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About Learning
If you’ve been
teaching Algebra
strictly by the book,
you’re not connecting
with half of your
441 W. Bonner
Wauconda, IL 60084
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…or even more!
Which is why we developed 4MAT 4 Algebra, a unique teaching system that enables
teachers to deliver lessons that virtually all of their students relate to and understand.
The key to the success of 4MAT 4 Algebra is a conceptual approach that engages
students through interactive lessons, showing them how Algebra fits in their everyday
lives. The bottom line is, they are able to focus better, retain more and earn better
Want to Learn More?
Call us toll free at (800) 822-4MAT to request a free brochure, information on pcoming
training and webinars, or to receive a sample chapter from the student workbook.
“I discovered 4MAT through a fellow teacher and the results were almost immediate.
It’s amazing how much the kids retain information when they’re fully engaged.”
–Karen H., Veteran Algebra Teacher
4MAT 4 Algebra – A Whole New Way of Learning Algebra.
About Learning, Inc
4MAT 4 Algebra
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441 W. Bonner
Wauconda, IL 60084
Do your Algebra
students act like
you’re speaking a
different language?
4MAT® 4 Algebra
About Learning
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4MAT 4 Algebra helps every student understand what you’re saying.
4MAT 4 Algebra teachers to engage students through a series of creative concepts and
connected activities that yield some very impressive results.
Teachers across the country are using it to teach Algebra with new skills, a renewed
attitude and measurable student improvement. With the concepts and activities built
into the system, your students will now understand Algebra and become much more
enthusiastic about learning.
Want to Learn More?
Call us toll free at (800) 822-4MAT to request a free brochure, information on upcoming
training and webinars, or to receive a sample chapter from the student workbook.
“Last year I had no idea what I was doing and I pretty much failed every test and quiz.
This year I haven’t failed a single test or quiz, so I'm happy we began learning Algebra in
this exciting new way.”
–Brittney R., 10th Grade Student
4MAT 4 Algebra – A Whole New Way of Learning Algebra.
About Learning, Inc
4MAT 4 Algebra
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About Learning
441 W. Bonner
Wauconda, IL 60084
Do your
Algebra students
feel like
they’re being
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4MAT 4 Algebra makes Algebra much easier to digest.
Your students have lots on their plates. So it’s a challenge to get them to retain the
information they need. Which is why teachers across the country are using 4MAT 4 Algebra
to improve learning for their students.
This ten-point conceptual approach enables students to see how they can use Algebra, why
it’s important and what it means to them in their everyday lives. The result is a better focus,
better understanding and better grades.
Want to Learn More?
To learn more about 4MAT 4 Algebra, please call us toll free at (800) 822-4MAT. Please
request our free brochure, info on upcoming training and webinars or a sample chapter
from the student workbook.
“Before 4MAT 4 Algebra, I focused almost exclusively on one mode of instructional delivery.
I never had time to consider one of my students most common complaints: "When are we
ever going to use this?" –Kim H., Veteran Algebra Teacher
4MAT 4 Algebra – A Whole New Way of Learning Algebra.
About Learning, Inc
4MAT 4 Algebra
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About Learning
441 W. Bonner
Wauconda, IL 60084
Do your
regard Algebra
the same way
they do their
household chores?
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4MAT 4 Algebra students will no longer complain about their work.
Because it is based on a series of overarching concepts that help student’s find it more
meaningful. It’s about alternatives and comparisons and relationships. Ideas they can
grasp and use and put to use.
These simple ideas form the basis for more meaningful and engaging approaches to
communicating complex mathematical ideas.
Want to Learn More?
To learn more about 4MAT 4 Algebra, please call us toll free at (800) 822-4MAT. Please
request our free brochure, info on upcoming training and webinars or a sample chapter
from the student workbook.
“Before 4MAT 4 Algebra, I focused almost exclusively on one mode of instructional delivery.
I never had time to consider one of my students most common complaints: "When are we
ever going to use this?"
–Kim H., Veteran Algebra Teacher
4MAT 4 Algebra – A Whole New Way of Learning Algebra.
About Learning, Inc
4MAT 4 Algebra
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About Learning
Do your
Algebra students
seem a little
441 W. Bonner
Wauconda, IL 60084
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4MAT 4 Algebra will help them focus.
For many students, Algebra is hard to zero in on. Which is why teachers across the country
are using 4MAT 4 Algebra to improve learning for their students.
This ten-point conceptual approach enables students to see how they can use Algebra, why
it’s important and what it means to them in their everyday lives. The result is a better focus,
better understanding and better grades.
Want to Learn More?
To learn more about 4MAT 4 Algebra, please call us toll free at (800) 822-4MAT. Please
request our free brochure, info on upcoming training and webinars or a sample chapter
from the student workbook.
“Before 4MAT 4 Algebra, I focused almost exclusively on one mode of instructional delivery.
I never had time to consider one of my students most common complaints: "When are we
ever going to use this?" –Kim H., Veteran Algebra Teacher
4MAT 4 Algebra – A Whole New Way of Learning Algebra.
About Learning, Inc
4MAT 4 Algebra