Datasheet No.10 Revised 2009, WKS MOHAWK COLLEGE OF APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION SCIENCES DEPARTMENT Unconfined Compression Test REFERENCES: Bowles, J. E. Engineering Properties of Soils and Their Measurement INTRODUCTION The unconfined compression test is still used as a means of rapidly evaluating the shear strength of cohesive soils although it is gradually losing favour. The unconfined compressive strength is the maximum load attained per unit area or the load at 15% axial strain, whichever occurs first on a cylindrical sample tested in compression. The shear strength is taken as equal to 1/2 the unconfined compressive strength. In practice the test specimens are usually obtained by extruding thin-wall tube samples. The length to diameter ratio of the specimen should be between 2 and 3. Two types of loading devices are permitted, either strain controlled or stress controlled. In practice strain controlled loading is now almost universally used for this test. In the strain controlled test the rate of loading is controlled so as to produce a uniform axial strain. In the stress controlled test the rate of loading is controlled so as to produce a uniform increase in axial load. In this laboratory, strain control will be used and the compression machines will be adjusted to a rate of loading which will provide 15% axial strain on the sample in approximately 10 minutes. Sensitivity of a cohesive soil is defined as the undisturbed strength of the soil divided by the remolded strength. The sensitivity cannot be less than 1. For most local clays, the sensitivity is between 1 and 3. For some highly sensitive clays it can exceed 10 and, in some cases, be so high that it cannot even be accurately measured. The most accurate method of determining sensitivity involves use of the laboratory vane shear apparatus. Two devices used to check the unconfined strength or shear strength in the field are the Torvane and the Pocket Penetrometrer. You will use both and compare the results with that obtained from the unconfined test. The results of this lab will also be compared to the results of a triaxial compression test performed in a later lab. It is therefore necessary to retain a copy of all the results from this lab. 1 APPARATUS: Compression testing machine with proving ring and dial gauge to measure deformation (0.01 m x 25 mm). Vernier caliper for measuring sample. Miscellaneous apparatus: Spatulas, wire saws, balances, moisture tins, etc. PROCEDURE: 1. The loading device should have been adjusted so that the loading rate will be approximately that which will produce 15% strain in 10 minutes. (Check with the instructor that this has been done). 2. Readings of the load and deformation should be taken at increments of 0.5 mm strain. 3. If a wax coating is on the specimens, carefully remove it. Using a mitre box trim the ends square and to a length of between 100 and 104 mm; determine and record on DS 10 the exact length and the average diameter (to 0.1 mm) of the specimen and its mass to 0.1 g. Davg = (Dt + 2Dm + Db)/4 where: Davg = Average diameter of the specimen Dt = Average diameter at the top of the specimen Dm = Average diameter at the middle of the specimen Db = Average diameter at the bottom of the specimen 4. Based on the specimen length, determine the strain dial reading that would correspond to 15% strain and highlight on DS 10. 5. Insert the specimen in the machine and bring the top platen in contact with the top of the specimen using the manual feed. Zero the deformation and load dials and commence the test. Using motor operation, take readings of the load and deformation dial readings at the specified intervals (0.5 mm). 6. Continue to take dial readings until the loads fall off in two successive readings or two readings beyond the 15% strain value. 2 7. Upon completion cut the specimen in two and carry out: a) a Torvane test in each new face of the specimen and record the average shear strength results in kg/cm2. b) several Pocket Penetrometer tests in the faces and record the average unconfined compressive strength equivalents in kg/cm2. (Note: the unconfined equivalents will be approximately double the shear readings). 8. Weigh the specimen again for a percent moisture determination, recording masses to 0.1 g on DS 10. CALCULATIONS AND REPORT: 1. Calculate the axial strain, εa for each reading as follows: εa ∆L L0 where: ∆L = change in length of the specimen read from the dial gauge L0 = initial length of the test specimen 2. Calculate the average cross-sectional area, A', for each reading as follows: A' A0 1 - εa where: A0 = the original average area of the specimen in mm2 3. Calculate the load per unit area (unconfined compressive stress), qu for each reading as follows: qu P 1000 in kPa A' where: 3 P = applied axial load in N 4. Prepare a graph showing stress (y-axis) vs. percent strain (x-axis) for the test. The unconfined compressive strength, quf is determined as the maximum value of load per unit area in kPa if before 15% strain or otherwise that at 15% strain. 5. The shear strength is equal to half the unconfined compressive strength: quf 2 where: τf f = shear strength quf = unconfined compressive strength 6. Calculate the results of the Torvane rests and the Pocket Penetrometer readings in kPa (1 kg/cm2 = 98.1 kPa). Compare the shear strength determined from the "Torvane" test with that obtained by halving both the "Pocket Penetrometer" readings and the maximum unconfined compression test result. NOTE: The maximum possible Torvane reading is 1 kg/cm2! 7. Using the moisture content found, the pre-test mass of the specimen and assuming a specific gravity of 2.750, estimate the degree of saturation of the original specimen. If this assumption appears to produce a negative volume of air in the specimen then report the specific gravity value obtained by assuming saturation. Report this together with the moisture content and density in kg/m3. 8. Include labelled sketches of the "Pocket Penetrometer" and the "Torvane" showing the scales and units of measurement as well as any pertinent dimensions. 4