by the DW herself or her authorized representative. This channel/process has long been used by other (skilled/professional) migrants; this should be made available to DW also. 5. Maintain and make more accessible the HK and Philippine government listing of licensed, as well as punished/blacklisted agencies; make this available online (like the POEA online search facility). Include information on partners/principals of both agencies in HK and the Philippines; maintain the information on actions, and status of agency license/operations, which can serve as an alert or blacklist (for those banned agencies). 4 6. Conversely, for agencies who try to keep good practices and comply with the laws, come up with jointly‐agreed code of practice, which should serve as reference in accrediting agencies and certifying agencies about their adherence to recruitment regulations in HK and Philippines (similar to tourism and ‘no fake’ accreditation schemes). 7. Require frontline recruitment agency staff in the Philippines to undergo mandatory (at least annual) competency seminars/trainings on laws, labour rights, working conditions, redress channels, support groups and related knowledge; this should be specific to the jobs and destination countries covered by their recruitment activities. For agencies in HK, accreditation by the Philippine Consulate should also require such competency certification. 8. The HK government should adopt the ILO Convention 189 on decent work for domestic workers, to make Hong Kong laws and practices consistent with international standards. The Philippine government has ratified this convention in 2012, and is committed to implement it, including its provision on “no recruitment fees”. Mutual adoption creates stronger legal channels and commitments for effective action on recruitment problems and the overall protection of domestic workers. Alliance of Progressive Labor‐HK (APL‐HK) / Progressive Labor Union of DW in HK (PLU) 19 April 2013, Hong Kong 5 LICENSE TO EXPLOIT: A REPORT ON THE RECRUITMENT PRACTICES & PROBLEMS EXPERIENCED BY FILIPINO DOMESTIC WORKERS IN HONG KONG TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ACRONYMS & EXCHANGE RATES USED CONTENTS I. Introduction A. Nature, Methodology, Coverage, Limitations of the Research B. Research Question/Statement of the Problem II. Overview: Licensing and Regulation of Recruitment in the Philippines and Hong Kong A. Philippines: Overseas Recruitment and Migration Policy B. Hong Kong: Government Regulations on Recruitment & Foreign Domestic Workers C. How the Philippine Consulate‐General in Hong Kong Regulates Recruitment D. Summary Results and Observations (Licensing and Regulation of Recruitment) III. Profile of the Filipino Domestic Workers in Hong Kong A. The ‘Average’ Filipino Domestic Worker in Hong Kong B. Profile of the Filipino Domestic Worker Population in Hong Kong C. Working Conditions of Filipino Domestic Workers in Hong Kong D. Summary Results and Observations (Profile & Working Conditions of Filipino DWs in HK) IV. Recruitment Channels and Financing A. Recruitment Channels B. Financing the Recruitment Costs C. Recruitment Costs D. Summary Results and Observations (Recruitment Channels and Financing) V. Recruitment Costs and Financial Issues A. Agency Charges B. Pattern of Agency Charges through the Years C. Total Recruitment Costs D. Summary Results and Observations (Recruitment Costs & Financial Issues) VI. Other Major Recruitment Problems and Issues A. Mandated Wage of Migrant Domestic Workers – Do Recruiters Uphold This? B. Accurate, Updated and Necessary Information – Do Recruiters Provide These? C. Mandated Benefits for Migrant DW in HK – Do Recruiters Respect These? D. Personal Documents – Do the DW Keep These? E. Other Problems and Restrictions that Recruiters Impose on the DW 6 F. How These Recruitment Factors Are Interrelated G. Summary Results and Observations (Other Major Recruitment Problems) VII. Evaluating the Recruitment Record of Individual Agencies in Hong Kong and the Philippines A. Most‐Frequently Used Agencies in Hong Kong and the Philippines B. Agency Scorecard: Record of Bad Practices and Violations of Each Agency C. Comparing the Record of Each Individual Agency with the Whole Group D. Z‐scores of Hong Kong & Philippine Agencies: Recruitment Costs E. Z‐scores of Hong Kong & Philippine Agencies: Rights, Welfare and Benefits of DWs F. Summary Results and Observations (Individual Agency Record ) VIII. Overall Index of Recruitment Agency Practices, Abuses and Violations A. Recruitment Practices Index (RPI): Scoring and Ranking the Overall Practices/Violations of All Agencies in Hong Kong and the Philippines B. Pattern of Trans‐Border Use by Domestic Workers of Recruitment Agencies in Hong Kong and the Philippines IX. Conclusions and Recommendations APPENDICES Appendix A: List of Most‐Frequently Used Agencies in Hong Kong (Used by 5 or More Respondents; Descending %) Appendix B: List of Most‐Frequently Used Agencies in The Philippines (Used by 5 or More Respondents; Descending %) Appendix C: Agency Charges (Hong Kong & Philippines), Additional Costs, Total Recruitment Cost (Average Values; By Year when DW Used the Agency) Appendix D: Correlation Matrix: Recruitment Problems (Pearson Correlation; Mean Values, Two‐
Tailed Test) Appendix E‐1: Hong Kong Agencies Scorecard: Per Category of Bad Practice/Violation (Average Values; Top 25 Most‐Frequently Used Agencies) Appendix E‐2: Philippine Agencies Scorecard: Per Category of Bad Practice/Violation (Average Values; Top 25 Most‐Frequently Used Agencies) Appendix F: Recruitment Practices Index (Composite Z‐scores & Ranks of All Agencies in Hong Kong and the Philippines) Appendix G‐1: Trans‐Border Pattern: Agency in Hong Kong Used by Respondents, and the Corresponding Agency They Used in the Philippines (All Agencies; Alphabetical Listing) Appendix G‐2: Trans‐Border Pattern: Agency in the Philippines Used by Respondents, and the Corresponding Agency They Used in Hong Kong (All Agencies; Alphabetical Listing) REFERENCES ~ oOo ~ 2 ACRONYMS & EXCHANGE RATES USED Acronyms: AMC ANOVA APL APL‐HK C189 CEDAW CMR DOLE DW EAA FDW GB GR HK HSW ILO MAW MDW CMW Asian Migrant Centre Analysis of variance (F‐test) Alliance of Progressive Labor (Philippines) Alliance of Progressive Labor‐Hong Kong (Hong Kong) ILO Convention 189 Concerning Decent Work for Domestic Workers International Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women Coalition for Migrants’ Rights Department of Labor and Employment (Philippines) Domestic worker Employment Agencies Administration (Hong Kong) Foreign domestic worker (interchangeably used with MDW) Governing Board (of POEA) General Recommendation (issued by CEDAW Committee) Hong Kong (same as: HK SAR – HK Special Administrative Region) Household Service Worker (official term used by Philippine government to refer to domestic worker; interchangeably used with DW, MDW and FDW in this report) International Labour Organization Minimum Allowable Wage (for MDWs in Hong Kong; not to be confused with SMW) Migrant domestic worker (interchangeably used with FDW) International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (United Nations, 1990) New Conditions of Stay (policy for MDWs in Hong Kong) Overseas Filipino worker Participatory action research Philippine Consulate‐General (in Hong Kong) Philippine peso (currency) Progressive Labor Union of Domestic Workers in Hong Kong Philippine Overseas Employment Administration Republic Act Statutory Minimum Wage (in Hong Kong) Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (computer software) United Nations Zero‐placement fee (policy of the POEA) NCS OFW PAR PCG PHP PLU POEA RA SMW SPSS UN ZPF Foreign Exchange Rates Used: (Source:, 4 April 2013) HK$ 1 = PHP 5.25 US$ 1 = PHP 40.60 US$ 1 = HK$ 7.76 3 APPENDICES APPENDIX A LIST OF MOST‐FREQUENTLY USED AGENCIES IN HONG KONG (Used by 5 or More Respondents; Descending %) NOTES: *The survey data set contains the complete list of all the agencies named by the respondents; table below is an extract of the data set. * “License Status” is based on licenses published in latest issue of HK Gazette (No. 22/2012). Cross‐checked with the POEA online list of recruiters (‐bin/agSearch.asp; searched on 4 April 2013); need to check with the Philippine Consulate‐General (Hong Kong) “List of Accredited Agencies (as of January 2013)”. Name of Agency % of # Users License Status in Hong Kong Total Emry's Employment Agency 58 9.0% *not in POEA list; not licensed in Philippines Technic Agency 32 5.0%
*not in POEA list; not licensed in Philippines.; also not found: ‘Technique’ *Overseas Professional Achievers Intl (OPAS) Inc; valid license, but this is “For Overseas Performing Artists”; *Overseas & Placement Services (OPLAS); Malate; status: forever banned (last license: 1987); *Overseas Agency Services Inc; Malate; status: delisted (last license: 4/19/1990 to 4/15/1994) *Overseas Placement Network; Ermita; status: delisted (last license: 10/16/1991 to 10/16/1993) *Overseas Recruitment Base International, Inc.; Makati; status: delisted (last license: 7/19/1998 to 7/17/2000) *not in POEA list; not licensed in Philippines.; also not found: ‘Topmaid’ *Suntech International Inc (For Suntech Manp Rect Agency Inc); Malate; status: delisted (last license: 11/9/1997 to 11/8/1999) *not found: ‘Santec’ *not in POEA list; not licensed in Philippines. Overseas Employment Agency 20 3.1%
Top Maid Employment Agency 17 2.7%
Suntec Agency 12 1.9%
Aura Employment Agency 10 1.6%
Sincere Agency 10 1.6%
Further Creation Employment Agency Premiere Nannies Employment Agency 9 1.4%
9 1.4%
PBI Employment Agency 8 1.2%
Sincere Overseas Placement Inc; Malate; status: delisted (last license: 4/21/2000 to 4/20/2002) *not in POEA list; not licensed in Philippines.; *also not found: ‘Farther’ *not found; *also listed: ‐Premier Labor Search International Inc; P. Gil; status: delisted (last license: 9/18/2006 to 9/18/2007) A&E Employment Agency 7 1.1%
JC Casa Employment Agency 7 1.1%
KNB Employment 7 1.1%
Passen Agency 7 1.1%
Sunlight Employment Agency 7 1.1%
Tailor Maid Consultants Company Ltd. Wellcome Employment Centre Ltd Bestwell Agency 7 1.1%
7 1.1%
6 0.9%
4 Name of Agency in Hong Kong Hi‐Cedar Agency 6 % of Total 0.9%
Rejoice Employment Agency 6 0.9%
T&H Agency 6 0.9%
Top Services 6 0.9%
Helpful Agency 5 0.8%
Hosana Agency 5 0.8%
Lotus Agency 5 0.8%
279 43.5%
Agencies with 5 or more users; names known (25 agencies) 343 53.5%
Agencies with less than 5 users; names known (220 agencies) 622 97.0%
All agencies (names known); 1 or more users (245 agencies) 19 3.0%
Total: # users, all agencies (named + unnamed) Add: Missing / no answer 641 100.0%
287 TOTAL RESPONDENTS 928 Sub‐total: # users (respondents) who used the (named) agencies (5+ users) Add: # users (respondents) who used all other (named) agencies (<5 users) Sub‐total: # users, all named agencies Add: # users, unnamed agencies # Users License Status 5 APPENDIX B LIST OF MOST‐FREQUENTLY USED AGENCIES IN THE PHILIPPINES (Used by 5 or More Respondents; Descending %) NOTES: *The survey data set contains the complete list of all the agencies named by the respondents; table below is an extract of the data set. * “License Status” is based on the POEA online list of recruitment agencies (POEA website online search:‐bin/agSearch.asp; searched on 4 April 2013).Need to cross‐check with HK Gazette and the Philippine Consulate‐General (Hong Kong) “List of Accredited Agencies (as of January 2013)”. Name of Agency % of # Users License Status in the Philippines Total Ascend Agency 29 4.5% Ascend International Services Inc; valid license (1/23/2012 to 1/22/2016) All‐Pro Staffing 17 2.6% All‐Pro Staffing & Consulting Services; Quezon City; valid license (8/8/2010 to 8/7/2014) God's Will Placement Agency 15 2.3% Not found; there is “Goodwill Promotions & Overseas Employment Services Inc”; status: forever banned (1985) Skytop Services Contractors Inc. 15 2.3% Sky Top Service Contractors, Inc.; valid license (11/28/2010 to 11/27/2014) STD Manpower Services 13 2.0% STD Overseas Manpower Services Inc; valid license (11/22/2011 to 11/21/2015) Altima Manpower Agency 12 1.9% Altima Manpower Agency Inc; valid license (5/22/2012 to 5/21/2016) Find Staff Placement 12 1.9% Findstaff Placement Services Inc; valid license (10/3/2012 to 10/2/2016) James International Agency 12 1.9% James International Placement Services; valid license (4/4/2012 to 4/3/2016) ABC Manpower Services 11 1.7% ABC Manpower Agency Inc; valid license (9/8/2011 to 9/7/2015); *following are also listed: ‐ ABC Global Employment & Manpower Services Inc (Formerly Smith Bell Manpower); valid license (3/15/2011 to 3/14/2015); ‐ ABC Human Resources Development Inc (For ABC Recruitment Agency); status: delisted (last license: 1994‐1996); ‐ ABC Manila International Incorporated; valid license (6/19/2012 to 6/18/2016) Angelex Allied Agency 10 1.5% Angelex Allied Agency; valid license (2/19/2012 to 2/18/2016) Gammon International 10 1.5% King's Manpower Agency 10 1.5% Mariz Employment Agency 10 1.5% Visayan Consolidated Agency 10 1.5% Aims Agency 9 1.4% Concord International Services 9 1.4% Jedegal Manpower Services 9 1.4% Gammon International Manpower Agency Inc.; valid license (3/19/2011 to 3/18/2015) King’s Manpower Services Inc; valid license (3/26/2012 to 3/25/2016); *also listed: ‐Kingsway Int`l Placement Services Corp (CB Lotilla Manpower Corp); status: forever banned (last license: 1986‐1989) Mariz Manpower Services; valid license (10/27/2011 to 10/26/2015) Visayan Consolidated Services Agency (Iloilo) – valid license (11/10/2010 to 11/9/2014) Agility International Manpower Solution (AIMS) Inc (Formerly Jerr Services); Malate; valid license (12/19/2010 to 12/18/2014);
*also listed: ‐ AIMS World Management Corp; Ermita; status: cancelled (last license: 12/18/2000 to 12/18/2002) Concorde International Human Resource Corporation (For Concorde Intl Svcs); Makati; valid license (4/20/2012 to 4/19/2016) Jedegal Int'l Manpower Services Inc; Quezon City; valid license (10/28/2011 to 10/27/2015) 6 Name of Agency in the Philippines Alcare Manpower Agency 8 % of Total 1.2% France Asia Agency 8 1.2% Alcare Manpower Services Corporation; Pasay City; valid license (8/26/2010 to 8/25/2014) Green World Placement 8 1.2% MY International Agency 8 1.2% Novation Resource Agency 8 1.2% Philac Agency 8 1.2% Speed Employment Agency 8 1.2% Wellcome Employment 8 1.2% Emry's Agency 7 1.1% Jensen Manpower International 7 1.1% Top Maids Agency 7 1.1% Active Works Employment Agency Adana Employment Agency 6 0.9% 6 0.9% Angelica Agency 6 0.9% Chance Team 6 0.9% Dalzen Employment Agency 6 0.9% Bright Star Agency 5 0.8% Desert Wealth 5 0.8% Emerald Manpower Recruitment Agency Greenfield Agency 5 0.8% 5 0.8% Hongkong Fil International Services Humania International 5 0.8% 5 0.8% # Users License Status John Maurice International 5 0.8% Nuariz Agency 5 0.8% PNR Manpower Agency 5 0.8% SK Manpower Services 5 0.8% Sub‐total: # users (respondents) who used the (named) agencies (5+ users) Add: # users (respondents) who used all other (named) agencies (<5 users) Sub‐total: # users, all named agencies Add: # users, unnamed agencies 378 58.3%
Agencies with 5 or more users; names known (43 agencies) 221 34.1%
Agencies with less than 5 users; names known (147 agencies) 599 92.4%
All agencies (names known); 1 or more users (190 agencies) 49 7.6%
Total: # users, all agencies (named + unnamed) Add: Missing / no answer 648 100.0%
280 TOTAL RESPONDENTS 928 7 APPENDIX C AGENCY CHARGES (HONG KONG & PHILIPPINES), ADDITIONAL COSTS, TOTAL RECRUITMENT COST (Average Values; By Year When DW Used the Agency) (Mean values of all cases in each year) Year when DW HK: Total agency used agency charges (PHP) 1984 15,000.00 PH: Total agency charges (PHP) ‐
Additional costs (on top of agency charges) (PHP) ‐ Total: All recruit‐
ment costs (PHP) 15,000.00
1988 33,000.00 25,000.00
5,050.00 48,025.00
1989 19,000.00 ‐
‐ 19,000.00
1990 ‐ 10,000.00
‐ 10,000.00
1991 40,250.00 14,000.00
‐ 44,916.67
1992 67,500.00 80,000.00
‐ 71,666.67
1993 23,458.33 83,750.00
4,333.33 59,767.86
1994 26,009.29 53,000.00
3,500.00 50,062.78
1995 36,750.00 56,250.00
‐ 52,350.00
1996 29,041.67 42,500.00
‐ 49,178.57
1997 32,903.50 34,333.33
10,600.00 34,647.05
1998 28,786.67 67,500.00
4,500.00 49,691.11
1999 24,706.79 55,000.00
5,750.00 57,160.83
2000 34,822.27 57,011.76
5,000.00 65,583.10
2001 47,609.20 65,500.00
5,333.33 64,704.60
2002 37,351.23 46,210.00
4,537.50 63,002.75
2003 49,221.43 71,000.00
7,333.33 66,045.83
2004 47,320.84 64,454.55
2,050.00 86,230.73
2005 39,836.82 86,500.00
4,709.50 84,479.31
2006 31,194.09 72,058.82
5,666.67 79,256.75
2007 38,956.97 78,178.57
3,043.17 86,689.46
2008 42,060.41 70,900.00
9,614.29 77,926.00
2009 36,017.21 75,774.05
9,462.50 77,968.23
2010 49,601.29 76,377.43
6,559.17 89,349.90
2011 48,795.72 78,081.25
5,746.00 87,512.01
2012 45,143.69 80,266.15
9,375.70 88,389.56
8 APPENDIX D CORRELATION MATRIX: RECRUITMENT PROBLEMS (Mean Values; Pearson Correlation, Two‐Tailed Test) Notes: *The correlation is symmetrical – the values below the diagonal of “1” are exactly the same as the values above (which are blanked out for simplicity). If variable x is correlated with y, then it is also true that variable y is correlated with x. *Blue highlights – statistically significant correlations (at the 99% or 95% confidence level). Year DW HK: Total PH: Total Additional costs Total: All Wage Total # Total # Total # # Months Total # paid the agency agency (on top of recruitment offered by instances: instances: instances: documents instances: agency charges charges agency costs (PHP)
agency wrong or no benefits will surrender to be kept other (PHP) (PHP) charges)(PHP)
info. be denied documents
by agency problems Year DW paid the agency 1 HK: Total agency charges .133** 1
(PHP) PH: Total agency charges .199** ‐.106
(PHP) Additional costs (on top of .166 ‐.009
agency charges)(PHP) Total: All recruitment .259** .509**
costs (PHP) **
Wage offered by agency .188 .001
Total # instances: wrong **
‐.003 .174
or no info. Total # instances: benefits .016 .032
will be denied Total # instances: .137** .130**
surrender documents # Months documents to .047 .291
be kept by agency Total # instances: other .137** .195**
1 problems **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2‐tailed). *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2‐tailed).
9 APPENDIX E‐1 HONG KONG AGENCIES SCORECARD: PER CATEGORY OF BAD PRACTICE/VIOLATION (Average Values; Top 25 Most‐Frequently Used Agencies) Rank (% users) 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 8 8 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 18 18 18 18 18 23 23 23 HK: Name of agency Emry's Employment Agency Technic Agency Overseas Employment Agency Top Maid Employment Agency Suntec Agency Aura Employment Agency Sincere Agency Further Creation Employment Agency Premiere Nannies Employment Agency PBI Employment Agency A&E Employment Agency JC Casa Employment Agency KNB Employment Passen Agency Sunlight Employment Agency Tailor Maid Consultants Company Ltd. Wellcome Employment Centre Bestwell Agency Hi‐Cedar Agency Rejoice Employment Agency T&H Agency Top Services Helpful Agency Hosana Agency Lotus Agency Total: All recruitment costs (PHP) Wage offered by agency (HK$) Diff: MAW less offer (below MAW if >0)
Total # instances: wrong or no info. Total # instances: benefits will be denied 4,777.78 3,000.00 8,459.38 2,790.88 300.00 8,500.00 6,000.00 3,700.00 39,892.82 82,608.29 93,622.18 78,573.12 57,335.80 70,325.00 97,543.53 88,388.06 3,577.42 3,612.00 3,559.00 3,656.00 3,650.00 3,425.00 3,580.00 3,465.00 5.16 (15.33)
26.00 36.00 43.33 201.67 ‐ 40.00 0.28 0.50 0.65 0.94 0.42 1.50 1.30 1.00 0.69 0.50 0.45 0.82 0.58 ‐ 0.80 0.67 0.28 0.16 0.30 0.29 0.08 0.30 0.80 0.22 0.10 0.06 0.20 0.24 ‐ 0.10 0.40 ‐ 2.20 3.00 1.00 2.00 0.50 67,214.29 5,000.00 82,989.56 3,542.50 127.50 2.56 0.22 0.22 0.33 1.00 53,112.20 65,625.00 42,959.08 32,367.30 49,125.00 62,187.75 29,657.38 72,933.33 102,500.00 54,750.00 87,571.43 35,750.00 69,120.00 65,400.00 5,775.00 457.00 9,250.00 2,000.00 2,500.00 90,782.63 125,422.43 82,542.42 110,690.93 69,839.29 99,058.50 63,465.90 3,626.67 3,740.00 3,673.33 3,644.00 3,633.33 3,400.00 (26.67)
‐ (63.33)
68.00 ‐ (130.00)
1.13 1.00 0.86 0.57 1.14 1.71 1.14 0.50 0.29 1.00 0.71 1.86 0.71 0.71 1.00 0.71 0.71 0.14 ‐ 0.43 ‐ 0.25 0.14 0.29 0.29 0.14 ‐ ‐ 1.00 44,887.50 79,125.00 50,015.00 55,900.00 20,833.33 23,303.38 40,000.00 68,250.00 55,125.00 32,400.00 90,800.00 97,600.00 75,000.00 69,000.00 84,600.00 110,000.00 25,600.00 28,000.00 4,000.00 3,000.00 7,700.00 68,030.36 102,041.67 107,007.50 59,583.33 67,916.67 102,702.25 100,000.00 80,200.00 60,725.00 3,560.00 3,580.00 3,686.67 3,580.00 3,653.33 3,580.00 16.00 ‐ ‐ ‐ 93.33 (100.00)
0.57 2.17 0.33 1.00 0.67 0.17 3.00 ‐ 0.20 0.29 ‐ 1.17 0.67 ‐ 1.00 ‐ ‐ 0.60 1.00 0.50 0.67 0.17 0.17 1.17 0.20 ‐ ‐ ‐ 0.33 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.33 ‐ 0.20 0.80 5.00 0.75 1.50 3.00 HK: Total agency charges (PHP) PH: Total agency charges (PHP) 20,572.32 22,467.16 54,518.83 58,459.94 25,039.38 37,916.67 27,597.94 23,948.75 36,233.33 76,317.76 84,598.57 71,408.33 63,333.33 44,187.50 84,611.11 70,777.78 33,300.75 Additional costs (on top of agency charges) PHP 10 Total # instances: other problems Total # instances: surrender docus. # Months docus. to be kept by agency APPENDIX E‐2 PHILIPPINE AGENCIES SCORECARD: PER CATEGORY OF BAD PRACTICE/VIOLATION (Average Values; Top 25 Most‐Frequently Used Agencies) Rank (% users) Phils: Name of agency HK: Total agency charges (PHP) PH: Total agency charges (PHP)
Additional costs (on top of agency charges) PHP Total: All recruitment costs (PHP) Wage offered by agency (HK$) Diff: MAW less offer (below MAW if >0)
Total # instances: wrong or no info. Total # instances: benefits will be denied Total # instances: other problems
Total # instances: surrender docus. # Months docus. to be kept by agency 89,439.06 3,588.33 52.50 1.17 0.24 0.31 0.07 1 Ascend Agency 48,891.15 75,480.00 6,120.00 2 All‐Pro Staffing 23,940.00 18,785.71 2,225.00 25,971.25 3,684.00 (76.00)
0.59 0.65 0.29 ‐ 3 God's Will Placement Agency 64,661.33 96,392.31 5,500.00 117,612.00 3,612.00 64.00 1.47 0.67 0.67 0.27 2.33 3 Skytop Services Contractors Inc 79,125.00 110,928.57 114,083.33 3,740.00 (80.00)
1.33 0.47 0.27 0.33 5 STD Manpower Services 17,125.50 75,530.77 5,654.50 82,105.04 3,660.00 ‐ 1.08 0.15 0.31 0.08 6 Altima Manpower Agency 59,339.29 88,940.00 17,900.00 113,206.25 3,686.67 ‐ 1.75 1.33 0.67 0.08 1.00 6 Find Staff Placement 45,468.75 63,400.00 4,900.00 74,089.58 3,672.00 36.00 0.58 0.92 0.25 0.18 5.00 6 James International Agency 29,406.82 56,350.00 73,914.58 3,375.00 228.33 0.83 0.58 0.17 0.17 0.50 9 ABC Manpower Services 94,437.50 90,133.33 6,400.00 109,250.00 3,634.29 ‐ 1.64 0.73 0.82 0.09 4.00 10 Angelex Allied Agency 40,786.67 51,000.00 4,750.00 61,122.00 3,570.00 (40.00)
1.00 0.30 0.20 ‐ 10 Gammon International 50,015.00 103,111.11 4,000.00 108,204.50 3,660.00 ‐ 0.70 0.80 0.70 0.10 5.00 10 King's Manpower Agency 13,774.25 109,444.44 5,000.00 119,182.83 3,555.00 (20.00)
0.30 0.60 0.20 ‐ 10 Mariz Employment Agency 61,895.83 71,333.33 79,937.50 3,633.33 (33.33)
0.50 0.30 0.70 0.40 3.00 10 Visayan Consolidated Agency 15 15 Aims Agency Concord International Services 15 Jedegal Manpower Services 18 Alcare Manpower Agency 18 France Asia Agency 18 18 8,846.25 88,472.22 7,300.00 82,854.25 3,740.00 36.00 0.50 0.60 0.20 0.30 1.00 30,052.75 100,000.00 67,571.43 85,000.00 8,412.50 10,000.00 76,329.61 88,571.43 3,640.00 3,580.00 110.00 ‐ 0.78 1.78 0.89 0.56 0.44 0.67 0.25 0.11 2.00 1.50 7,106.75 78,111.11 7,728.50 82,987.11 3,740.00 90.00 1.22 ‐ 0.33 0.33 5.00 80,521.00 52,183.33 99,528.25 3,580.00 106.67 0.25 0.13 0.13 0.13 1.00 1,942.50 90,170.00 90,412.81 3,740.00 ‐ 1.13 0.38 0.38 0.25 2.00 Green World Placement 41,343.75 86,000.00 5,500.00 108,046.88 3,580.00 ‐ 1.38 1.00 0.88 0.63 1.00 MY International Agency 30,000.00 44,657.14 1,000.00 43,075.00 3,660.00 ‐ 1.50 1.38 0.75 0.13 18 Novation Resource Agency 34,472.75 87,571.43 102,479.56 3,690.00 26.67 0.75 0.75 0.13 0.25 1.00 18 Philac Agency 33,510.20 91,621.43 6,000.00 101,862.63 3,560.00 33.33 0.63 0.88 0.38 0.38 18 Speed Employment Agency 28,068.60 86,500.00 3,500.00 94,691.86 3,720.00 (95.00)
1.13 1.50 0.50 0.13 1.00 18 Wellcome Employment 47,302.50 59,714.29 81,814.06 3,560.00 16.00 0.63 0.13 0.75 0.13 11 APPENDIX F RECRUITMENT PRACTICES INDEX (RPI) (Composite Z‐scores & Ranks of All Agencies in Hong Kong and the Philippines) Notes: *Index Rank: #1 = worst practices/violations. *Usage Rank: #1 = most‐frequently used agency. *Blue highlight: top 25 most‐used agencies in HK; top 43 most‐used agencies in the Philippines (see discussion in Part VII‐A, above). *Yellow highlight: z‐score nearest to zero (i.e. nearest to the group average; see discussion in Part VII‐C, above). Usage Rank 99 99 60 99 99 99 99 42 99 99 99 99 99 99 42 99 60 99 42 99 99 99 60 60 99 42 26 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 Usage Rank 90 90 90 90 Philippine Integrated Good Speed International Agency Infinity 5
90 66 90 90 Light & Hope Agency Hopewell Agency September Star Agency Technic 1.0220 1.0054 .9933 .9806 .9569 .9435 .9412 .9292 .9178 .9007 .8687 .8492 .8401 9
90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 50 90 34 90 .8384 .8345 .8241 .8151 22
90 66 66 50 Gold Roy Agency Wellmark Employment Services Consultants Kowloon City Employment Agency ABNC Emp. .8133 .8111 26
.7898 Cobo Employment Agency Trustee Emp. Winna Emp. Agency Unique Recruitment Agency Fancy Agency in Hong Kong Citi Maids Grand Asia Placement Access Emp. Ben Employment Agency/Top Services Agency David Chung C&C Emp. Family Care D&H Employment Agency Mega D (Causeway Bay) Kung Wa Agency Action Employment Jet Pacific Agency Royal Sunshine CNC Employment Paradise Sun Yuet Northern Left Care Altima Agency Perfect Maid Wintip Employment Services Tsun Wan TNH Agency Your Maid Precious Agency Overall Z‐Score 2.1494 2.0083 1.5020 1.1662 Index
Rank 1
Overall Z‐Score 2.0663 1.3707 1.3480 1.2081 Index
1.1518 1.1451 1.0536 1.0338 1.1642 1.1481 1.0755 .9618 5
Ernest Agency OFW Employment Agency Indo‐Pinoy Cagarfod Agency S Line Golden Lights Winsky Perfect Agency Global Medical Agency Staffline Agency Pioneer Manpower PNR Manpower Agency TC Nediro .9529 .9245 .9193 .9144 .8705 .8609 .8606 .8514 .7547 .7371 .7255 .6970 .6415 9
.6326 .6024 .5561 .5496 22
18 50 Ohilac Agency EMR Andrene Baguio Benguet International Agency Green World Placement SBEE International .5415 .5327 26
90 Far East International .5309 28
.7816 29
50 .5284 29
.7775 30
90 Anifel Management Emp. Agency Mariposa .4952 30
.7241 .7059 .7007 31
90 90 90 Marvel Agency Prima Starborne International .4905 .4857 .4693 31
.6593 34
50 Pilipinas McLain Employment .4679 34
12 Agency in the Philippines Usage Rank Agency in Hong Kong Overall Z‐Score Index
Rank Usage Rank Overall Z‐Score Index
.4590 .4558 .4485 .4447 .4423 35
.4392 40
Manpower Forever Luzvimin Agency Hossana Jao Agency Baguio Investment Skytop Services Contractors Inc. God's Will Placement Agency Placewell Int'l. Agency P&R Manpower Agency Inc. .4315 .4261 .4183 .4074 .4054 .3744 41
.3706 .3544 .3520 47
.3327 .3219 .3091 .3041 .2904 .2857 50
.2850 56
.2768 .2766 .2726 .2581 .2563 .2521 .2485 .2467 .2465 57
.2433 .2377 66
Agency in the Philippines Agency World view OLM Mayon Agency RYT Agency Eugene International Services Altima Manpower Agency 99 99 99 99 99 Glory International Word Wide Emp. Masters International Unlimited Irise Consultant .6589 .6437 .6437 .6359 .6186 35
90 90 90 90 50 99 Mission Employment Agency Pacific Agency P&R Agency Good Maid Apec Agency Deng Hu Good Link Consultant .6091 40
6 .5934 .5756 .5646 .5605 .5553 .5450 41
90 50 90 66 90 3 .5301 .5208 .5179 47
3 66 44 99 99 99 99 60 99 Great Top Employment Carieg Agency Cross Country (Singapore) Eugine Smart Helper Agency THN Employment Faith Agency Arrow Emp. Chen‐chen .5078 .5033 .4945 .4842 .4669 .4583 50
90 90 66 90 9 34 99 Yuk Fai .4573 56
66 60 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 18 Prosperous Agency Sonmass IPT Employment agency Shun Yuet Service Centre Advance Agency Everlasting Ocean Fine B&A Agency Bestwell Agency .4522 .4440 .4425 .4351 .4283 .4091 .4082 .4026 .3723 57
50 50 90 44 29 90 10 18 15 99 99 Coldroy Agency Grand Royale Emp. agency J&A Employment Reliable Agency Kaishing Agency La Maid Recruitment Agency Goodrich Agency Sincere Agency Laguna Agency Mariz Manpower A&E Employment Agency Francis So & Co. Eye Quest Ivy's Agency Marco Agency .3703 .3539 66
66 90 Morty Agency Kanya Services Sincere Agency MIP ABC Manpower Services Hongkong Fil International Services Asian International Manpower Services Zontar Agency MRH Emp. Alice D.A. Rodrigo International Angelica Agency Francisco Agency Gammon International Philac Agency Concord International Services Mothers Way Emp. Allied Agency .3486 .3298 .3264 .3259 68
90 90 34 90 Ocean Fine Emp. Ledman Employment Humania International Best Well .2326 .2202 .2095 .2002 68
.3200 .3169 .3122 .2824 .2664 72
50 66 18 50 26 Aura Employment Agency Dolma Employment Speed Employment Agency Hi‐Cedar Top Maids Agency .1946 .1780 .1767 .1756 .1723 72
.2434 .2430 .2417 .2350 77
34 90 66 50 Greenfield Agency Steady Agency Zemar Agency Good Day Agency .1711 .1702 .1609 .1511 77
42 60 99 60 99 60 26 99 99 99 26 60 99 26 6 60 60 11 42 60 26 99 13 Usage Rank 99 99 60 18 99 10 99 99 99 8 11 42 11 99 60 18 99 99 99 60 99 99 99 23 99 60 99 60 26 99 26 26 99 42 99 23 26 3 11 99 60 26 99 99 11 60 Agency in Hong Kong EM Agency Splendid Anlida Employment Agency Top Services Prime Services PBI Employment Agency Everybody Emp. Ascend International Todi Premiere Nannies Employment Agency Sunlight Employment Agency Ying Nam Agency JC Casa Employment Agency Guru Employment Homemaid Hi‐Cedar Agency Delnus Emp. Agency South Horizon (Ma. Lourdes Vasquez) Fabulous Wai Fu Agency Humania International Stable Maid Agency Angelex Allied Agency Helpful Agency Teh Emp. KNP Agency TGH Placement Company STD Agency Lekson Agency Sia Madam Jo International Get Maid Employment Agency Tee Agency Hong Thai Agency MY International Manpower Lotus Agency Yatka Agency Overseas Employment Agency KNB Employment Island West Agency Star Care Agency Blessings Employment Agency RV Tria Agency Pleasant Agency Passen Agency ABC Manpower Overall Z‐Score .2271 .2266 .2265 Index
Rank 81
Usage Rank 90 66 18 Overall Z‐Score .1451 .1339 .1254 Index
Sunlight Manpower Cobo Employment Agency France Asia Agency .2186 .2009 .1989 .1974 .1941 .1926 .1871 84
29 44 18 15 66 10 10 Adana Employment Agency Inter Globe Employment Novation Resource Agency Aims Agency Globus Agency King's Manpower Agency Mariz Employment Agency .1215 .1140 .0964 .0901 .0867 .0801 .0726 84
.1844 91
15 Jedegal Manpower Services .0703 91
.1812 .1793 92
90 29 .0683 .0639 92
.1768 .1758 .1656 .1589 .1568 94
90 10 90 34 34 .0523 .0516 .0423 .0357 .0293 94
.1557 .1546 .1487 .1464 .1451 .1341 .1278 99
66 90 90 29 90 50 66 .0286 .0223 .0210 .0183 .0132 .0124 .0046 99
.1181 .1097 106
90 1 Anra Emp. Active Works Employment Agency Honor Deployment Agency Visayan Consolidated Agency Global Filipinos Bright Star Agency Emerald Manpower Recruitment Agency G Manpower Paris Agency BBA Agency Dalzen Employment Agency RMES‐Welcome Trends International 7 Oceans Employment Agency Singkong Int'l. Ascend Agency .0012 ‐.0070 106
.1016 .0887 .0843 .0841 .0832 108
90 66 18 34 18 Right Man KNB Agency MY International Agency Nuariz Agency Wellcome Employment ‐.0172 ‐.0194 ‐.0199 ‐.0217 ‐.0252 108
.0781 .0773 .0707 113
90 34 50 ‐.0310 ‐.0377 ‐.0387 113
.0642 .0633 .0591 116
90 90 90 JPI (Ermita, Manila) Desert Wealth Sacred Heart International Services United Talents Employment Anpro Manpower Suntec ‐.0404 ‐.0484 ‐.0500 116
.0555 .0537 .0536 .0528 119
5 90 44 66 STD Manpower Services Reliable Recruitment Agency J Mac GM Agency ‐.0541 ‐.0564 ‐.0575 ‐.0590 119
.0485 .0464 .0438 .0430 123
90 6 6 44 Global Agency Find Staff Placement James International Agency Manpower International ‐.0805 ‐.0855 ‐.0887 ‐.1051 123
14 Agency in the Philippines Usage Rank 99 42 4 60 99 99 99 11 99 6 99 60 Agency in Hong Kong Carrying Employment T.C. Company International Top Maid Employment Agency Good Family Employment Agency City Employment Upgrade Agency CU Consultancy & Employment Agency Wellcome Employment Centre Ltd Hundred Years Employment Agency Aura Employment Agency C&K Agency Overall Z‐Score .0419 .0367 Index
Rank 127
Usage Rank 50 90 DSI International Boom Town Overall Z‐Score ‐.1136 ‐.1194 Index
.0304 129
90 Manwor Agency ‐.1238 129
.0223 130
66 JIP International Services ‐.1420 130
.0021 .0005 ‐.0026 131
34 90 90 SK Manpower Services JM Agency Love Manpower ‐.1503 ‐.1643 ‐.1709 131
‐.0041 134
90 EMS Agency ‐.1781 134
‐.0117 135
18 Alcare Manpower Agency ‐.1786 135
‐.0146 136
90 THD Employment ‐.1804 136
‐.0151 137
26 ‐.1817 137
‐.0180 138
90 Jensen Manpower International SA Employment Agency ‐.1828 138
‐.0267 ‐.0336 ‐.0370 139
90 90 90 SIA Employment Agency J&L Agency Silktop ‐.1828 ‐.1886 ‐.1897 138
‐.0377 ‐.0398 ‐.0421 ‐.0428 142
90 90 44 66 ‐.2020 ‐.2135 ‐.2144 ‐.2158 142
‐.2214 ‐.2330 ‐.2433 ‐.2433 ‐.2433 ‐.2459 ‐.2490 ‐.2517 ‐.2619 ‐.2678 146
‐.2828 ‐.2846 156
Agency in the Philippines 42 42 26 99 Casa Employment Agency JN Employment Ansin Employment Golden Peak Employment Agency Pacific Jet Consultants Pacific Garden Hongkong Fil Agency Waikiki 99 99 99 42 42 99 60 99 60 99 Asia Link H&C Employment Resources Agency Smart Team Desert Wealth Miko Asia One Sun Employment Agency Image Employment AAA Emp. ‐.0441 ‐.0445 ‐.0455 ‐.0484 ‐.0513 ‐.0523 ‐.0622 ‐.0646 ‐.0696 ‐.0696 146
50 66 90 90 90 34 90 66 90 90 99 42 Fine Ocean Good Hands Employment Agency National Human Resources Welmer's Employment Agency Further Creation Employment Agency Allwin Agency Pak Yue Agency Rejoice Employment Agency D' Sun Human Aggregates Elise Ka Wao Consultants ‐.0856 ‐.0861 156
90 90 Forever Agency Goldwin Overseas Manpower Services Michael Angelo Manpower Exponent Inc RV Tria Agency Great I Agency Aquagen Agency Eye Quest FLB Employment Agency John Maurice International TDH Manpower Gold & Green Agency D&H Employment Interworld Placement Agency Ermita Agency Royal Agency ‐.0953 158
10 Angelex Allied Agency ‐.2926 158
‐.1006 159
2 All‐Pro Staffing ‐.3157 159
‐.1007 160
90 HTD Employment ‐.3239 160
‐.1072 ‐.1072 ‐.1098 161
90 66 26 Primary Agency TD Agency Emry's Agency ‐.3246 ‐.3320 ‐.3564 161
‐.1137 ‐.1166 ‐.1213 ‐.1244 164
66 90 90 90 Kally Agency JMI Agency Further Creation Agency Happy Family ‐.3710 ‐.3767 ‐.3777 ‐.4034 164
42 99 26 99 60 8 60 60 18 99 99 99 60 15 Usage Rank 60 60 23 99 60 60 26 Agency in Hong Kong Overall Z‐Score ‐.1282 ‐.1323 ‐.1340 ‐.1408 ‐.1417 ‐.1477 ‐.1518 Index
Rank 168
Usage Rank 90 66 90 90 90 29 90 MD Manpower Agency AAA Agency Stars Ira (Singapore) Baguio International Chance Team Well Skilled Agency ‐.1575 175
90 ‐.1607 ‐.1612 ‐.1625 ‐.1626 ‐.1652 ‐.1652 ‐.1748 ‐.1832 176
90 66 90 90 90 90 90 90 Overall Z‐Score ‐.4034 ‐.4168 ‐.4432 ‐.4498 ‐.4594 ‐.5046 ‐.5325 Index
Welmark Agency ‐.5325 174
Yatka Brent JMC Asia One Galcent Agency MITS Agency CPM Manpower Max International Placement Inc. Polymaids Employment Agency Excellent Del Agency ‐.5325 ‐.5538 ‐.5738 ‐.6151 ‐.6151 ‐.6151 ‐.6273 ‐.6564 174
‐.6564 183
‐.6846 ‐.6892 185
Mark Agency ‐.8217 Mitch ‐.8341 Transkills Agency ‐.8547 Goodwill Employment ‐1.9080 Agency *** End of list. Maximum rank = 190 *** 187
Agency in the Philippines 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 Asia Top Agency Triumph Line Hosana Agency Top Aides Gammon Agency Aim World Bright International Employment Baguio Employment Agency Main Top Investment Smart Metro First Emp. Agency Mrs. Chaw Agency Apex Consulting Agency Northy Agency Online Maids Nan Fung Agency 99 Good Edith ‐.1884 184
90 2 99 Technic Agency Assurance Services Company T&H Agency TH Employment Ms. Ma Agency HKI Agency ‐.1997 ‐.2113 185
90 90 ‐.2124 ‐.2150 ‐.2213 ‐.2309 187
90 90 90 90 ‐.2403 ‐.2416 191
‐.2446 ‐.2521 ‐.2746 ‐.2782 ‐.2789 ‐.2937 ‐.2981 193
‐.3071 ‐.3086 ‐.3127 200
‐.3184 ‐.3246 ‐.3246 203
‐.3348 ‐.3477 206
‐.3477 ‐.3477 ‐.3477 ‐.3477 ‐.3489 ‐.3506 207
26 18 99 99 26 99 11 42 99 99 99 99 99 1 99 60 99 99 99 99 5 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 Homes Employment Tailor Maid Consultants Company Ltd. Asian Charm Mrs. Lim Concord Agency Comfort Agency Gracious Maid Helper Agency Emry's Employment Agency Once Employment Cris Beanne Meticulous Employment Agency Blue Sky Mass Trinity West Lake Manpower Agency Suntec Agency Bestnel Employment Agency Chin House Agency FLB Employment Agency Haceda Happy Agency Happy Maid Kally Agency 16 Usage Rank 99 60 26 99 99 60 42 99 42 60 99 99 99 99 60 99 99 99 60 99 99 99 99 99 99 60 99 99 99 99 99 99 Agency in Hong Kong Overall Z‐Score ‐.3709 ‐.3735 ‐.3752 ‐.3757 ‐.3941 ‐.4002 McLin Agency Trends International Once Employment Femax Asia World Philstar Employment & General Services Millennium Agency ‐.4084 Premium Employment ‐.4159 Success Agency ‐.4298 Yip Sing ‐.4333 Dalzhen ‐.4594 Megasea ‐.4594 Newaygo ‐.4813 Berskley Agency ‐.4842 Manpower Agency ‐.5022 Paradise ‐.5100 Morty Arbao ‐.5160 Maxbetter ‐.5176 WF Emp. ‐.5337 Log On ‐.5377 PRO Agency ‐.5445 Amaneth Agency ‐.5564 Wanjo Agency ‐.5564 Finest Agency ‐.5943 JMJ Agency ‐.6118 Josie & James ‐.6588 Honor Club Agency ‐.6619 Professional Agency ‐.6950 Jobs R Us ‐.7059 Jedegal Agency ‐.7309 Maid Heart ‐.8058 Perfect Employment ‐.8066 *** End of list. Maximum rank = 245 *** Index
Rank 214
17 Usage Rank Overall Z‐Score Agency in the Philippines Index
APPENDIX G‐1 TRANS‐BORDER PATTERN: AGENCY IN HONG KONG USED BY RESPONDENTS AND THE CORRESPONDING AGENCY THEY USED IN THE PHILIPPINES (All Agencies in Hong Kong; Alphabetical Listing) Notes: *Complete listing of agencies in Hong Kong (alphabetical order). *”Corresponding agency used by respondents” does NOT necessarily mean that the agencies in HK and the Philippines work together or that they have formal/legal partnership. *Index Rank: #1 = worst practices/violations. *Usage Rank: #1 = most‐frequently used agency. *Column D: blank means that the DW only used the agency in Hong Kong, but NO corresponding agency in the Philippines. *Column D: “total” means the total (overall) z‐score of the agency in Hong Kong, which includes the effects of being linked to the z‐scores of all corresponding agency(ies) in the Philippines. This total/final z‐score is equal to the “overall z‐score” of the Hong Kong agency shown in Appendix F. *Column E: Shows the final z‐score (all categories of bad practices/violations) of each corresponding agency in the Philippines (in so far as they are linked to the same primary agency in Hong Kong). If the z‐score of the corresponding agency is positive (i.e. above average; meaning the practices/violations are worse), then this also increases the overall z‐score of the primary agency in Hong Kong. If the corresponding agency has a bad z‐score, this worsens the overall z‐score (and index rank) of the primary agency; conversely, if the corresponding agency practices are good, this also improves the overall z‐score/rank of the primary agency. A B Usage Rank 11 99 60 99 60 99 99 99 60 60 Index rank 76 155 126 29 3 11 61 13 173 161 C Agency in Hong Kong A&E Employment Agency AAA Emp. ABC Manpower ABNC Emp. Access Emp. Action Employment Advance Agency Agency Royal Aim World Allwin Agency D E Corresponding agency in the Philippines used by respondents Baguio Benguet International Agency BBA Agency Jedegal Manpower Services World view Total Alcare Manpower Agency Total Total Altima Manpower Agency Total EMR Greenfield Agency Total Total France Asia Agency Total Jao Agency Total Bright Star Agency Total France Asia Agency Final z‐scores (bad practice/violations)
18 A B Usage Rank 42 99 99 60 99 60 99 60 99 99 60 60 99 42 99 6 99 26 99 99 Index rank 19 235 103 83 140 44 180 54 88 146 152 168 218 193 186 136 64 175 4 227 C Agency in Hong Kong Altima Agency Amaneth Agency Angelex Allied Agency Anlida Employment Agency Ansin Employment Apec Agency Apex Consulting Agency Arrow Emp. Ascend International Asia Link Asia One Asia Top Agency Asia World Asian Charm Assurance Services Company Aura Employment Agency B&A Agency Baguio Employment Agency Ben Employment Agency/Top Services Agency Berskley Agency D E Corresponding agency in the Philippines used by respondents Total Altima Manpower Agency Indo‐Pinoy Total MITS Agency Total Total Adana Employment Agency Total Primary Agency Total Altima Manpower Agency Total Total MRH Emp. Total Total Total J Mac Total Bright Star Agency Mark Agency Total Find Staff Placement Total D&H Employment Happy Family Total God's Will Placement Agency Total [not specified / can't remember] James International Agency JIP International Services Total Jedegal Manpower Services Total Ascend Agency JPI (Ermita, Manila) Total God's Will Placement Agency Total Desert Wealth Final z‐scores (bad practice/violations)
19 A B Usage Rank 99 18 26 99 26 99 99 99 99 60 99 99 99 99 42 99 99 99 99 60 99 99 99 Index rank 207 65 122 203 174 6 137 48 127 138 55 207 1 131 15 30 66 196 195 201 49 133 164 C Agency in Hong Kong Bestnel Employment Agency Bestwell Agency Blessings Employment Agency Blue Sky Bright International Employment C&C Emp. C&K Agency Carieg Agency Carrying Employment Casa Employment Agency Chen‐chen Chin House Agency Citi Maids City Employment CNC Cobo Employment Agency Coldroy Agency Comfort Agency Concord Agency Cris Beanne Cross Country (Singapore) CU Consultancy & Employment Agency D' Sun D E Corresponding agency in the Philippines used by respondents Total Skytop Services Contractors Inc. Total Skytop Services Contractors Inc. Total Hongkong Fil International Services Total Greenfield Agency Total Adana Employment Agency Total Skytop Services Contractors Inc. Total Philac Agency Total Angelica Agency Total Allied Agency Total Total Find Staff Placement Total Aquagen Agency Total Aims Agency Total Singkong Int'l. Total S Line Staffline Agency Total Dalzen Employment Agency Total Ascend Agency Total Greenfield Agency Total Total Humania International Total Total Total Final z‐scores (bad practice/violations)
20 A B Usage Rank 42 99 99 99 99 42 99 99 99 1 99 99 99 60 99 99 Index rank 8 224 5 97 45 150 166 81 16 199 50 62 87 78 99 53 C Agency in Hong Kong D&H Employment Agency Dalzhen David Chung Delnus Emp. Agency Deng Hu Desert Wealth Elise EM Agency Employment Paradise Emry's Employment Agency Eugine Everlasting Everybody Emp. Eye Quest Fabulous Faith Agency D E Corresponding agency in the Philippines used by respondents Total ABC Manpower Services Altima Manpower Agency Total Total ABC Manpower Services Total Ocean Fine Emp. Total Altima Manpower Agency Total MD Manpower Agency Total Mariz Employment Agency Total GM Agency Total J Mac Total [not specified / can't remember] All‐Pro Staffing Anpro Manpower Cobo Employment Agency Emry's Agency Greenfield Agency Interworld Placement Agency J&L Agency KNB Agency MY International Agency P&R Manpower Agency Inc. TD Agency TDH Manpower Total Total Zemar Agency Total D.A. Rodrigo International Total Hi‐Cedar Total Inter Globe Employment Total Angelex Allied Agency Total Final z‐scores (bad practice/violations)
21 A B Usage Rank 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 42 8 60 26 99 42 26 99 60 42 60 Index rank 7 34 217 156 237 178 207 77 160 172 112 35 26 141 184 130 157 46 C Agency in Hong Kong Family Care Fancy Femax Fine Ocean Finest Agency First Emp. Agency FLB Employment Agency Francis So & Co. Further Creation Employment Agency Gammon Agency Get Maid Employment Agency Glory International Gold Roy Agency Golden Peak Employment Agency Good Edith Good Family Employment Agency Good Hands Employment Agency Good Link Consultant D E Corresponding agency in the Philippines used by respondents OFW Employment Agency Total God's Will Placement Agency Total Total Dolma Employment Total Visayan Consolidated Agency Total Humania International Total FLB Employment Agency Total Eugene International Services Total [not specified / can't remember] Anifel Management Emp. Agency JMI Agency SA Employment Agency SIA Employment Agency Visayan Consolidated Agency Total Gammon International Total Mothers Way Emp. Trends International Total Concord International Services Total Ascend Agency Hopewell Agency Total RMES‐Welcome Silktop Skytop Services Contractors Inc. Total Total JM Agency Total Michael Angelo Manpower Exponent Inc Prima Total Angelex Allied Agency Total Final z‐scores (bad practice/violations)
22 A B Usage Rank 99 26 99 99 99 26 99 99 99 99 99 23 18 26 60 99 42 26 99 23 Index rank 43 72 197 2 67 47 94 147 207 207 212 104 96 190 95 191 114 144 240 170 C Agency in Hong Kong Good Maid Goodrich Agency Gracious Grand Asia Placement Grand Royale Emp. agency Great Top Employment Guru Employment H&C Employment Haceda Happy Agency Happy Maid Helpful Agency Hi‐Cedar Agency HKI Agency Homemaid Homes Employment Hong Thai Agency Hongkong Fil Agency Honor Club Agency Hosana Agency D E Corresponding agency in the Philippines used by respondents PNR Manpower Agency Total ABC Manpower Services P&R Manpower Agency Inc. PNR Manpower Agency Total Visayan Consolidated Agency Total PNR Manpower Agency Total Jao Agency Total God's Will Placement Agency Total Manpower Forever Total Reliable Recruitment Agency Total Eye Quest Total Ascend Agency Total Zemar Agency Total [not specified / can't remember] Ascend Agency Total Gammon International Sincere Agency Total SK Manpower Services Total Globus Agency Total Dalzen Employment Agency Total [not specified / can't remember] Andrene Total Philac Agency Transkills Agency Total James International Agency Total [not specified / can't remember] Final z‐scores (bad practice/violations)
23 A B Usage Rank 99 99 99 60 99 99 99 26 99 11 99 99 99 42 99 60 60 60 99 Index rank 165 101 135 154 59 39 120 79 68 93 243 12 238 139 242 239 167 70 213 C Agency in Hong Kong Human Aggregates Humania International Hundred Years Employment Agency Image Employment IPT Employment agency Irise Consultant Island West Agency Ivy's Agency J&A Employment JC Casa Employment Agency Jedegal Agency Jet Pacific JMJ Agency JN Employment Jobs R Us Josie & James Ka Wao Consultants Kaishing Agency Kally Agency D E Corresponding agency in the Philippines used by respondents Chance Team Total Total Humania International Total Aims Agency Total Gold & Green Agency Goldwin Total Total Mariz Employment Agency Total Zontar Agency Total [not specified / can't remember] Cagarfod Agency RV Tria Agency RYT Agency Total Speed Employment Agency Total Andrene Anra Emp. Good Speed Speed Employment Agency Total Total Pioneer Manpower Total Total Global Filipinos Speed Employment Agency Total Total Total Find Staff Placement Total Angelica Agency Total Kally Agency Total Final z‐scores (bad practice/violations)
24 A B Usage Rank 11 60 99 99 99 60 26 99 23 26 99 99 99 60 99 60 99 99 99 99 99 Index rank 119 106 28 10 71 74 109 233 116 111 244 198 176 228 80 75 204 37 231 214 9 C Agency in Hong Kong KNB Employment KNP Agency Kowloon City Employment Agency Kung Wa Agency La Maid Recruitment Agency Laguna Agency Lekson Agency Log On Lotus Agency Madam Jo International Maid Heart Maid Helper Agency Main Top Investment Manpower Agency Marco Agency Mariz Manpower Mass Trinity Masters International Maxbetter McLin Agency Mega D (Causeway Bay) D E Corresponding agency in the Philippines used by respondents Novation Resource Agency Total Angelica Agency Total Total Hopewell Agency Total Total D.A. Rodrigo International EMR Total Ira (Singapore) Nuariz Agency Speed Employment Agency Total Jedegal Manpower Services Total Mariz Employment Agency Total [not specified / can't remember] Ascend Agency James International Agency Total Total HTD Employment Total Jedegal Manpower Services Total Total Emry's Agency Total Total Altima Manpower Agency Total Total Del Agency Total Royal Agency Total Final z‐scores (bad practice/violations)
25 A B Usage Rank 99 99 99 42 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 26 99 3 Index rank 224 202 151 220 40 230 179 194 189 115 183 158 226 18 180 63 200 216 182 118 C Agency in Hong Kong Megasea Meticulous Employment Agency Miko Millennium Agency Mission Employment Agency Morty Arbao Mrs. Chaw Agency Mrs. Lim Ms. Ma Agency MY International Manpower Nan Fung Agency National Human Resources Newaygo Northern Left Care Northy Agency Ocean Fine Once Employment Once Employment Online Maids Overseas Employment Agency D E Corresponding agency in the Philippines used by respondents Total Baguio International Total [not specified / can't remember] Total Total Max International Placement Inc. Total Jedegal Manpower Services Total Total STD Manpower Services Total RV Tria Agency Total Aims Agency Total United Talents Employment Total God's Will Placement Agency Total Find Staff Placement Total Angelex Allied Agency Total TC Nediro Total Total Dolma Employment Total Aims Agency Total Aims Agency Asian International Manpower Services Total Total 7 Oceans Employment Agency AAA Agency Alcare Manpower Agency Aura Employment Agency Far East International Overseas Manpower Services Philac Agency Final z‐scores (bad practice/violations)
26 A B Usage Rank 60 42 42 42 60 99 11 10 99 99 60 99 99 8 99 Index rank 42 41 143 142 162 229 125 86 245 20 219 124 25 90 221 C Agency in Hong Kong P&R Agency Pacific Agency Pacific Garden Pacific Jet Consultants Pak Yue Agency Paradise Passen Agency PBI Employment Agency Perfect Employment Perfect Maid Philstar Employment & General Services Pleasant Agency Precious Agency Premiere Nannies Employment Agency Premium Employment D E Corresponding agency in the Philippines used by respondents Philippine Integrated Total Total Desert Wealth Infinity Total Find Staff Placement Humania International MIP Total Sacred Heart International Services Total Ascend Agency Total J Mac Total [not specified / can't remember] ABC Manpower Services Altima Manpower Agency Total Angelex Allied Agency Angelica Agency King's Manpower Agency Total Total Total JIP International Services Total Total Visayan Consolidated Agency Total [not specified / can't remember] DSI International France Asia Agency Jedegal Manpower Services Light & Hope Agency Total Total Final z‐scores (bad practice/violations)
27 A B Usage Rank 99 99 99 60 18 26 99 99 99 99 6 99 99 42 99 99 99 99 60 60 42 Index rank 85 234 241 57 163 69 148 123 60 110 73 51 177 149 58 98 82 102 121 108 222 C Agency in Hong Kong Prime Services PRO Agency Professional Agency Prosperous Agency Rejoice Employment Agency Reliable Agency Resources Agency RV Tria Agency Shun Yuet Service Centre Sia Sincere Agency Smart Helper Agency Smart Metro Smart Team Sonmass South Horizon (Ma. Lourdes Vasquez) Splendid Stable Maid Agency Star Care Agency STD Agency Success Agency D E Corresponding agency in the Philippines used by respondents OLM Total Total Angelex Allied Agency Total Winsky Total Top Maids Agency Total International Agency Manpower International Total Jedegal Manpower Services Total RV Tria Agency Total Starborne International Total Green World Placement Total Active Works Employment Agency Green World Placement Mitch Total Altima Manpower Agency Total Novation Resource Agency Total Nuariz Agency Paris Agency Total Ascend Agency Total Total Morty Agency Total Total P&R Manpower Agency Inc. Total STD Manpower Services Total Good Day Agency Final z‐scores (bad practice/violations)
28 A B Usage Rank 99 60 11 99 5 42 18 11 2 99 99 99 Index rank 153 17 91 14 206 128 187 192 185 113 105 107 C Agency in Hong Kong Sun Employment Agency Sun Yuet Sunlight Employment Agency Sunshine Suntec Agency T.C. Company International T&H Agency Tailor Maid Consultants Company Ltd. Technic Agency Tee Agency Teh Emp. TGH Placement Company D E Corresponding agency in the Philippines used by respondents Jensen Manpower International Total Total Concord International Services Total Alcare Manpower Agency Ascend Agency Golden Lights Kanya Services Total Ascend Agency Total Aura Employment Agency Find Staff Placement Sunlight Manpower Top Maids Agency Total Jensen Manpower International SBEE International Total Inter Globe Employment James International Agency Mariz Employment Agency Total Jensen Manpower International Total Active Works Employment Agency Ascend Agency Brent Emerald Manpower Recruitment Agency Ermita Agency John Maurice International King's Manpower Agency Luzvimin Agency Manpower International Top Maids Agency Total D.A. Rodrigo International Total Mariz Employment Agency Total Inter Globe Employment Total Final z‐scores (bad practice/violations)
29 A B Usage Rank 99 99 60 99 99 4 18 60 60 99 99 99 99 99 60 99 99 11 26 Index rank 188 52 23 89 171 129 84 215 169 31 22 33 38 132 100 145 235 134 27 C Agency in Hong Kong TH Employment THN Employment TNH Agency Todi Top Aides Top Maid Employment Agency Top Services Trends International Triumph Line Trustee Emp. Tsun Wan Unique Recruitment Agency Unlimited Upgrade Agency Wai Fu Agency Waikiki Wanjo Agency Wellcome Employment Centre Ltd Wellmark Employment Services Consultants D E Corresponding agency in the Philippines used by respondents Nuariz Agency Total Nuariz Agency Total Mariz Employment Agency Placewell Int'l. Agency Total Total Bright Star Agency Total God's Will Placement Agency Polymaids Employment Agency Stars STD Manpower Services Top Maids Agency Total Altima Manpower Agency God's Will Placement Agency Pilipinas McLain Employment Agency Staffline Agency Total Manpower International Trends International Total Great I Agency Total Anifel Management Emp. Agency Total James International Agency Total Emerald Manpower Recruitment Agency Total God's Will Placement Agency Total Total Aims Agency Total EMS Agency Total Galcent Agency Total Wellcome Employment Total ABC Manpower Services Altima Manpower Agency Final z‐scores (bad practice/violations)
30 A B Usage Rank 60 99 60 99 99 99 26 42 60 60 99 Index rank 159 204 232 32 21 36 117 92 223 24 56 C Agency in Hong Kong Welmer's Employment Agency West Lake Manpower Agency WF Emp. Winna Emp. Agency Wintip Employment Services Word Wide Emp. Yatka Agency Ying Nam Agency Yip Sing Your Maid Yuk Fai D E Corresponding agency in the Philippines used by respondents Total ABC Manpower Services Total Forever Agency Total France Asia Agency Total Bright Star Agency Total Asian International Manpower Services Total Total Gold & Green Agency Hongkong Fil International Services James International Agency Total Dalzen Employment Agency Total Chance Team Total SBEE International Total MY International Agency Total Final z‐scores (bad practice/violations)
31 APPENDIX G‐2 TRANS‐BORDER PATTERN: AGENCY IN THE PHILIPPINES USED BY RESPONDENTS AND THE CORRESPONDING AGENCY THEY USED IN HONG KONG (All Agencies; Alphabetical Listing) Notes: *Complete listing of agencies in the Philippines (alphabetical order). *”Corresponding agency used by respondents” does NOT necessarily mean that the agencies in HK and the Philippines work together or that they have formal/legal partnership. *Index Rank: #1 = worst practices/violations. *Usage Rank: #1 = most‐frequently used agency. *Column D: blank means that the DW only used the agency in the Philippines, but NO corresponding agency in HK. *Column D: “total” means the total (overall) z‐score of the agency in the Philippines, which includes the effects of being linked to the z‐scores of all corresponding agency(ies) in Hong Kong. This total/final z‐score is equal to the “overall z‐score” of the Philippine agency shown in Appendix F. *Column E: Shows the final z‐score (all categories of bad practices/violations) of each corresponding agency in Hong Kong (in so far as they are linked to the same primary agency in the Philippines). If the z‐score of the corresponding agency is positive (i.e. above average; meaning the practices/violations are worse), then this also increases the overall z‐score of the primary agency in the Philippines. If the corresponding agency has a bad z‐score, this worsens the overall z‐score (and index rank) of the primary agency; conversely, if the corresponding agency practices are good, this also improves the overall z‐score/rank of the primary agency. A B Usage Rank 66 66 9 29 29 15 Index rank 105 169 54 93 84 87 C Agency in the Philippines 7 Oceans Employment Agency AAA Agency ABC Manpower Services Active Works Employment Agency Adana Employment Agency Aims Agency D Corresponding agency in Hong Kong used by respondents Overseas Employment Agency Total Overseas Employment Agency Total D&H Employment Agency David Chung Goodrich Agency Passen Agency Wellmark Employment Services Consultants Welmer's Employment Agency Total Sincere Agency Technic Agency Total Anlida Employment Agency Bright International Employment Total Citi Maids Hundred Years Employment Agency Ms. Ma Agency 32 E Final z‐scores (bad practice/violations)
A Usage Rank 18 90 2 90 6 66 10 29 50 90 90 B Index rank 135 59 159 67 40 24 158 61 29 117 92 C Agency in the Philippines Alcare Manpower Agency Alice All‐Pro Staffing Allied Agency Altima Manpower Agency Andrene Angelex Allied Agency Angelica Agency Anifel Management Emp. Agency Anpro Manpower Anra Emp. D Corresponding agency in Hong Kong used by respondents Once Employment Once Employment Wai Fu Agency Total AAA Emp. Overseas Employment Agency Sunlight Employment Agency Total Total Emry's Employment Agency Total Carrying Employment Total ABNC Emp. Altima Agency Apec Agency D&H Employment Agency Deng Hu Mass Trinity Passen Agency Smart Helper Agency Top Services Wellmark Employment Services Consultants Total Hong Thai Agency JC Casa Employment Agency Total Faith Agency Good Link Consultant Newaygo PBI Employment Agency Professional Agency Total Carieg Agency Kaishing Agency KNP Agency PBI Employment Agency Total Further Creation Employment Agency Trustee Emp. Total Emry's Employment Agency Total JC Casa Employment Agency 33 E Final z‐scores (bad practice/violations)
A Usage Rank 90 1 90 66 50 50 90 90 90 90 90 66 34 90 29 B Index rank 148 107 179 56 72 25 172 45 101 71 128 177 97 12 173 C Agency in the Philippines Aquagen Agency Ascend Agency Asia One Asian International Manpower Services Aura Employment Agency Baguio Benguet International Agency Baguio International Baguio Investment BBA Agency Best Well Boom Town Brent Bright Star Agency Cagarfod Agency Chance Team D Corresponding agency in Hong Kong used by respondents Total Chin House Agency Total Baguio Employment Agency Coldroy Agency Gold Roy Agency Happy Agency Helpful Agency Madam Jo International Pak Yue Agency Sonmass Sunlight Employment Agency Sunshine Technic Agency Total Total Once Employment Wintip Employment Services Total Overseas Employment Agency Suntec Agency Total A&E Employment Agency Total Megasea Total Total A&E Employment Agency Total Total Total Technic Agency Total Aim World Asia Top Agency Top Aides Winna Emp. Agency Total Ivy's Agency Total Hosana Agency Yip Sing Total 34 E Final z‐scores (bad practice/violations)
A Usage Rank 66 15 90 44 90 29 90 34 66 50 34 66 26 90 90 90 B Index rank 82 65 182 60 154 102 186 114 73 127 98 23 163 134 156 9 C Agency in the Philippines Cobo Employment Agency Concord International Services CPM Manpower D.A. Rodrigo International D&H Employment Dalzen Employment Agency Del Agency Desert Wealth Dolma Employment DSI International Emerald Manpower Recruitment Agency EMR Emry's Agency EMS Agency Ermita Agency Ernest Agency D Corresponding agency in Hong Kong used by respondents Emry's Employment Agency Total Glory International Sun Yuet Total Total Everybody Emp. Laguna Agency Tee Agency Total Asian Charm Total Cobo Employment Agency Homes Employment Ying Nam Agency Total Maxbetter Total Berskley Agency Pacific Agency Total Fine Ocean Ocean Fine Total Premiere Nannies Employment Agency Total Technic Agency Unique Recruitment Agency Total Access Emp. Laguna Agency Total Emry's Employment Agency Marco Agency Total Waikiki Total Technic Agency Total 35 E Final z‐scores (bad practice/violations)
A Usage Rank 50 90 90 90 6 90 90 18 90 90 66 90 10 90 90 90 66 66 B Index rank 39 185 148 28 124 148 142 83 62 166 99 179 63 123 96 17 88 122 C Agency in the Philippines Eugene International Services Excellent Eye Quest Far East International Find Staff Placement FLB Employment Agency Forever Agency France Asia Agency Francisco Agency Further Creation Agency G Manpower Galcent Agency Gammon International Global Agency Global Filipinos Global Medical Agency Globus Agency GM Agency D Corresponding agency in Hong Kong used by respondents Total Francis So & Co. Total Total Haceda Total Overseas Employment Agency Total Asia World Chen‐chen Ka Wao Consultants National Human Resources Pacific Garden Suntec Agency Total FLB Employment Agency Total West Lake Manpower Agency Total Advance Agency Allwin Agency Premiere Nannies Employment Agency WF Emp. Total Total Total Total Wanjo Agency Total Gammon Agency Hi‐Cedar Agency Total Total JN Employment Total Total Homemaid Total 36 E Final z‐scores (bad practice/violations)
A Usage Rank 3 66 90 90 50 90 90 66 18 34 90 50 34 90 B Index rank 47 153 14 143 80 2 190 147 26 77 167 75 55 94 C Agency in the Philippines God's Will Placement Agency Gold & Green Agency Golden Lights Goldwin Good Day Agency Good Speed Goodwill Employment Agency Great I Agency Green World Placement Greenfield Agency Happy Family Hi‐Cedar Hongkong Fil International Services Honor Deployment Agency D Corresponding agency in Hong Kong used by respondents EM Agency Total Assurance Services Company Ben Employment Agency/Top Services Agency Fancy Great Top Employment Nan Fung Agency Top Maid Employment Agency Top Services Unlimited Total Image Employment Yatka Agency Total Sunlight Employment Agency Total Image Employment Total Success Agency Total JC Casa Employment Agency Total Total Triumph Line Total Sia Sincere Agency Total Access Emp. Blue Sky Comfort Agency Emry's Employment Agency Total Asian Charm Total Eye Quest Total Blessings Employment Agency Yatka Agency Total Total 37 E Final z‐scores (bad practice/violations)
A Usage Rank 66 90 90 34 90 90 44 90 90 90 44 90 6 66 15 B Index rank 6 43 160 70 11 4 85 3 155 171 121 140 125 44 91 C Agency in the Philippines Hopewell Agency Hossana HTD Employment Humania International Indo‐Pinoy Infinity Inter Globe Employment International Agency Interworld Placement Agency Ira (Singapore) J Mac J&L Agency James International Agency Jao Agency Jedegal Manpower Services
D Corresponding agency in Hong Kong used by respondents Gold Roy Agency Kung Wa Agency Total Total Maid Helper Agency Total Cris Beanne First Emp. Agency Humania International Pacific Garden Total Altima Agency Total Pacific Agency Total Fabulous T&H Agency TGH Placement Company Total Reliable Agency Total Emry's Employment Agency Total Lekson Agency Total Asia One Employment Paradise Paradise Total Emry's Employment Agency Total Aura Employment Agency Honor Club Agency Madam Jo International T&H Agency Tsun Wan Yatka Agency Total Agency Royal Grand Royale Emp. agency Total A&E Employment Agency B&A Agency Log On Main Top Investment Mission Employment Agency 38 E Final z‐scores (bad practice/violations)
A Usage Rank 26 66 90 90 90 34 90 66 90 10 66 90 90 90 50 90 44 90 90 10 B Index rank 137 130 132 178 165 151 113 164 51 89 109 69 5 133 42 41 126 129 30 90 C Agency in the Philippines Jensen Manpower International JIP International Services JM Agency JMC JMI Agency John Maurice International JPI (Ermita, Manila) Kally Agency Kanya Services King's Manpower Agency KNB Agency Ledman Employment Light & Hope Agency Love Manpower Luzvimin Agency Manpower Forever Manpower International Manwor Agency Mariposa Mariz Employment Agency D Corresponding agency in Hong Kong used by respondents Premiere Nannies Employment Agency Resources Agency Total Success Agency T.C. Company International Tailor Maid Consultants Company Ltd. Total Aura Employment Agency Philstar Employment & General Services Total Good Family Employment Agency Total Total Further Creation Employment Agency Total Technic Agency Total Baguio Employment Agency Total Kally Agency Total Sunlight Employment Agency Total PBI Employment Agency Technic Agency Total Emry's Employment Agency Total Total Premiere Nannies Employment Agency Total Total Technic Agency Total Guru Employment Total Reliable Agency Technic Agency Trends International Total Total Total Elise 39 E Final z‐scores (bad practice/violations)
A Usage Rank 90 90 90 90 90 66 90 90 90 90 66 50 18 18 34 90 90 90 B Index rank 187 31 183 37 167 145 53 188 179 50 66 58 110 86 111 68 10 22 C Agency in the Philippines Mark Agency Marvel Agency Max International Placement Inc. Mayon Agency MD Manpower Agency Michael Angelo Manpower Exponent Inc MIP Mitch MITS Agency Morty Agency Mothers Way Emp. MRH Emp. MY International Agency Novation Resource Agency Nuariz Agency Ocean Fine Emp. OFW Employment Agency Ohilac Agency D Corresponding agency in Hong Kong used by respondents Irise Consultant Lotus Agency T&H Agency Teh Emp. TNH Agency Total Asia Top Agency Total Total Millennium Agency Total Total Desert Wealth Total Good Hands Employment Agency Total Pacific Garden Total Sincere Agency Total Amaneth Agency Total Splendid Total Get Maid Employment Agency Total Arrow Emp. Total Emry's Employment Agency Yuk Fai Total KNB Employment Smart Metro Total Lekson Agency Smart Team TH Employment THN Employment Total Delnus Emp. Agency Total Family Care Total Total 40 E Final z‐scores (bad practice/violations)
A Usage Rank 90 44 44 90 90 18 90 50 90 66 34 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 50 B Index rank 36 144 49 100 16 64 1 34 19 48 20 183 32 161 120 108 103 157 146 C Agency in the Philippines OLM Overseas Manpower Services P&R Manpower Agency Inc.
Paris Agency Perfect Agency Philac Agency Philippine Integrated Pilipinas McLain Employment Agency Pioneer Manpower Placewell Int'l. Agency PNR Manpower Agency Polymaids Employment Agency Prima Primary Agency Reliable Recruitment Agency Right Man RMES‐Welcome Royal Agency RV Tria Agency D Corresponding agency in Hong Kong used by respondents Prime Services Total Overseas Employment Agency Total Emry's Employment Agency Goodrich Agency Star Care Agency Total Smart Team Total Total C&K Agency Hongkong Fil Agency Overseas Employment Agency Total Overseas Employment Agency Total Top Services Total Jet Pacific Total TNH Agency Total Good Maid Goodrich Agency Grand Asia Placement Total Top Maid Employment Agency Total Good Hands Employment Agency Total Ansin Employment Total H&C Employment Total Total Golden Peak Employment Agency Total McLin Agency Total Ivy's Agency Mrs. Lim 41 E Final z‐scores (bad practice/violations)
A Usage Rank 90 90 90 50 50 90 90 90 66 90 34 3 18 50 90 90 5 B Index rank 38 13 138 115 27 7 138 141 52 106 131 46 74 18 33 170 119 C Agency in the Philippines RYT Agency S Line SA Employment Agency Sacred Heart International Services SBEE International September Star Agency SIA Employment Agency Silktop Sincere Agency Singkong Int'l. SK Manpower Services Skytop Services Contractors Inc. Speed Employment Agency Staffline Agency Starborne International Stars STD Manpower Services D Corresponding agency in Hong Kong used by respondents RV Tria Agency Total Ivy's Agency Total CNC Total Further Creation Employment Agency Total Pacific Jet Consultants Total T.C. Company International Your Maid Total Total Further Creation Employment Agency Total Golden Peak Employment Agency Total Hi‐Cedar Agency Total City Employment Total HKI Agency Total Bestnel Employment Agency Bestwell Agency C&C Emp. Golden Peak Employment Agency Total J&A Employment JC Casa Employment Agency JN Employment Lekson Agency Total CNC Top Services Total Shun Yuet Service Centre Total Top Maid Employment Agency Total Mrs. Chaw Agency 42 E Final z‐scores (bad practice/violations)
A Usage Rank 90 90 90 90 66 90 90 90 26 90 50 90 10 90 18 90 90 90 B Index rank 78 81 118 21 162 152 8 136 76 189 104 116 95 174 112 174 15 35 C Agency in the Philippines Steady Agency Sunlight Manpower Suntec TC Nediro TD Agency TDH Manpower Technic THD Employment Top Maids Agency Transkills Agency Trends International United Talents Employment Visayan Consolidated Agency Well Skilled Agency Wellcome Employment Welmark Agency Winsky World view D Corresponding agency in Hong Kong used by respondents STD Agency Top Maid Employment Agency Total Total Suntec Agency Total Total Northern Left Care Total Emry's Employment Agency Total Emry's Employment Agency Total Total Total [not specified / can't remember] Rejoice Employment Agency Suntec Agency Technic Agency Top Maid Employment Agency Total Hongkong Fil Agency Total Get Maid Employment Agency Trends International Total MY International Manpower Total Finest Agency Further Creation Employment Agency Gracious Precious Agency Total Total Wellcome Employment Centre Ltd Total Total Prosperous Agency Total A&E Employment Agency 43 E Final z‐scores (bad practice/violations)
A Usage Rank 90 66 50 B Index rank 174 79 57 C Agency in the Philippines Yatka Zemar Agency Zontar Agency D Corresponding agency in Hong Kong used by respondents Total Total Everlasting Happy Maid Total Island West Agency Total /apl/plu/rv 44 E Final z‐scores (bad practice/violations)