Chemistry Temperature & Specific Heat Worksheet

Name ______________________________________ Pd _____ Date ___________________ Chemistry Temperature & Specific Heat Worksheet Temperature Conversions 1. Complete the table below: Celsius Kelvin Fahrenheit Celsius Kelvin Fahrenheit 37.0°C 224 K -­‐27°C 875 K 114°F 200 K 65.3°F 0°C 62°C 0 K 72°F 0°F 25°C 100°C -­‐25°F 100 K 145°C 100°F 2. Your friend from France came to visit you in January. When she was packing for the trip she went on and found that the average temperature in Annville is 31°. Why did she pack shorts, sleeveless tops and no coat? 3. You have a friend who is using a recipe for flan from a Mexican cookbook. You notice that he set your oven temperature at 175°F. What would you advise him to do? 4. What the one characteristic of the Kelvin scale that is not a characteristic of either the Celsius or Fahrenheit temperature scales? Units of Energy Conversions Use conversion factors and dimensional analysis to answer these problems. 1 calorie = 4.184 joules. 5. A person uses 550 kcal of energy to run a race. Convert the energy used for the race to the following energy units: a. Calories b. Joules c. Kilojoules 6. Convert each of the following energy units: a. 3500 cal to kcal b. 415 J to cal c. 28 cal to kJ 7. Convert each of the following energy units: a. 8.1 kcal to cal b. 325 J to kJ c. 2.50 kcal to J 8. A burning match releases 1100 J of energy. Convert the energy released by 20 matches to the following energy units: a. Kilojoules b. Calories 9. It takes 4184 J of energy to raise the temperature of 1.000 kg of water 1.000 °C. a. How many joules does it take to raise the temperature of 1.50 kg of water 1.00 °C? b. How many calories does it take to raise the temperature of 1.0 kg of water 15.5 °C? Specific Heat Calculations 10. Water has a specific heat of 4.184 J/g·∙°C. a. How much energy must be added to 1450 g of water to raise the temperature from 5.5 °C to 29.0 °C? b. How much energy is removed from 10.55 kg of water to lower the temperature from 22.5°C to 3.0°C? c. Adding 550 calories of energy raised the temperature of water from 10.0 °C to 13.25 °C. What was the mass of the water? 11. Iron has a specific heat of 0.45 J/g·∙°C. a. How much energy must be added to 376 g of iron to raise the temperature from 25.5 °C to 429.0°C? b. Removing 9550 kcal of energy lowered the temperature of iron from 100.0 °C to 73.25 °C. What was the mass of the iron? c. 19770 J of energy was added to 5.80 kg of iron. If the iron was originally at 25.0°C what was the final temperature of the iron? 12. Steam has a specific heat of 1.90 J/g·∙°C. a. How much energy must be added to 125 kg of steam to raise the temperature from 105.5 °C to 129.0°C? b. How much energy must be removed from 1520 g of steam to lower the temperature from 202.5°C to 100.0 °C? c. 109 kJ of energy was added to 2.50 kg of steam. If the steam was originally at 100.0°C what was the final temperature of the steam? 13. What is the specific heat of a substance if 525 calories of energy increases the temperature of 10.0 g of the substance 5.75°C? 14. What is the specific heat of a substance if removing 95.0 J of energy decreases the temperature of 5.0 g of the substance from 23.5°C to 18.1°C? 