(A) Books John Fahy & David Jobber (2012) Foundations of Marketing, 4th edition, London: McGrawHill. David Jobber and John Fahy (2009) Foundations of Marketing, 3rd edition, London: McGraw-Hill David Jobber and John Fahy (2006) Foundations of Marketing, 2nd edition, London: McGraw-Hill David Jobber and John Fahy (2003) Foundations of Marketing, London: McGraw-Hill John Fahy (2001) The Role of Resources in Global Competition, London: Routledge (B) Refereed Journal Articles Annmarie Ryan and John Fahy (forthcoming), ‘Evolving priorities in sponsorship: From media management to network management, Journal of Marketing Management, Breda Kenny and John Fahy (2011), ‘Network resources and international performance in high tech SMEs,’ Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development: Special Issue on International Entrepreneurship, Vol. 18 No. 3, 529-555. Anthony Foley and John Fahy (2009), ‘Commentary: Seeing marketing orientation through a capabilities lens’, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 43. No. 1/2, 13-20. Breda Kenny and John Fahy (2006), ‘Examining the links between international business networks and performance in international trade: A research agenda,’ International Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Vol. 6, No. 6, 490-507. John Fahy, Graham Hooley, Gordon Greenley and John Cadogan (2006), What is a Marketing Resource? A Response to Gibbert, Golfetto and Zerbini, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 59, 152-154. Tara Frawley and John Fahy (2005), ‘Revisiting the First-Mover Advantage Theory: A Resource-based perspective,’ Irish Journal of Management, Special Issue, 273-295. Sinead Moloney, John Fahy and Siobhan McAleer (2005), ‘Market Orientation: A Study in the Irish Context, Irish Journal of Management, Vol. 26, No. 1, 41-60. Graham Hooley, Gordon Greenley, John Cadogan and John Fahy (2005), ‘The performance impact of marketing resources,’ Journal of Business Research, Vol. 58, 18-27. Richard T. Hise, Jong-Kuk Shin, Moshe Davidow, John Fahy, Roberto Solano-Mendez and Lisa Troy (2004), ‘A cross-cultural analysis of the geographical knowledge of US, Irish, Israeli, Mexican and South Korean business school students,’ Journal of Teaching in International Business, Vol. 15, No. 3, 7-26. Anthony Foley and John Fahy (2004), ‘Towards a further understanding of the development of market orientation in the firm: A conceptual framework based on the market sensing capability,’ Journal of Strategic Marketing, Vol. 12, December, 219-229. John Fahy, Francis Farrelly and Pascale Quester (2004), ‘Competitive advantage through sponsorship: A conceptual model and research propositions,’ European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 38, No. 8, 1013-1030. Anthony Foley and John Fahy (2004), ‘Incongruity between expression and experience: The role of imagery in supporting the positioning of a tourism destination brand,’ Journal of Brand Management, Vol. 11, No. 3, 209-217. Annmarie Ryan and John Fahy (2003), ‘A relationship marketing perspective on the sponsorship of the Arts in Ireland: A Galway arts festival-Nortel Networks case study,’ Irish Marketing Review, Vol. 16, No. 1, 31-42. John Fahy, Graham Hooley, Jozsef Beracs, Krysztof Fonfara and Vladimir Gabrijan (2003), ‘Privatisation and sustainable competitive advantage in the emerging economies of Central Europe,’ Management International Review, Vol. 43, No. 4, 407-428. Graham Hooley, John Fahy, Gordon Greenley, Jozsef Beracs, Krzysztof Fonfara and Boris Snoj (2003), ‘Market orientation in the service sector of the transition economies of Central Europe,’ European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 37, No. 1/2, 86-106. Dympna O’Callaghan and John Fahy (2002), ‘Is the Internet dumbing down marketing,’ Irish Marketing Review, Vol. 15, No. 2, 59-70. John Fahy and Graham Hooley (2002), ‘Sustainable competitive advantage in electronic business: towards a contingency perspective on the resource-based view,’ Journal of Strategic Marketing, Vol. 10, No. 4, 241-253. John Fahy (2001), ‘A resource-based analysis of sustainable competitive advantage in a global environment,’ International Business Review, Vol. 11, No. 1, 57-78. Graham Hooley, Gordon Greenley, John Fahy and John Cadogan (2001), ‘Market-Focused resources, competitive positioning and firm performance,’ Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. 17, No. 5/6, July, 503-520. Graham Hooley, Tony Cox, John Fahy, David Shipley, Joszef Beracs, Krzysztof Fonfara and Boris Snoj (2000), ‘Market Orientation in the Transition Economies of Central Europe: Tests of the Narver and Slater Market Orientation Scales’ Journal of Business Research, Vol. 50, No. 3, 273-285. Fahy, John, Graham Hooley, Tony Cox, Jozsef Beracs, Krzysztof Fonfara and Boris Snoj (2000), ‘The development and impact of marketing capabilities in Central Europe’ Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 31, No. 1, First Quarter, 63-81. Fahy, John (2000), ‘The resource-based view of the firm: Some stumbling blocks on the road to understanding sustainable competitive advantage,’ Journal of European Industrial Training, Vol. 24, Nos. 2/3/4, 94-104. Fahy, John and Alan Smithee (1999), ‘Strategic Marketing and the Resource-Based View of the Firm,’ Academy of Marketing Science Review [Online], 99 (10), Available: http://www.amsreview.org/amsrev/theory/fahy10-99.html. Hooley, Graham, John Fahy, Tony Cox, Jozsef Beracs, Krsyzstof Fonfara and Boris Snoj (1999), ‘Marketing Capabilities and Firm Performance: A Hierarchical Model,’ Journal of Market-Focused Management, Vol. 4, No. 3 (October), 259-278. McHugh, Gerard, John Fahy and Patrick Butler, (1998) “Accountants Behaving Badly: A Marketing Perspective,” Irish Marketing Review, Vol. 11, No. 1, 19-26. Hooley, Graham, Jozsef Beracs, Tony Cox, John Fahy and Svetla Marinova, (1998) “International Joint Ventures and Greenfield Investments: A Comparative Study of Approaches, Strategies and Performance in Hungary, Research in Marketing, Vol. 14, 87-122. Fahy, John, (1998) “Improving Response Rates in Cross-Cultural Mail Surveys” Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 27, No. 6 (November), 459-467. Fahy, John, (1998) “Resources and Global Competitive Advantage: A Study of the Automotive Components Industry in Ireland,” Irish Marketing Review, Vol. 10, No. 2, 3-14. Fahy, John, David Shipley, Colin Egan, Bill Neale, (1998) “Motives and Experiences of IJV Partners in Hungary,” Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Vol. 13, No. 2/3, 155163. Hooley, Graham, David Shipley, John Fahy, Tony Cox, Jozsef Beracs and Krisztina Kolos (1996), “Foreign Direct Investment in Hungary: Resource Acquisiton and Domestic Competitive Advantage, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 27, No. 4 (Fourth Quarter), 683-709. Fahy, John (1996), "Competitive Advantage in International Services: A Resource-Based View, International Studies in Organisation and Management, Vol. 26, No. 2 (Summer), 2437. Shipley, David, John Fahy, Colin Egan and Tormond Haugen (1995), "Perceptions of Agency Executives on Dimensions of Press Advertising Effectiveness, Journal of Marketing Communications, Vol. 1, No. 2, 91-104. Fahy, John, Denise Smart, William Pride and O. C. Ferrell (1995), "Advertising Sensitive Products," International Journal of Advertising, Vol. 14, No. 3 (September), 231-243. Fahy, John and Fuyuki Taguchi (1995) "Reassessing The Japanese Distribution System," Sloan Management Review, Vol. 36, No. 2, (Winter) 49-61. Fahy, John and Fuyuki Taguchi (1994) "Japan's New Look Distribution Systems," Senshu Business Review, No. 59 (October), 95-127. Sakurai, Michiharu and John Fahy (1994) "Investment Justification in CIM," Research on Accounting, The Institute for Accounting Study, Senshu University, Japan, No. 20 (March), 37-65. Fahy, John, (1994), "Learning From the Currency Crisis of 1992," Irish Marketing Review, Vol. 7, 83-91. Bharadwaj, Sundar G., P. Rajan Varadarajan and John Fahy (1993), "Sustainable Competitive Advantage in Service Industries: A Conceptual Model and Research Propositions," Journal of Marketing, Vol. 57, No. 3 (October), 83-99. Fahy, John (1993), "An Analysis of Competition in the New Europe," European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 27, No. 5, 42-53. • Reprinted in Perspectives on Marketing and Management in Ireland, Mary Lambkin and Tony Meenaghan (eds.), Dublin: Oak Tree Press, 1994, 393-408. * Reprinted in Critical Perspectives on Business and Management, Michael Baker (ed.), Volume V, London: Routledge, 2001, Fahy, John (1993), "How Service Companies Can Attain a Sustainable Competitive Advantage ," The Irish Marketing Review, Vol. 6, 29-37. • Reprinted in Marketing in Action: Learning from a Small Country, Aidan O’Driscoll (ed.), Dublin: Mercury Publications, 1997, 63-72. (C) Refereed Conference Proceedings Breda Kenny and John Fahy (2011), ‘Network Operation and international performance of high-tech SMEs’, The Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) Group, 27th Annual Conference, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, August 30 – Sept. 3. Breda Kenny and John Fahy (2011), ‘International performance of high-tech SMEs: The role of network resources’, in AIB (UK and Ireland), 38th Annual Conference 2011, University of Edinburgh, April 14-16. John Fahy, Luigi M. DeLuca, Graham Hooley and Sarakate Hurley (2010), A competitive positioning analysis of UK universities, in Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Annual Conference, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, 29 November – 1 December, 2010. Breda Kenny and John Fahy (2010), ‘Converging themes: Networks, international performance and the telecoms sector,’ in AIB (UK and Ireland), 37th Annual Conference 2010, Trinity College, Dublin, 8-10 April, 2010. John Fahy, SaraKate Hurley, Graham Hooley and Luigi M. DeLuca (2009), Resources, capabilities and competition in higher education, in Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Annual Conference, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 30 November – 2 December, 2009. Breda Kenny and John Fahy (2009), ‘A network perspective on international business: Evidence from SMEs in the telecommunications sector in Ireland’, in AIB (UK and Ireland) Research Colloquium, University of Dublin, Trinity College, 11 December, 2009. Breda Kenny and John Fahy (2009), ‘Network resources and international performance in the telecommunications sector,’ in AIB (UK & Ireland) 36th Annual Conference 2009, University of Glasgow, UK, 2-4 April, 2009. Kenny, Breda and John Fahy (2008), ‘A capabilities perspective on networks and international performance of SMEs’ in Academy of International Business UK Annual Conference, University of Portsmouth, UK, March 27-29th. Ryan, Annmarie, Lisa O'Malley, and John Fahy (2007), "Toward a Theory of Transformative Business Relationships in Marketing: Conceptual Framework and Research Propositions," in The 2007 AMA Winter Marketing Educators' Conference. San Diego, California. Ryan, Annmarie, Lisa O'Malley, and John Fahy (2006), "Capturing Relationship Dynamics: Developing a theory of Transformative Business Relationships". 4th Nordic Workshop on Relationship Dynamics, NoRD2006. Yli-Ii, Finland, October 8-10th. Moloney, Sinead, John Fahy and Siobhan McAleer (2005) An Analysis of the Marketing Resources Supporting Alternative Competitive Positions, Irish Academy of Management 8th Annual Conference, Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, Galway, 7-9 September, 2005. Frawley, T. and John Fahy (2005), Revisiting the First Mover Advantage Theory: A Resource-Based Perspective, Irish Academy of Management 8th Annual Conference, GalwayMayo Institute of Technology, Galway, 7-9 September, 2005. Moloney, Sinead, John Fahy and Siobhan McAleer (2005) ‘An analysis of the impact of resources and capabilities on performance,’ Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin, 5-7 July, 2005. Frawley, Tara and John Fahy (2005), ‘Revisiting the first mover advantage theory: The case of the search engine industry, Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin, 5-7 July, 2005. Foley, Anthony and John Fahy (2005), ‘Towards resolving difficulties with the conceptualization of market orientation: A framework based on the market-sensing capability,’ 12th Biennial World Marketing Congress, Muenster, Germany, 6-9 July, 2005. Moloney, Sinead, John Fahy and Siobhan McAleer (2004), ‘Market orientation: A study in the Irish context,’ Irish Academy of Management Annual Conference, Trinity College, Dublin, 2-4 September, 2004. Kenny, Breda and John Fahy (2004), ‘Examining the links between international business networks and international trade: A research agenda,’ AIBUK Annual Conference, University of Ulster, Magee College, Derry, 23-25 April, 2004. Foley, Anthony and John Fahy (2003), ‘Exploring antecedents to market orientation in micro enterprises, British Academy of Management Annual Conference, Leeds Business School, 15-17 September, 2003. Ryan, Annmarie and John Fahy (2003), ‘Moving beyond short-term objectives towards a relational approach to the art-sponsorship interface,’ Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Aston University, Birmingham, UK, July 8-10, 2002. Ryan, Annmarie and John Fahy (2002), ‘The arts-management interface: A relationship marketing perspective on sponsorship of the arts in Ireland,’ at the Irish Academy of Management Annual Conference, Waterford Institute of Technology, Waterford, September 5-6, 2002. Hooley, G. J., Greenley G. E., Cadogan, J. W., Muhlbacher, H. and Fahy John (2001), ‘Towards a measure of marketing resource,’ In Bridging Marketing Theory and Practice Proceedings of the ANZMAC Conference, 1-5 December 2001, Auckland, New Zealand, Book of Abstracts p 67. Full paper on CD Rom Ed., Chetty, S. and Collins, B. ISBN 0-47308206-3. Hooley, G.J., Greenley, G.E., Fahy, John and Cadogan, J.W. (2001) “Market-focused Resources, Competitive Positioning, and Firm Performance” In: Strong (Ed) 2001 - A Marketing Odyssey Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Abstract page 45, full paper on CD ROM – best paper at conference award Farrelly, Francis, John Fahy and Pascale Quester (2000), ‘A resource-based view of sponsorship management and implementation: Resource identification and categorization, Proceedings of the Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference, Griffith University, December, 327-332. Fahy, John, Francis Farrelly and Pascale Quester (2000), ‘A resource-based perspective of sponsorship management and implementation’, in Marketing in a Global Economy, The International Marketing Educators Conference, AMA, June 28-July 1, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 125-131. Fahy, John and Dermot Duff (2000), ‘Customer Service Improvement Through Action Learning’ in Irish Academy of Management Conference Proceedings, Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin, 210-211. Hooley, Graham, John Fahy, Tony Cox, Joszef Beracs, Krsyzstof Fonfara and Boris Snoj (2000), ‘Marketing resources and the resource of marketing’ in Marketing in the New Millenium: 29th EMAC Conference Proceedings, Berend Wierenga, Ale Smidts and Gerrit Antonides (eds.), Rotterdam, Netherlands, 98. Cox, Tony, Graham Hooley, Krzysztof Fonfara and John Fahy (1999), ‘Does Market Orientation Lead to Better Company Performance in Poland,’ in On Global Perspectives in Marketing for the 21st Century: Proceedings of the 9th World Marketing Congress, Ajay K. Manrai and H. Lee Meadow (eds.), Qawra, Malta, 345-348. Fahy, John, Graham Hooley, Tony Cox, Jozsef Beracs, Krysztof Fonfara and Vladimir Gabrijan, (1999), ‘Privatisation and Sustainable Competitive Advantage in the Emerging Economies of Central Europe,’ in Marketing and Competition in the Information Age: 28th EMAC Conference Proceedings, Lutz Hildebrandt, Dirk Annacker and Daniel Klapper (eds.), Berlin, Germany, 22 pages on CD Rom. Cox, Tony, Graham Hooley, John Fahy, Krzystof Fonfara (1999), ‘The Balance of MacroLevel and Company Level Influences on Market Orientation and Company Performance in Poland,’ in Marketing and Competition in the Information Age: 28th EMAC Conference Proceedings, Lutz Hildebrandt, Dirk Annacker and Daniel Klapper (eds.), Berlin, Germany, 22 Pages on CD Rom. Fahy, John, Graham Hooley, Tony Cox, Krzysztof Fonfara, Jozsef Beracs and Boris Snoj (1998), “The Acquisition and Deployment of Marketing Capabilities: Findings from Hungary, Poland and Slovenia,” in the Transformation of Global Firms and the Global Economy: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, WU-Wien, Austria, 60. Hooley, Graham, John Fahy, Tony Cox, Jozsef Beracs, Krzysztof Fonfara and Boris Snoj (1998), “Marketing Capabilities and Firm Performance: A Hierarchical Model,” in the 1998 Academy of Marketing Annual Conference Proceedings, Sheffied Hallam University, UK, 292-299. Cox, Tony, Graham Hooley, John Fahy, Jozsef Beracs, Krzysztof Fonfara and Boris Snoj (1998), “Privatisation Method Effects on Performance and Market Orientation of Central/Eastern European Companies,”in the 1998 Academy of Marketing Annual Conference Proceedings, Sheffied Hallam University, UK, 140-145. Hooley, Graham, Tony Cox, John Fahy, David Shipley, Jozsef Beracs, Krzystof Fonfara and Boris Snoj (1998), “Market Orientation in the Transition Economies of Central Europe, in the Proceedings of the 27th EMAC Conference, Track 5, Per Andersson (ed.), Stockholm, Sweden, 479-498. Cox, Tony, Graham Hooley, Gordon Greenley, John Fahy, Joszef Beracs, Krzysztof Fonfara and Boris Snoj (1998), “Market Orientation of Privatised Hungarian, Polish, and Slovenian Companies as a Systemic Reflection of National Privatisation Methods, in the Proceedings of the 27th EMAC Conference, Track 2, Per Andersson (ed.), Stockholm, Sweden, 277-296. Fahy, John, Graham Hooley, Tony Cox and John Fahy (1998), “Foreign Direct Investment, Economic Transition and the Impact on Marketing Practice in Slovenia,” in International Business and Emerging Markets, Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference, Academy of International Business, UK Chapter, Carla C. J. M. Miller and Chong Ju Choi (eds.), City University Business School, London, 189-203. Fahy, John (1996), “Reconciling Duality in Competitive Strategy: Resources and Advantage,” in Academy of International Business Annual Conference Proceedings, Stan Paliwoda and Randy Russell (eds.), Banff, Canada, 47. Fahy, John (1996), “A Resource-Based Perspective on Global Competition: Conceptual Model and Research Propositions, in International Business: Taking Stock and Moving Forward, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the UK Academy of International Business, Graham Hooley, Ray Loveridge and David Wilson (eds.), Aston University, Birmingham, 449. Fahy, John, (1994), "The Impact of Regulatory Changes on Japanese Distribution," in Marketing: Unity in Diversity, Marketing Education Group (MEG), Annual Conference Proceedings, University of Ulster, 352-360. Fahy, John and David Shipley (1993), "Globalisation: Towards a Research Agenda," in Emerging Issues in Marketing, Marketing Education Group (MEG) Annual Conference Proceedings, Loughborough University, 319-328. David Shipley, John Fahy, Colin Egan and Tormod Haugen (1993), "Insights on Design Determinants of Effective Press Advertisements," in Emerging Issues in Marketing, Marketing Education Group (MEG) Annual Conference Proceedings, Loughborough University, 871-880. Bharadwaj, Sundar G., John Fahy and P. Rajan Varadarajan (1992), "Sustainable Competitive Advantage in Services Industries: A Conceptual Model and Research Propositions," in Developments in Marketing Science, V. L. Crittenden, (ed.), San Diego, CA: American Marketing Association. Fahy, John (1992), "Consumer Behaviour in Services Industries: Taxonomy and Research Propositions," in Marketing: Perspectives for the 1990s, Robert L. King, (ed.), Richmond VA: Southern Marketing Association, 362-365. Fahy, John (1992), "Competitive Changes in the New Europe: Perspectives from the Structural Analysis of Industries," Association for Global Business Conference Proceedings, Thomas I. Kindel, (ed.), New Orleans, Association for Global Business, 236-244. Fahy, John (1990), "Market Entry Strategy in the New Europe," in Progress in Marketing Thought, L.M. Capella, H.W. Nash, J.M. Starling and R.D. Taylor, Editors, Mississippi State, M.S.: Southern Marketing Association, 449-452. (D) Book Chapters Breda Kenny and John Fahy (2011), ‘SME’s networking capability and financial performance’, in Inter-firm Networks, Advances in Business Marketing and Purchasing, Vol. 17, A. Woodside & R. Baxter (eds.), USA: Emerald Publishing, 199-376. Breda Kenny and John Fahy (2011), ‘Converging themes: Networks, international performance and the telecoms sector,’ in Firm-Level Internationalisation, Regionalism and Globalisation, E. Hutson, R. Sinkovics and J. Berrili (eds.), Houndsmills, Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave MacMillan, 263-291. Fahy, John, Graham Hooley, Tony Cox and Boris Snoj (2000) ‘Foreign Direct Investment, Economic Transition and the Impact on Marketing Practice in Slovenia’ in International Business: Emerging Issues and Emerging Markets, Carla C. J. M. Miller, Robert M. Grant and Chong Ju Choi (eds.), London: MacMillan Press Ltd, 221-237. Fahy, John and Taguchi, Fuyuki (2000), ‘Japan’s Second Distribution Revolution: The Penetration of Global Retail Formats,’ in Japanese Distribution Strategy, Michael Czinkota and Masaaki Kotabe (eds.), London: Thomson Businesss Press, 298-309. Fahy, John, (1998) "The Challenges of International Marketing," in The CIM Handbook of Strategic Marketing, Colin Egan and Michael J. Thomas (eds.), Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann, 194-208. Fahy, John, (1998), "The Role of Resources in Global Competition," in Internationalisation: Process, Context and Markets, Graham Hooley, Ray Loveridge and David Wilson (eds.), London: Macmillan Press, 122-135. Fahy, John (1995), "Pricing in International Markets: A European Experience" in the International Lecture Series: Principles of Marketing, 4th edition, Thomas C. Kinnear, Kenneth L. Bernhardt and Kathleen A. Krentler (eds.), New York: NY; HarperCollins College Publishers, 83-93. Murray, John A. and John Fahy (1994), "The Marketing Environment," in The European Business Environment, Neill Nugent and Rory O'Donnell (eds.), London; McMillan Press Ltd, 183-198. (E) Book Reviews Fahy, John (2000) No Logo by Naomi Klein, London: Harper Collins Publishers, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 64, No. 3 (July), 115-117). Fahy, John, (1998) Postmodern Marketing by Stephen Brown, London: Routledge, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 62, No. 1 (January), 121-123. Fahy, John (1993), The Outnation: A Search for the Soul of Japan by Jonathan Rauch, Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, Management, Vol. 40, No. 5, 51. Fahy, John (1991), Crowning the Customer by Fergal Quinn, Dublin: O' Brien Press, Irish Marketing Review, Vol. 5, 79-80. (F) Case Studies Breda Kenny and John Fahy (2010), ‘Surecom Network Solutions Ltd: In a World of Pots and Pans!,’ Irish Business Journal Case Study Edition, Vol. 5, No. 1, 46-54. European Case Clearing House, Case Ref: 810-022-1; Video Ref: 810-022-3; Teaching Note Ref: 810-022-8. Fahy, John (2005), ‘PEI: Developing a customer service strategy,’ in Cases in Marketing Management and Strategy, Vol. 4, Catherine Kilbride & Gerry Mortimer (eds.) Dublin: ColourBooks Ltd, 2005, 1-25. Fahy, John (2001), ‘Mitsubishi Ireland: The Launch of Black Diamond,’ European Case Clearing House, Case Ref: 502-053-1, Teaching Note Ref: 502-053-8. * Case printed in Cases in Marketing Management and Strategy, Vol. 3, Gerry Mortimer (ed.), Dublin: ColourBooks Ltd, 2002, 20-45. * Case reprinted in Principles and Practice of Marketing, 3rd edition, David Jobber, London: McGraw-Hill, 2001, 625-634. * Case reprinted in Principles and Practice of Marketing, 4th edition, David Jobber, London: McGraw-Hill, 2004, 740-848. Fahy, John (2001), ‘Sylvan Ireland,’ in Principles and Practice of Marketing, 3rd edition, David Jobber, London: McGraw-Hill, 2001, 30-32. Fahy, John (1996), “Mitsubishi Electric Ireland Ltd (MEIR): Managing a Powershift in the Distribution Channel,” European Case Clearing House, Case Ref: 596-002-1, Teaching Note Ref: 596-002-8, Transparencies Ref: 596-002-7. * Case printed in Case Studies in Marketing, Anthony C. Cunningham, James J. Ward and Catherine Kilbride (eds.), Dublin: Oak Tree Press, 1995, 109-128. * Case reprinted in Principles and Practice of Marketing, 2nd Edition, David Jobber, London: McGraw-Hill, 1998, 478-490. * Case reprinted in Managing Marketing: Concepts and Irish Cases, 2nd edition, J. A. Murray and A. O’DriscolI, Gill & MacMillan, Dublin, 1999, 544-560. * Case reprinted in Principles and Practice of Marketing, 3rd edition, David Jobber, London: McGraw-Hill, 2001, 549-560. * Case available at www.businesscases.org, Case No. 57. Fahy, John (1993), "Optimeyes: Revolutionising the Ophthalmics Industry in Ireland," European Case Clearing House, Case Ref. 593-035-1, Teaching Note Ref. 593-035-8. * Case printed in IMTA/MII Case Study Project, Dublin: The Marketing Institute, 51-80. * Case reprinted in Principles and Practice of Marketing, David Jobber, London: McGrawHill, 1996, 542-553. Teaching Note reprinted in Principles and Practice of Marketing: Instructor's Manual, David Jobber (ed.), London, McGraw-Hill,1996, 99-102. * Case reprinted in European Casebook on Entrepreneurship and New Ventures, David Molian and Benoit Leleux (eds.), London: Prentice-Hall, 1997, 129-152. * Case reprinted in Principles and Practice of Marketing, 2nd Edition, David Jobber, London: McGraw-Hill, 1998, 514-523. * Case reprinted in Managing Marketing: Concepts and Irish Cases, 2nd edition, J. A. Murray and A. O’DriscolI, Gill & MacMillan, Dublin, 1999, 70-82. Fahy, John (1993) Aritech (A): The Global Security Market (21 Pages: Unpublished) Fahy, John (1992) Container and Pressure Vessels (CPV) Ltd: A Small Irish Firm In A Global Business (38 Pages: Unpublished, Used for the Trinity Business Alumni Annual Case Day held at Trinity College, Dublin in 1995) (G) Other Publications Fahy, John, Sinead Moloney and Siobhan McAleer (2004), Marketing in the 21st Century: A Study of Practice and Performance in Ireland, UL/IMI Centre for Marketing Studies, Limerick. Fahy, John (2000), ‘Building an e-business strategy’ Running Your Business, Vol. 6, No. 4, (August/September), 18-20. Fahy, John (2000), ‘Building an e-Business Strategy,’ Report and Video presented at New Market Challenges: The National Management Conference, Irish Management Institute, Killarney. Butler, Patrick and John Fahy (1999), ‘Getting the Right Perspective,’ Decision, (March), 44-46. Fahy, John (1995), "Japanese Distribution: Worth a Second Look?," Foresight Business Journal, 15, 16. Fahy, John and Fuyuki Taguchi (1995), "Change in Japan May Signal Opportunity," Sunday Business Post, Vol. 7, No. 10 (March 5), 32. Fahy, John (1994), "Views From the East," Management, Vol. 41, No. 4, (May), 27, 28. Fahy, John (1994), "Japanese Distribution: Are We Seeing Some Real Change," The Marketing Institute News, Vol. 7, No. 4 (May), 8, 9. Fahy, John (1994), "Japanese Advertising Goes Back To Basics," Irish Marketing Journal, Vol. 20, No. 1 (January), 9. Fahy, John (1993), "Export Opportunities in Japan," The Marketing Institute News, Vol. 6, No. 7, (November), 5. Fahy, John (1993), "Emerging Opportunities in the Czech Republic," The Marketing Institute News, Vol. 6. No. 4 (September), 4, 5. (H) Research Awards Irish Academy of Management Best Doctoral Paper Award (2005) at the 2005 Irish Academy of Management Annual Conference for ‘Revisiting the First Mover Advantage Theory: A Resource-Based Perspective,’ (With Tara Frawley). Marketing Institute Biennial Case Study Competition (2003) Overall Winner for ‘PEI: Developing a Customer Service Strategy’. ECCH, National Case Writing Competition, Ireland (2002), Overall Winner for ‘Mitsubishi Ireland: The Launch of Black Diamond’. Marketing Institute Biennial Case Study Competition (2001), Runner-Up for "Mitsubishi Ireland: The Launch of Black Diamond’. Chartered Institute of Marketing Best Paper Award (2001) at the 2001 Academy of Marketing Annual Conference for ‘Market-focused resources, competitive positioning and firm performance’ (With Graham Hooley, Gordon Greenley, John Cadogan). Best Doctoral Paper Award (1996) at the UK Academy of International Business for “A Resource-Based Perspective on Global Competition: Conceptual Model and Research Hypotheses”. Marketing Institute Biennial Case Study Competition (1995), Runner-Up for "Mitsubishi Electric Ireland Ltd (MEIR): Managing A Powershift in the Distribution Channel. Outstanding Author Award (1994) awarded by the Literati Club for "An Analysis of Competition in the New Europe" in the European Journal of Marketing. Services Marketing Paper of the Year (1993) awarded by the AMA Services Marketing Special Interest Group for "Sustainable Competitive Advantage in Services Industries: A Conceptual Model and Research Propositions" (With Sundar G. Bharadwaj and P. Rajan Varadarajan) in the Journal of Marketing. Marketing Institute Biennial Case Study Competition (1993), Runner-Up for "Optimeyes: Revolutionising the Ophthalmics Industry in Ireland". Best Doctoral Paper Award (1993), Runner-Up at Marketing Education Group (MEG) Annual Conference (1993), for "Globalisation: Towards A Research Agenda" (With David Shipley). Wayne DeLozier Award (1992) for the Best Paper at the 1992 Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science for "Sustainable Competitive Advantage in Services Industries: A Conceptual Model and Research Propositions" (With Sundar G. Bharadwaj and P. Rajan Varadarajan).