To Kill a Mockingbird Vocabulary Ch. 1-5: Fill in the definitions from the dictionary in your own words. 1. assuage a. verbb. c. I assuaged his guilt at tripping me during the race by telling him I knew it was an accident. 2. taciturn a. adjectiveb. c. This class is taciturn in first period before they’ve woken up. 3. vapid a. adjectiveb. c. The Super Bowl commercials were really boring and vapid this year. 4. vexation a. nounb. c. Kenji was full of vexation about the test that was on Monday. 5. mortification a. nounb. c. Louise was mortified when she realized that she had showed up an hour late to the track meet. 6. auspicious a. adjectiveb. c. We knew it was an auspicious time for Barack Obama to be running for President. 7. benevolence a. nounb. c. His benevolence in loaning me some money meant I didn’t have to go without lunch 8. edification a. nounb. c. The teacher gave us a weekly vocabulary list for our edification. To Kill a Mockingbird Vocabulary Ch. 6-8: Fill in the definitions from the dictionary in your own words, and write a definitive sentence using the word. 1. prowess, p, 55 a. noun b. c. 2. ramshackle, p. 57 a. adjective b. c. 3. malignant, p. 60 a. adjective b. c. 4. vigil, p. 67 a. noun b. c. 5. unfathomable, p. 68 a. adjective b. c. 6. procure, p. 71 a. verb b. c. 7. caricature, p. 72 a. noun b. c. 8. quell, p. 75 a. verb b. c. To Kill a Mockingbird Vocabulary Ch. 9-11: Fill in the definitions from the dictionary in your own words, and write a definitive sentence using the word. 1. Ingenuous, a. adjective b. honest, honorable, straightforward c. 2. Wary a. adjective b. showing watchfulness and caution c. 3. Obstreperous a. adjective b. uncontrollably noisy or unruly c. 4. Vehemently a. adverb b. passionately, powerfully c. 5. Passé a. adjective b. behind the times, outdated c. 6. Umbrage a. noun b. personal offense, used in sentences as “to take umbrage” c. 7. Undulate a. verb b. to move in waves c. 8. Cantankerous a. adjective b. ill-natured, quarrelsome c. To Kill a Mockingbird Vocabulary Ch. 12-15: Fill in the definitions from the dictionary in your own words, and write a definitive sentence using the word. 1. altercation a. noun b. c. 2. austere a. adjective b. c. 3. prerogative a. noun b. c. 4. oblique a. adjective b. c. 5. infallible a. adjective b. c. 6. acquiescence a. noun b. c. 7. futility a. noun b. c. 8. venerable a. adjective b. c. To Kill a Mockingbird Vocabulary Ch. 16-20: Write a definitive sentence using the word. 1. formidable a. adjective b. causing fear, dread, or apprehension c. 2. acrimonious a. adjective b. biting or angry in feeling, language or behavior c. 3. haughty a. adjective b. arrogant, or disdainfully proud c. 4. mollified a. verb b. to calm or ease bad feelings c. 5. sullen a. adjective b. showing irritation or bad mood, sulky, gloomy c. 6. impudent a. adjective b. insolent, arrogant boldness or disregard of others c. 7. discreet a. adjective b. cautious, careful c. 8. temerity a. noun b. the quality of foolish boldness, recklessness c. To Kill a Mockingbird Vocabulary Ch. 21-24: Fill in the definitions from the dictionary in your own words, and write a definitive sentence using the word. 1. cynical a. adjective b. Definition c. Definitive Sentence 2. feral a. adjective b. Definition c. Definitive Sentence 3. credibility a. noun b. Definition c. Definitive Sentence 4. furtive a. adjective b. Definition c. Definitive Sentence 5. adamant a. adjective b. Definition c. Definitive Sentence 6. sordid a. adjective b. Definition c. Definitive Sentence 7. impertinence a. noun b. Definition c. Definitive Sentence 8. martyred a. verb b. Definition c. Definitive Sentence To Kill a Mockingbird Vocabulary Ch. 25-31: Fill in the definitions from the dictionary in your own words, and write a definitive sentence using the word. 1. persecuted a. verb b. harassed, made to suffer for one’s beliefs c. Definitive Sentence2. notoriety a. noun b. the condition of being well known for being bad c. Definitive Sentence3. stealthily a. adverb b. sneakily, secretively c. Definitive Sentence4. irascible a. adjective b. having a got temper, and easily provoked to anger, cranky, grouchy c. Definitive Sentence5. staccato a. adjective b. short, abrupt, usually related to music or sound c. Definitive Sentence6. garish a. adjective b. excessively bright or decorated, flashy, gaudy c. Definitive Sentence7. stolid a. adjective b. unemotional c. Definitive Sentence8. apprehensive a. adjective b. fearful, filled with anxiety c. Definitive Sentence-