a descriptive study on educational values in “the secret”

Submitted to the Board of Examiners as Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam
(S.Pd.I) In English Department of Education Faculty
Submitted to the Board of Examiners as Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam
(S.Pd.I) In English Department of Education Faculty
To be assiduous, leave your slothfulness
To have an immediate fruitful, leave your procrastination
To be valuable, leave your frivolous fellowship
Slothfulness, procrastination, and frivolous fellowship,
-they don’t deserve to be sustainedRelinquish wickedness is not a sacrificing
Instead, a soul liberation
~ Mario Teguh ~
With all of his heart, the writer is dedicated this research to:
1. My Father and my Mother, with all of the supports, motivation, trust and love.
For the pray and care, advises, and assistance, thank you so much. I love you.
2. My only elder brother, Fahmi Amrulloh. Thank you for your support and
3. My little niece, Aisha Lisanna Sidqi, thank you for your laughing and your
cleanliness, so that I become more motivated to be your best uncle in the
world. I love you so much!
4. My best friend, the ―Eight Sekawan‖ includes: Umam, Hukma, Illa, Ute‘,
Iyus, and Endah. Thank you for your ―extraordinary‖ support!
5. My great and the closest lecturers, Mr. Hammam, Mr. Hanung Triyoko, Mr.
Munajat, Mrs. Maslikhatul Umami, Mrs. Setya Rini, and special for Ms. Noor
Malikhah, thank you for your abundant support and gift. It is boundless and
cannot be compared by anything. I will never ever forget all of you.
6. The English Drama Lovers Club, Mbak Lusi, Icin, Hukma, Okta, Nazil,
Stamma, Eko Adri, Ar‘bain, Arifin, Hasbi, Fahmi, Heru, Soraya, Nastiti,
Ratna, Afni, Venti, Risa, and Anita, thank you for enliven my student-hood
life at STAIN Salatiga, and thank you for the great experiences. I learned a lot
from all of you guys! Not forget to mention, Budhe Ipah, Kartika and her
mother, thank you for your boundless aids and supports.
7. Thanks to all of my IIEF and IELSP Friends, Including Bunda Wiati Rahayu,
Mas Nurul Azis, Irna Yugaswatie, Mita Mardiyah, Mas Syifa‘ul Khuluq, Izmi
Hasiru and Mas Muji Basuki. Thank you for your great-great support and
enchanting critics.
8. For ―someone‖ right there, thank you for your caring and support.
9. The administration staffs; Mbak Nida, Mbak Diah, Mbak Anna, Mbak Ulis
Sa‘adah, thank you for your assistance and your patient in helping my
10. The big family of Ikatan Mahasiswa Muhammadiyah (IMM) Salatiga, UMS,
Kementrian Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia, and IACS 2011, thank you for
giving me many great experiences.
11. My KKN & PPL friends in Dusun Gondang Rejo, Windusari, Kabupaten
Magelang. I will never able to forget you all after what had happened to us.
12. My friends in TBI A 2006, thank you for being my friend, you all will be my
long lasting memory. Hope we can meet each other in a better place, better
13. And not any less important, all of my friends and supporters who I can‘t
mention one by one in Facebook, Yahoo Messenger and Twitter. Thank you
very much!
First and foremost, the writer wishes to thanks Allah SWT The Almighty
for the blessing and mercy, so the writer can finish his graduating paper and
realize his dream because without your permission it is impossible.
In performing this research and arranging it, the writer has got much
guidance, support and help from many people. So in this occasion, the writter
would like to express the deepest gratitude to:
Drs. Imam Sutomo, M. Ag, as the Head of State of Islamic Studies Institute
(STAIN) Salatiga.
Suwardi, M.Pd. as the Head of Education Faculty.
Maslikhatul Umami, S. Pd. I, M. A, as the Head of English Departement.
Hammam, S.Pd, M.Pd, as the Counselor in writing this thesis.
Dr. Rachmat Hariyadi as the Academic Counselor, for his patient, advices
and guidance.
Munajat, M.A., Noor Malikhah, M. Hum, and Mrs. Setya Rini, M. Pd for the
unrelenting motivations and supports.
Hanung Triyoko, M. Hum, M. Ed and Nida‘ul Khasanah, S. Pd. I for the trust
and supports.
His dearest Mother and Father in Salatiga.
His dearest elder brother and niece in Salatiga.
10. The Staffs and lecturers of UPB for the great experiences in teaching and
learning English.
11. The administration staffs of State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga.
12. Rhonda Byrne for her great motivational book.
13. The ―Eight Sekawan‖, Hukma, Uthe‘, Umam, Illa, Iyus, Yuli and Endah for
the amazing endorsement.
14. His beloved Acer-wati and Bobby-Blackberry for the non-stop access and
15. All of his friends at STAIN Salatiga, CEC, IIWC, Pandawa Salatiga, IELSP,
PIONEER, UKSW, IACS, everywhere they are around the world.
After all, this thesis is expected to be able to provide useful knowledge and
information for all of the readers.
Salatiga, September 14th, 2011
The Writer
Rahman, Arif. 2011. A Descriptive Study on Educational Values in ―The Secret‖
Rhonda Byrne’s Book. Graduating Paper. Educational Department.
English Education. State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga.
Consultant: Hammam, M.Pd.
Keywords: Descriptive Study, Educational Values, ―The Secret‖ Rhonda Byrne‘s
This research is aimed to find out the educational values, how the education
values presented and to find the significance, relevance, and implication of
educational values in ―The Secret‖ Rhonda Byrne‘s book towards learning
This research is using descriptive analysis method. The research object of
this study is the main character, as well as the writer, Rhonda Byrne, in her own
book entitled ―The Secret‖ which is published in 2006. The writer use library
research, which collect the data from the library as the document to be used for
the study. The techniques of collecting data are: Reading and then analyzing ―The
Secret‖ Rhonda Byrne‘s book, collecting the data from related reviews, books,
journals, and academic writing, write down the important notes in Rhonda
Byrne‘s book as well as from the other secondary sources, arranging the data into
several parts, and finally concluding the data.
From this research, we can get some findings. They are: the educational
values of this book are focus, positive thinking, be happy, have a dream, love,
optimism, be gratitude, and make a vision. The style of presenting the education
values in this book are using characterization, choosing specific words and
diction, and using imagination, including visual, audible, and sensible
imagination. This research concludes that the educational values in ―The Secret‖
Rhonda Byrne‘s book can be applied towards learning motivation.
TITTLE ......................................................................................................... i
DECLARATION……….. ............................................................................ ii
ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES.......................................................... iii
STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION ......................................................... iv
MOTTO ....................................................................................................... v
DEDICATION .............................................................................................. vi
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................ viii
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................. x
TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................ xi
A. Background of the Study ...................................................... 1
B. Statement of the Problem ...................................................... 3
C. Objectives of the Study ......................................................... 4
D. Benefit of the Study .............................................................. 4
E. Clarification of Key Terms ................................................... 5
F. Review of Previous Research ............................................... 8
G. Research Methodology ......................................................... 9
H. Graduating Paper Outline...................................................... 14
A. Education .............................................................................. 15
B. Value ..................................................................................... 19
C. Education Value ................................................................... 21
A. Biography of the Author ....................................................... 24
B. Synopsis of the Novel ........................................................... 27
A. Educational Values in ―The Secret‖ Rhonda Byrne‘s Book 33
B. Style of Presenting the Educational Values in ―The Secret‖
Rhonda Byrne‘s Book ........................................................... 46
C. Significance, Relevance, and Implication of Educational
Values in This Book towards Learning Motivation .............. 54
A. Conclusion ............................................................................ 57
B. Suggestion ............................................................................. 59
A. Background of the Study
Every person has their own dream. They have their own way to pursue
what they want for themselves. However, not all of the people have succeeded
to achieve their dreams which create uncertainty, un-confident, anxiety,
stressfulness, and many more. Because of this bad feeling, some people have
decided to commit suicide because they feel desperate with their problems and
he or she thinks that they will not be able to handle it.
Human is as both an individual as well as a social creature. As the
individual creature, they are able to think, to decide, to perform the ideas in
their mind. However, human will feel lonely if they don‘t get any support
from another human to help them. Human, as a social creature, also needs
affection, trust, love, caring, sharing, attention, and so on. When somebody is
in trouble, it will be nice and helpful if they get some support from someone
they love to release them from their problem. Money or foods maybe
something that people can give to help people to solve their needs crisis. Yet,
what kind of help they can offer if the crisis is happening in their heart; an
inner-crisis, such as lack of confident, cowardice, desperate, and many others?
Students in Indonesia, typically, they are not brave enough to dream as
big as what they have asked during their childhood. After they have graduated
from schools or universities, they just try to find any kinds of job as soon as
possible because they need money. They don‘t try to get what they want or
even brave or possibly it is overwhelmed to get a job or achievements they
dream of, like most success people have.
One way to answer that question is by giving some psychological aids,
like motivation. Motivation is very powerful as a mean of hope, compassion,
believe, trust, and caring. That is always pleasant when people get support or
motivation from someone they love, adore, best friends, or probably someone
they don‘t know from the corner of the city. In order to get some motivation,
there is no necessity that they have to meet people they know or people who
support them, because they can get many kinds of motivation from many
places or things. One of them is by reading motivational books.
Book is the window of the world. By reading a book, people will learn
and understand many things, because reading, as Soedarsono said, is the
complex activities which mobilize a large number of separated activities such
as: people must use their understanding and imagination, notice and recall
(1991: 4). By reading a book, people can enrich people‘s knowledge and
becoming a very effective way to learn something new. In education, reading
a book is a must. From books, people learn to comprehend and understand
what is contained in those books. By reading a book, people get new
knowledge which could improve intelligence in order to solve their problems.
Recently, the writer just realizes how many people influenced by a
motivational fiction book entitled ―The Secret‖. It is written by an Australian
woman. In 2007, she became the most influential people, version the world in
Time magazine. Many positive comments or testimonials from the reader of
this book and they confess how much this book could change people‘s mind to
believe in what they are wanted for their future. The power of positive
thinking, whether people realize it or not, are given in this book and it creates
immense power to imagine, to have a hope, struggle until paramount, and
encourage people to be brave to make their dreams come true.
So, based on the review above, the researcher decides to take up a
literary research entitled “A DESCRIPTIVE STUDY ON EDUCATIONAL
B. Statement of the Problem
If the writer takes a look at the background of the study, this research
is proposed to answer the following problem:
1. What are the educational values in ―The Secret‖ Rhonda Byrne‘s book?
2. How is the educational values presented in the book?
3. What are the significance, relevance, and implication, of educational
values in this book towards learning motivation?
C. Objectives of the Study
After the research has been accomplished, it is expected that the writer
will able to answer about:
1. To describe the educational values in ―The Secret‖ Rhonda Byrne‘s book.
2. To find out the style of presenting the educational values in ―The Secret‖
Rhonda Byrne‘s book.
3. To describe the significance, relevance, and implication of educational
values in this book towards learning motivation.
D. Benefit of the Study
As well as enrich the writer‘s knowledge about this book, the benefits
of performing this literary research are:
1. Theoretically
The result of the research can be beneficial in the world of
literature in the future. It is also expected to be able to contribute some
advantages for the world of education.
2. Practical benefit
a. Contribute the development of literary study, particularly among
students of STAIN Salatiga especially for those who are interested in
literary study.
b. Widen people knowledge and deepen their knowledge about
educational values and literature in this world.
c. To open reader‘s mind to see the important of motivation in education.
d. To encouraged the readers to struggle in pursuing their dreams.
E. Clarification of Key Terms
This research‘s title provides five words as the main elements of what
will be composed in this graduating paper. They are:
1. Descriptive study
As the adjective, descriptive means; referring to, constituting or
grounded matters of observation or experience (Webster, 1981:610).
Unlike adjective, the word ―study‖ is defined in many meanings. So, the
researcher will choose the closest meaning to this research, that is: a
careful examination or analysis of a phenomenon, development or
question, or, a literary or artistic production intended as a preliminary
outline an experimental interpretation or an exploratory analysis of
specific features or characteristic (Webster, 1981:2110). A descriptive
study is undertaken in order to ascertain and be able to describe the
characteristics of the variables of interest in a situation and also to
understand the characteristics of organization that follow certain common
2. Educational values
The word ―education‖, means: a systemic training and instruction
especially of the young in school, college, etc (Hornby, 1974:277). In
more specific, education becomes in practice identical with schooling, in
example formal instruction under controlled condition (Syam, 1988:5-6).
This word gets a suffix –al, which makes this word become an adjective,
which means ―something related with‖ or have a characteristic of
Values derived from the word ―value‖, which means: a conscious
effort to realize process and condition of learning in order to produce
learners who can develop their potential to get spiritual force, self control,
behavior, intelligence and skill which is needed by themselves, society or
nation (Silaban, 2003:3).
From the above explanations, it can be considered that educational
values is a critical and deepest part of meaning that people need to think or
realize relating with anything that have a characteristic or related with
3. The Secret book
It is a book written by Rhonda Byrne. This book is made as a selfspiritual help book for people who want to read it. First published in 2006,
this book had gotten an enormous responds from her proponent. The word
book as defined by Hornby, as number of sheets of paper, either printed or
blank, fastened together in a cover, literary composition that would fill
such a set of sheets (1974: 28).
This book is based on Wallace D. Wattles‘s book entitled The
Science of Getting Rich, a book written in 1910. This book tells people
about the law of interaction, where what people think is what they will get.
When people are focusing on a bad thinking, so that‘s what will happen to
them. The power of positive feeling and positive thinking could change
their life better, from wealth, health, and happiness. The secret‘s selling
doubled even more after it was introduced in Oprah Winfrey Show, and
becoming the New York best seller list.
4. Rhonda Byrne
Rhonda was born in Australia and began her career as a radio
producer before moving into television production. Many of her shows
won industry awards and were screened in major countries outside
Australia. Rhonda Byrne was listed in Time magazine as one of the ―a
hundred‘ most influential people‖ in the year of 2007. She is the writer of
The Secret and the continuation of her first book entitled ―The Power‖.
She was born sixty years ago in Australia in March 12th. She is a writer as
well as a producer of the film version of her book, The Secret. By the
spring of 2007, she was succeeded to sell out almost four million copies of
the books, and two millions copy of the DVD. She also became the
producer of ―Sensing Murder‖.
Taken from her official website, towards the end of 2004, Rhonda
got a very traumatic and most depressed moment in her life. She had just
divorced from her husband, and her father passed away. After a while, she
discovered what she is looking for, about the law of the universe. She got a
book from her daughter, a copy of The Science of Getting Rich, written by
Wallace D. Wattles in 1910. Two months later. She was looking about
every single prove of her great invention, and investigate it from the
ancient times, throughout history.
Her life transformed as soon as she applied her invention, about
this secret knowledge. After that, she has a mission to spread this secret all
over the world. With her background as an international television
production, she started to make a movie about ―The Secret‖. Rhonda spent
the next two months teaching everything she knew to key staff members at
her production company, Prime Time Productions. One of her strongest
intentions was that Prime Time would use The Secret to make The Secret.
F. Review of Previous Research
This research is included in literary research which concerns about
educational values of ―The Secret‖ book written by Rhonda Byrne. By using
library research, here are some researches that have close relation with the
writer‘s study to help the researcher proves that this paper is original.
It begins with the review composed by Siti Zulaikhoh‘s thesis entitled
―Education Values on the Novel ―Even After All This Time‖. Patience,
tolerance, spirit to fight, long-life learning, the process of maturity, and the
importance of parents figure towards their children psychology are some of
the education values shown in this research.
Secondly, the review as written by Widiastuti, ―The Moral Values in
Novel Ketika Cinta Bertasbih‖. In her research, she found out that Ketika
Cinta Bertasbih is not merely a story about Moslem ―culture‖ about how to
represent love to someone they love, but also a complete series of all field
maybe people can imagine in this world, such as politics, Islamic law, ethic,
language, culture, religious preaching, and many others. She implies that
education values in not merely undertaken by the school, but more
importantly, from their surrounding.
In this research, the writer point found a special approach about how
educational values presented in this book towards learning motivation. The
reviews that are based from the previous researcher are written in a shape of
story. However, this book is more direct, because the author wrote the
statements from her teachers and then explains their main ideas to the reader
in a more comprehensive way. This book is a direct lecturing guide,
statements, and these teachers give some examples about how the knowledge
is applied. This book also still in term of fiction because it is used many
imaginations, visualization, and magical or psychological examples.
G. Research Methodology
1. Research object
The object of the research in this study is the teacher‘s statements
and Rhonda Byrne‘s statements in ―The Secret‖ book, and it is published
by Atria Books, New York / Beyond Words Publishing, Hillsboro-Oregon.
2. The Methodology of the research
In this research, researcher has divided the sources into two types;
they are primary source and secondary sources.
a. Primary source
It is impossible for the researcher to accomplish this research
without the primary source. Because, it is a source of original data and
a basis of research (Soeharto, 1989:12). From the title of the research
explained, therefore, the primary source of this research is taken from
―The Secret‖ written by Rhonda Byrne which is published by Atria
Books, New York / Beyond Words Publishing, Hillsboro-Oregon, in
b. Secondary sources
Two is always better than one. It is why the researchers also
need more support in completing the primary data in order to make it
more clear, precise, reliable, and appreciable. The supported data is
taken from relevant literature theories, literature journals, education
books, etc. Some of them are:
1. The Secret-the movie.
2. A.S Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary – 7th Edition
3. Bahar Soeharto, Menyiapkan Penelitian dan Penulisan Karya Tulis
Imliah (Skripsi-Thesis)
4. M. Taylor, Values Education for Citizens in the New Century, and
many others.
3. Type of Research
Research in literature always needs the other literature materials
for the completion of the research. So, the writer decided to have the
library research which is conducted by collecting data from books,
regulations and academic writing. (Sumanto, 1995:16)
4. Technique of Collecting Data
Researcher needs some steps in order to complete the data. In this
study, the technique used is documents review, where using written
recourses to collect the data (Subroto, 1992: 42). This research also used
note-taking technique, where the researcher as the main instrument
undertake an accurate observation, directive steps, and precise towards the
primary source, ―The Secret‖ Rhonda Byrne‘s book. Secondary data is
books, articles, or internet to collect the data. The result of observing those
data will be recorded as the data sources, and then it will be used to
compose the research. Noeng Muhadjir stated that, data is not ―as what has
been given from the nature, but it is a result of interaction between the
researcher and the data source‖ (in Aminuddin, 1990: 62). So, the writer
uses some steps as follows:
a. Read and analyze ―The Secret‖ By Rhonda Byrne.
b. Collect the data from related reviews, books, journals, and academic
c. Write down the important notes in Rhonda Byrne‘s book as well as
from the other secondary sources.
d. Arranging the data into several parts.
e. Concluding based on the data analyzed (Lexy, 2002: 130)
5. Data Analysis.
Data analysis is an effort which is done by working with the data,
organizing the data, sorting the data, synthesis it, search and find the
pattern, decide the main ideas, what things that are needed to be learnt, and
decide what things that are needed to be told to people (Bogdan and
Bikken in Moleong, 2005: 248). The technique of analyzing the data will
be done descriptively. Aminuddin said that the result or the product of data
that is needed to be analyzed and the result of the analysis are not in
numbers or co-efficiency about the relation between variables (1990: 16).
From above, the writer will conduct the analysis with the
following steps:
a. First step, the writer will read it by using heuristic reading, just read as
what it is, and then the writer will try to summarize The Secret Rhonda
Byrne‘s book in a synopsis. Synopsys is a summary of a piece of
writing, a play, etc (Hornby, 2005: 1113). According to Keraf (1981:
84), he said that summary précis is an effective way to present a long
essay in a short way.
b. Second step, the writer will read the primary source repeatedly.
According to Rifaterre (in Pradopo, 2003: 135), Hermeneutic reading
is said as a repetitive reading (retroactive) after heuristic reading by
giving its literature convention. The aim of hermeneutic reading is find
the significant meaning, which is the educational value of the book.
c. To get the relation between educational value and learning motivation,
the writer will extract the learning motivation from the book.
d. Concluding the data analysis.
H. Graduating Paper Outline
In order to make this study systematic, the writer divides this study
into five chapters.
Chapter I is introduction, which consist of background of the study,
statement of the problem, the objective of the study, the benefit of the study,
clarification of key terms, review of previous research, research methodology
and graduating paper outline.
Chapter II is theoretical review; which consists of the definition of
education, value and the description of educational values.
Chapter III consists of certain elements consist in Rhonda Byrne‘s
book, ―The Secret‖. It is including the biography of the author, and the
synopsis of the novel.
Chapter IV, the writer presents the findings and discussion. It consists
of the educational values in ―The Secret‖ by Rhonda Byrne‘s book; the style
of presenting the educational values in The Secret‖ by Rhonda Byrne‘s book,
and the significance, relevance, and implication of educational values in this
book towards learning motivation.
Chapter V is the closing that will be used by the writer to make
conclusion of the research and suggestions.
The last part is bibliography, and appendix
A. Education
Educate is the infinite form of education. Education also means as
skills acquirement. To acquire some skills, learning becomes the way how
people obtain some new knowledge. Learning is terms applied to a wide range
of phenomena even when people are arbitrarily limit its use to human behavior
(Bill, 1970: 5). To be an educated person, there are so many ways to learn or
study to get the new knowledge, and there are so many things to study in this
world. Since the very first year, human had an effort to learn as the meaning
of education. The simplest education was the education to survive, to keep
alive, get the food, stay health, etc. After years, people know many famous
ancient scholars like Plato, Aristotle, Galileo, Ibnu Sina, who had more
specific and scientific knowledge, and later the discoverers and inventors
appeared, like Alexander Graham Bell or Albert Einstein, which lead the
world into a new era. What people have in this modern era is the continuance
of what they have learned in the past. It is a reflection of the existence of
education passes on from generation to generation every long the existence of
human life (Suhartono, 2006: 77).
In the process of education, people need an effort to obtain some new
knowledge. There were many experiments and practices had been done in
order to have a better life or living. Some of the findings needed long time to
get the result, and some of them needed sacrifice to be conducted in order to
reveal new knowledge or findings. From here, education could be means as
knowledge and abilities, development of character and mental powers,
resulting from such training (Hornby, 1974: 277). Education is also an
interesting experience that teaches people something (Hornby, 2005: 488). It
means that failure and success goes along the process of education. Due to
education is progressive or always develops time by time, as a human race,
people learn from what they have found or what they have got in the past.
They don‘t want their children‘s children got the same bad treatments or
experiences in the past. So, human are trying to develop what they have found
for a better use. It is the act, process or art of imparting knowledge and skill,
known facts, ideas and skills that have been imparted (Roget‘s II, 1980: 309).
Education happens and it can be held anywhere, anytime, and in any
ways. If people take a look from the ancient time, the first education is held in
an informal ways, or later as an informal education, in informal institution.
Every child will learn what they get from their older generation, commonly
from their own parents. Jean Jacques Rousseau explained in his book ―Emile‖,
that child would best learn if they follow the natural process not contrived by
society. ―Education is the influence exercised by the adult generations on
those that are not ready yet for social life. Its object is to arouse and to develop
in the child a certain number of physical, intellectual and moral states which
are demanded of him by both the political society as whole and the specific
milieu for which he is specifically destined―(Deighton, 1971: 319).
As the basis of education, family becomes the most crucial or the basis
of children‘s acquirements of what they learn in their surroundings. Basically,
children will imitate what their parents do in their early life learning. How
their parents speak, behave, get dress, are recorded in their children‘s mind
and from all of those performances will be the basic education for their
children. The child‘s mind was, as it were, a bud which if reasonably nurtured
would, of itself, blossom (Ball: 1970: 6).
As they go adult, children will interact with many people. As social
creature, human are designated to know and learn each other differences in
order to understand their society and later, become the learning of finding
their roles in the society. While it is contended that education is the prime
importance to the operation of the society, Emile Durkheim argued one of the
function of education is socialization. It is supported by what has been stated
in Koran, in surah Hujuraat verse 13 that, ―human beings, We created you all
from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes so that you
may know one another‖. Because of the need of socialization, it means that
humans are encouraged and originally made by God to help each other to
create a better society. The learning process which is under the educational
system is given in the charge of developing this cooperative spirit in the
individuals who constitute the society (Doughton, 1971: 319-320).
John S. Brubacher in ―Modern Philosophies of Education‖ stated that
there are three normative functions that are taken by having educational aims,
such as:
Giving direction to the educative process.
Not only should give direction to education but should motivate it as well
Aims have the function of providing a criterion for evaluating the
educational process. (Indar, 1994: 86)
Based on the educational aims above, the writer find out that education
has a function to guide people into a better person in an educative ways.
Whoever the teacher or the trainer, they have to be able to transfer the new
knowledge to the learners in the aims for good sakes. The teachers or trainers
(parents, teacher or trainer at formal institutions) are encouraged to not only
giving the knowledge, but also motivate them, support their students to do
good deeds towards the knowledge they have learned. Person who gives the
knowledge acts not only as the instructor (pengajar), but also as the educator
On the other hands, education in formal institution is held upon a
system which based on a standard that has been designed and determined by
the government. The implication of the education itself then improved or held
based on each of those education institutions themselves. In Indonesia, as
taken from Standar Nasional Pendidikan Republik Indonesia No. 19, Tahun
2005, Bab IV, National Education Standards aimed at ensuring the quality of
national education within the framework of the intellectual life of the nation
and formed the character and civilization of a dignified nation. In Koran,
Allah ask Gabriel to educate human about things, so they will know their God
and their reason to live in this world, as stated in surrah Al-Baqarah verse 3033.
In another perspective, Russell stated that there are three theories about
the purposes of education.
1. Provides the opportunity to growth and remove the influence hindering.
2. To civilize the individual and developed its capacities until maximal
3. Education has to be more considered in its relation with the community
better than in relation with individually and that business is to train the
citizen which is good for (Russell, 1932: 17).
Furthermore, the writer inferred that education is made in order to
improve the quality of people‘s life, better intellectuality and personal quality
as benefit human resources for the wealth themselves, for other people as well
as for of the nation. Education is made for all people, for all good purposes. It
is also encouraged people to keep learning and keep improve their knowledge.
Allah also said in surah Al-Mujadalah verse 11 that, Allah will raise the
degree of a people who have knowledge. As what has many people said, that
education is a never-ending process, a long life-learning. Of the many
consequences that result, the state of education is perhaps the most significant.
The Quest for Certainty journals stated, as the means of the general institution
of intelligent action, it holds the key to orderly social reconstruction (1929:
292).The better human resources quality, the higher civilization achieved in
that nation is. In surah Az-Zumar verse 9, Allah said: ―Say: Is that the same to
those who have knowledge and those who haven‘t?‖
B. Value
To start comprehending the word ―value‖, the writer had already got
some resources in specifying the meaning of it. From Webster, the origin of
the word ―value‖ in Middle English as the mean of worth or high quality
derived from Anglo Saxon-French, from vulgar latin /valuta/ from feminine of
/valutus/, a past participle of Latin /valere/ to be of worth or be strong. As a
noun, value means a measure of those qualities that determine merit,
desirability, usefulness or importance (Roget‘s II, 1980: 1024), whether
Hornby simply explained the meaning of value as quality of being useful,
important, or desirable (Hornby, 1974: 950 & 2005: 1693).
―The term "value" has two quite different meanings. On the one hand,
it denotes the attitude of prizing a thing, finding it worthwhile, for its own
sake, or intrinsically, this is a name for a full or complete experience. To value
in this sense is to appreciate. However, to value also means a distinctly
intellectual act-an operation of comparing and judging to evaluate. This occurs
when direct full experience is lacking, and the question arises which of the
various possibilities of a situation is to be preferred in order to reach a full
realization, or vital experience‖ (Frasher and Emand, 1924: 291-292).
In other words, value is some kind of things or attitudes that is ranged
from bad to good as the measurements. People decided what is worth or what
is important to have. In order to get the advantage of those values, people are
trying to find out more on how they can get the advantages of they want for
their life and great lessons from their experiences. Value, in simple, is an idea
or concept of what is worth in usefulness or importance to the possessor;
utility or merit about something for their own life, and for the society.
According to Scheler (1973: 106), there are four strata of value which
differ from one to another in their nature or ‗essence‘. They are as the
1. Values of Sensual Pleasures: the shallowest value that is un-immortal or
not everlasting. If there is somebody who raise this value, mostly they are
not satisfied with that they have got or afraid if those things were gone or
reduced. The example of this value is: beauty, handsome, big house, villa,
money, perfect body, popularity, etc.
2. Values of Life: higher values are achieved when someone has realized this
state of value. People are more content, and appreciate life in a deeper
way. They live or ask something based on the need, not because of trend.
This state of people wants a more meaningful life, to their friends, to the
poor, to the society, and to themselves. For example: care about health,
modest, doing gym, eat healthy food, neatness, etc.
3. Spiritual values: this values start to influence the feeling sense, a more
psychological understanding on how people see the world. In this state,
people are more calm and humble. For example, the awareness of doing a
bad or good things as a mean of a mutual relation with the surroundings,
do charity, meditation, etc.
4. Religious values: these values are related with a certain faith; believe of a
specific religion, ideology or thought (Fieser, 1992: 1-17). The values of
these kinds consist mainly of personal values, especially God as the
highest personal (Syam, 1986: 64-65).
In fact, there are many ways on how people got the certain states of
values in their life. In literature, there are so many work and thought based on
the experience of the author‘s life, or, inspired by someone‘s life. It is not just
about life, it is life itself (Chase, 1965:1). Life gives people so many things
and from those experiences. They can take and decide the values of their life.
What makes people‘s life important and make sense for themselves, or what
they considered as the most important thing in life.
C. Educational Value
As what has been explained before, human has their own perspective
or point of view on how they appreciate whatever things happens in their life.
However, human nature being what it is, however, it tends to seek its
motivation in the agreeable rather than in the disagreeable, in direct pleasure
rather than in alternative pain (Dewey, 1902:29). Human do not know
anything when they were kid. As the times goes, they know what makes them
happy or sad, trough a learning process.
In Democracy and Education journal, there is a more critical opinion
about the meaning of education value on the way people study something;
―We cannot establish a hierarchy of values among studies. In so far as
any study has a unique or irreplaceable function in experience, in so far as it
marks a characteristic enrichment of life, its worth is intrinsic or
incomparable. Since education is not a means to living, but is identical with
the operation of living a life which is fruitful and inherently significant, the
only ultimate value which can be set up is just the process of living itself. And
this is not an end to which studies and activities are subordinate means; it is
the whole of which they are ingredients‖ (Frasher, 1916: 239).
During the learning process, all the things that happened are an
education. People learn many things from their surroundings. From there, they
get so many experiences and points on certain thoughts that absorbed into
their mind to face another learning opportunities. Education values as an aid to
learners in order to realize and experience the values and placed integrally in
the whole of their life (Elmubarok, 2008: 12). It seems incomplete if students
only get many educations at school if the educator only gives an education
about physics or mathematics, etc. In the contrary, the teacher also must give a
learning about many things that has deeper values. Sadly, not all teacher or a
learning process includes those ―deeper‖ values in a more comprehensive
way. Scheler in other writing has set out values which is more deeply
concerned with order and hierarchy, not a coerced order of formal obligation,
but a hierarchy of ever more eternally valid valuations. From Frings (1997:
29-30), the highest to the lowest, here are some values that need to be taught
to achieve more valid evaluations of education;
1. The value of The Holy and the Unholy
2. The value of the mind, that consists of: judicial values, aesthetic values,
values of knowledge.
3. The value of life-style values (noble-ignoble)
The value of utility values (useful-not useful)
5. The value of sensible values (comfort-discomfort)
So, educational values do not merely about practical thought, but
educational values are a deeper and complex evaluation of understanding.
Education is not as far as mathematics, biology, sociology, etc. But values of
education also includes the shaping of character, moral development, religious
development, social development and cultural development (Taylor, 1994:
A. Biography of the Author
This Australian woman really influences so many people. No wonder
that in 2007, she became one of a world rank of a hundred people who shape
the world, ranked by Time Magazine. This happened after her masterpiece hit
the ground, published in 2006, with a book titled ―The Secret‖. A women who
was born in March 12th 1951, has changed millions of people‘s life better. She
is Rhonda Byrne.
In 2006, Rhonda published her self help book which was written based
upon William Walker Atkinson‘s prior works and school of thought. After two
times episodes in Oprah Winfrey Show, the book hit the top of The New York
Times bestseller list. By the spring of 2007, ―The Secret‖ book has been sold
almost 4 million copies and more than two million for the DVDs. So far,‖The
Secret‖ is available in 46 languages.
Taken from her official website, the story begins in early September of
2004. Rhonda was in a great despair. She lived in ruins and everything seemed
dark and lost. Her father had just passed away while her marriage was
threatened. She also had many problems with her friends and work colleagues.
In her loneliness, her daughter, Hayley sent her a book, titled ―The Science of
Getting Rich‖ by Wallace D. Wattles, which was written in 1910. She amazed
with the book and found many kinds of knowledge that she couldn‘t imagine.
She was astonished that the idea of life-transforming from the book was not
widely known and practiced. Start from there, Rhonda decided to take the
advice and used the knowledge she had got to be the focus of her life, and
share the knowledge she had known to all people in the world.
From there, she studied many others great books which support the
ideas of Wallace D. Wattles‘ book. She asked and met the world finest
thinkers, artists, scientist, discoverers, success entrepreneurs, and philosophers
to view and support her founding from different point of view. These modern
thinkers drew the thinking as divergent as quantum physics, metaphysic,
psychology, and religion. The principle of what she had found from Wallace‘s
book also can be found from many great ancient thinkers in the history. After
her success to be a television and film producer, she took the chance to
practice her founding to make the film of her book with the same title, ―The
Secret‖. Since released on November 2006, The Secret book has been a New
York Times bestseller with more than nineteen million copies in print.
Begins the career as a radio producer, she turned to be an author,
television writer, and producers. She also worked on the Australian TV series
―World‘s Greatest Commercials‖ and ―Marry me‖. To list several of her work,
here are some of the programs she handled:
1. Sensing Murder (as the producer)
It is a true crime documentary drama television series. This
program tried to investigates the most Australia‘s most baffling murder
mysteries, which were still unrevealed and unsolved. This serial drama has
screened in the United Kingdom and New Zealand.
2. World‘s Greatest Commercials (as the producer)
There are so many kinds of varieties of this advertising show. It
depends on the need and the class or need that people or the viewers are
looking for. The products which are sold are separated into different
episodes for different people. There are five different serials of World
Greatest Commercials which have been produced.
3. Marry Me (as the Producer)
It is a reality program shows that was made to help people who
wanted to propose someone they love to be married with. This show helps
to prepare ―the proposal day‖ in a unique, different, and unforgettable
ways, so that those couples will remember their memory when they
proposed their love ones. This program is selling around the world, like in
Belgium, United Kingdom, France, Scandinavia, Poland, Romania, etc.
4. The Secret, Book edition and Film edition (as the writer and the producer)
This is the masterpiece of Rhonda which makes her to be a
celebrity and well-known in the world. It is a bestselling book in 2006.
This is a self healing book that helps so many people around the globe.
Because of this book, in May 2007, she became the world‘s most
influential people in TIME magazine. To support the main book, there are
also supporting books, they are ―The Secret Daily Teachings‖, ―The Secret
presents The Science of Getting Rich Audio Edition‖ and ―The Secret
Gratitude handbook‖. The Secret are also available for teenagers, titled
―The Secret to Teen Power‖.
5. The Power, Book edition and Film edition (as the writer and the producer)
It is the sequel to The Secret. This book shares to the reader to
understand that the life of their dreams has always been closer than people
can realize. Perfect health, incredible relationships, a career that people‘s
love, happiness, money, everything we want will come to us. It is only
need one thing, and it can be revealed in this book.
B. Synopsis of the Novel
This book is divided into 13 chapters. They are Foreword,
Acknowledgements, The Secret Revealed, The Secret made Simple, How to
Use The Secret, Powerful Processes, The Secret to Money, The Secret to The
Relationships, The Secret to Health, The Secret To the World, The Secret to
You, The Secret to Life, and Biographies. Each chapter is important as the
stepping stone to understand the next chapter. In the end of each chapter,
Rhonda gives the conclusion for each topic.
In the first chapter, the secret revealed. It shows that the great secret of
life is the law of attraction. The law of attraction says like attracts like, so
when people think about a thought, they will also attracting like thoughts to
us. Thought are magnetic, and thoughts have a frequency. As you think
thoughts, they are sent out into the Universe, and they magnetically attract all
like things that are on the same frequency. Everything sent out returns to the
source, themselves.
People are like a human transmission tower, transmitting a frequency
with their thoughts. If they want to change anything in their life, change the
frequency by changing their thoughts. Their current thoughts are creating their
own future life. What they think about the most or focus on the most will
appear as their life. Their thoughts become things.
In the second chapter, the secret made simple, the main idea of this
chapter can be taken from a thought made by Charles Haanel (1866-1949),
which said that, ―It is the combination of thought and love which forms the
irresistible force of the law of attraction.‖
The law of attraction is a law of nature. It is as impartial as the law of
gravity. Nothing can come into people‘s experience unless they summon it
through persistent thoughts. To know what they‘re thinking, ask themselves
how they feel. Emotions are valuable tools that instantly tell them what people
are thinking. It is impossible to feel bad and at the same time have good
thoughts. People‘s thoughts determine their frequency, and their feelings tell
them immediately what frequency they are on. When they feel bad, they are
on the frequency of drawing 5 more bad things. When they feel good, they are
powerfully attracting more good things to themselves.
Secret Shifters, such as pleasant memories, nature, or their favorite
music, can change their feelings and shift their frequency in an instant. The
feeling of love is the highest frequency they can emit. The greater the love
they feel and emit, the greater the power they are harnessing.
In chapter three, how to use the secret, it is like Aladdin‘s Genie, the
law of attraction grants people‘s every command. The Creative Process helps
people create what they want in three simple steps: ASK, BELIEVE, and
RECEIVE. Asking the Universe for what they want is their opportunity to get
clear about what they want. As they get clear in their mind, they have asked.
Believing involves acting, speaking, and thinking as though they have already
received what they‘ve asked for. When people emit the frequency of having
received it, the law of attraction moves people, events, and circumstances for
them to receive. Receiving involves feeling the way people will feel once their
desire has manifested. Feeling good now puts them on the frequency of what
they want. To lose weight, don‘t focus on ―losing weight‖. Instead, focus on
their perfect weight. Feel the feelings of their own perfect weight, and they
will summon it to themselves.
Starting with something small, like a cup of coffee or parking spaces, it
is an easy way to experience the law of attraction in action. Powerfully intend
to attract something small. As people experience the power they have to
attract, they will move to creating much bigger things. Create their own day in
advance by thinking the way they want it to go, and they will create their life
In chapter four, Powerful Processes, it says that expectation is a
powerful attracting force. Expect the things people‘s want, and don‘t except
the things they don‘t want. Gratitude is a powerful process for shifting their
energy and bringing more of what they want into their life. Be grateful for
what people already have, and they will attract more good things. Giving
thanks for what people want in advance turbo-charges their desires and sends
more powerful signal out into the Universe. Visualization is the process of
creating pictures in their mind of themselves enjoying what they want. When
people visualize, they generate powerful thoughts and feelings of having it
now. The law of attraction then returns that reality to them, just as they saw it
in their mind. In order to use the law of attraction to their advantage, people
have to make it a habitual way of being, not just a one-time event. At the end
of every day before people go to sleep go back through the events of the day.
Any events or moments that were not what they wanted, replay them in their
mind the way they wanted them to go.
In chapter six, The Secret to Relationships, it has the point that, when
people want to attract a relationship, make sure their thoughts, words, actions,
and surroundings don‘t contradict them desires. Their job is themselves.
Unless people fill themselves up first, people have nothing to give anybody.
Treat themselves with love and respect, and people will attract people who
show them love and respect. When people feel bad about themselves, people
block the love and instead people attract more people and situations that will
continue to make they feel bad about us. Focus on qualities people love about
themselves and the law of attraction will show they more great things about
them. To make a relationship work, focus on what people appreciate about the
other person, and not the complaints. When people focus on the strengths,
people will get more of them.
In chapter seven, the secret of health, it is concealed that the ―placebo
effect‖ is an example of the law of attraction in action. When a patient truly
believes the tablet is a cure, he receives what he believes and is cured. Focus
on perfect health. It is something people can all do within themselves, despite
what may be happening on the outside. Laughter attracts joy, releases
negativity, and leads to miraculous cures. Disease is held in the body by
thought, by observation of the illness, and by the attention given to the illness.
In chapter eight, The Secret to The World, says that what people resist,
people attract, because people are powerfully focused on it with emotion. To
change anything, go within and emit a new signal with their thoughts and
feelings. They cannot help the world by focusing on the negative things. As
people focus on the world‘s negative events, people not only add to them, but
people also bring more negative things into their life. Instead of focusing on
the world‘s problems, give them attention and energy to trust, love,
abundance, education, and peace. People will never run out of good things
because there‘re more than enough to go around for everyone. Life is meant to
be abundant. People have the ability to tap into the unlimited supply through
them thoughts and feelings and bring it into their experience. Praise and bless
everything in the world, and people will dissolve negativity and discord and
align themselves with the highest frequency - love.
In chapter nine, The Secret to the You, it concludes that everything is
energy. People are an energy magnet, so people electrically energize
everything to us and electrically energize themselves to everything people
want. People are spiritual being. People are energy, and energy cannot be
created or destroyed - it just changes form. Therefore, the pure essences of
themselves have always been and always will be. The Universe emerges from
thought. People are the creators not only of their own destiny but also of the
Universe. An unlimited supply of ideas is available to all people. All
knowledge, discoveries, and inventions are in the Universal Mind as
possibilities, waiting for the human mind to draw their forth. People hold
everything in their consciousness. People are all connected, people are all
One. Their power is in their own thoughts.
And finally, in chapter 10, The Secret to Life, people get to fill their
blackboard of life with whatever they want. The only thing people need to do
is feel good now. The more people use the power within themselves, the more
power people will draw through themselves. The time to embrace their
magnificence is now. People are in the midst of a glorious era. As people let
go of limiting thoughts, people will experience humanity‘s true magnificence,
in every area of creation. Do what they love. If people don‘t know what brings
their joy, ask, what is their joy? As people commit to their joy, people will
attract an avalanche of joyful things because they are radiating joy. Now that
people have learned the knowledge of ―The Secret‖, what people do with it is
up to them. Whatever people choose is right. The power is all theirs.
A. Education Values in “The Secret” Rhonda Byrne’s Book
There are still many controversies about how educational values term
is used to name several things. Powney (1995:7) regard it as all aspects of the
process by teacher which teachers (and other adults) transmit values to pupils.
From this book, there are several values that can be concluded from so many
teachings from twenty three different teachers. They all agree that what‘s
make people succeed is when they understand ―The Law of Attraction‖
concept. From that concept, the writer can take some major and absorb it from
educational values by Brophy, (1999: 76), in general disposition, situational
codes, subjective experiences, and response strategies relating to the
expectancy aspects of motivation in achievement situations. They are
discussed below:
1. Focus
The law of attraction tells us that when people focus on negative
thoughts, it means that people are attracting those negative things into their
lives. What the dominant thought in people‘s mind is what they will get in
their real life. The law responds what people are thinking, whatever it is.
However, when people think something positive, that those positive
thinking will come to them.
―The simplest way for me to look at the law of attraction is if I
think of myself as magnet, and I know that a magnet will attract to it‖ –
John Assaraf (Byrne, 2006:7)
When people are focusing that they are in a bad condition, they
will feel week and stressful. However, when people think that they are
great, they have so much opportunity, it will be easier for them to handle
whatever the problems are. In Koran, Allah states that:
 
        
―Allah will never change a fortune of a community so then they will
change themselves‖ (Ar-Rad: 11).
Allah states this as the guarantee to all human to think positive that
whatever happened to them is nothing, but it‘s above Allah‘s mercy and
benevolence. Focus on those positive thinking into themselves, and throw
away all of the negative thoughts from their mind.
―And that principle can be summed up in three simple words,
thoughts become things!‖ – Mike Dooley (Byrne, 2006:9)
Focus on what they want, not what they don‘t want to. What
people are thinking right now is what they are creating in their future life.
What they are focusing the most is what as appears in their life. When
focus on what they have (strength), and using it by all of their heart, then
they will solve the problems, not creating a new problem because they are
focusing something that they don‘t have (weaknesses). Rhonda try to give
them an example that,
―If you are complaining, the law of attraction will powerfully bring
into your life more situations for you to complain about. If you are
listening to someone else complain and focusing on that sympathizing with
them, agreeing with them, in that moment, you are attracting more
situations to yourself to complain about.‖ (Byrne, 2006:17)
2. Positive Thinking
People are encourages to have a positive thinking, as well as
positive feelings. Narrated by Bukhary Muslim, in Hadist number 4136,
Rasulullah said that, Allah inda zonni abdihi, which means that; ―Allah is
as what His slaves are thinking about‖. Whatever they are doing, make it
happy even in a push. Don‘t let their feeling in a bad mood. To know what
people are thinking is by looking at their feeling. Emotions pay a great
deal of ruling this idea. Instead of attracting bad things, think about good
―It really does take many negative thoughts and persistent negative
thinking to bring something negative into your life. However, if you persist
in thinking negative thoughts over a period of time, they will appear in
your life. If you worry about having negative thoughts, you will attract
more worrying about your negative thoughts, and multiply them at the
same time. Decide right now that you are going to think only good
thoughts. At the same time, proclaim to the Universe that all your good
thoughts are powerful, and that any negative thoughts are weak.‖ (Byrne,
People need to be aware of what they are thinking about. Be the
master of their own thought.
    
―And on that earth there are signs (of Allah’s authority) for people
who believe‖ (K.S. Adz-Dzaariyat: 20).
If there is a slight negative thought in their mind, try to delay, and
then re-think and erase their bad thoughts with a good thought. So, their
body and their mind will be filled with positive energy, and it will help
them to accomplish what they need to do confidently, without any worries.
―You can also turn waiting into a powerful time to create your
future life. Next time you are in a situation where you are waiting, seize
that time and imagine having all the things you want. You can do this
anywhere, anytime. Turn every life situation into a positive one!‖ (Byrne,
2006: 67)
3. Be happy
To help people understand that they are in a positive states, it can
be monitored by how their feelings response. It is because, whatever they
are thinking about, it would affect their feelings.
‖You have two sets of feelings: good feelings and bad feelings. And
you know the difference between the two because one makes you feel good,
and the other makes you feel bad. It's the depression, it's the anger, it's the
resentment, or it’s the guilt. It's those feelings that don't make you feel
empowered. Those are the bad feelings. The flipside to that is that you
have good emotions and good feelings. You know when they come because
they make you feel good. Excitement, joy, gratitude, love, imagine if we
could feel that way every day. When you celebrate the good feelings, you'll
draw to you more good feelings, and things that make you feel good.‖ –
Lisa Nichols (Byrne, 2006:30-32)
So, when people have a bad feeling, it will only make them more
miserable. In His Holly book (Al-Fajr: 28-29), Allah asks us to calm
down, return all the burdens to Him with a full willing and willing by Him.
Whatever the circumstances are, try to make their own feeling happy,
enjoy everything whether in a difficult time or situation. When people feel
good, then it will bring them in a good state.
―If you're feeling good, then you're creating a future that's on track
with your desires. If you're feeling bad, you're creating a future that's off
track with your desires. As you go about your day, the law of attraction is
working in every second. Everything we think and feel is creating our
future. If you're worried or in fear, then you're bringing more of that into
your life throughout the day.‖- Marci Shimoff (Byrne, 2006: 32)
In page 34, there is a suggestion that, start their day with good
feelings. Than a whole day will be fulfilled by good things.
―And in this process it's important to feel good, to be happy,
because when you're feeling good you're putting yourself in the frequency
of what you want.‖- Marci Shimoff (Byrne, 2006: 52)
4. Have a dream
Good feelings transmit very powerful frequency. When people
have these good feelings, then they can ask themselves to have what they
are wanting.
―You can begin right now to feel healthy. You can begin to feel
prosperous. You can begin to feel the love that's surrounding you, even if
it's not there. And what will happen is the universe will correspond to the
nature of your song. The universe will correspond to the nature of that
inner feeling and manifest, because that's the way you feel.‖ – Michael
Bernard Beckwith (Byrne, 2006: 35)
People have to brave to have a great dream to themselves that
make them great and amazing. Don‘t have a dream that is only fulfilling
the atmosphere of their environment. God won‘t let His Followers to feel
weak if they believe on him. As stated in surrah Al-Imran verse 139:
         
―Don’t you act weak, and don’t you feel sad, whereas, you are the
highest quality of people, if you are person who pious‖.
If there are someone makes fun of their dream, and those who are
unsupportive, don‘t let them interfere their feelings. Believe in their own
self or look for some supports from someone that always behind them.
―When you turn that fantasy into a fact, you're in the position to
build bigger and bigger fantasies. And that, my friend, is the Creative
Process.‖ - Bob Proctor (Byrne, 2006: 53)
5. Love
Love is the greatest power in the universe. God Himself is love. He
always love His creations no matter what, who and how they are.
…     …
As for people who are pious really love Allah (K.S. Al-Baqarah:
If people wrap every single idea in their thoughts with love,
everything, and everyone, people life will be transformed. Give love to
their surroundings, because it will create great emotional states.
―The principle of feeling good applies to your family pets, for
instance. Animals are wonderful, because they put you in a great
emotional state. When you feel love for your pet, that great state of love
will bring goodness into your life. And what a gift that is.‖- James Ray
(Byrne, 2006: 38)
When people have a negative thinking about someone else, it is not
that person who harms us, but their own thought, themselves. If people
feel love to another people, that will make them more powerful. There will
be a big different when they want to pursue or achieve something. All
they‘ve done is easier. However, it will be more powerful if what they are
doing aimed to to make people that they love happy or pleased. What will
they get is more abundant and immortal if they compared what they want
to achieve because of revenge. Why? Because, the greater the love people
feel and emit, the greater the power they are harnessing (Byrne, 2006: 43)
6. Optimism
To get what people want, they need to ask, believe and receive.
Ask what they really want in their life, what they‘ll become in their future.
List what they want, so they have a clear vision in their mind, not bias.
Then believe on it, have a faith that they already own it.
―See the things that you want as already yours. Know that they will
come to you at need. Then let them come. Don’t fret and worry about
them. Don’t think about your lack of them as yours, as belonging to you,
as already in your possession.‖ – Robert Collier (1885-1950) (Byrne,
2006: 49)
Many times, people often regret or disappointed when they don‘t
get what they are expecting. Maybe worst, people get stress and frustrated.
Because of the failure, people start to doubt to themselves and worry if
what they want is not become reality. However, God wants people to
remember that:
    
―Thus, actually together with difficulties there is convenience‖
(K.S. Al-Insyirah: 5).
Optimism is a great way to make them feel better and strive on
what people believe and always tries to make it happen, whatever happens.
However, many times people are disappointed if what they are expecting
does not come to be real. The result is, instead of optimistic, they doubt
―Most of the time, when we don't see the things that we've
requested, we get frustrated. We get disappointed. And we begin to
become doubtful. The doubt brings about a feeling of disappointment.
Take that doubt and shift it. Recognize that feeling and replace it with a
feeling of unwavering faith. "I know that it's on its way."- Lisa Nichols
(Byrne, 2006: 52)
Don‘t think about how it comes. As what has been stated in Koran,
surrah Ath-Thalaq versus 3:
            
―Whoever people who believe in Allah, so then He will make the
way out to him/ her, and give him/ her sustenance from a way that is
What people need to do is optimist, or believing in themselves. The
Universe will make it happens by an unexpected way to come to their life.
However, they need to truly believe. Think that they already own it, and
the magic will work by itself.
―You don't need to know how it's going to come about You, don't
need to know how the Universe will rearrange itself‖- DR. Joe Vitale
(Byrne, 2006: 51)
7. Be gratitude
The process to turn people‘s life into a better life is when they are
starting to be grateful about things that make them feel good or happy.
How possible they‘ve been asked to feel good and be happy if they don‘t
feel completed with their circumstance.
"If it is a new thought to you that gratitude brings your whole mind
into closer harmony with the creative energies of the Universe, consider it
well, and you will see that it is true.‖ – Wallace Wattles (1860-1911)
(Byrne, 2006: 74)
Disgruntled people are getting more trouble because they are, in a
way, too much complaining instead of looking for the possible advantages.
They are stuck because they are focusing on the things that make them
weak, uncomfortable, and of course, it feels not good. They ask a lot of
things, why it happens like this, why they‘re like that, why they do not like
them or what so ever. It will not help at all.
          
 
―Actually, if you feel gratitude, I will increase (joy) on you, but if
you disavow (My joy), so then my punishment is very poignant‖ (Q.S.
Ibrahim: 7)
Begin a new step and hope by feel gratitude about everything they
have, and appreciate what God has already been given to them, and ensure
that they feel good about it. In a day, how many times people complain
about something and how many times they say thank you?
―Gratitude has been such a powerful exercise for me. Every
morning I get up and say "Thank you." Every morning, when my feet hit
the floor, "Thank you." And then I start running through what I'm grateful
for, as I'm brushing my teeth and doing the things I do in the morning. And
I'm not just thinking about them and doing some rote routine. I'm putting it
out there and I'm feeling the feelings of gratitude.‖- James Ray (Byrne,
2006: 75)
So, in every occasion, try to always be gratitude about what they
have. It brings a positive emotion that will create a better feeling. So, it’s
very important to have an ―attitude of gratitude.‖- Lee Brower (Byrne,
2006: 79)
8. Make a vision
Visualizing what people dream is also an important step to
realizing their future dream come true. It helps them to remember what
they want to have, to achieve and what will they become in their dream.
The common things that success people have when they were young are
by making a vision board. John Assaraf explained in page eighty nine until
ninety one about his experience practicing to have a vision by using vision
board. He made that vision board when he was young. After he succeeds,
his kid found his vision board at the warehouse. He was surprised that
what he wanted when he was young, with the picture of house that he
wanted, wife he wanted, job he wanted, his vision about his future life
trough that vision board. He doesn‘t know how exactly how it happened,
but in many ways, the universe makes it happen for him because he is
actually already using the law of attraction.
"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming
attractions." Albert Einstein (1879-1955) (Byrne, 2006: 91)
He got what he wanted because, realize it or not, he visualized
what he wanted always, until become a habit, not just a one-time event.
Believe on it, and Allah will make it happens for them, if they are pious to
their God, Allah Subhannahu wa ta’ala.
          
―And then, if you have already determine it, then tawakkal to
Allah. Indeed, Allah loves people who are tawakkal‖ (K.S. Ali-Imran:
B. Style of Presenting The Educational Values in “The Secret” Rhonda
Byrne’s Book
Style in fashion of course has different meaning with style in literature.
Style in literature meaning is the author‘s manner of using the language. It is
also can be said as the choice or arrangement of words into sentences. This
book is written by several authors that make this book different from the other
book. These books contains of many statements from professionals and
scholars of ―The Secret‖ knowledge. Form those teachers, the writer, Rhonda
Byrne, tries to explore and re-explain by her own language about those
teachers explanation.
1. Characterization
Character in literary work is, mostly understood as every person or
entities that appear or be talked in a literary work. Potter (1967: 21) is any
person who figures in literary work, not particularly a peculiar or eccentric
one; sometimes a given character does not actually appear, but is merely
talked about. He also explained that character is divided into two: The
main/major character and the minor character.
The major character here, in this book, of course is the writer
herself, Rhonda Byrne. She is the writer, and the person who has the idea
of writing this book. Then she traveled to United States of America to
gather some supports from teachers who experienced and already has the
skill of applying ―The law of Attraction‖.
The minor character here is the twenty three teachers that give the
main character, Rhonda, their teachings and perspective about how to
apply ―The Secret‖ knowledge. Most of the statements that attached in her
book are from:
1. John Assaraf: He is an International best selling international author,
lecturer, and a business advisor.
2. Michael Bernard Beckwith: He is the founder of the Agape
International Spiritual Center.
3. Lee Brower: Founder and CEO of empowered Wealth as well as
founder of The Quadrant Living experience, LLC.
4. Jack Canfield: Co-creator of the best selling Chicken Soup for the Soul
5. Dr. John Demartini D.C. BSC: He is a Doctor, philosopher, and
international speaker on the subjects of healing and philosophy.
6. Marci Schimoff, MBA: Co-author of Chicken Soup for the Woman’s
Soul and Chicken Soup for the Mother’s Soul as well as co-founder and
president of The Esteem Group, which offers inspirational programs
for women.
7. Dr. Joe Vitale, MSC.D: Certified hypnotherapist, metaphysical
practitioner, ordained minister and Chi Kun healer as well as author of
numerous books concerning principles of success and abundance.
8. Bob Proctor: Author of the international bestseller, You Were Born
9. Lisa Nichols: Founder and CEO of Motivating the Masses and
Motivating the Teen Spirit programs, as well as author of Chicken
Soup for the African American Soul.
In total, there are twenty three (23) people who become the source
of information to explain about the law of attraction. The main character,
Rhonda Byrne, copy the statements of those teachers, and Rhonda make
the further explanations of those. There is no protagonist or antagonist
character in this book, because it is already in one body. The antagonist is
when there is people (readers) who has a negative power, and contradict
with ―the secret‖ teaching. On another hand, the protagonist is people
(readers) who have a positive thinking and apply or follow the teaching of
―The Secret‖.
2. Choosing specific words or diction
Diction is words that are used by the author in his or her writing. In
her book, Rhonda uses exclamation marks, question marks, italicized
words or sentences, or capitalized words or quoted a word or sentences
that she thinks important to be noticed by the reader, in order to deliver the
clue of the teachings, as an example of the thoughts, and also as a
powerful motivation message.
For example:
―When you become aware of this great law, then you become aware of
how incredibly powerful you are, to be able to THINK your life into
existence.‖ (Rhonda, 2006: 15)
―…your feelings are communication back to you from the Universe,
telling you what frequency you are currently on. Your feelings are your
frequency feedback mechanism!‖ (Rhonda, 2006: 33)
From above sentences, people can take the education values of trust and
reminds them that they are strong, keep in positive thinking, and their
feeling affects the result of what they are doing. So, feel happy and
everything will lead them into happiness.
Another example:
―… You can affirm and proclaim, ―This is a magnificent universe. The
Universe is bringing all good things to me. The universe is conspiring for
me in all things. The Universe is supporting me in everything I do. The
universe meets all my needs immediately―. Know that this is a friendly
universe!‖ (Byrne, 2006: 40)
―There is a truth deep down inside of you that have been waiting for you
to discover it, and that Truth is this: you deserve all good things life has to
offer.‖ (Byrne, 2006: 41)
From two sentences above, the writer finds that, if people think
what they have is enough and abundant, then there would be many great
things and supports awaits them to achieve their dream. However, if they
think that live is miserable and they give up, then the universe will not
give them anything and it doesn‘t make them any better. So, they must
believe that they deserve a better life, and they can achieve what they want
in their life if they believe in themselves.
3. Using Imagination
Before, the teachers suggest the readers to visualize or imagine
their dream, then believe on it. Imagination is word or compilation of
words which can be clarifying what is expressed by the author (Waluyo,
2005: 9). In this book, many of the teachers ask the readers to use their
imagination as the example of applying the law of attraction. That is why
Rhonda copies every words of the interview from the teachers, so the
readers will imagine that the writing there is the teacher who speaks
directly to the reader.
There are three imaginations that are used in this book.
1. Visual Imagination
Visual imagination presents word or words which cause what
are illustrated by author can be clearer as if the reader can see it.
(Waluyo, 2005: 10)
―Imagine life as a fast-moving river. When you are acting to
make something happen it will feel as if you are going against the
current of the river. It will feel hard and like a struggle. When you are
acting to receive from the Universe, you will feel as if you are flowing
with the current of the river. It will feel effortless. That is the feeling of
inspired action, and of being in the flow of the Universe and life.‖
(Rhonda, 2006: 55)
In above sentence, Rhonda asks the reader to imagine, and
make a personification to feel the reader‘s life as a moving river, to
make it easier to be comprehended by the reader. Going by the flow is
the message of that sentence. It means that people do not need to feel
rush, but enjoy every process as a learning process in achieving
2. Audible Imagination
Audible imagination itself means that it is an expression
created by the author, so the reader impressing listening sound like
who author describe (Waluyo, 2005: 11). James Ray, tried to make the
readers imagine the story of Aladdin, when the Ginny smokes out from
the lamp:
―If you think about Aladdin and his lamp, Aladdin picks up the
lamp, dusts it off, and out pops the Genie. The Genie always says one
"Your wish is my command!"
The story now goes that there are three wishes, but if you trace
the story back to its origins there's absolutely no limit whatsoever to
the wishes. Think about that one.
Now, let's take this metaphor and apply it to your life.
Remember Aladdin is the one who always asks for what he wants.
Then you've got the Universe at large, which is the Genie. Traditions
have called it so many things—your holy guardian angel, your higher
self. We can put any label on it, and you choose the one that works
best for you, but every tradition has told us there's something bigger
than us. And the Genie always says one thing:
"Your wish is my command!"‖ (Rhonda, 2006: 45-46)
The above example, there are some direct sentences as a dialog,
and if the reader read it, it seems the reader will directly imagine what
Ginny says to the reader in the sentence ―your wish is my command‖.
Therefore, from James explanation, what people think is what they get.
Sometimes worry is important, but what they can do is still stay
positive and optimistic about what will happened next. It will help
them to solve the problems afterwards. Don‘t make those worries
conquer their belief or faith. Instead, keep positive and optimistic.
3. Sensible Imagination
Sensible imagination mostly brings the readers feel touched
about what they are reading about. Sensible imagination is creation
expression by author who is able to influence the feeling so the readers
follow affected his or her feeling (Waluyo, 2005: 11).
For example:
―You can begin right now to feel healthy. You can begin to feel
prosperous. You can begin to feel the love that's surrounding you, even
if it's not there. And what will happen is the universe will correspond
to the nature of your song. The universe will correspond to the nature
of that inner feeling and manifest, because that's the way you
feel.‖(Rhonda, 2006: 35)
―Your thoughts and your feelings create your life. It will
always be that way. Guaranteed!‖ (Rhonda, 2006: 36)
From those two powerful sentences, the writer find about how
important to feel blessed and fulfilled about people condition, and
gratitude. If they have gratitude to God more, than God will give them
more than they expect. If people think that they have no chance
anymore to chance their lives, then their situation will be the same or
getting worse. Like people who commit a suicide. Than his life will
end as what he or she thought. Where actually, God is still giving us
many chance to change their destiny while they are still living in His
C. Significance, Relevance, and Implication Of Education Values in This
Book Towards Learning Motivation
The Secret that was written by Rhonda Byrne is definitely has the
education values to be delivered to the readers. In this part, the writer wants
to show some implications of how the readers take the impact of reading this
book towards learning motivation.
1. The significant of Rhonda Byrne‘s book, ―The Secret‖ towards learning
motivation is: the main writer makes people believe and have a hope that
there is nothing impossible in this world if they believe on it by applying
the law of attractions. The teachers in this book already give the reader so
many reasons why people need to have a great motivation in their life. The
testimony, examples also encourages them that when they believe in their
dream, they will success in the major aspects offered by the writer, success
in health, wealth, and relationship.
2. The values of this book is relevant with surah Asy-Syams verse 7-10,
which has the main idea that God gives good and bad potential. So now, it
depends on people‘s individual struggle to take an effort. By reading this
book, people learn to have a good potential, such as optimistic to face this
world, focus, and have a happy ikhtiar and always feel gratitude with what
God has already given to us. Don‘t be afraid of dreaming high. Don‘t be
stuck on something that people think it is an impossible think to do. Keep
ikhtiar and be positive, and re-think again. Switch those weaknesses as
strength to get what people want in their life.
3. The implication of educational values towards leaning motivation is: by
applying some of the educational values as explained before such as
optimistic, focus, positive thinking etc., and also by the motives of getting
all of the abundance like health, wealth, and good relationship, it will
make people have reason why they should have those behavior, in order to
achieve those goals. They will have higher self esteem, more optimistic, be
gratitude to God, and learn it as the time life goes by. The sense of feeling
gratitude, love, complete, feel comfort and confidence to learn something
new and keep in a good spirit, good motivation will change their attitudes
and their love creates so much more powerful effects, gains the learning
motivation of the reader, and make them happier, comfort, and believe in
Educational values in ―The Secret‖ Rhonda Byrne‘s book make
people have higher ambitions to be fulfilled and dreams to be achieved. To
be it, people need to be optimistic, happy, feel gratitude about what they
already have, be focus on what they want and never turned back again,
positive thinking, dare to dream and have a dream, and have a vision of
what they will have or will be in their future. After they read this book,
they have so much better feeling and understanding about how there is
nothing that is impossible in this Universe, as long as people apply those
values into their life. As the result, people become more confident, and
then they become more enthusiastic to study better and better. There are
many educational values in this book which gain people‘s learning
motivation improved.
A. Conclusion
The problem statements become the basis for the writer to make a
conclusion after analyzing the book. In this chapter, the writer would like to
draw the conclusions as follows:
1. The educational values in ―The Secret‖ Rhonda Byrne‘s book as follows:
a. Focus
b. Positive Thinking
c. Be Happy
d. Have a dream
e. Love
f. Optimism
g. Be gratitude
h. Make a vision
2. The style presenting educational values as follow:
a. Characterization. In this book, the major character is the writer herself,
Rhonda Byrne.
b. Choosing specific words or diction. Diction is the author word‘s
c. Using
imagination, and sensible imagination.
3. The significance, relevance, and implication of educational values in ―The
Secret‖ Rhonda Byrne‘s book towards learning motivation.
a. The significance is: the writer (Rhonda Byrne) with her language
makes people believe and have a hope that there is nothing impossible
in this world if they believe on it by applying the law of attractions.
Her teachers already give the reader so many reasons why people need
to have a great motivation in their life. The testimonies, examples, also
encourage them that when they believe in their dream, they will
success in the major aspects offered by the writer, success in health,
wealth, and relationship.
b. The relevant is: This book is relevant with surah Asy-Syams verse 710, which has the main idea that God gives good and bad potential. So
now, it depends on people‘s individual struggle to take an effort. By
reading this book, people learn to have a good potential, such as
optimistic to face this world, focus, and have a happy ikhtiar and
always feel gratitude with what God has already given to us. Don‘t be
afraid of dreaming high. Keep ikhtiar and be positive, and re-think
again. Switch those weaknesses as strength.
c. The implication is: by applying some of the educational values as
explained before such as optimistic, focus, positive thinking etc., and
also by the motives of getting all of the abundance like health, wealth,
and good relationship, it will make people have reason why they
should have those behavior, in order to achieve those goals. They will
have higher self esteem, more optimistic, be gratitude to God, and
learn it as the time life goes by.
B. Suggestion
Before closing this chapter, the writer needs to give some suggestions
to the reader as follows:
1. For the teachers: the writer recommends the teachers to read this book in
order to make the students more motivated and more positive thinking
about themselves, and make them have a better self-confidence. But the
researcher also suggest teacher to connect the values of this book with the
other teachings, especially religious teaching. So, the students will have a
better understanding about self motivation, and not rely on others, but
2. For students: There are thousands of motivational books spread in the
bookstore. The writer suggests the students to keep looking at many other
kinds of motivational books, in order to complete their knowledge about
self motivation. But all of them are nothing when we do not consider the
best of the best motivational books from God Himself, Al-Qur‘an AlKareem. So, don‘t forget to also read Al-Qur‘an and As-Sunnah as the
main guide of our life.
3. For the Up-coming researchers: the writer finds out that there are still
lacks of resources about educational values for learning spirit. The writer
suggest that the other researcher could gain the more scientific and reliable
recourses about motivation and educational values, especially for the next
researcher from STAIN Salatiga.
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Zulaikhoh, Siti. 2008. Educational values of The Novel ―Even After All of This
Time‖. UN published Thesis. STAIN Salatiga.
Data recourses taken from “The Secret” Rhonda Byrne’s book for
the research entitled “A Descriptive Study on Educational Values
in “The Secret” Rhonda Byrne’s Book”
Data Purpose
To explain about
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To explain about
To explain about
Taken from
―The simplest way for me to look at the
law of attraction is if I think of myself as
magnet, and I know that a magnet will
attract to it‖ – John Assaraf
―And that principle can be summed up in
three simple words, thoughts become
things!‖ – Mike Dooley
―If you are complaining, the law of
attraction will powerfully bring into your
life more situations for you to complain
about. If you are listening to someone else
complain and focusing on that
sympathizing with them, agreeing with
them, in that moment, you are attracting
more situations to yourself to complain
―It really does take many negative
thoughts and persistent negative thinking
to bring something negative into your life.
However, if you persist in thinking
negative thoughts over a period of time,
they will appear in your life. If you worry
about having negative thoughts, you will
attract more worrying about your
negative thoughts, and multiply them at
the same time. Decide right now that you
are going to think only good thoughts. At
the same time, proclaim to the Universe
that all your good thoughts are powerful,
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―Be Happy‖
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―Be Happy‖
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―Be Happy‖
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―Have a Dream‖
and that any negative thoughts are weak.‖
―You can also turn waiting into a
powerful time to create your future life.
Next time you are in a situation where you
are waiting, seize that time and imagine
having all the things you want. You can do
this anywhere, anytime. Turn every life
situation into a positive one!‖
‖You have two sets of feelings: good
feelings and bad feelings. And you know
the difference between the two because
one makes you feel good, and the other
makes you feel bad. It's the depression, it's
the anger, it's the resentment, or it’s the
guilt. It's those feelings that don't make
you feel empowered. Those are the bad
feelings. The flipside to that is that you
have good emotions and good feelings.
You know when they come because they
make you feel good. Excitement, joy,
gratitude, love, imagine if we could feel
that way every day. When you celebrate
the good feelings, you'll draw to you more
good feelings, and things that make you
feel good.‖ – Lisa Nichols
―If you're feeling good, then you're
creating a future that's on track with your
desires. If you're feeling bad, you're
creating a future that's off track with your
desires. As you go about your day, the law
of attraction is working in every second.
Everything we think and feel is creating
our future. If you're worried or in fear,
then you're bringing more of that into
your life throughout the day.‖- Marci
―And in this process it's important to feel
good, to be happy, because when you're
feeling good you're putting yourself in the
frequency of what you want.‖- marci
―You can begin right now to feel healthy.
You can begin to feel prosperous. You can
begin to feel the love that's surrounding
you, even if it's not there. And what will
happen is the universe will correspond to
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―Have a Dream‖
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To Explain about
―Be Gratitude‖
To Explain about
the nature of your song. The universe will
correspond to the nature of that inner
feeling and manifest, because that's the
way you feel.‖ – Michael Bernard
―When you turn that fantasy into a fact,
you're in the position to build bigger and
bigger fantasies. And that, my friend, is
the Creative Process.‖ - Bob Proctor
―The principle of feeling good applies to
your family pets, for instance. Animals are
wonderful, because they put you in a great
emotional state. When you feel love for
your pet, that great state of love will bring
goodness into your life. And what a gift
that is.‖- James Ray
Why? Because, the greater the love people
feel and emit, the greater the power they
are harnessing
―See the things that you want as already
yours. Know that they will come to you at
need. Then let them come. Don’t fret and
worry about them. Don’t think about your
lack of them as yours, as belonging to
you, as already in your possession.‖ –
Robert Collier (1885-1950)
―Most of the time, when we don't see the
things that we've requested, we get
frustrated. We get disappointed. And we
begin to become doubtful. The doubt
brings about a feeling of disappointment.
Take that doubt and shift it. Recognize
that feeling and replace it with a feeling of
unwavering faith. "I know that it's on its
way."- Lisa Nichols
―You don't need to know how it's going to
come about You, don't need to know how
the Universe will rearrange itself‖- DR.
Joe Vitale
"If it is a new thought to you that
gratitude brings your whole mind into
closer harmony with the creative energies
of the Universe, consider it well, and you
will see that it is true.‖ – Wallace Wattles
―Gratitude has been such a
―Be Gratitude‖
To explain about
―Make Vision‖
To explain about
―Make Vision‖
powerful exercise for me. Every morning I
get up and say "Thank you." Every
morning, when my feet hit the floor,
"Thank you." And then I start running
through what I'm grateful for, as I'm
brushing my teeth and doing the things I
do in the morning. And I'm not just
thinking about them and doing some rote
routine. I'm putting it out there and I'm
feeling the feelings of gratitude.‖- James
"Imagination is everything. It is the
preview of life's coming attractions."
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
Knowing the law of attraction, I wanted to really
put it to use and to see what would happen. In
1995 I started to create something called a Vision
Board, where I take something that I want to
achieve, or something that I want to attract, like a
car or a watch or the soul mate of my dreams, and
I put a picture of what I want up on this board.
Every day I would sit in my office and I would look
up at this board and I would start to visualize. I
would really get into the state of having already
acquired it. I was getting ready to move. We put
all the furniture, all the boxes, into storage, and I
made three different moves over a period of five
years. And then I ended up in California and
bought this house, renovated it for a year, and
then had all the stuff brought from my farmer
home five years earlier. One morning my son
Keena came into my office, and one of the boxes
that was sealed for five years was right at the
doorstep. He asked, "What's in the boxes, Daddy?"
And I said, "Those are my Vision Boards/' He then
asked, "What's a Vision Board?" I said, "Well, it's
where I put alt my goals up. I cut them out and I
put all my goals up as something that I want to
achieve in my life." Of course at five and a half
years old he didn't understand, and so I said,
"Sweetheart, let me just show you, that'll be the
easiest way to do it." I cut the box open, and on
one Vision Board was a picture of a home that I
was visualizing five year earlier. What was
shocking was that we were living I that house. Not
a house like it—I actually bought my dream home,
renovated it, and didn't even know it. I looked at
that house and I started to cry, because I was just
blown away. Keenan asked, "Why are you
crying?" "I finally understand how the law of
attraction works. I finally understand the power of
visualization. I finally understand everything that
I've read, everything that I've worked with my
whole life, the way I've built companies. It worked
for my home as well, and I bought our dream
home and didn't even know it."- John Assaraf
When you become aware of this great
Choosing specific
law, then you become aware of how
words of diction
incredibly powerful you are, to be able to
THINK your life into existence.‖
―…your feelings are communication back
to you from the Universe, telling you what
Choosing specific
frequency you are currently on. Your
words of diction
feelings are your frequency feedback
―… You can affirm and proclaim, ―This is
a magnificent universe. The Universe is
bringing all good things to me. The
universe is conspiring for me in all things.
Choosing specific
The Universe is supporting me in
words of diction
everything I do. The universe meets all my
needs immediately―. Know that this is a
friendly universe!‖
―There is a truth deep down inside of you
that have been waiting for you to discover
it, and that Truth is this: you deserve all
good things life has to offer.‖
―Imagine life as a fast-moving river. When
you are acting to make something happen it
will feel as if you are going against the
current of the river. It will feel hard and
like a struggle. When you are acting to
Visual imagination receive from the Universe, you will feel as
if you are flowing with the current of the
river. It will feel effortless. That is the
feeling of inspired action, and of being in
the flow of the Universe and life.‖
Choosing specific
words of diction
―If you think about Aladdin and his lamp,
Aladdin picks up the lamp, dusts it off, and
out pops the Genie. The Genie always says
one thing:
"Your wish is my command!"
The story now goes that there are three
wishes, but if you trace the story back to its
origins there's absolutely no limit
whatsoever to the wishes. Think about that
Now, let's take this metaphor and apply it
to your life. Remember Aladdin is the one
who always asks for what he wants. Then
you've got the Universe at large, which is
the Genie. Traditions have called it so
many things—your holy guardian angel,
your higher self. We can put any label on
it, and you choose the one that works best
for you, but every tradition has told us
there's something bigger than us. And the
Genie always says one thing:
"Your wish is my command!"
―You can begin right now to feel healthy.
You can begin to feel prosperous. You can
begin to feel the love that's surrounding
you, even if it's not there. And what will
happen is the universe will correspond to
the nature of your song. The universe will
correspond to the nature of that inner
feeling and manifest, because that's the
way you feel.‖
―Your thoughts and your feelings create
your life. It will always be that way.
Guaranteed!‖-Lisa Nichols