AP Government Reading Quiz #1 Chapter 2 1. Why was

AP Government
Reading Quiz #1
Chapter 2
Please answer FIVE of the following questions:
1. Why was the MAIN goal of the American Revolution liberty?
2. Name two reasons why the Articles of Confederation failed to provide for a long
lasting government in America?
-No levy of taxes, or regulate commerce, weak president, no national
judicial system, unanimous approval for revisions
3. Why did Shay’s Rebellion lead to the Constitutional Convention?
-rebellion of ex-soldiers showed that it was necessary to make change to
protect America.
4. Why did America pick a Republic style of government over a direct democracy?
5. Define, who is involved, why is it important and example for the following terms:
- enumerated, reserved and concurrent powers.
6. Name two formal methods of amending the Constitution.
AP Government
Chapter 3
Please answer THREE of the following questions.
1. Why does federalism increase political activity?
-more access points
2. How does the “necessary and proper clause” affect federalism?
-expands federal power at expense of states
3. Define, how it works, who is in involved, why is it important and example:
-voters directly determine policy
4. Describe (define, and tell how) one of the three forces driving devolution in the
recent decade.
-public opinion supporting devolution, deep mistrust of gov’t, wasteful
programs and deficit spending
AP Government
Chapter 4 Reading Quiz
Please answer three of the following questions.
1. Discuss one reason democracy flourished in America according to Tocqueville.
-abundant soil, vast territory created opportunities for people to
acquire land and make a living, no feudal aristocracy, minimal
taxes, few legal restraints.
2. What did Gunnar Myrdal note as the “American Dilemma”? How has his
observation affected American political culture?
-race relations; forced America to augment democracy
3. True or False: American are less likely than the average European to believe in God, to
pray on a daily basis, and to acknowledge clear standards of right or wrong.
3. Define orthodox and progressive.
- Orthodox- morality and religion are most important
- Progressive- personal freedom and solving social problems are more
important than religion
4. According to figure 4.2 in the text book, public confidence in highest in which
institution in 2004?
AP Government
Chapter 7 Reading Quiz
Please answer three of the following questions.
1. Based on chapter 7, discuss one check on public opinion?
- majority rule, rep gov’t, federalism, separation of powers, Bill of
Rights, and an independent judiciary.
2. Define exit polls.
-polls based on interviews conducted on Election Day with
randomly selected voters.
3. Which ethnic group is most closely aligned with Anglo- Americans?
-Asian Americans
4. Define political elite.
- persons with a disproportionate share of political power
5. According to figure 7.3, (Gender Gap) how do Americans describe their views on most
political matters?
AP Government
Chapter 8 Reading Quiz
Please answer three of the following questions.
1. Discuss one other way (besides voting) to participate in politics mentioned in the
- joining civic groups, supporting social movements, writing to legislators,
fighting city hall
2. Originally, who set the parameters and qualifications for who could vote?
-the States
3. According to the text, why has voter turnout decline seemed more apparent than
- because of voter fraud
4. Define Australian ballot.
-anonymous ballot cast in private to cut down on vote buying and voter
5. Describe the difference between voting-age population and voting eligible
-voting age population= all persons of voting age
-voting eligible population= all persons of voting age that retain right to
vote (i.e. non felons, citizens etc).
AP Government
Chapter 9 Reading Quiz
Please answer three of the following questions.
1. Define the MAIN goal of a political party.
-to win elections
2. Define a critical or realigning periods.
-lack of close competition of the parties, and the switch from
domination of one party to another due to a shift in popular coalitions
supporting one or both parties
3. Define superdelegate.
-party leaders and elected officials that cast a vote at the national party
4. Discuss one cause of the decline of political parties.
-primary system, candidate centered elections, media
AP Government
Chapter 10 Reading Quiz
Please answer FOUR of the following questions.
1. According to the text, discuss two reasons why presidential candidates must work
harder and spend more money than congressional candidates.
-Prez races more competitive, much smaller group of peeps vote in off year elections,
low voter turnout, services to constituents, & ability of Congressmen to duck
2. Define the coattails effect.
- a popular presidential candidate could help congressional candidates in his/her
own party, sharp decline due to split ticket voting
3. Define malapportionment.
-drawing the boundaries of legislative districts so that they are unequal in
4. Define sophomore surge.
- an increase in the voters congressional candidates usually get when they first run
for releection
5. According to figure 10.2 in the text, the growth of PACs has occurred in which
6. Define 527 organizations and independent expenditures.
- independent expenditures- spending by political action committees,
corporations, or labor unions that is done to help a party or candidate not affiliated
with campaign
-527- organizations that, under 527 of the internal revenue code, raise & spend $
to advance political causes, an example of an independent expenditures
AP Government
Chapter 11 Reading Quiz
Please answer FOUR of the following questions.
1. Discuss one of the three reasons (stated in the chapter) why interest groups are so
common today.
-more cleavages, many access points due to federalism, weakened
2. True or False: Americans have a greater sense of political efficacy and stronger
sense of civic duty than many European nations.
-True (p. 269)
3. Identify the largest interest group in America.
4. According to figure 11.1, what has happened to Union membership since the
1940s? Explain one cause of this.
-Union membership decreasing. Shift away from industrial
production towards service industry, decline of public support for
5. Define political cue.
-a signal telling a legislator what values are at stake in the vote, &
how that issue fits into his/her own political views on party agenda.
6. Identify one reason why ratings by interest groups are important for legislators.
-can generate support or opposition, helpful sources of info.
AP Government
Chapter 12 Reading Quiz
Please answer FOUR of the following questions.
1. Discuss one of the two potential limits to the freedom of privately owned
newspapers and broadcast stations.
-profit industry and media bias
2. According to figure 12.1, which age demographic has become least interested in
political news?
-Young voters (under 30), p. 298
3. According to the text, what has happened to the degree of competition in
newspapers since 1900?
-It has decreased from 60% in 1900 to 4% in 1972
4. Define prior restraint.
-no censorship
5. True of False. Members of the national media tend to be more liberal and secular.
-True (p. 303)
6. Discuss one reason for the many news leaks?
- decentralization of the gov’t and separation of powers
AP Government
Chapter 13 Reading Quiz
Please answer FOUR of the following questions.
1. Define filibuster.
-an attempt to defeat a bill in the Senate by talking to prevent it from being
voted on
2. Explain one reason why the proportion of members serving their first or second
terms in 1995 had risen sharply.
-redistricting of 1990, voter disgust, Republican victory in 1994
2. Define conservative coalition.
- an alliance between Republican and conservative Democrats
3. Explain one reason for the rise of party polarization.
- gerrymandering, voters becoming more partisan in parties, role
of seniority
5. According to chapter 13, define caucus.
-group of like minded individuals in Congress
6. Explain the importance of a discharge petition in the House.
-can get a stalled bill out of committee to be brought to the floor
AP Government
Chapter 14 Reading Quiz
Please answer FOUR of the following questions.
1. Define divided government.
-one party controls white house and other party controls Congress
2. Discuss one negative of gridlock.
- causes delays, intensifies deliberation, forces compromises, nothing gets
3. According to the text, who chooses the President if there is no majority in the
Electoral College?
-House of Reps
4. Discuss one trend of Presidential popularity during his term in office.
-loses popularity over time
5. Define bully pulpit.
-using prestige, media access of the Prez to gain public support
6. Explain impoundment of funds.
-Prez refuse to spend money appropriated by Congress
AP Government
Chapter 15 Quiz
Please answer THREE of the following questions.
1. Define discretionary authority.
2. Discuss one constraint on a government agency.
-APA, FIA, NEPA, multiple agencies working at cross purpose, gov’t acts
3. Define issue network.
4. Discuss one method Congress uses to exercise oversight over the bureaucracy.
- congressional approval, authorization legislation, appropriation
5..Define legislative veto.
AP Government
Chapter 16 Quiz
Please answer THREE of the following questions.
1. Explain one reason why Federalist #78 said the judiciary branch would be least
dangerous to political rights.
-did not have the purse nor the sword
2. Define senatorial courtesy.
3. According to Figure 16.2, which president had the highest percentage of women
appointed to the courts?
4. Define stare decisis.
5. Discuss two checks on judicial power.
- no police force or army, senate approval, number of judges, jurisdiction,
AP Government
Reading Quiz #1
Chapters 2
Please answer FOUR of the following questions:
1. What was the MAIN goal of the American Revolution?
2. Name two reasons why the Articles of Confederation failed to provide for a long
lasting government in America?
3. What was Shay’s Rebellion and how did it advance the Constitutional
4. Define Republic. Compare this concept with direct democracy.
5. Define enumerated, reserved and concurrent powers.
6. Name two formal methods of amending the Constitution.
AP Government
Chapter 3
Please answer THREE of the following questions.
1. How does federalism increase political activity?
2. How does the “necessary and proper clause” affect federalism?
3. Define Referendum.
4. Describe one of the three forces driving devolution in the recent decade.
AP Government
Chapter 4 Reading Quiz
Please answer three of the following questions.
1. Discuss one reason democracy flourished in America according to Tocqueville.
2. What did Gunnar Myrdal note as the “American Dilemma”? How has his
observation affected American political culture?
3. True or False: American are less likely than the average European to believe in
God, to pray on a daily basis, and to acknowledge clear standards of right or wrong.
4.Define orthodox and progressive.
5. According to figure 4.2 in the text book, public confidence in highest in which
institution in 2004?
AP Government
Chapter 7 Reading Quiz
Please answer three of the following questions.
1. Based on chapter 7, discuss one check on public opinion?
2. Define exit polls.
3. Which ethnic group is most closely aligned with Anglo- Americans?
4. Define political elite.
5. According to figure 7.3, how do Americans describe their views on most political
AP Government
Chapter 8 Reading Quiz
Please answer three of the following questions.
1. Discuss one other way (besides voting) to participate in politics mentioned in the
2. Originally, who set the parameters and qualifications for who could vote?
3. According to the text, why has voter turnout decline seemed more apparent than
4. Define Australian ballot.
5. Describe the difference between voting-age population and voting eligible
AP Government
Chapter 9 Reading Quiz
Please answer three of the following questions.
1. Define the MAIN goal of a political party.
2. Define a critical or realigning periods.
3. Define superdelegate.
4. Discuss one cause of the decline of political parties.
AP Government
Chapter 10 Reading Quiz
Please answer FOUR of the following questions.
1. According to the text, discuss two reasons why presidential candidates must work
harder and spend more money than congressional candidates.
2. Define the coattails effect.
3. Define malapportionment.
4. Define sophomore surge.
5. According to figure 10.2 in the text, the growth of PACs has occurred in which
6. Define 527 organizations and independent expenditures.
AP Government
Chapter 11 Reading Quiz
Please answer FOUR of the following questions.
1. Discuss one of the three reasons (stated in the chapter) why interest groups are so
common today.
2. True or False: Americans have a greater sense of political efficacy and stronger
sense of civic duty than many European nations.
3. Identify the largest interest group in America.
4. According to figure 11.1, what has happened to Union membership since the
1940s? Explain one cause of this.
5. Define political cue.
6. Identify one reason why ratings by interest groups are important for legislators.
AP Government
Chapter 12 Reading Quiz
Please answer FOUR of the following questions.
1. Discuss one of the two potential limits to the freedom of privately owned
newspapers and broadcast stations.
2. According to figure 12.1, which age demographic has become least interested in
political news?
3. According to the text, what has happened to the degree of competition in
newspapers since 1900?
4. Define prior restraint.
5. True of False. Members of the national media tend to be more liberal and secular.
6. Discuss one reason for the many news leaks?
AP Government
Chapter 13 Reading Quiz
Please answer FOUR of the following questions.
1. Define filibuster.
2. Explain one reason why the proportion of members serving their first or second
terms in 1995 had risen sharply.
4. Define conservative coalition.
5. Explain one reason for the rise of party polarization.
2. According to chapter 13, define caucus.
3. Explain the importance of a discharge petition in the House.
AP Government
Chapter 14 Reading Quiz
Please answer FOUR of the following questions.
1. Define divided government.
2.Discuss one negative of gridlock.
3.According to the text, who chooses the President if there is no majority in the
Electoral College?
4.Discuss one trend of Presidential popularity during his term in office.
5. Define bully pulpit.
6. Explain impoundment of funds.
AP Government
Chapter 15 Quiz
Please answer THREE of the following questions.
1. Define discretionary authority.
2. Discuss one constraint on a government agency.
3. Define issue network.
4. Discuss one method Congress uses to exercise oversight over the bureaucracy.
5..Define legislative veto.
AP Government
Chapter 16 Quiz
Please answer THREE of the following questions.
1. Explain one reason why Federalist #78 said the judiciary branch would be least
dangerous to political rights.
2. Define senatorial courtesy.
3. According to Figure 16.2, which president had the highest percentage of women
appointed to the courts?
4. Define stare decisis.
5. Discuss two checks on judicial power.