SAT Vocabulary Words

Verbs - a word used to
Cite – (Verb) – to reference as an
authority; quote
Coerce – (Verb) – use of force or
intimidation to get results; intimidation;
Commend – (Verb) – to present as
worthy of notice or praise; recommend
Complement – (Verb) – something that
completes or makes perfect; enhancement
Compromised – (Verb) – to make
vulnerable; exposed; revealed
Concede – (Verb) – to acknowledge as
true or proper; admit; give in
Contrive – (Verb) – to plan or scheme;
devise; invent
Convey – (Verb) – to bring or
communicate; express
Cultivate – (Verb) – to develop through
education or training; acquire
Debunk – (Verb) – to expose as false;
disprove; discredit
Decry – (Verb) – to denounce as faulty or
worthless; denigrate; to criticize
Denounce – (Verb) – to condemn openly
or publicly; condemn; censure; accuse
Depict – (Verb) – to represent or
characterize; portray
Deplore – (Verb) – to regret deeply or
strongly; lament
Deprecate – (Verb) – to express
disapproval of; belittle; denounce
Deride – (Verb) – having or expressing
contempt or mocking; laugh at; ridicule
Differentiate – (Verb) – to perceive the
difference between; discriminate; discern
Discern – (Verb) – to perceive or
recognize; distinguish; differentiate
Discredit – (Verb) – to injure the credit
or reputation of; disprove; rebut; to shame
Dismay – (Verb) – to cause to lose
courage or resolution out of fear or
anxiety; appall; daunt
Disparage – (Verb) – to belittle, or bring
reproach or discredit upon; mock; ridicule
Dispel – (Verb) – to drive off; to eliminate;
disperse; dissipate; to scatter
describe an action, state, or
occurrence, and forming the
main part of the base of a
Abase – (Verb) – deprive of self-esteem,
confidence; belittle
Acquiesce – (Verb) – to submit without
protest; assent; agree
Advocate – (Verb) - to speak or write in
favor of; support
Alleviate – (Verb) – to make easier to
endure; lessen; mitigate
Allude – (Verb) – to refer casually or
indirectly; imply; hint
Appropriated – (Verb) – to take
possession of; seized; stolen
Assuage – (Verb) – to make milder or
less severe; ease; mitigate
Augment – (Verb) – to make larger;
amplify; enlarge
Belabor – (Verb) – to explain or work at
something beyond what is necessary;
overwork; rehash
Belie – (Verb) – to show to be false;
disprove; contradict
Belittle – (Verb) – to regard as less
impressive or less important; deprecate;
Bolster – (Verb) – to support or hold up;
boost; buoy
Burgeon – (Verb) – to grow or develop
quickly; flourish
Capitulate – (Verb) – to give up
resistance; surrender
Captivate – (Verb) – to attract or hold
the interest of; enthrall; mesmerize
Chronicle – (Verb) – a record or history;
Circumscribe – (Verb) – to draw a line
around or enclose; encircle; delineate
1 Disseminate – (Verb) – to scatter or
Implicate – (Verb) – to show to also be
spread widely; disperse; dispel
Dissent – (Verb) – to disagree or act
against; dissatisfaction; opposition
Distinguish – (Verb) – to mark as
different; differentiate
Elaborate – (Verb) – to develop
thoroughly; expand; develop
Elicit – (Verb) – to draw out or bring forth;
evoke; to prompt
Embellish – (Verb) – to beautify or
enhance; exaggerate; elaborate
Embody – (Verb) – to express or
exemplify in concrete form; manifest;
incarnate; represent; symbolize
Endorse – (Verb) – to approve or
support; authorize; recommend
Enhance – (Verb) – to raise to a higher
degree; improve; intensify; increase; to
Enumerate – (Verb) – to number or list;
add up; count; tally
Eradicate – (Verb) – to remove or
destroy completely; eliminate
Evoke – (Verb) – to call up or produce;
elicit; suggest; conjure
Exacerbate – (Verb) – to increase in
severity; aggravate; increase
Excoriate – (Verb) – to criticize or
berate severely; attack; denounce
Exonerate – (Verb) – to clear from guilt
or blame; absolve; pardon; forgive; acquit
Exploit – (Verb) – to use selfishly for
profit; capitalize
Fabricate – (Verb) – to create or make
something up; to lie
Fallible – (Verb) – liable to be wrong or
false; faulty; imperfect; weak
Formulate – (Verb) – to devise or
develop as a method; conceive; frame;
Foster – (Verb) – to promote growth or
development; encourage; assist; substitute
Impede – (Verb) – to stop or hinder
progress; encumber; obstruct; delay;
involved, generally in crime; imply;
incriminate; accuse
Impose – (Verb) – to establish as a
requirement; dictate; enforce; execute;
carry out; force
Improvise – (Verb) – to compose, recite,
or play on the spur of the moment; invent;
Impugn – (Verb) – to challenge as false;
denounce; doubt; dispute
Incorporate – (Verb) – to put into or
introduce as an integral part; integrate;
join; unite
Inhibit – (Verb) – to restrain or hinder;
restrict; constrain; prevent
Inured – (Verb) – accustomed to
hardship or difficulty; toughen; harden;
Invoke – (Verb) – to call for or pray for;
appeal; entreat; summon
Lament – (Verb) – to feel or express
sorrow or grief; bemoan; wail; cry
Laud – (Verb) – to praise; extol; acclaim;
Mitigate – (Verb) – to lessen in intensity;
moderate; alleviate; lessen; ease
Mock – (Verb) – to attack or treat with
ridicule; jeer; to make fun of
Mollify – (Verb) – to soften in feeling or
temper; appease; pacify; calm; soothe
Obfuscate – (Verb) – to confuse,
bewilder, or stupefy; obscure; unclear;
Obliterate – (Verb) – to destroy
completely; eradicate; eliminate; demolish
Perplex – (Verb) – to puzzle or bewilder;
Polarize – (Verb) – to divide into
opposites; separate; split
Portend – (Verb) – to indicate in
advance; foreshadow; foretell; predict
Procrastinate – (Verb) – to defer
action; delay; postpone
Provoke – (Verb) – to anger or enrage;
aggravate; irritate
2 Rally – (Verb) – to organize or inspire;
encourage; demonstration; gathering;
Rebut – (Verb) – to refute by evidence or
support; discredit; disprove; deny
Refute – (Verb) – to prove wrong;
disprove; rebut
Regenerate – (Verb) – to bring into
existence again; restore; renew; revive
Remonstrate – (Verb) – to say or plead
in protest or disapproval; challenge; argue
Renounce – (Verb) – to give up
voluntarily; relinquish; reject; abandon
Repress – (Verb) – to keep under
control; suppress; stifle; limit
Repudiate – (Verb) – to reject as false;
Scrutiny – (Verb) – close searching or
examination; review; analysis; study;
Squander – (Verb) – to spend or use
Substantiate – (Verb) – to establish by
proof or evidence; prove; support;
validate; verify
Supplant – (Verb) – to replace one thing
with another; substitute
Suppress – (Verb) – to keep in or
repress; hold back
Sustain – (Verb) – to support, hold, or
bear up; maintain; withstand; tolerate;
Undermine – (Verb) – to injure or
destroy; undercut; damage
Underscore – (Verb) – to stress or
emphasize; feature; accentuate; highlight;
Validate – (Verb) – to make valid or
confirm; approve; legalize; authenticate;
Waver – (Verb) – to sway, shake or
tremble; vacillate; falter; hesitate