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Encyclopædia Britannica
Encyclopædia Britannica Online School Edition offers encyclopedia articles and related materials at
three unique reading levels. Encyclopædia Britannica is designed for high school students.
To help you use the site more effectively we’ve created this short tour. It will guide you from the
Encyclopædia Britannica home page through a search results page and then an article page. In
addition, it will show you one example from Britannica’s large collection of Learning Materials.
Navigating the Home Page
The Home Page is an entryway to all the resources available on the site.
Find information quickly and easily by
searching the Encyclopædia Britannica,
magazines and journals, the Web’s Best
Sites, and Britannica videos.
Or use the search box to find definitions
of unfamiliar words.
Simply type a word or phrase in the
search box, select either Encyclopædia
Britannica or Dictionary & Thesaurus,
and click Go.
Historic People and Events
Learn about significant people and events
from the past with Biography of the Day
and This Day in History.
Discover America
This feature gives students instant access
to statistics, summary information,
photos, and flags for all U.S. states.
News from Around the World
The New York Times, BBC News, and SBS
World News feeds keep you informed of
breaking news.
Learning Materials
The Index
Select a subject area to
review concepts learned in
the classroom with
hundreds of interactive
lessons, study guides,
exercises, and activities.
A tool for finding all the
references to a topic in the
Encyclopædia Britannica.
Trace selected topics through history
with illustrations and key dates.
Notable events and people of the recent
past are covered in annual updates.
Britannica Spotlights
Go in-depth with
encyclopedia articles,
images, videos, maps, and
interactivities covering
topics such as Black
History, Women’s History,
and D-Day.
© 2006 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Browse thousands of articles
profiling world leaders, artists,
scientists, authors, and more.
A-Z Browse
Encyclopedia articles displayed
in a traditional alphabetical
Subject Browse
Encyclopedia articles organized
by topic.
Year in Review
Britannica Classics
Read original articles from famous
contributors such as Sigmund Freud,
Marie Curie, and Albert Einstein.
World Atlas
Maps and articles on nations, people,
and places from around the globe are
easily located with this feature.
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Encyclopædia Britannica
Search Results
After entering a word or phrase in the search box and clicking Go, you will see a page that looks
similar to the one below. You can review the results and choose to examine an item more closely, or
try another search.
Find Your Way
Use the links at the top of
any page to return to the
Encyclopædia Britannica Home
Page, browse the
Learning Materials, find
Teachers’ Resources, or
get more Help with the site.
Search Results
Several different sources of
information are available, displayed in
two columns.
Encyclopædia Britannica
One of the most authoritative
information sources in the world with
over 73,000 articles.
Journals and Magazines
A selection of current magazines and
journal articles offer another angle on
topics of interest.
Britannica Concise Encyclopedia
Brief articles for fast answers to a
range of questions.
The Web’s Best Sites
Web sites reviewed by Britannica
editors expand your study across the
A collection of more than 2,000 video
When you find a source that interests
you, click on the link to view the
encyclopedia article, Web site, video,
or magazine article.
New Search
If you’d like to find encyclopedia articles at a lower reading level, you
can view search results from the Compton’s by Britannica or the
Elementary Encyclopedia by entering a word in the Search Again box,
selecting a content source from the menu, and clicking Go.
© 2006 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Search Results
Several different sources of
information are retrieved,
displayed in two columns.
Encyclopædia Britannica
One of the most authoritative
information sources in the world,
with over 73,000 articles.
Additional Content
Journals and Magazines
A selection of current magazines
and journal articles offers
another angle on topics of
Britannica Concise
Brief articles for quick answers to
a range of questions.
The Web’s Best Sites
Over 20,000 Websites reviewed
by our editors that ensure
students safely expand their
study across the Internet.
Multimedia & Videos
A collection of over 12,000
images, illustrations, maps, and
video clips from Britannica’s
Learning Materials
A selection of interactive lessons,
exercises, and study guides
related to your search.
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Encyclopædia Britannica
Article Page
When you view an Encyclopædia Britannica article you will see a page that looks similar to the one
below. Encyclopædia Britannica articles are cross-referenced, and contain images, maps, videos, and
more. The features highlighted here will make exploring this content even easier.
The Article
The text of the article appears in the
center of the page. Links within an article
will direct you to other Encyclopædia
Britannica articles in one simple click.
Buttons at the top of the article provide a
quick way to Print, E-mail, or Cite any
Click on the images or video within the
article for a larger view, or to play the
Related Content
Images, maps, tables, media, and other
articles that are related to the article you
are viewing are easily accessed with these
Note that the numbers to the right
indicate how many additional resources
are available in each of these categories.
If you are unsure
of the meaning of
a word, just
double-click it to
open its definition
in the MerriamWebster Collegiate
Table of Contents
Longer articles are divided into separate
sections. You can go directly to different
sections of the article by clicking the
headings of the article’s Table of
Contents, which appear on the left side of
the page.
Click the plus sign (+) next to a heading to
view subheadings. You can also display the
entire Table of Contents by clicking the
Expand All link at the top.
If you plan to refer to an article in a report
or paper, we provide correctly formatted
citations in MLA, APA, and Britannica
Change Databases
If you’d like to find articles at a different reading level, use the buttons at the bottom of the page to
change your view. Choose Compton’s by Britannica to find content for middle school students, or
Britannica Elementary to find content for younger students. Or you can click the Encyclopædia
Britannica Online School Edition button and search all three databases at once.
© 2006 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
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Encyclopædia Britannica
Learning Materials
Britannica’s collection of Learning Materials can help students perfect their skills and expand their
knowledge. Access Learning Materials by clicking the link at the top of any page. Then select from one
of the main subject areas and choose an activity. Activities open in a new window, as seen below.
Choosing Learning Materials
In each subject area, Learning
Materials are grouped into
narrower subjects as well as into
different types of activities.
To open an activity, simply click
on the title. It will open in a
new browser window.
If you have difficulty opening
any of the Learning Materials,
make sure you have the proper
software plug-in. Links to plugins are provided when
Curriculum Standards
More Learning
If you would like to
browse the
Learning Materials
in a different
subject, you can
use the links in the
left column to
access them
All of the Britannica Learning
Materials have been correlated
to state standards. Click on the
button next to the
activity title to see how the
activity measures up in your
Earth’s Magnetic Field
When you click on one of the
Learning Materials, it will open
in a new window. Each activity
is different, so please read the
directions provided in the
activity you have chosen.
Many activities contain
worksheets, quizzes, and other
classroom materials for use by
teachers and students.
© 2006 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
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