Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD April 2002 Facial and Orbital Fractures Holly B. Hindman, Harvard Medical School, Year III Gillian Lieberman, MD Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD Outline of Discussion • • • • Introduction to our patient Orbital anatomy Recommended imaging studies Presentation and radiological findings of various facial and orbital fractures • Potential complications of orbital fractures • Revisiting our patient 2 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD Patient Presentation – P.Q. CC: Trauma patient, s/p fall from 70 feet. HPI: brought to E.R. s/p fall from 70 feet with multiple injuries including facial and orbital fractures. 3 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD Defining the Orbital Walls • Medial Wall: ethmoid bone (paper thin), lacrimal bone, body of spenoid (posteriorly), frontal bone (superiorly), maxilla (inferiorly) • Lateral Wall: zygomatic bone anteriorly, greater wing of sphenoid bone posteriorly. • Roof: frontal bone, lesser wing of sphenoid bone containing optic canal • Floor: maxilla and zygomatic bone anteriorly, palatine bone posteriorly 4 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD Bony Orbit Agur AMR and Lee MJ. Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy, 10th Edition, page 566 5 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD Bony Orbit – Medial Wall Frontal Ethmoid Lacrimal Sphenoid Vaughan et al. General Ophthalmology, 15th Edition, page 2 6 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD Frontal Sinus Maxillary Sinus Paranasal Sinuses Agur AMR and Lee MJ. Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy, 10th Edition, page 606 Ethmoid Sinus Sphenoid Sinus 7 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD Paranasal Sinuses Plain Film CT Frontal Ethmoid Maxillary Agur AMR and Lee MJ. Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy, 10th Edition, page 607 8 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD Extraocular Muscles Muscle Primary Action Secondary Action Innervation Lateral Rectus Abduction None CN VI Medial Rectus Adduction None CN III Superior Rectus Elevation Adduction Intorsion CN III Inferior Rectus Depression Adduction Extorsion CN III Superior Oblique Intorsion Depression Abduction CN IV Extorsion Elevation Abduction CN III Inferior Oblique 9 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD Extraocular Muscles www.eyeplastics.com/ orbital_anatomy.htm 10 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD Extraocular Muscles Agur AMR and Lee MJ. Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy, 10th Edition, page 568 11 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD Orbital Arteries and Veins Arteries Veins Ophthalmic Artery is the first intracranial branch of internal carotid Artery. Accompanies optic nerve through optic canal and branches into: 1) Retinal Artery 2) Lacrimal Artery 3) Muscular Branches 4) Long and Short Posterior Ciliary Arteries 5) Medial Palpebral Arteries 6) Supraorbital and Supratrochlear Arteries Vortex veins, anterior ciliary veins, and central retinal vein drain into superior and inferior ophthalmic veins Superior ophthalmic vein passes through superior orbital fissure and communicates with cavernous sinus Inferior ophthalmic vein passes through inferior orbital fissure to communicate with pterygoid plexus 12 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD Nerves of the Orbit Oculomotor Nerve (CN III): enters via superior orbital fissure •Superior Division: levator palpebrae, superior rectus muscle •Inferior Division: medial and inferior recti, inferior oblique muscles, parasympathetic fibers to ciliary ganglion Trochlear Nerve (CN IV): enters via superior orbital fissure • innervates superior oblique muscle Abducens Nerve (CN VI): enters via the superior orbital fissure •Innervates lateral rectus muscle. 13 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD Nerves of the Orbit Trigeminal Nerve (CN V): •Ophthalmic Branch: enters via superior orbital fissure 1) lacrimal nerve: provides sensory innervation to lacrimal gland 2) frontal nerve: divides into supraorbital and supratrochlear nerves and provides sensation to brow and forehead 3) nasociliary nerve: sensation to cornea, iris, and ciliary body •Maxillary Branch: enters via inferior orbital fissure becomes the infraorbital nerve and exits via the infraorbital foramen provide sensory innervation to lower lid and cheek 14 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD Nerves of the Orbit Vaughan et al. General Ophthalmology, 15th Edition, page 20 Optic Nerve (CN II): •contains axons of ~ 1 million retinal ganglion cells. •80% is composed of visual fibers that travel to the visual cortex via the lateral geniculate body. •20% is composed of pupillary fibers that terminate in the pretectal area. •Exits via the optic canal. 15 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD The Optic Nerve Vaughan et al. General Ophthalmology, 15th Edition, page 20 The optic nerve is ensheathed with fibrous wrappings which are continuous with the outer layers of the eye and the meninges. 16 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD The Orbital Apex Entry point of •Nerves •Blood vessels Site of origin of all EOM, except inferior oblique Vaughan et al. General Ophthalmology, 15th Edition, page 3 17 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD The Anterior Orbit Agur AMR and Lee MJ. Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy, 10th Edition, page 567 18 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD Orbital Contents Agur AMR and Lee MJ. Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy, 10th Edition, page 571 19 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD Putting It All Together Agur AMR and Lee MJ. Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy, 10th Edition, page 611 20 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD Causes of Orbital Trauma • • • • • Motor vehicle accidents High acceleration injuries Violent crime Athletic accidents Industrial accidents 21 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD Imaging Studies • Plain Films in patients who show no neurological abnormalities or in patients who have suspected foreign body. Use Caldwell and Waters views. • High resolution axial CT is primary imaging modality using both axial and coronal views. • CT angiogography if there is concern for vascular injury such as carotid cavernous fistula. • MR useful for evaluating vascular injuries and psuedoaneurysms, lacrimal drainage injury, motility disorders, and for surgical planning. Contraindicated until metallic foreign body ruled out. • US can detect intraocular foreign bodies, globe rupture, suprachoroidal hemorrhage, and retinal detachment. 22 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD Types of Orbital Fractures Orbital fractures are often associated with optic nerve injuries, paranasal sinus injuries, and/or intracranial injuries. Types of orbital fractures include: • Le Fort Fractures • Medial Orbital Fractures • Orbital Floor Fractures • Orbital Roof Fractures • Lateral (Zygomatic, Tripod) Fractures • Naso-Ethmoidal Orbital Fractures • Orbital Apex Fractures 23 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD Definitions • • • • Blow-out Fracture: outward fracture of involved orbital bones. Usually involves medial wall and floor. Results in increased intraorbital volume and enophthalmos. • Blow-in Fracture: • fracture of orbital bones inward into the orbital space. • Results in decreased orbital volume and proptosis. 24 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD Le Fort’s Fractures Le Fort’s fractures are horizontal fractures that involve the maxilla bilaterally. • Le Fort I: no orbital involvement. • Le Fort II: medial orbital wall affected. Fracture of nasal, lacrimal, and maxillary walls. May involve nasolacrimal duct • Le Fort III: medial and lateral walls and floor affected. Craniofacial dysjunction. May involve optic canal. Mauriello et al. The Radiologic Clinics of North America, 1999, 37:1, page 247 25 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD Medial Wall Fractures • Involves maxilla, lacrimal, and ethmoid bones. • Associated with orbital floor fracture, depressed nasal bridge, traumatic telecanthus. • Can get blow-out and prolapse of tissues into ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses. Vaughan et al. General Ophthalmology, 15 th Edition, page 2 26 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD Medial Wall Fracture Signs and Complications •Periorbital emphysema which develops when patient blows nose •Defective motility: involving abduction and adduction because of medial rectus entrapment. •Severe epistaxis if ethmoidal artery is damaged •CSF rhinorrhea •Lacrimal system injury Kanski JK. Clinical Ophthalmology, 4th Edition, page 651 27 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD Medial Wall Fracture Coronal CT blow-out fracture of medial wall and blow-out fracture of orbital floor Kanski JK. Clinical Ophthalmology, 4th Edition, page 651 28 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD Fracture of the Orbital Floor Kanski JK. Clinical Ophthalmology, 4th Edition, page 648 • Caused by sudden increase in orbital pressure by small object. • Floor fractures anteriorly through the maxillary bone and posteriorly along the thin bone covering the infraorbital canal. • Orbital contents may prolapse and become entrapped in maxillary sinus. 29 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD Complications of Orbital Floor Fracture • • • • • • • ecchymosis and edema Infraorbital nerve anesthesia: due to involvement of infraorbital canal Diplopia: caused by hemorrhage or edema, mechanical entrapment within the fracture, or direct injury to extraocular muscle Ocular damage Enophthalmos Globe ptosis Orbit and lid emphysema 30 Kanski JK. Clinical Ophthalmology, 4th Edition, page 648 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD Orbital Floor Fracture CT scan demonstrates • fracture of the orbital floor with displacement of inferior rectus muscle through the defect. Arrowhead = optic nerve sheath hematoma Open arrow = downward displacement of inferior rectus muscle Mauriello et al. The Radiologic Clinics of North America, 1999, 37:1, page 242 31 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD Roof Fractures Pathogenesis: children have isolated minor trauma. Adults more likely to have complicated fractures from major trauma. May involve frontal sinus, cribiform plate, and brain. Kanski JK. Clinical Ophthalmology, 4th Edition, page 652 Signs: •Hematoma of the upper lids and periocular ecchymosis •Inferior or axial globe displacement •Pulsation of the globe may be seen in large fractures •Supraorbital hypesthesia •Ptosis •Limited elevation and depression of the eye 32 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD Roof Fractures Complications •CSF rhinorrhea: localized by CT cisternography after intrathecal contrast administration •Pneumocephalus: The frontal sinus dissipates the impact and is often fractured. Violation of Mauriello et al. The Radiologic Clinics of North America, 1999, 37:1, page 244 posterior wall of frontal sinus require surgical fracture of posterior wall of frontal sinus cerebral hemorrhage repair. 33 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD Roof Fractures Coronal CT of left orbital roof fracture demonstrating pneumo-orbit and pneumocephalus (arrow) Mauriello et al. The Radiologic Clinics of North America, 1999, 37:1, page 244 34 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD Lateral Wall Fractures Lateral Wall Fractures •Bone is more solid •Associated with extensive facial damage •Fractures rarely occur alone •Frequently part of a complex tripod or Le Fort III fracture. Tripod Fractures Involves fracture of three bones: •Zygomaticofrontal suture superiorly •Zygomatic arch laterally •Zygomaticomaxillary suture inferomedially 35 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD Combined Fractures – Tripod Fracture • A: coronal spiral CT shows separated frontozygomatic suture • B: 3D reformatted spiral CT shows lateral displacement of lateral orbital wall • C: 3D reformatted spiral CT shows downward displacement of trimalar complex. Mauriello et al. The Radiologic Clinics of North America, 1999, 37:1, page 245 36 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD Naso-Ethmoidal Orbital Fractures www.erlanger.org/craniofacial/ book/Trauma/Trauma_4.htm •Often caused by MVA in which patient strikes the nose on the dashboard. •Thick anterior bones cause telescoping of posterior thinner bones. •Usually cause a blow-in fracture but occasionally cause blow-out into ethmoid sinus of medial wall. 37 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD Naso-Ethmoidal Orbital Fractures Mauriello et al. The Radiologic Clinics of North America, 1999, 37:1, page 246 38 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD Orbital Apex Fractures • Usually in association with other facial fractures • May involve optic canal and superior orbital fissure and cause injury to nerves in the area • Optic nerve injury may be caused by mechanical tearing or laceration, stretching, torsion, contusion, compression, ischemia, hemorrhage, or thrombosis • Must look for foreign bodies • Complications: 1) CSF leaks 2) carotid-cavernous fistula 3) loss of vision 39 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD Orbital Apex Fractures Intraocular hemorrhage from penetrating injury intraocular air intraocular blood Axial CT of fracture of ethmoid and medial wall of optic canal Axial CT of nerve sheath hematoma 40 Mauriello et al. The Radiologic Clinics of North America, 1999, 37:1, pages 247-249 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD Complications of Orbital Trauma • • • • • • Foreign bodies (Radiographs, US, CT, NOT MRI) Diplopia from muscle entrapment Globe rupture Suprachoroidal hemorrhage (US) Retinal detachment (US) Carotid cavernous fistula (CT, MRI, arteriography) • Lens dislocation (US) • enophthalmos 41 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD Foreign Bodies BB at orbital apex Mauriello et al. The Radiologic Clinics of North America, 1999, 37:1, page 243 Plain radiograph (Waters view) showing left foreign body Kanski JK. Clinical Ophthalmology, 4th Edition, page 652 B scan Ultrasound shows intraocular foreign body Kanski JK. Clinical Ophthalmology, 4th Edition, page 652 42 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD Other Complications Carotid Cavernous Fistula Suprachoroidal Hemorrhage Friedman et al The Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary Illustrated Manual of Ophthalmology, 1998, page 5 Kanski JK. Clinical Ophthalmology, 4th Edition, page 652 43 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD Patient D.W. Findings on CT: contiguous axial images from the foramen magnum through the cranial vertex • Multiple comminuted fractures involving the bilateral maxillary sinuses and ethmoid air cells • Fracture of lamina papyracea bilaterally • Fracture of the left zygomatic arch • Extensive blood and soft tissue density within maxillary, ethmoid, sphenoid, and frontal sinuses as well as mastoid air cells • No gross abnormalities of the brain 44 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD Fractures of maxilla Blood in maxillary sinus Patient P.Q. Courtesy of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center 45 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD Fracture of left zygomatic bone Patient P.Q. Blood in sphenoid sinus Fracture of lamina papyracea Blood in ethmoid sinus Courtesy of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center 46 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD Patient P.Q. Blood within frontal sinus Courtesy of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center 47 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD References • • • • • • • • • • • Agur AMR, Lee MJ. Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy, 10th Edition. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 1999. Coleman DJ, Silverman RH, Daly SM, Rondeau MJ. Advances in Ophthalmic Ultrasound. Radiologic Clinics of North America, 1998; 36:6, 1073-1082. Ettl A, Salmonowitz E, Koornneef L, Zonnefeld FW. High Resolution MR Imaging – Anatomy of the Orbit. The Radiologic Clinics of North America, 1998; 36:6, 1021-1045. Friedman NJ, Pineda R, Kaiser PK. The Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary Illustrated Manual of Ophthalmology. W.B. Saunders Company, 1998. Kanski JK. Clinical Ophthalmology. 4th Edition. Butterworth-Heinemann, 2000. Koornneef L, Zonneveld FW. The Role of Direct Multiplanar High-Resolution CT in the Assessment and Management of Orbital Trauma. Radiologic Clinics of North America, 1987; 25:4, 753-766. Mauriello JA, Lee HJ, Nguyen L. CT of Soft Tissue Injury and Orbital Fractures. Radiologic Clinics of North America 1999; 37:1, 241-252. Novelline, RA. Squire’s Fundamentals of Radiology, 5th Edition. Butterworth-Heinemann, 2000. Vaughan D, Asbury T, Riordan-Eva P. General Ophthalmology, 15th Edition. McGraw-Hill, 1999. www.eyeplastics.com/ orbital_anatomy.htm www.erlanger.org/craniofacial/ book/Trauma/Trauma_4.htm 48 Holly B. Hindman Gillian Lieberman, MD Acknowledgements • Webmasters Larry Barbaras and Cara Lyn D’amour • Gillian Lieberman, MD • Pamela Lepkowski • Nicole Thobe, MD 49