The Community College of Aurora Medical Terminology: An Introduction Instructor Amy Campbell Phone 303-340-1600x63211 Email: Course Number HPR 178-700 PreRequisites none Credit Hours 2 hours Text: Illustrated Guide to Medical Terminology by Juanita Davies (Thomson Delmar Learning) Dictionary of Word Roots and Combining Forms by Donald J. Borror Other: CCA will provide accommodation for qualified students with disabilities. To request an accommodation, contact the Accessibility Services Office (ASO) Coordinator, Reniece Jones, at your earliest convenience. The ASO is located in the Learning Resource Center (LRC) in the Student Centre Building at eh CentreTech campus. Arrangements may also be made at the Lowry Campus. You may contact Reniece at (303) 361-7395 V/TDD, or email: College Wide Instruction Goals: The Instructional Unit has identified the following lifelong/workplace skills that are the foundation for your course of study at CCA: Written and Oral Communication, Critical Inquiry, Interpersonal Responsibility, Numeracy, Technology, and Aesthetic Sensibility. This course will focus on all of these skills as they relate to the study of the subject of biology. 1. Communication: Upon completion of their coursework, student will be able to effectively express, impart, or exchange feelings, thoughts, opinions, and information both orally and in writing. 2. Critical Inquiry: Upon the completion of their coursework, students will be able to examine and utilize reasoning strategies in order to select, apply and evaluate in multiple disciplines. 3. Intra/Interpersonal Responsibility: Upon completion of their coursework, student will be able to work independently or cooperatively in a group setting on situations and issues that affect the common welfare and one’s own welfare in relationship to other. At the completion of this course successful students will have shown through in-class work and specific course assignments the ability to pursue and retain knowledge, comprehend the various significant levels acquired knowledge (analyzing and identifying their various components), evaluate the significance of that knowledge, synthesize ideas form multiple sources, and apply what is learned to work and life situations. Course Description: § This course is designed to allow the students to obtain a basic understanding of Medical Terminology. § The course emphasizes word building, identifying word elements, spelling and pronunciation by learning the most commonly used word elements. Course Objectives: § Define prefixes, root words and suffixes associated with each body system § Define and explain the meaning of common medical terms for each body system § Construct and correctly spell medical terms when given specific definitions. Page 1 Topic Outline: This course is organized into the following modules: A. Introduction to Medical Terminology: prefixes, suffixes and root words B. Major Body Systems C. Cardiovascular System D. Respiratory System E. Blood and Lymphatic System F. Nervous System G. Musculoskeletal System H. Integumenatary System and Special Senses I. Digestive System J. Urinary System K. Reproductive Systems L. Endocrine System Evaluation: The grading scale is as follows: A - 90-100% B - 80-89% C - 70-79% D - 60-69% F - < 60% Grading: The points for the course will be determined by the following; § 6 quizzes @ 20 points each = 120 points § 2 Television Program Assignment @ 15 points = 30 points § 5 case studies @ 10 points each = 50 points § Midterm and Final @ 50 points each = 100 Total possible points: 300 Points Withdraw/Drop Dates: Last day to drop course: 9/12/2015 Last day to withdraw from course: 11/23/2015 Quizzes/Tests: Throughout the semester, there will be 6 online quizzes and 2 online tests. The online quizzes and tests will be timed, and if you don’t finish the quiz or test in the allotted time period, you will receive a 0 on that quiz. Each quiz or test will be cumulative. You will be responsible for all the terminology covered up to the time of each quiz. Repetition of terms should help facilitate your success and memory in this class. § Quiz 1: Covers Chapters 1-4 § Quiz 2: Covers Chapters 1-6 § Quiz 3: Covers Chapters 1-8 § Midterm: Covers Chapters 1-10 § Quiz 4: Covers Chapters 1-13 § Quiz 5: Covers Chapters 1-16 § Quiz 6: Covers Chapters 1-18 § Final: Covers All Chapter 1-19 Page 2 Tentative Course Schedule: The Instructor reserves the right to change the daily teaching schedule to facilitate learning, understanding, and critical thinking. Assignment due dates and the testing schedule may change with as much advanced notice as possible. Students will be required to fulfill all assignments as outlined unless otherwise notified. Week Dates 8/11-8/14 1 Chapter(s) Topic Introduction to Medical Assignments/ Due 1 and 4 Terminology; Basic Word Structure; Common Prefixes 2 3 8/17-8/21 8/24-8/28 Basic Body Structure Common Suffixes 2 Case Study 1 3 Quiz 1 4 8/31-9/4 Body Organization 5 5 9/8-9/11 Skin & Related Structures 6 Quiz 2 6 9/14-9/18 Skeletal System 7 TV 7 9/21-9/25 Muscular System 8 Quiz 3 8 9/28-10/2 Nervous System 9 Case Study 2 9 10/5-10/8 Eyes and Ears 10 MidTerm 10 10/19-10/23 Digestive 11 10/13-10/17 Cardiovascular System and 12-13 11 12 13 Blood 10/26-10/30 Cardiovascular System and 12-13 Blood 11/2-11/6 Lymphatic System and immunity Case Study 3 Quiz 4 14 Case Study 4 14 11/9-11/13 Respiratory System 16 Quiz 5 15 11/16-11/20 Urinary System 16 TV 11/23-11/24 Male and Female 17-18 16 17 Reproductive System 11/30-12/4 Male and Female Reproductive 17-18 System 18 12/7-12/11 Endocrine System 19 12/14-12/17 Review for Final Quiz 6 Case Study 5 19 Final Page 3