Test Information
Introduction to
© 2012 The College Board. All rights reserved. College Board, College-Level Examination
Program, CLEP, and the acorn logo are registered trademarks of the College Board.
worldwide through computer-based testing programs
and also — in forward-deployed areas — through
paper-based testing. Approximately one-third of all
CLEP candidates are military service members.
History of CLEP
2011-12 National CLEP Candidates by Age*
Since 1967, the College-Level Examination Program
(CLEP®) has provided over six million people with
the opportunity to reach their educational goals.
CLEP participants have received college credit for
knowledge and expertise they have gained through
prior course work, independent study or work and
life experience.
Under 18
30 years and older
18-22 years
23-29 years
Over the years, the CLEP examinations have evolved
to keep pace with changing curricula and pedagogy.
Typically, the examinations represent material taught
in introductory college-level courses from all areas
of the college curriculum. Students may choose from
33 different subject areas in which to demonstrate
their mastery of college-level material.
* These data are based on 100% of CLEP test-takers who responded to this
survey question during their examinations.
2011-12 National CLEP Candidates by Gender
Today, more than 2,900 colleges and universities
recognize and grant credit for CLEP.
Philosophy of CLEP
Promoting access to higher education is CLEP’s
foundation. CLEP offers students an opportunity to
demonstrate and receive validation of their
college-level skills and knowledge. Students who
achieve an appropriate score on a CLEP exam can
enrich their college experience with higher-level
courses in their major field of study, expand their
horizons by taking a wider array of electives and
avoid repetition of material that they already know.
Computer-Based CLEP Testing
The computer-based format of CLEP exams allows
for a number of key features. These include:
• a variety of question formats that ensure effective
• real-time score reporting that gives students and
colleges the ability to make immediate creditgranting decisions (except College Composition,
which requires faculty scoring of essays twice a
• a uniform recommended credit-granting score of
50 for all exams
• “rights-only” scoring, which awards one point per
correct answer
• pretest questions that are not scored but provide
current candidate population data and allow for
rapid expansion of question pools
CLEP Participants
CLEP’s test-taking population includes people of all
ages and walks of life. Traditional 18- to 22-year-old
students, adults just entering or returning to school,
home-schoolers and international students who need
to quantify their knowledge have all been assisted by
CLEP in earning their college degrees. Currently,
58 percent of CLEP’s test-takers are women and
51 percent are 23 years of age or older.
For over 30 years, the College Board has worked to
provide government-funded credit-by-exam
opportunities to the military through CLEP. Military
service members are fully funded for their CLEP exam
fees. Exams are administered at military installations
CLEP Exam Development
The Committee
Content development for each of the CLEP exams
is directed by a test development committee. Each
committee is composed of faculty from a wide
variety of institutions who are currently teaching
the relevant college undergraduate courses. The
committee members establish the test specifications
based on feedback from a national curriculum
survey; recommend credit-granting scores and
standards; develop and select test questions; review
statistical data and prepare descriptive material for
use by faculty (Test Information Guides) and
students planning to take the tests (CLEP Official
Study Guide).
The College Board appoints standing committees of
college faculty for each test title in the CLEP battery.
Committee members usually serve a term of up to
four years. Each committee works with content
specialists at Educational Testing Service to establish
test specifications and develop the tests. Listed
below are the current committee members and their
institutional affiliations.
College faculty also participate in CLEP in other
ways: they convene periodically as part of
standard-setting panels to determine the
recommended level of student competency for the
granting of college credit; they are called upon to
write exam questions and to review forms and they
help to ensure the continuing relevance of the CLEP
examinations through the curriculum surveys.
The primary objective of the committee is to produce
tests with good content validity. CLEP tests must be
rigorous and relevant to the discipline and the
appropriate courses. While the consensus of the
committee members is that this test has high content
validity for a typical Introduction to Educational
Psychology course or curriculum, the validity of the
content for a specific course or curriculum is best
determined locally through careful review and
comparison of test content, with instructional content
covered in a particular course or curriculum.
The Curriculum Survey
The first step in the construction of a CLEP exam is
a curriculum survey. Its main purpose is to obtain
information needed to develop test-content
specifications that reflect the current college
curriculum and to recognize anticipated changes in
the field. The surveys of college faculty are
conducted in each subject every three to five years
depending on the discipline. Specifically, the survey
gathers information on:
• the major content and skill areas covered in the
equivalent course and the proportion of the course
devoted to each area
• specific topics taught and the emphasis given to
each topic
• specific skills students are expected to acquire and
the relative emphasis given to them
• recent and anticipated changes in course content,
skills and topics
• the primary textbooks and supplementary learning
resources used
• titles and lengths of college courses that
correspond to the CLEP exam
Diane Finley,
Prince George’s Community
Judith Peña-Shaff
Ithaca College
The Committee Meeting
The exam is developed from a pool of questions
written by committee members and outside question
writers. All questions that will be scored on a CLEP
exam have been pretested; those that pass a rigorous
statistical analysis for content relevance, difficulty,
fairness and correlation with assessment criteria are
added to the pool. These questions are compiled by
test development specialists according to the test
specifications, and are presented to all the committee
members for a final review. Before convening at a
two- or three-day committee meeting, the members
have a chance to review the test specifications and
the pool of questions available for possible inclusion
in the exam.
At the meeting, the committee determines whether
the questions are appropriate for the test and, if not,
whether they need to be reworked and pretested
again to ensure that they are accurate and
unambiguous. Finally, draft forms of the exam are
reviewed to ensure comparable levels of difficulty and
content specifications on the various test forms. The
committee is also responsible for writing and
developing pretest questions. These questions are
administered to candidates who take the examination
and provide valuable statistical feedback on student
performance under operational conditions.
developing, administering and scoring the exams.
Effective July 2001, ACE recommended a uniform
credit-granting score of 50 across all subjects, with
the exception of four-semester language exams,
which represents the performance of students who
earn a grade of C in the corresponding college
The American Council on Education, the major
coordinating body for all the nation’s higher education
institutions, seeks to provide leadership and a unifying
voice on key higher education issues and to influence
public policy through advocacy, research and program
initiatives. For more information, visit the ACE
CREDIT website at www.acenet.edu/acecredit.
Once the questions are developed and pretested,
tests are assembled in one of two ways. In some
cases, test forms are assembled in their entirety.
These forms are of comparable difficulty and are
therefore interchangeable. More commonly,
questions are assembled into smaller,
content-specific units called testlets, which can then
be combined in different ways to create multiple test
forms. This method allows many different forms to
be assembled from a pool of questions.
CLEP Credit Granting
CLEP uses a common recommended credit-granting
score of 50 for all CLEP exams.
This common credit-granting score does not mean,
however, that the standards for all CLEP exams are
the same. When a new or revised version of a test is
introduced, the program conducts a standard setting
to determine the recommended credit-granting score
(“cut score”).
Test Specifications
Test content specifications are determined primarily
through the curriculum survey, the expertise of the
committee and test development specialists, the
recommendations of appropriate councils and
conferences, textbook reviews and other appropriate
sources of information. Content specifications take
into account:
• the purpose of the test
• the intended test-taker population
• the titles and descriptions of courses the test is
designed to reflect
• the specific subject matter and abilities to be tested
• the length of the test, types of questions and
instructions to be used
A standard-setting panel, consisting of 15–20 faculty
members from colleges and universities across the
country who are currently teaching the course, is
appointed to give its expert judgment on the level of
student performance that would be necessary to
receive college credit in the course. The panel
reviews the test and test specifications and defines
the capabilities of the typical A student, as well as
those of the typical B, C and D students.* Expected
individual student performance is rated by each
panelist on each question. The combined average of
the ratings is used to determine a recommended
number of examination questions that must be
answered correctly to mirror classroom performance
of typical B and C students in the related course. The
panel’s findings are given to members of the test
development committee who, with the help of
Educational Testing Service and College Board
psychometric specialists, make a final determination
on which raw scores are equivalent to B and C levels
of performance.
Recommendation of the American
Council on Education (ACE)
The American Council on Education’s College
Credit Recommendation Service (ACE CREDIT)
has evaluated CLEP processes and procedures for
*Student performance for the language exams (French, German and Spanish)
is defined only at the B and C levels.
Introduction to Educational Psychology
Description of the Examination
The Introduction to Educational Psychology
examination covers material that is usually taught
in a one-semester undergraduate course in this
subject. Emphasis is placed on principles of learning
and cognition, teaching methods and classroom
management, child growth and development, and
evaluation and assessment of learning.
The examination contains approximately
100 questions to be answered in 90 minutes.
Some of these are pretest questions that will not
be scored. Any time candidates spend on tutorials
and providing personal information is in addition
to the actual testing time.
Cognitive Perspective
• Attention and perception
• Memory
• Complex cognitive processes (e.g.,
problem solving, transfer, conceptual
• Applications of cognitive theory
Behavioral Perspective
• Classical conditioning
• Operant conditioning
• Schedules of reinforcement
• Applications of behavioral perspectives
• Cognitive
• Social
• Moral
• Gender identity/sex roles
• Social-cognitive theories of motivation
(e.g., attribution theory, expectancy-value
theory, goal orientation theory, intrinsic
and extrinsic motivation, self-efficacy,
self-determination theory)
• Learned helplessness
• Teacher expectations/Pygmalion effect
• Anxiety/stress
• Applications of motivational theories
Individual Differences
• Intelligence
• Genetic and environmental influences
• Exceptionalities in learning (e.g.,
giftedness, learning disabilities, behavior
• Ability grouping and tracking
Knowledge and Skills Required
Questions on the Introduction to Educational
Psychology examination require candidates to
demonstrate one or more of the following abilities.
• Knowledge and comprehension of basic facts,
concepts and principles
• Association of ideas with given theoretical
• Awareness of important influences on learning
and instruction
• Familiarity with research and statistical
concepts and procedures
• Ability to apply various concepts and theories
as they apply to particular teaching situations
and problems
The subject matter of the Introduction to
Educational Psychology examination is drawn
from the following topics. The percentages next to
the main topics indicate the approximate percentage
of exam questions on that topic.
Educational Aims and Philosophies
• Lifelong learning
• Moral/character development
• Preparation for careers
• Preparation for responsible citizenship
• Socialization
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• Classroom assessment (e.g., formative
and summative evaluation, grading
• Norm- and criterion-referenced tests
• Test reliability and validity
• Bias in testing
• High-stakes assessment
• Interpretation of test results (e.g.,
descriptive statistics, scaled scores)
• Use and misuse of assessments
• Planning instruction for effective
• Social constructivist pedagogy (e.g.,
• Cooperative/collaborative learning
• Classroom management
Research Design and Analysis
• Research design (e.g., longitudinal,
experimental, case study,
• Research methods (e.g., survey,
observation, interview)
• Interpretation of research (e.g.,
correlation versus causation,
descriptive statistics)
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Sample Test Questions
The following sample questions do not appear on
an actual CLEP examination. They are intended to
give potential test-takers an indication of the format
and difficulty level of the examination and to
provide content for practice and review. Knowing
the correct answers to all of the sample questions
is not a guarantee of satisfactory performance on
the exam.
Directions: Each of the questions or incomplete
statements below is followed by five suggested
answers or completions. Select the one that is best
in each case.
3. Which of the following are functions of an
Individualized Education Program (IEP) ?
I. Supports classroom teachers
II. Creates a relationship (partnership) between
regular classroom and resource team
III. Provides an instructional program to meet
the needs of the individual student
IV. Allows the school professionals to solely
make decisions without consulting parents
(A) III only
(B) I and III only
(C) III and IV only
(D) I, II, and III only
(E) I, II, III, and IV
1. Which of the following learning outcomes
usually undergoes the largest loss within
24 hours of acquisition?
(A) The learning of meaningful material
(B) The learning of rote material
(C) The formulation of concepts
(D) The application of principles
(E) The making of generalizations
4. In a fifth-grade class that is working on a set of
arithmetic problems, which of the following
behaviors would be most characteristic of the
student who is a divergent thinker?
2. When Robert’s classmates no longer showed
approval of his clowning, his clowning behavior
occurred less frequently. The concept best
exemplified by Robert’s change in behavior is
(A) extinction
(B) discrimination
(C) generalization
(D) transfer
(E) learning set
(A) Writing down the principle used to solve the
problem as well as the solution itself
(B) Making answers far more exact than is
(C) Working as fast as possible in order to be the
first to finish the assignment
(D) Finding a variety of ways to solve each
(E) Providing the correct solution to the greatest
number of problems
5. To measure students’ understanding of a theorem
in geometry, it is best for a teacher to have the
students do which of the following?
(A) Write out the theorem
(B) Recall the proof of the theorem
(C) Demonstrate that they have memorized
the theorem
(D) Solve a problem that is given in the textbook
(E) Solve a related problem that is not in
the textbook
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6. A child who is frightened by a dog and develops
a fear of other dogs is exhibiting which of the
following principles of learning?
9. The psychological frame of reference that deals
extensively with the effects of unconscious
motivation on behavior is
(A) Discrimination learning
(B) Negative transfer
(C) Behavior shaping
(D) Stimulus generalization
(E) Cognitive dissonance
(A) behaviorism
(B) structuralism
(C) psychoanalysis
(D) humanism
(E) Gestalt psychology
7. In experimental studies of the motor
development of identical twins, one twin
is given practice at a particular skill early and
the other twin six weeks later. The fact that it
generally takes less practice for the later-trained
twin to acquire the skill is evidence for the
importance of
(A) heredity
(B) maturation
(C) intelligence quotient (IQ)
(D) individual differences
(E) early experience
10. Of the following, learning is best defined as
(A) development that occurs without
external stimulation
(B) the process of overcoming obstacles
during instinctual behavior
(C) effort that is persistent, selective,
and purposeful
(D) the modification of behavior
through experience
(E) the gathering of data to test hypotheses
11. According to cognitive learning theorists, a new
unit can be most readily learned by a class of
students when the unit’s concepts and terms are
8. In a fifth-grade class studying the ancient Incan
culture, all of the following questions are likely
to stimulate pupils to think creatively EXCEPT:
(A) Why do you suppose the clothing of the
Incas was so different from today’s
(B) What weapons and tools did the Incas use
for hunting?
(C) What would be the reaction of ancient Incas
toward modern Peru?
(D) If the Incas had defeated the Spanish, how
might things be different in Peru today?
(E) If you had lived in Peru during the time of
the Incas, what are the things you would
have liked and disliked?
(A) recited from memory in a number
of contexts
(B) expressed as observable behavioral
(C) chosen to reflect the most up-to-date
findings in the field
(D) related hierarchically to concepts and
terms mastered previously
(E) presented in a manner that students
find different and complex
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12. A preschool child sees a teacher roll a ball of
clay into a sausage-like shape. The teacher asks,
“Is the amount of clay the same as before?” The
child insists that the sausage shape consists of
more clay than the ball did. According to
Jean Piaget, this mistake by the child occurs
principally because of which of the following?
(A) A poorly stated question by the teacher
(B) Erroneous earlier learning by the child
(C) The greater attractiveness of the sausage
(D) A cognitive impairment
(E) A lack of understanding of the
conservation principle
15. If a test is reliable, the
(A) results will be approximately the same if the
test is given again under similar conditions
(B) test measures what it was designed
to measure
(C) predictive validity of the test is high
(D) objectives measured by the test
are important
(E) test scores can be interpreted objectively
by anyone simply by using the test manual
16. The concept of developmental tasks refers to the
(A) development of mental abilities, as
distinguished from physical abilities
(B) ability of the child to develop certain
conceptual arrangements
(C) behavior of the child that results from
hereditary determinants
(D) behaviors of the child that are expected
at various ages
(E) physiological development of the child
13. A fourth-grade teacher wants her students
to learn to recognize oak trees. Which of
the following strategies would best lead to
that goal?
(A) Bringing oak leaves into the classroom and
having students trace them
(B) Taking the students to the park to show them
oaks and other trees and pointing out the
distinguishing characteristics of oaks
(C) Giving each student one or two acorns to
plant and presenting a lesson on how oak
trees grow
(D) Decorating the classroom bulletin boards
with pictures of trees
(E) Showing students a film of the major trees
of North America and then giving the
students a quiz on oak trees
14. Longitudinal studies of cognitive abilities
during middle and later adulthood indicate
which of the following declines most with age?
17. Which of the following correlation coefficients
has the highest predictive value?
(A) .80
(B) .60
(C) .00
(D) –.70
(E) –.90
18. Which of the following statistics is most
affected by extreme scores?
(A) Mean
(B) Median
(C) Mode
(D) Rank correlation
(E) Interquartile range
(A) Speed of information processing
(B) Size of vocabulary
(C) Wisdom
(D) Quality of verbal reasoning
(E) Crystallized intelligence
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19. A certain researcher studied Stephanie’s
development of mathematical proof and
justification from grade 1 through grade 5
by collecting videotapes, portfolios, notes,
student interviews, and small-group
evaluations of Stephanie over the five-year
period. This type of study is referred to as
Students’ Achievement Scores
(A) an experimental study
(B) a case study
(C) a matched-group study
(D) a correlational study
(E) a survey
Lecture Method
of Instruction
Method of
Students’ Test Anxiety Level
21. Assuming that the data above were collected in
an experimental study, which of the following
statements best describes the relationships
depicted in the graph?
20. Which of the following perspectives on teaching
would most likely support the idea that
instruction should emphasize a positive
relationship between teachers and students?
(A) Differences among students in test anxiety
result in different achievement levels
depending on the instructional method
(B) Differences among students in test anxiety
result in different achievement levels
independent of the instructional method
(C) The effect of two different instructional
methods on students’ achievement is
positively correlated with students’ test
anxiety levels.
(D) The effect of two different instructional
methods on students’ achievement is
negatively correlated with students’ test
anxiety levels.
(E) Students’ achievement levels are
independent of their test anxiety levels.
(A) Behavioral
(B) Humanistic
(C) Cognitive
(D) Psychoanalytic
(E) Maturational
22. Frank, a fifteen year old, is capable of reasoning
abstractly without the use of real objects to assist
him. According to Jean Piaget, Frank is in which
of the following stages of cognitive development?
(A) Concrete operations
(B) Tertiary circular reactions
(C) Preoperations
(D) Formal operations
(E) Sensorimotor
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23. Decisions about the values that are transmitted
in schools are best related to the teacher’s
role as
26. In cooperative learning it is NOT important for
students to
(A) rely on group members’ contributions to
complete the task
(B) be held individually accountable for their
own learning
(C) be at the same achievement level
(D) interact directly with other group members
(E) know and use good interpersonal skills
(A) instructional expert
(B) socialization agent
(C) counselor
(D) motivator
(E) classroom manager
24. Using the principle of successive approximations
involves which of the following?
(A) Reinforcing responses that represent
progress toward a desired response
(B) Making a succession of trials designed to
provide information about a problem
(C) Acquiring a behavior change through
imitation of models demonstrating the
(D) Averaging repeated measures for adequate
assessment of a variable
(E) Testing possible solutions until success is
obtained in problem solving
27. Some psychologists theorize that behavioral
development, like anatomical development,
proceeds from the simple to the complex, from
homogeneous to heterogeneous, and from the
general to the specific. Which of the following
terms refers to these developmental trends?
(A) Constancy
(B) Assimilation
(C) Metacognition
(D) Differentiation
(E) Transfer
28. Paying attention to new information is important
in the learning process because such attention
brings information from
25. Which of the following best characterizes
the concept of a critical or sensitive period
in development?
(A) A bridge between two cognitive stages, such
as the transition between preoperational and
concrete-operational thinking
(B) An age period during which a behavior must
develop if it is to develop normally
(C) An age period during which the child tends
to display a certain class of behaviors, such
as the “terrible twos”
(D) An age period during which the child’s
sense of self-worth is especially vulnerable
to social criticism
(E) An age period during which children are
influenced more by peers than by adults
(A) an external environment into the sensory
(B) an external environment into long-term
(C) the sensory register into working memory
(D) working memory into long-term memory
(E) the sensory register into long-term memory
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33. Which of the following treatments is most
common for attention-deficit/hyperactivity
29. When a two-year-old child points to a picture of
a horse in a picture book and says “doggie,” the
child is committing an error of
(A) Stimulant medication
(B) Mnemonic aids
(C) Self-esteem workshops
(D) Psychotherapy
(E) Motivational training
(A) overregularization
(B) overextension
(C) receptive vocabulary
(D) syntax
(E) articulation
34. A person who drove a manual-transmission car
for years finds that, when driving a car with an
automatic transmission, he often lifts his foot to
step on the clutch. This driver is experiencing
30. Which of the following psychological
schools of thought most emphasizes
perceptual organization?
(A) Behaviorism
(B) Evolutionary psychology
(C) Humanism
(D) Psychodynamic approach
(E) Gestalt psychology
(A) parallel distributed processing
(B) an articulatory loop
(C) positive transfer
(D) proactive interference
(E) retroactive interference
31. A student has to memorize a long list of nouns
for a contest. Which of the following is the best
strategy for the student to use to enhance recall
of the words?
35. A parent complains that 40 percent of the
questions on a classroom test were taken from
4 pages of the 70 pages covered in the material
assigned in the test. The parent is questioning
the test’s
(A) Grouping the words by semantic category
(B) Spelling each of the words
(C) Sorting the words according to length
(D) Writing out the definition of each of the
(E) Determining the presence or absence of
a target sound in each word
(A) interrater reliability
(B) test-retest reliability
(C) split-half reliability
(D) content validity
(E) criterion-related validity
36. Joseph Renzulli’s triad for identifying giftedness
is best described as which of the following?
32. In an evaluation of achievement, the relationship
between formative evaluation and summative
evaluation is most similar to that between
(A) Above-average ability, task commitment,
(B) Skillful processing of verbal information,
artistic expression, assertiveness
(C) High IQ scores, academic aptitude,
practical intelligence
(D) Language fluency, analytic problemsolving ability, ethical thinking
(E) Interpersonal intelligence, intrapersonal
intelligence, logical-mathematical
(A) skills instruction and skills practice
(B) diagnostic examinations and final
(C) subjective data and objective data
(D) descriptive data and inferential data
(E) norm-referenced tests and criterionreferenced tests
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37. Behavioral theories that focus on helping
students develop self-management skills
emphasize that it is important for students to
40. Among White, middle-class parents in the
United States, which of the following parenting
styles is most likely to help children develop into
responsible adolescents?
(A) assess their competencies
(B) improve their self-concepts
(C) increase their general knowledge
(D) develop social awareness
(E) recognize clear signals that behaviors are
(A) autocratic
(B) authoritarian
(C) authoritative
(D) permissive
(E) enmeshed
38. Jacob Kounin’s concept of “withitness” refers to
which of the following teacher abilities?
(A) Maintaining awareness of everything that is
happening in the classroom
(B) Sequentially processing classroom activities
and giving feedback to students
(C) Going from one activity to another without
wasting time
(D) Focusing on one thing at a time in the
classroom to keep from becoming frustrated
(E) Identifying students’ academic strengths
and deficiencies
39. Which of the following would be the best
evidence that a test intended to estimate future
success in school was biased against one group
of examinees?
(A) A large mean-score difference between that
group and the rest of the examinees
(B) A large standard deviation in the test scores
of that group
(C) A low passing rate for all examinees
(D) An 80 percent passing rate for that group
(E) An underprediction of academic
achievement for that group
41. Which of the following is a major point in Carol
Gilligan’s criticism of Lawrence Kohlberg’s
theory of moral development?
(A) The levels of moral reasoning in Kohlberg’s
scheme are unrelated to social and political
(B) Mature levels of moral reasoning may differ
qualitatively between men and women.
(C) The higher levels of moral reasoning in
Kohlberg’s scheme apply only to children
in the United States.
(D) The stages in Kohlberg’s scheme deviate
from those in Jean Piaget’s stage theory.
(E) Chronological age is unrelated to maturity
of moral reasoning on Kohlberg’s scale.
42. Which of the following best illustrates
(A) Memorizing terms and definitions from
a textbook
(B) Monitoring one’s comprehension
while reading
(C) Listening to the radio and studying at
the same time
(D) Retrieving information from working
(E) Retrieving information from longterm memory
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47. A teacher informs parents that their child has
earned a stanine score of five. The teacher is
actually saying that the student’s test score
43. George Miller’s research finding that humans
have a processing capacity of seven plus-orminus two items applies to which of the
following types of memory?
(A) is below average
(B) is average
(C) is above average
(D) indicates giftedness
(E) indicates a disability
(A) Sensory register
(B) Explicit
(C) Implicit
(D) Short-term
(E) Procedural
Questions 48–49 refer to the following information.
44. Alice maintains a messy desk in order to gain
attention from her teacher. For Alice, the
teacher’s attention serves as which of the
Jodie, who is in the ninth grade, took a test that
measured her ability in mathematics. The test
consisted of 50 multiple-choice questions and had
a completion time of two hours. It was scored from
0 to 50 points, with a mean of 27, a mode of 26, and
a median of 25. Jodie’s score represented her actual
knowledge of mathematics and did not provide any
information about how she compared with other
students who had taken the same test.
(A) Negative reinforcement
(B) Positive reinforcement
(C) Extinction
(D) Primary reinforcement
(E) Shaping
48. The test that Jodie took is best characterized as
45. Research that investigates nature versus nurture
as a basis of intelligence has found the highest
correlations of IQ scores between which of the
(A) a portfolio assessment
(B) an intelligence (IQ) test
(C) a developmental profile
(D) a norm-referenced test
(E) a criterion-referenced test
(A) Dizygotic twins raised together
(B) Nontwin siblings raised together
(C) Nontwin siblings raised apart
(D) Monozygotic twins raised together
(E) Monozygotic twins raised apart
49. An examination of the scores of all of the
students who took the test would reveal that the
score most often earned was
46. Mary’s score on an achievement test is 75. The
normative data show an overall test mean of 50
and a standard deviation of 10. This information
indicates that Mary’s z score equivalent is
(A) –2.5
(B) –0.53
(C) +0.53
(D) +1.3
(E) +2.5
(A) 15
(B) 25
(C) 26
(D) 27
(E) 50
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54. Mary enjoys reading, primarily because her
father gives her a dollar for each book she reads.
Mary’s motivational orientation for reading is
most accurately described as
50. A teacher rewards students for every fifth
question they get right in class. Which of the
following is a schedule of reinforcement that the
teacher is using?
(A) mastery oriented
(B) goal oriented
(C) intrinsic
(D) extrinsic
(E) egocentric
(A) Fixed interval
(B) Fixed ratio
(C) Variable interval
(D) Extinction
(E) Differential
51. José cannot find his favorite toy. When his father
talks with him about it and encourages José to
think about where he last used it, José suddenly
remembers the toy’s location. José’s thinking is
thus aided by the conversation with his father.
This is an example of a theory of cognitive
development formulated by
(A) Jean Piaget
(B) Lev Vygotsky
(C) Noam Chomsky
(D) Carol Gilligan
(E) Lawrence Kohlberg
55. Which of the following is a motivational theory
in which students attempt to explain the causes
of their successes and failures?
(A) Cognitive-behavioral theory
(B) Hierarchy of needs
(C) Reward theory
(D) Attribution theory
(E) Achievement motivation
56. A student’s score at the 75th percentile indicates
that the student
(A) correctly answered 75 percent of the exam
(B) correctly answered 75 questions on the exam
(C) scored worse than 75 percent of the
(D) scored the same as or better than 75 percent
of the test-takers
(E) scored the same as or better than 25 percent
of the test-takers
52. Paul is fourteen years old, has recently broken
up with his girlfriend of three weeks, and
believes that no one can understand the pain
he is feeling. According to David Elkind, Paul
is displaying
(A) the imaginary audience
(B) metacognition
(C) a personal fable
(D) postformal thought
(E) symbolic thought
57. Five-year-old Billy rarely makes eye contact and
frequently self-stimulates and repeats back the
speech that he hears. Based on this information
alone, it is most likely that Billy has
53. Mrs. Smith’s third graders love creative writing.
Research on the use of rewards generally
indicates that if she continuously rewards her
students with candy for writing creative stories,
the students’
(A) autistic disorder
(B) major depressive disorder
(C) attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
(D) mental retardation
(E) dyslexia
(A) writing abilities will keep improving
(B) writing abilities will get worse over time
(C) writing will not be affected in any way
(D) interest in writing will lessen over time
(E) interest in writing will increase over time
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62. Which of the following is NOT consistent
with developmentally appropriate practice in
58. Which of the following is most likely to
be used as an individually administered
intelligence test?
(A) Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
(B) Differential Ability Scales
(C) Minnesota Multiphasic Personality
(D) Graduate Record Examinations General Test
(E) Thematic Apperception Test
59. Tests such as the SAT® and the ACT® Test are
most often used for which type of testing?
(A) Diagnostic
(B) Intelligence
(C) Achievement
(D) Aptitude
(E) Projective
(A) Having different learning centers in the
(B) Expecting all children to read simple words
by the end of the year
(C) Giving children time for free play during
each week
(D) Having children engaged in activities in
small groups
(E) Allowing children a rest period during the
63. Based on group data, which of the following is a
gender difference that is regularly observed on
achievement tests?
(A) Boys tend to have higher average scores on
reading tests than girls do.
(B) Girls tend to have higher average scores on
science tests than boys do.
(C) Girls tend to have higher average scores on
spatial reasoning tests than boys do.
(D) There tends to be more variability among
boys’ scores on achievement tests than there
is among girls’ scores.
(E) Girls tend to have higher average scores on
math tests than boys do.
60. A self-regulated learner is likely to engage in all
of the following EXCEPT
(A) thinking about which learning strategies are
appropriate for a given task
(B) evaluating his or her performance while
progressing through a task
(C) thinking about multiple tasks and
responsibilities simultaneously
(D) setting realistic goals
(E) managing study time
64. Learned helplessness is most likely to occur
when students view the cause of their failures as
61. Token economies in classrooms often provide
students with the opportunity to earn points for
good behavior that can be exchanged for some
type of reward, such as candy, free time, or toys.
According to researchers, a token economy
system would be most beneficial in a classroom
in which students
(A) stable and uncontrollable
(B) stable and controllable
(C) unstable and controllable
(D) external and controllable
(E) internal and unstable
(A) exhibit high intrinsic motivation
(B) typically behave well
(C) are out of control
(D) are especially gifted
(E) have just begun to show minor behavior
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65. Mr. Arevola, an experienced fifth-grade
mathematics teacher, is acknowledged as an
excellent teacher and often acts as a mentor
to young teachers. He is especially helpful
by assisting newcomers to understand the
difficulties that students often have with
comprehension of fractions and to teach in a
way that will address that issue. According to
Lee Shulman, the type of teacher knowledge
Mr. Arevola conveys could best be described as
68. Which of the following is an example
of disequilibrium?
(A) Robert has learned about different types of
sharks, and he reasons that a dolphin is a
type of shark because it looks similar.
(B) William has figured out that the Sun is
covered by clouds at night, which causes
the darkness.
(C) Dameon wonders how a caterpillar can be
an insect when it appears to have more than
six legs.
(D) Ricky understands that his teddy bear is
not alive, because he has learned about
characteristics of living things.
(E) Jon decides that sand is a liquid because it
takes the shape of its container.
(A) content knowledge
(B) process knowledge
(C) declarative knowledge
(D) pedagogical content knowledge
(E) pedagogical process knowledge
66. According to Albert Bandura, which of the
following is the most powerful source of
self-efficacy for a child?
69. Achievement tests differ from aptitude tests
primarily in that
(A) the score distributions of achievement
tests tend to be linear, whereas the score
distributions of aptitude tests tend to be
(B) achievement tests are designed to measure
what students have learned, whereas aptitude
tests are designed to predict how well
students will perform in the future
(C) achievement tests tend to face more
resistance from parents, students, and
classroom teachers than do aptitude tests
(D) achievement tests are designed to
measure the middle-ability population
most accurately, whereas aptitude tests
are designed to measure the high- and
low-ability populations most accurately
(E) aptitude tests are designed to have less
variability in scores than achievement
tests have
(A) Physiological cues
(B) Verbal persuasion
(C) Mastery experiences
(D) Observational learning
(E) Imitation
67. Stage theories of development are best
described as
(A) quantitative/continuous
(B) qualitative/discontinuous
(C) morally bound
(D) universally accepted
(E) socially determined
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70. Mr. Janis asked his class to draw a picture of a
flower. Ninety percent of the class drew a picture
of a rose. In terms of cognitive psychology, what
would a rose be for these students?
(A) An attribute
(B) A concept
(C) A prototype
(D) A heuristic
(E) An algorithm
74. Jacquelin has always done well in school. In her
fifth-grade class, she works hard and always
does her homework. She often reads extra books
and does extra math problems. Which of Erik
Erikson’s psychosocial stages would Jacquelin
best exemplify?
(A) Trust versus mistrust
(B) Autonomy versus shame and doubt
(C) Initiative versus guilt
(D) Industry versus inferiority
(E) Identity versus role confusion
71. During the final exam, Ellen started breathing
really hard and her heart felt as if it would jump
out of her chest. What hormone was most likely
involved in this process?
75. A seventh-grade boy scores 66 on an IQ test.
He is very sociable but has some trouble with
independent living tasks. He would most likely
be diagnosed with which of the following?
(A) Epinephrine
(B) Dopamine
(C) Norepinephrine
(D) Serotonin
(E) Cortisol
(A) A learning disability
(B) Autistic disorder
(C) Asperger’s disorder
(D) Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
(E) A mild intellectual disability
72. Jenna has just been diagnosed with an
articulation disorder. Which behavior is she
most likely to exhibit?
76. When teachers praise students who score the
highest on tests or who do work without
mistakes, this often makes other students
(A) Saying “wed” instead of “red”
(B) Speaking too slowly
(C) Stammering while talking
(D) Using a high-pitched voice
(E) Speaking without emotional tone
73. Ms. Sharps has been emphasizing the use of
authentic assessment in her watercolor painting
class. What type of assessment is she most likely
to use to grade her students?
(A) Portfolio
(B) Essay test
(C) Oral presentation
(D) Short essays
(E) Multiple-choice tests
(A) achieve the highest test scores possible
(B) give up if they are not also doing well
(C) help each other
(D) start learning outside their zone of proximal
(E) put maximum effort into their own work
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80. Larae has been selected to serve on a jury. When
Larae sees the defendant she decides that he is
not guilty. When the prosecutor presents her
case, Larae does not listen as attentively as she
does when the defense attorney presents his case.
Larae is showing evidence of
77. Which of the following strategies is LEAST
likely to increase test scores?
(A) Giving rewards to students who get very
high scores
(B) Giving partial credit for partially correct
(C) Giving clear feedback about the reasons
for a low score
(D) Providing ungraded assignments to
encourage creativity and risk-taking
(E) Grading oral as well as written work
(A) the availability heuristic
(B) diffusion of responsibility
(C) the overconfidence effect
(D) confirmation bias
(E) the representative heuristic
78. A teacher believes that students of all ages can
improve their basic abilities through hard work,
even though many of them might think that their
ability is fixed and cannot be changed. The
teacher’s belief is associated with a view of
intelligence referred to as
81. Which of the following practices promotes a
performance goal orientation?
(A) Using cooperative learning strategies
(B) Evaluating students in terms of their
progress over time
(C) Encouraging students to use multiple
strategies when solving a problem
(D) Allowing students extra time to master
content they find difficult
(E) Posting the names of students who pass a
classroom test
(A) fluid
(B) crystallized
(C) multiple
(D) incremental
(E) the g factor
82. An Individualized Transition Plan (ITP) would
most likely be written for which of the following
79. Teachers who want to positively reinforce
students’ behaviors would best be guided
by which of the following statements?
(A) Make sure that all children get the same
reward so that they are equally motivated.
(B) Delay reinforcement rather than providing
it right after the behavior being rewarded.
(C) Promote self-regulation and selfmanagement so students do not become
dependent on incentives.
(D) Balance positive reinforcement with
punishment so students do not expect only to
be rewarded.
(E) Wait until a complex behavior is performed
in full before rewarding it, rather than
relying on shaping.
(A) Jason, a thirteen year old who just
transferred to a new school
(B) Maddy, a twelve year old who is now taking
regular physical education
(C) Rachel, a five year old who is beginning
(D) Stanley, a sixteen year old who is learning
job skills
(E) Madison, an eleven year old who is about to
enter middle school
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83. Which of the following groups is not covered by
the Individuals with Disabilities Education
Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA)?
84. Which of the following correctly lists the
components of Robert Sternberg’s triarchic
theory of intelligence?
(A) Students with emotional disturbances
(B) Students who have learning disabilities but
average intelligence
(C) Students with some hearing impairment but
who are not profoundly deaf
(D) Students identified as intellectually gifted
(E) Students with Asperger’s disorder
(A) Analytical, creative, and practical
(B) Linguistic, logical-mathematical, and
(C) General, insightful, and automatic
(D) Fluid, crystallized, and practical
(E) Verbal, logical, and bodily-kinesthetic
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Study Resources
Most textbooks used in college-level introduction
to educational psychology courses cover the topics
in the outline given earlier, but the approaches to
certain topics and the emphases given to them may
differ. To prepare for the Introduction to Educational
Psychology exam, it is advisable to study one or
more college textbooks, which can be found in most
college bookstores. When selecting a textbook,
check the table of contents against the knowledge
and skills required for this test.
You may also find it helpful to supplement your
reading with books listed in the bibliographies
that can be found in most educational psychology
Visit www.collegeboard.org/clepprep for additional
educational psychology resources. You can also find
suggestions for exam preparation in Chapter IV of
the Official Study Guide. In addition, many college
faculty post their course materials on their schools’
Answer Key
I n t r o d u c t i o n
t o
e d u c a t i o n a l
P s y c h o l o g y
Test Measurement Overview
There are multiple forms of the computer-based
test, each containing a predetermined set of scored
questions. The examinations are not adaptive. There
may be some overlap between different forms of a
test: any of the forms may have a few questions,
many questions, or no questions in common. Some
overlap may be necessary for statistical reasons.
In the computer-based test, not all questions
contribute to the candidate’s score. Some of the
questions presented to the candidate are being
pretested for use in future editions of the tests and
will not count toward his or her score.
Scoring Information
CLEP examinations are scored without a penalty for
incorrect guessing. The candidate’s raw score is simply
the number of questions answered correctly. However,
this raw score is not reported; the raw scores are
translated into a scaled score by a process that adjusts
for differences in the difficulty of the questions on the
various forms of the test.
Scaled Scores
The scaled scores are reported on a scale of 20–80.
Because the different forms of the tests are not
always exactly equal in difficulty, raw-to-scale
conversions may in some cases differ from form to
form. The easier a form is judged to be, the higher
the raw score required to attain a given scaled score.
Table 1 indicates the relationship between number
correct (raw score) and scaled score across all forms.
The Recommended Credit-Granting
Table 1 also indicates the recommended
credit-granting score, which represents the
performance of students earning a grade of C in the
corresponding course. The recommended B-level
score represents B-level performance in equivalent
course work. These scores were established as the
result of a Standard Setting Study, the most recent
having been conducted in 2005. The recommended
credit-granting scores are based upon the judgments
of a panel of experts currently teaching equivalent
courses at various colleges and universities. These
experts evaluate each question in order to determine
the raw scores that would correspond to B and C
levels of performance. Their judgments are then
reviewed by a test development committee, which, in
consultation with test content and psychometric
specialists, makes a final determination. The
standard-setting study is described more fully in the
earlier section entitled “CLEP Credit Granting” on
page 4.
Panel members participating in the most recent study
Sharon Anderson
H. Keith Cochran
Joanna Dickey
Maggie Foster
Charlyn Harper
Steven Hoover
Brenda Karns
Kathleen Kleissler
Randy Lennon
John McClure
Steven Osterlind
Kathryn Penrod
Keith Roach
Warren Shillingburg
Joanne Stephenson
Karen Thierry
Katherine Vorwerk
Steuart Watson
Colorado State University
Missouri Southern State
Eastern Kentucky University
Plattsburgh State University
Clark Atlanta University
St. Cloud State University
Austin Peay State University
Kutztown University
University of Northern Colorado
Northern Arizona University
University of Missouri
South Dakota State University
Mid-Continent University
Community College of Southern
Union University
Rutgers University — Camden
University of Massachusetts
Miami University
To establish the exact correspondences between raw
and scaled scores, a scaled score of 50 is assigned to
the raw score that corresponds to the recommended
credit-granting score for C-level performance. Then
a high (but in some cases, possibly less than perfect)
raw score will be selected and assigned a scaled
score of 80. These two points — 50 and 80 —
determine a linear raw-to-scale conversion for
the test.
Table 1: Introduction to Educational Psychology
Interpretive Score Data
American Council on Education (ACE) Recommended Number of Semester Hours of Credit: 3
Course Grade
Scaled Score
Number Correct
*Credit-granting score recommended by ACE.
Note: The number-correct scores for each scaled score on different forms may vary depending on form difficulty.
I n t r o d u c t i o n
t o
e d u c a t i o n a l
P s y c h o l o g y
Validity is a characteristic of a particular use of the
test scores of a group of examinees. If the scores are
used to make inferences about the examinees’
knowledge of a particular subject, the validity of the
scores for that purpose is the extent to which those
inferences can be trusted to be accurate.
The reliability of the test scores of a group of
examinees is commonly described by two statistics:
the reliability coefficient and the standard error of
measurement (SEM). The reliability coefficient is
the correlation between the scores those examinees
get (or would get) on two independent replications
of the measurement process. The reliability
coefficient is intended to indicate the
stability/consistency of the candidates’ test scores,
and is often expressed as a number ranging from
.00 to 1.00. A value of .00 indicates total lack of
stability, while a value of 1.00 indicates perfect
stability. The reliability coefficient can be interpreted
as the correlation between the scores examinees
would earn on two forms of the test that had no
questions in common.
One type of evidence for the validity of test scores is
called content-related evidence of validity. It is
usually based upon the judgments of a set of experts
who evaluate the extent to which the content of the
test is appropriate for the inferences to be made
about the examinees’ knowledge. The committee
that developed the CLEP Introduction to Educational
Psychology examination selected the content of the
test to reflect the content of the general introductory
educational psychology curriculum and courses at
most colleges, as determined by a curriculum survey.
Since colleges differ somewhat in the content of the
courses they offer, faculty members should, and are
urged to, review the content outline and the sample
questions to ensure that the test covers core content
appropriate to the courses at their college.
Another type of evidence for test-score validity is
called criterion-related evidence of validity. It
consists of statistical evidence that examinees who
score high on the test also do well on other measures
of the knowledge or skills the test is being used to
measure. Criterion-related evidence for the validity
of CLEP scores can be obtained by studies
comparing students’ CLEP scores with the grades
they received in corresponding classes, or other
measures of achievement or ability. At a college’s
request, CLEP and the College Board conduct these
studies, called Admitted Class Evaluation Service, or
ACES, for individual colleges that meet certain
criteria. Please contact CLEP for more information.
Statisticians use an internal-consistency measure to
calculate the reliability coefficients for the CLEP
exam. This involves looking at the statistical
relationships among responses to individual
multiple-choice questions to estimate the reliability
of the total test score. The formula used is known as
Kuder-Richardson 20, or KR-20, which is equivalent
to a more general formula called coefficient alpha.
The SEM is an index of the extent to which students’
obtained scores tend to vary from their true scores.1
It is expressed in score units of the test. Intervals
extending one standard error above and below the
true score (see below) for a test-taker will include
68 percent of that test-taker’s obtained scores.
Similarly, intervals extending two standard errors
above and below the true score will include 95 percent
of the test-taker’s obtained scores. The standard error
of measurement is inversely related to the reliability
coefficient. If the reliability of the test were 1.00 (if
it perfectly measured the candidate’s knowledge),
the standard error of measurement would be zero.
Scores on the CLEP examination in Introduction
to Educational Psychology are estimated to have
a reliability coefficient of 0.90. The standard error
of measurement is 3.42 scaled-score points.
True score is a hypothetical concept indicating what an individual’s score on a
test would be if there were no errors introduced by the measuring process. It is
thought of as the hypothetical average of an infinite number of obtained scores
for a test-taker with the effect of practice removed.
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