IRACST - International Journal of Advanced Computing, Engineering and Application (IJACEA), ISSN: 2319-281X, Vol. 1, No.3, December 2012 Proposing √11 and √29 as Random Number Generators 1 Jayantika Pal and 2*Soubhik Chakraborty and 3Namrata Bagree Department of Applied Mathematics, BIT Mesra, Ranchi-835215, India Deptt. of Statistics, University of Warwick, CV4 7ES, Coventry, West Midlands, UK *Email of the corresponding author: Abstract: Like numbers generated from an arbitrary seed in a Pseudo-random Number Generator (PRNG) may not be random, a substring taken from an arbitrary position in the decimal expansion of an irrational number may not be random. But while the PRNG generally have a cycle, the decimal expansion in any irrational number is non-repeating and non-terminating. Using Wolfram’s Mathematica software we generated one lakh decimal digits of the irrational numbers √11, √29 and π and kept in separate text files. By programming done in Dev C software, we obtained the percentage of times a substring of a given length passes the run test for randomness if taken from arbitrary positions. Both √11 and √29 seem to be performing well in comparison to π as a reference point. There being a controversy over the randomness of π in the recent past, we propose √11 and √29 as alternative random number generators. Key Words: (Pseudo) randomness, cycle, run test, irrational number, decimal expansion, continued fraction expansion 1. INTRODUCTION Realizations of random processes are the raw materials of classical statistical inferences. Most applications in statistical methods based research require a “random sample” or a “random assignment” [1]. A random number generator (RNG)) is a computational or physical device designed to generate a sequence of numbers or symbols that lack any pattern, i.e. appear random Random number generators have applications in gambling, computer simulation, cryptography, completely randomized design, development of statistical methods & theory and areas where producing an unpredictable result is desirable [2]. By the law of statistical regularity, only a random sample represents a population. It is well known fact that numbers generated by an arbitrarily selected seed for a Pseudo-random Number Generator (PRNG) may not be statistically random [2]. Matsumoto et al. [3] painstakingly experimented with 58 generators and discovered as many as 40 to be defective. Further investigation revealed that the unwanted pattern is caused by the wrong choice of initialization rather 93 IRACST - International Journal of Advanced Computing, Engineering and Application (IJACEA), ISSN: 2319-281X, Vol. 1, No.3, December 2012 than recursion. An interesting aspect is that PRNG generally have a cycle, i.e., it generates the same sequence, whereas the decimal expansion in any irrational number is non-repeating and non-terminating. A literature survey on pseudo random number generators, testing for their randomness etc is carried out [4-16]. A run is a sequence of letters of one kind preceded and/or followed by letters of another kind. A sequence is statistically random if the number of runs is neither too large nor too small. In this paper, the evaluation for randomness of a substring of different length, at arbitrary positions, of the decimal expansion of some irrational numbers from at least 1 lakh digits is reported. This study is important because, just as numbers generated from an arbitrary seed may not be random, so a substring taken from an arbitrary position may not be random. For this we carried out the percentage of times a substring of a given length passes the run test for randomness if taken from arbitrary positions 100 times. Wolfram’s Mathematica software [17] is used to generate the one lakh decimal digits of the irrational numbers. The programming of the algorithm for the run test is done using Dev C [18] software. Evaluation of randomness for the irrational numbers, π, √11, √29 and their results are reported in this work. 94 IRACST - International Journal of Advanced Computing, Engineering and Application (IJACEA), ISSN: 2319-281X, Vol. 1, No.3, December 2012 TEST OF RANDOMNESS OF DECIMAL DIGITS OF ANY IRRATIONAL NUMBER FOR FIXED LENGTH n WHICH SRARTS FROM AN ARBITARY POSITION s. The algorithm used here is similar to that used in our previous work [6] on π. Algorithm: Step 1: Create a text file say ra29.txt for an irrational no square root of 29. Step 2: Set MAX=100000. Step 3: Input n. Step 4: z=U (0, 1) s=INT [z*(MAX-n)] + 1 when n = MAX, s=1 otherwise is a random number between 1 and MAX-n Step 5: Create an array arrs (convert characters to numbers) of n elements starting from s th position of the text file ra29.txt. Step 6: Create an array arrws by copying all the elements of arrs. Step 7: Find the median by the following steps:[a] Sort the array arrs [b] If n is odd, median = (n/2) th term [c] If n is even, median=mean of (n/2) th and (n/2+1) th term Step 8: From the first digit to the unsorted array arrws, [a] Write ‘A’ if the digit is less than the median , or 95 IRACST - International Journal of Advanced Computing, Engineering and Application (IJACEA), ISSN: 2319-281X, Vol. 1, No.3, December 2012 [b] Write ‘B’ if more, or [c] If equal, draw a uniform number p between (0 to 1),if p>0.5 then write ‘B’ otherwise ‘A’ Step 9: Store all characters in a string variable txtstr, which is obtained from Step 8 Step 10: Initialize a new character variable temp with the first character of txtstr and set c=1 Step 11: From second character on wards , examine with temp, if unequal c=c+1 and temp= corresponding character. If equal examine the next character. Find value of c gives the number of runs in txtstr. Step 12: c is asymptotically normal with mean E(c) = (n+2)/2 Variance Var(c) = n(n-2)/4(n-1) 1/2 Calculate U = {c-E(c)}/{Var(c)} Where U is N (0,1) for large n Step 13: If |U |<1.96,subsequence may be taken as random at 5% level of significance. Step 14: Repeat steps 4 to 13 a large number of times for every n chosen. The above algorithm for the run test of an irrational number is coded in Dev C software. The algorithm has been applied to the following irrational numbers π(pi) , √11, √29. The results of their passing of randomness test using a seed of arbitrary length (n) in the chosen length of total 1 lakh digits is tabulated in the following table. 96 IRACST - International Journal of Advanced Computing, Engineering and Application (IJACEA), ISSN: 2319-281X, Vol. 1, No.3, December 2012 Length (n) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 π(pi) 96 99 92 98 92 95 96 96 96 94 95 93 97 92 93 95 98 95 92 94 96 97 96 98 98 92 98 95 95 97 92 93 96 98 93 98 93 98 Percentage of pass √11 97 99 94 97 95 95 97 92 97 96 98 93 93 92 98 95 98 99 99 95 93 92 94 94 97 98 97 94 93 99 93 97 96 97 93 97 95 96 √29 93 98 97 96 95 95 93 98 96 96 97 93 98 95 96 96 93 96 94 94 98 98 96 98 96 94 95 96 93 93 97 98 96 95 92 96 94 96 97 IRACST - International Journal of Advanced Computing, Engineering and Application (IJACEA), ISSN: 2319-281X, Vol. 1, No.3, December 2012 390 400 410 420 96 98 96 96 94 94 97 100 96 96 98 96 430 97 96 98 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 97 95 95 94 93 93 91 97 94 96 99 96 98 93 96 91 99 98 98 95 98 Remark: The decimal expansion of an irrational number can be obtained using continued fraction expansion. See [16]. Conclusion: Research has been continuing on the randomness of the decimal expansion of irrational number that are used to distinguished good from not so good random number generators when applied to the decimal digits of any irrational number. But the works talk of randomness on the whole. If a sequence is random on the whole, it does not follow that different subsets taken from arbitrary positions will also be random as overall independence does not imply mutual independence. So we made the resent study in which random substrings of arbitrary lengths have been extracted from arbitrary positions a large number of times and each sample is tested for randomness. There are so many controversies about the randomness of pi like the recent claim that “pi is less random than we thought” [19]. George Marsaglia [5] has independently refuted the claim, but he established the randomness on the whole for the first 960 million digits of pi. These research findings confirm that pi as well as √11 and √29 are good random number generator since (i) they don’t generate a cycle being irrational in nature and (ii) arbitrary substrings of different lengths taken from arbitrary positions are also random barring a few non-random substrings, that is to say, the pass % is fairly high in all the three. The result (ii) is very important as the arbitrary positions actually correspond to seed in other models of pseudorandom number generators in the computer. In those models, numbers generated from an arbitrarily selected seed may not be random [3]. Remark: The most popular pseudo random number generator is Mersenne Twister 19937. See [20]. for more on this. A sequence, strictly speaking, is truly random if the length of the shortest program that outputs the sequence (this is called the Kolmogorov complexity of the sequence) equals the length of the sequence. 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