CEU Quiz: published in the January 2015 issue of Compliance & Ethics Professional Magazine To receive 1.0 non-live Compliance Certification Board (CCB) CEU for the following quiz, at least three questions must be answered correctly. Only the first attempt at each quiz will be accepted. Compliance & Ethics Professional Magazine quizzes are valid for 12 months, beginning with the first month of issue. This quiz expires December 31, 2015. After reading “A different kind of employee training: Exam interviews” (page 71), you should be able to answer the following questions: 1. The curriculum for training employees to perform well during exam interviews should include instructions to A. answer only the question asked of you, then pause to see if the interviewer asks follow-up questions B. answer the question, but if the interviewer is non-responsive, quickly explain your answer in another way C. be transparent with the interviewer, and answer each question with as many details as you can remember D. give the most plausible explanation if you are not sure of the answer to a question 2. Which of the following is True? A. Common sense and thinking ahead are key to interviewing well B. Employees should be given scripted answers to possible interview questions C. An errant remark can always be corrected or cleared up after the interview D. Interviewing well is a learned skill that requires preparation and practice LEARNING OBJECTIVE After reading “Universal values and global compliance programs” (page 75), you should be able to answer the following question: 3. Global compliance programs with policies that are seen as “too progressive” in a local culture A. are not a cost-effective way to meet budgets when entering several foreign markets at once B. may be hard to enforce if some employees see their managers as cultural “traitors” C. may tend to drive away women, LGBT, or other talented candidates D. will be voluntarily adopted, after the employees have been given enough training and incentives LEARNING OBJECTIVE After reading “The ends do not justify the means: Performance management and ethics” (page 41), you should be able to answer the following question: 4. When engaging employees to participate in the organization’s goal to establish and maintain an ethical culture, A. define in the broadest possible terms the values and ethical behavior to be measured B. ensure the assessments used to measure ethical behavior are perceived as fair by employees C. reward meeting sales/performance goals; meeting ethical standards should be expected D. use a performance management program to guarantee behavioral change Compliance & Ethics Professional Continuing Education Form For correctly answering SCCE’s Compliance & Ethics Professional magazine quiz, you will receive 1.0 non-live Compliance Certification Board (CCB) CEU. Read the articles, and the quiz questions on page one. Mark your answers in the “Quiz Answers” section below. Please fax, email or mail the completed form to: Compliance Certification Board 6500 Barrie Road, Suite 250 Minneapolis, MN 55435 Fax: +1 952 988 0146 | email: ccb@compliancecertification.org | Phone: +1 952 933 4977 or 888 277 4977 CONTACT INFORMATION Mr. Mrs. Ms. QUIZ ANSWERS: JANUARY 2015 Dr. SCCE Member ID Article: “A different kind of employee training: Exam interviews” (page 71) Applicant Name Please indicate your answers. Place of Employment Work Street Address Work City Work State Work Phone Work Fax Work Zip A B C D 2. A B C D Article: “Universal values and global compliance programs” (page 75) Please indicate your answer. 3. Work E-mail A B C D Article: “The ends do not justify the means: Performance management and ethics” (page 41) Home Street Address Please indicate your answer. 4. Home City Home State 1. A B C D Home Zip Home Phone ATTENDANCE VERIFICATION By signing below, I certify that I have read the SCCE Compliance & Ethics Professional articles that relate to the questions I have answered above. I further certify I will cooperate with the CCB in all administrative functions related to the accreditation of this program and its subsequent recognition as a program fulfilling candidate requirements for CCB certification. Signature ____________________________________________ Date _______________________________