Outline - the DeGroote MBA Program

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MBA K603
Information Systems in Business
Winter 2015 Course Outline- TENTATIVE
Information Systems Area
DeGroote School of Business
McMaster University
This course will introduce students to the fundamental concepts of information systems and how
they support management and operations in the modern business environment. The roles and
importance of information systems across various business functions will be examined. Students
will gain hands on experience with key information technologies in support of effective
managerial decision-making. Through a series of case analyses and presentations, students will
be exposed to the various opportunities and challenges involved in managing with information
systems in different industries and contexts. This course can be used towards the SAP
certification in Business Integration.
Dr. Nicole Wagner
Office: RJC 217/B
Office Hours: by appointment
Tel: (905) 525-9140 x20558
Nicole O’Brien
Office: DSB A211
Office Hours: TBA
Tel: (905) 525-9140 x26985
Nour El Shamy
Office: DSB A211
Office Hours: TBA
Tel: (905) 525-9140 x24961
Class Location: RJC 263
Tuesday 19:00-21:00
Course Website: http://avenue.mcmaster.ca
Guest speaker(s):
IT skills:
Group work:
Final Exam:
Global view:
Written skills:
Oral skills:
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Information Systems are having a dramatic impact on organizations and the way business is
conducted. This course will introduce you the fundamental concepts of information systems and
how they support management and operations in the modern business environment. Topics will
include strategic applications and value of information systems, information systems trends,
information technologies in support of decision making, enterprise systems, electronic business
information systems development/acquisition methodologies, and social and ethical issues in using
information systems. Student will gain hands on experience with various information technologies
including Microsoft EXCEL and SAP.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to complete the following key tasks:
Describe the basic concepts, terminology, and principles of Information Systems and
recognize their importance to the success of any organization.
Describe the potential capabilities, use, and application of different types of information
systems within an organization.
Identify the major methodologies/challenges involved in building/acquiring and using
information systems.
Demonstrate proficiency in decision-making using spreadsheets (MS EXCEL), and the
SAP Client Interface.
Understand the opportunities and challenges associated with eBusiness.
Identify examples of social and ethical issues relating to the use of information systems.
Assume the role of the decision maker in various managerial situations related to
information systems in a variety of industries.
Develop effective business presentation and managerial critiquing skills.
Lecture Notes, Assignments and other course content
Download from the K603 website http://avenue.mcmaster.ca
Business K603 Cases Course Pack, Winter 2015
Editor: N. Wagner
Learning With Cases, 1997, L. Mauffette-Leenders, J. Erskine & M. Leenders,
Publisher: Richard Ivey School of Business (purchase a copy at the bookstore)
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The components of the course grade will be weighted as follows, tentatively. The instructor
reserves the right to modify the weightings to adjust for more or less material covered during the
term or to modify the course components.
Components and Weights
Assignment I (individual)
Assignment II (individual)
Case Presentation (Team)
30 minute Case Presentation
Case Report (individual)
15 page Report
Participation (individual)
Ongoing in-class participation
All assignments must be handed in electronically through the course website by the
deadline data and time specified for each assignment in the course schedule. The penalty
for overdue assignments is 20% of the total assignment mark per day. Overdue case
reports will receive a mark of zero. For team work, all team members share the same
grade, adjusted for peer evaluation.
Grade Conversion
At the end of the course your overall percentage grade will be converted to your letter grade in
accordance with the following conversion scheme.
90 - 100
85 - 89
80 - 84
75 - 79
70 - 74
60 - 69
00 - 59
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Communication and Feedback
Students that are uncomfortable in directly approaching an instructor regarding a course concern
may send a confidential and anonymous email to the respective Area Chair or Associate Dean:
Students who wish to correspond with instructors or TAs directly via email must send messages
that originate from their official McMaster University email account. This protects the
confidentiality and sensitivity of information as well as confirms the identity of the student.
Emails regarding course issues should NOT be sent to the Administrative Assistant.
Instructors are encouraged to conduct an informal course review with students by Week #4 to
allow time for modifications in curriculum delivery. Instructors should provide evaluation
feedback for at least 10% of the final grade to students prior to Week #8 in the term.
Assignment I – EXCEL
This individual assignment is worth 20% of your final grade. Through this assignment you will
demonstrate your proficiency in the advanced EXCEL functions discussed in class. You will be
required to answer a series of questions involving decisions to be made based on analyzing data
in EXCEL spreadsheets. This assignment assumes that students are familiar with basic EXCEL
functionality. The necessary background involving advanced EXCEL function will be covered
in class, including demos and hands-on exercises. Course TAs will also be available to answer
assignment related questions during specified hours to be posted on the course Website.
Assignment II – SAP
This individual assignment is worth 20% of your final. The purpose of the assignment is to get
you familiarized with the SAP Client Interface and provide you with hands-on experience in the
Enterprise Resource Planning software provided by SAP. This assignment assumes that students
are not familiar with SAP. Necessary background, including an SAP demo, will be provided in
class. Course TAs will also be available to answer assignment related questions during specified
hours to be posted on the course Website.
Team Case Presentations
This team assignment is worth 25% of your final grade. Small teams of students will conduct a
case analysis and present it in class. These presentations are distributed throughout the course
schedule to support the learning objectives of the course (Refer to the course schedule for a list
of these cases). All the cases are selected from the Business K603 course pack. The assignment
of teams to particular cases is done according to the procedure described in the case work
schedule section at the end of this course outline.
Presentations should take no more than 30 minutes in addition to 15 minutes allowed for
questions and answers. Students are expected to make effective use of material discussed in class
as well as other resources available from the Web or specialized relevant references. The mark
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of the team presentation will be based on how professional and comprehensive the presentation
is, and how well the Q&A period was handled by the team. PowerPoint presentations are
expected. The evaluation form used in assessing case presentations is available on the course
Website. A sample case (included in your course pack) will be discussed in class to familiarize
you with the application of the case analysis method. In addition, sample presentations and
reports of several other cases are placed on the course website for your reference1.
Case presentation slides must be handed in electronically through the course website by
4:00 p.m. on the day the case is being presented.
Individual Case Report
This assignment is worth 25% of your final grade. Each student is required to hand in a written
case analysis report for one case. The assignment of students to particular cases is done
according to the procedure described in the case work schedule section at the end of this course
outline. This report should not exceed 15 pages in length (double line spacing) inclusive of any
exhibits and/or appendices but exclusive of the title page, table of contents, and executive
summary page. In completing case reports, students are expected to make effective use of
material in the case as well as other resources available from the Web or specialized relevant
journals. Your mark in this assignment will be based on how professional and comprehensive
your case analysis report is. Reports are expected to be free of spelling and grammatical
mistakes. All references must be included and properly cited. The evaluation form used in
assessing case reports is available on the course Website. Please note that this is an individual
assignment. As such, you are expected to work independently on this report.
Case reports must be handed in electronically through the course website before the
beginning of class on the day the case is being presented. Case reports handed after the
case has been presented and discussed in class will not be accepted and will receive a mark
of zero.
In-Class Participation
Students are encouraged to engage actively in class discussions related to the material being
presented by the instructor or the cases being presented by student teams. Instructors and TAs
will feel free to cold-call on anyone at any time. Hence, it is very important that you prepare for
each and every class and case as appropriate. Debate and challenge are important activities that
help in the learning process and the willingness of individuals to engage in such activities with
their classmates is appreciated.
Opportunities for in-class participation include:
 Taking part in discussions during the lecture part of class by:
o Asking questions
o Responding to questions posed by the instructor or other students
o Making relevant comments on material covered
Please note that these samples are very good to excellent but not perfect.
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Asking questions and making comments after case presentations. To do this properly, you
must read and reflect on the case being presented on any given week prior to coming to
Completing a case evaluation form during group presentations.
Name cards and class pictures are used to help give credit for your participation. You must have
a name card with your full first and last name clearly written and displayed in front of you for
every class. If you are absent from any class for a legitimate reason, you should indicate that to
the instructor so that you are not penalized for lack of participation during that class.
Participation marks will be based on both the quantity and quality of your in-class contributions.
Mere attendance in class without participation does not earn you any participation marks.
Instructors will strive to give all students equal contribution chances but you have to show
interest in participating by raising your hand.
It is the student’s responsibility to understand what constitutes academic dishonesty. Please refer
to the University Senate Academic Integrity Policy at the following URL:
This policy describes the responsibilities, procedures, and guidelines for students and faculty
should a case of academic dishonesty arise. Academic dishonesty is defined as to knowingly act
or fail to act in a way that results or could result in unearned academic credit or advantage.
Please refer to the policy for a list of examples. The policy also provides faculty with procedures
to follow in cases of academic dishonesty as well as general guidelines for penalties. For further
information related to the policy, please refer to the Office of Academic Integrity at:
Plagiarism checking within Avenue to Learn
In this course students will use Avenue2Learn to submit course assignments and projects
electronically. A new feature of the Assessment tool is the ability to check plagiarism using the
Originality Checking function. This module is directly linked to Turnitin and therefore students'
work may be checked against the Internet, published works and Turnitin's database for similar or
identical work. For more information on How Does Originality Checking work, go to:
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Missed Mid-Term Examinations / Tests / Class Participation
Where students miss a regularly scheduled mid-term or class participation for legitimate reasons
as determined by the MBA Academic Services Office, the weight for that test/participation will
be distributed across other evaluative components of the course at the discretion of the
instructor. Documentation explaining such an absence must be provided to the MBA Academic
Services Office within five (5) working days upon returning to school.
To document absences for health related reasons, please provide the Petition for Relief for MBA
Missed Term Work and the McMaster University Student Health Certificate which can be found
on the DeGroote website at http://mbastudent.degroote.mcmaster.ca/forms-and-applications/.
Please do not use the online McMaster Student Absence Form as this is for Undergraduate
students only. University policy states that a student may submit a maximum of three (3)
medical certificates per year after which the student must meet with the Director of the
To document absences for reasons other than health related, please provide the Petition for Relief
for MBA Missed Term Work and documentation supporting the reason for the absence.
Students unable to write a mid-term at the posted exam time due to the following reasons:
religious; work-related (for part-time students only); representing university at an academic or
varsity athletic event; conflicts between two overlapping scheduled mid-term exams; or other
extenuating circumstances, have the option of applying for special exam arrangements. Such
requests must be made to the MBA Academic Services Office at least ten (10) working days
before the scheduled exam along with acceptable documentation. Instructors cannot themselves
allow students to unofficially write make-up exams/tests. Adjudication of the request must be
handled by the MBA Academic Services Office.
If a mid-term exam is missed without a valid reason, students will receive a grade of zero (0) for
that component.
Student Accessibility Services (SAS) offers various support services for students with
disabilities. Students are required to inform SAS of accommodation needs for course work at the
outset of term. Students must forward a copy of such SAS accommodation to the instructor
normally, within the first three (3) weeks of classes by setting up an appointment with the
instructor. If a student with a disability chooses NOT to take advantage of an SAS
accommodation and chooses to sit for a regular exam, a petition for relief may not be filed after
the examination is complete. The SAS website is:
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The instructor and university reserve the right to modify elements of the course during the term.
The university may change the dates and deadlines for any or all courses in extreme
circumstances. If either type of modification becomes necessary, reasonable notice and
communication with the students will be given with explanation and the opportunity to comment
on changes. It is the responsibility of the student to check their McMaster email and course
websites weekly during the term and to note any changes.
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1- Jan 6
Course overview & website
Class photos & group formation
The case analysis method
2- Jan 13
IS Overview & Strategy
Exercise: IT Impacts
3- Jan 20
Sample case: Wal-Mart
Excel tutorial: functions & macros
4- Jan 27
Excel for decision making I
Mini case: Williams Coffee Pub
5- Feb 3
Excel II
Distribute Assignment 1: Excel
Case 1: Saskatchewan Provincial Park
Campsite Management System
6- Feb 10
Enterprise Systems Overview
Case 2: Simbhaoli Sugars Ltd: Innovating
Farmer Communication Services
Case 3: Pak Elektron Limited: Converting
Systems to ERP
7- Feb 24
CRM & Business Intelligence
8- Mar 3
SAP Overview & Hands-on
Distribute Assignment 2: SAP
9- Mar 10
Mini case: Building Blocks
Building Information Systems
10- Mar 17
eBusiness I
11- Mar 24
eBusiness II
12- Mar 31
Ethical Issues in IS
Case 7: Exerciseapp
13- Apr 7
Risk Management & Security
Case 8: Privacy Issues and Monetizing
Case 4: Luminar: Leveraging Big Data
Using Corporate Entrepreneurship
Excel Assignment 1 due: submit by 7:00 pm
Case 5: 1-888-JUNK-VAN
Case 6: Kering: Luxury in the Digital World
SAP Assignment 2 due: submit by 7:00 pm
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Teams will be formed in the first week of class, designated by alphabetical letters (e.g. A, B, C,
etc.), and announced through the course website. Subsequently, a team representative must email
obrien@mcmaster.ca the following information:
Your team designated alphabetical letter (e.g. Team A)
The top 3 choices selected by the team for a team package from the table below. Each team
package is associated with a pre-arranged team/individual work sequence. For example,
selecting team package number 3 as your top choice means that your team is indicating a
preference for presenting case 3 as a team on February 24 and submitting individual written
reports for case 7 on March 31. Please note that the team/individual work sequences below
have been carefully selected to ensure as even a work load as possible for all teams.
Team Package
Case Presentation (Team)
Case Report (Individual)
Case 1 (Saskatchewan), Feb 3
Case 5 (JUNK-VAN), Mar 17
Case 2 (Simbhaoli), Feb 10
Case 6 (Kering), Mar 24
Case 3 (Pak Elektron), Feb 24
Case 7 (Exerciseapp), Mar 31
Case 4 (Luminar), Mar 3
Case 8 (Privacy Issues), Apr 7
Case 5 (JUNK-VAN), Mar 17
Case 1 (Saskatchewan), Feb 3
Case 6 (Kering), Mar 24
Case 2 (Simbhaoli), Feb 10
Case 7 (Exerciseapp), Mar 31
Case 3 (Pak Elektron), Feb 24
Case 8 (Privacy Issues), Apr 7
Case 4 (Luminar), Mar 3
The team packages assignments to particular teams will be made on a first come first assigned
basis. An assignment schedule will be posted to the course website. Please note that instructors
reserve the right to make changes to team membership as the need arises especially during the
courses drop/add period.