new board members!

Spring-Summer 2007
“Amazed and Relieved”
hen we were at the hospital awaiting our adopted child’s birth, we did
not know that Samuel was going to be born with spina bifida. So within
a matter of hours our world changed. We were headed to San Francisco
to be present with our new baby, who would have to spend several weeks in the
UCSF Intensive Care Nursery. We did not know anyone in the city and were not sure
where to stay. Very early on, our social worker informed us about Family House. We
were amazed and relieved to find a place like this. The staff was friendly and the
facility was nice and clean with all the needs we could think of. There are many
occasions when we just stop and think of how much of a blessing it has been to have
Family House available. It has helped relieve
our worries and allowed us to focus on our
…we just stop and think of
son, learning about spina bifida and
how much of a blessing it has
adjusting to a new life as adoptive parents
been to have Family House
of a child with special needs.
As I researched the history of Family House,
in order to share with friends and family, I came across its mission, which is to serve
children with cancer and other life threatening-illnesses and their families by
providing physical comforts and emotional support, free from financial concerns. Its
facilities consistently provide comfortable, clean, and safe living arrangements that
meet my family’s physical needs. By offering this living arrangement free of charge,
our financial concerns are met. We feel that Family House is exactly that, a home
away from home. Our emotional needs are also met as we have the opportunity to
interact with other families enduring hardships and with a staff that is good at
listening and being sensitive to our needs. I would like to thank all those sponsors that
donate so generously to Family House for seeing the importance of these facilities.
They help families like mine to focus on our
…we have the opportunity to child and not the other details. Family House
is doing a great job at fulfilling their
interact with other families
mission. I also would like to thank the
enduring hardships…
volunteers that help at the houses. It is
always special when a nice picture is posted
on our door during the holidays from local schools, or when a meal or dessert is
freshly baked and available for the families to enjoy. There is so much kindness
shown; Family House and its staff are making a difference in the lives of families.
Thank you so much.
With gratitude, Mark,
Janell, and Samuel Colosio
Janell and baby Samuel at Family House
Thursday June 28, 2007
San Francisco Magazine’s Best of the Bay
Friday October 5, 2007
The Jordan and Kyra Memorial Golf Tournament
Seascape Golf Resort, Aptos, California
Saturday October 13, 2007
The 26th Annual “House Party”
Dinner, Dancing and Fun
The Ritz Carlton Hotel,
San Francisco, California
Friday February 29, 2008
Cabernet for Connoisseurs
Wine Auction, Tasting & Dinner
Our Special Events ,,
1. Dan and Kathleen Toney bidding at the silent auction; 2. Adorean Bolenacu, Anna Bice
from Artiste Winery and Daniel Bayless; 3. Neil and Karen Aldoroty and Bill Shea;
4. 25th Anniversary Co-Chairs Debbie and Art Ablin with Board Member John Foote;
5. Linda Elliot Smith from Elan Vineyards pouring at Cabernet for Connoisseurs 2007
A Warm Welcome to Susan Neff
Join us in welcoming Susan Neff as our first Development
Associate. Prior to joining the staff at Family House, Neff
was Director of Development at St. Raphael’s School, Director
of Special Events for CYO, and an active parent at Marin
Catholic. She and her husband, Lou, reside in Marin County.
Their son, Jason, attends Villanova, which will win the NCAA
Division I Men’s Basketball Championship next year.
Alexandra Morgan with board member George Eberle and outgoing
board chair, Tay Via
Dear Family House Community,
am delighted to update you on a wonderful, eventful year at
Family House. We continue to operate both facilities at
95%, and work closely with UCSF Children’s Hospital to
house as many families as possible every night of the year.
The spring of 2006 marked the 25th anniversary of continual
operation of our facilities. The occasion was abundantly planned
and celebrated by event co-chairs and Family House cofounders, Debbie and Art Ablin at our annual dinner celebration
at the Ritz Carlton Hotel. Many past board members attended
who have served and supported Family House since 1981. It was
an honor to be in the company of people who have nurtured
Family House, and the children and families who stay with us,
for so many years.
In February we hit another milestone: the 2007 Cabernet for
Connoisseurs annual wine auction raised over $300,000 thanks to
event chair, Neil Aldoroty, and his intrepid event committee:
Dick Grace, Bill Shea, Dan Toney, George Eberle, Adorean
Boleancu, Mike Dowling, and honoree Debbie Zachareas. Thank
you, all!
I would especially like to thank Tay Via, our spectacular
Board Chair for her three years of outstanding leadership and
service as she steps down. Under Tay’s direction, services to
families have increased, the Board of Directors has grown in
depth and breadth, the organization professionalized, income has
tripled, our two buildings have gone through significant
improvements, and endowment and staff have grown.
However, these are not the greatest measures of what Tay
has given to Family House: she has sat barefoot in a business suit
at Ocean Beach with staff while we memorialized children we’ve
lost; she’s spoken on behalf of Family House to anyone who
would listen from board rooms to whacky events; she’s the
number one cheerleader at our events, encouraging bidders to
raise their paddles with abandon, and she is devoted to our
families. In short, Tay has brought wisdom, humor and kindness
along with powerful leadership skills into the lives of our families,
staff, board colleagues and donors; she’s brought us from what
we were by making us understand what we could be. Thank you,
Tay, for making Family House a better place for all.
I join our Board of Directors in welcoming Kathleen Toney
as the new Board Chair of Family House. Kathleen’s husband,
Dan, was on the founding Board of Directors of Family House,
and they have been friends of Family House ever since. They are
committed to helping our families whose challenges they know
firsthand. I could not be more thrilled or luckier to work with
two such fine people as Tay and Kathleen.
Alexandra Morgan
Chief Executive Officer
Help Family House
Planned Giving
Planned gifts include gifts through your will, charitable gift
annuities, life insurance, pooled income funds and charitable
trusts. A planned gift to Family House will ensure the future of
our services for other families while maximizing tax benefits.
Family House, Inc. is tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the
Internal Revenue Code. Donations to Family House are taxdeductible. No matter how you give, whether through workplace
giving, an outright gift such as a gift of stock, mutual fund
shares, real estate or a planned gift, you will enjoy the
satisfaction of helping to relieve the burden of families in a
time of crisis.
For further information, please contact Alexandra Morgan,
Chief Executive Officer at 415-476-8321.
wo years ago, Family House board member Jim McPartlin was
having dinner at Garibaldi’s restaurant when he spotted owner,
John Hurley. They struck up a conversation, which ended with
John Hurley’s offer to do something meaningful for Family House. Since
then, Chef Daniel Martes, has lovingly prepared countless, delicious
meals for our families each week. During the holidays, Daniel really steps
up to the “plate” to make Family House holiday parties as welcoming and
delicious as a home cooked meal. Whether it’s caesar salad or chicken
pasta alfredo, our families are welcomed back from the hospital with a
delicious meal waiting, thanks to Hurley and Martes. Volunteer, Maureen
Healy, picks up the meal and delivers it to Family House every week. We
thank these three special volunteers and definitely count them among our
riage Consulting Group is one
of our most enthusiastic
community partners. “Triage”
provides financial consultation services to
hospitals and has been named among the
top 50 Best Small and Medium Companies
to Work for in America for the last three
consecutive years. We know why. In order
to combine a progressive work
environment with community service,
Triage has teamed up with Family House
on project after project to enhance the
experience our families have by making the
house more beautiful and comfortable.
Each year to honor the opening of
their company, Triage celebrates
“Founder’s Day,” when the company
shuts down to volunteer at non-profits
throughout the City. Their first project at
Family House was an “Extreme
Makeover” for six of our ten bedrooms at
50 Irving Street, and this was just the
In May 2006 Triage exercised one of
their five guiding principles, FUN, when
they produced a Casino Night benefiting
Family House. The evening was so
successful that Triage renovated the
remaining Irving Street bedrooms in need
of help, creating a welcoming feel to the
house with vibrant color schemes, new
furniture, and beautiful artwork.
Fortunately, Triage employees love
Family House as much as we love them! A
Triage team of volunteers sold raffle
Chef Daniel Martes of Garibaldi’s, located at
347 Presidio Avenue in San Francisco.
tickets at the 2006 San Francisco
Magazine ’s Best of the Bay event
benefiting Family House. With their
bright smiles and enthusiastic
personalities, the crowd was WOW’d and
purchased a record amount of tickets!
The year ended with twenty
volunteers coming to our 10th Avenue
house with food and talented chefs to
provide a festive holiday meal for families
from both houses.
This year Triage continues to be our
dream maker. At our Cabernet for
Connoisseurs event in February, Triage
volunteers did whatever was needed, from
pouring wine to selling raffle tickets (we
know they can sell tickets!). Once again,
they got the job done in style.
Triage will host a second Casino
Night in April with the hopes of
renovating three living rooms at Irving
Street. We know their team will produce
another outstanding event, turning the
time, effort and love that they put into the
party into care, comfort and community
for our families.
The staff, Board Members and
families that stay at Family House are in
awe of the wonderful volunteers at Triage
Consulting Group. We would like to
thank Lisa Anderson, who has been the
liaison that links us together in a beautiful
Family House loves Triage
Consulting Group!
Triage Consulting on Family House room make-over day with Family House staff
Over $50, 000
Frank A. Campini Foundation
Jordan & Kyra Memorial Fndtn
The Koret Foundation
Edmund & Jeannik Littlefield Fndtn
$25,000 - $49,999
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Ablin
Bank of America Foundation
Chris Columbus and Monica Devereuex
The Carl & Celia Berta Gellert Fndtn
George and Pamela Hamel
Alexander & June Maisin Foundation
Providian Financial
San Francisco Magazine
William and Elizabeth Shea
$15,000 - $24,999
All Stars Helping Kids
Stephen D. Bechtel Jr. Foundation
Bothin Foundation
S. H. Cowell Foundation
Dick and Ann Grace
Claude Eric Lazard
Frank Holminski and Allyson Seelinger
$10,000 - $14,999
Neil and Karen Aldoroty
Jim Barbour
Ed and Jan Brown
Credit Suisse
The William H. Donner Foundation
George and Aimee Eberle
Scott and Jennifer Fearon
Fremont Investors, Inc.
Clare Giannini Fund
Jennifer and Sean Jeffries
Joe and Martha Linhares
McKesson Foundation, Inc.
Denise Moffit
Bruce and Margaret Neff
Dan and Victoria Prendergast
Joe, Cassie and Nick Smith
Dan & Kathleen Toney
Ashley and Minott Wessinger
$5,000 - $9,999
Adorean Boleancu
Louis and Joan Braddi
Nancy and Edward Conner
Corroon Foundation
Inger Fair
Diana Farmer and Charles Caldwell
Paul and Anne Finigan
Mary Gallo
Curtis and Christine Gardner
Greater Bay Bank Corp
Michael and Kelly Halper
Larson Charitable Foundation
Macy's West
Gerald and Marion McGovern
Scott and Becky Miller
Morgan Stanley
Bruce and Margaret Neff
Meg and Bob Nibbi
Andrew Olma
Pamakid Runners
Joe Petite
Frank and Julie Pizzo
Scott Potter
Stacey L. Pratt
Kelly and Fred Randle
Martin Romo and Leesa Miao
Judi Ruehle
Susan Sangiacomo
Yvonne and Angelo Sangiacomo
The Schow Foundation
Lee and RuthAnn Seward
Cathy and John Stow
Thelen Reid Brown Raysman & Steiner
Union Bank
Barb Walkowski
Jane and Doug Wolf
$2,500 - $4,999
A&B Painting
ABD Construction/Real Estate
Jos J Albanese, Inc.
Demetrios Anaipakos
John Bailey
Barclays Global Investors
Cregg Baumbaugh
Joan Finton and Sheldon Baumrind
Bay Area Reinforcing
Bayside Village Associates
Larry & Pam Baer
Kate and Jack Berquist
Louis and Joan Braddi
Broadway Mechanical Contactors
Lacey Calac
Harvey and Phyllis Campbell
Shelby Campbell
Leo Chang
Charles Schwab & Co.
Corroon Foundation
Custom Drywall
Diversified Flooring Services
Ann and Kenneth Drasner
Jessica Edrosolan
Egan Plumbing
Dana and Bob Emery
Evans Brothers, Inc.
Chris Foley
John Foote
Ed and Phyllis Freis
Erin Galvin
Steve and Linda Goldfarb
Terry Grall
Dan and Barbara Heffernan
J Flores Construction
Joseph Jennaro
Debb and Tim Jorstad
Anna and Barry Kane
Sean Keene
Branko Kosovic and Julie Lumdquist
John Kugler and Colette O’Roirdan
KZ Tile
John & Ann Leonardo
Levi Strauss Foundation
Lois Levine-Mundle
Los Gatos Construction
Lucasfilm Ltd.
Donald Luchessa
Susan and Rob Maher
Drs. Michael & Kate Matthay
Matt and Erika McGrath
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
Diana and Terry Nelson
Nibbi Bros. Construction
Beth O'Boyle
Wendy and James Pauli
Alexis and Laurence Pelosi
Kelly Peterson
PGA Tour
Prestige Travel
Ann Richter and Charles Atkinson
Romano's Painting
John Rutledge
Jeff and Lisa Sanguinet
John and Irene Scully
Lee and RuthAnn Seward
John Shuhda
Brad and Diana Solso
Sprig Electric
Sunrise Windows & Doors
The Jewish Community Foundation
Abbey Turin
UCSF Children's Hospital
Tay Via
$1,000 - $2,499
Todd Ahlsten
Alan and Liseanne Alperin
Michael & Nancy Alvarez
Deborah and Buck Andrews
Eric Armando
Bay City Mechanical, Inc.
Judith Barringer
Joseph Bellantuono
Karen Bertrand
Sabrina & David Bjornstrom
Doug Boake
Anna Boucher
Tom and Rebecca Boucher
Mark and Kelly Bradley
Joyce & William Brantman Foundation
Robert and Mimi Brasch
Joanne Calabrese
Debb Campbell
Leslie Cariani
Raquel and Bryan Casity
Central Valley High School
Dan Charney
Col. L.C. Christensen Foundation
Gabriel Cuevas
Mary Cullen
Natasha Dalzell
Kristin and Gordon Dean
Stephen Dexter
Nancy Donahoe and Gregg Fusto
Michael and Linda Edwards
Zane Edwards
Emerald Fund
Andrea Evans and Christopher Lehane
Fairbanks Racing Lions
Steve and Trina Falace
James Farrell
Emil and Mary Ann Feierabend
Fiduciary Trust
George and Nancy Fleharty
Matt Franklin
Ed and Phyllis Freis
Diana Friedman
Janie and Don Friend
Arnold and Bertha Galarza
Gap Foundation
Theresa and Michael Gasman
Michael Glanzberg and Tim Lyall
Dan Glunt
Jesse Grove
Richard Guggenhime
James & Donna Halow
Dr. William Hamilton
Cliff Hansen
Drs. Michelle and Terry Hermiston
Craig Hine
Patricia and Steven Hoffman
Mickey and Carol Hollenberg
Jeff Jacobs
William and Barbie Jamieson
Bruce L. Johnson
Charles and Tammy Kaelber
Dr. & Mrs. Jay A. Kaiser
Suzanne Kim
Dave and Tori Kistler
Kathryn Kelly & Tom Klein
Penny Knuff
Hedi Langfelder
Neil and Elizabeth Lark
Legend Merchant Group
Brenda and Edward Levine
Chuck Lowen
Susan and Jay Mall
Matt and Erika McGrath
Herb McLaughlin
Meetinghouse LLC
Jonathon Montgomery
George & Nancy Alder Montgomery
Moraga Junior Women's Club
Alexandra Morgan
Morgan Stanley
Kiera and Charlie Muller
Ted and Kelly Murphy
Greg and Barbara Myers
Nan and Bill Nagle
The Ol'Blue Eyes Fund
Orcutt Foursquare Church
PG&E Stockton
David & Gail Perin
David and Jodi Pillsbury
Issie and Rhoda Rabinovitch
Dana Rich and Tris Speaker
Gerry and James Sangiacomo
Alexis and Nathan Sanders
Lisa Sardegna and Davis Carillo
Cecile Schreiber
Doug and Cheryl Schultz
Michael and Susan Schwartz
Beatie and Mike Seidenberg
Dean Sereni
Julie Shafer
Danan Sherman
Don and Marci Smith
Taube Family Foundation
Ted Smith and Cathy Teague
Walter and Doris Smith
The Phoebe Snow Foundation
James and Cathy Soule
Francoise Stone
Taube Family Foundation
UCSF Bay Area Pediatric Surgeons
W San Francisco
John Wadsworth
George and Kirsten Watters
Katherine Welch
Wells Fargo Community Support
Allison Wolfe and Neil Andrew
Barbara and Jayson Woodbridge
Zanoni and Company
$500 -$999
Michele Andrew
Bill and Jane Ballentine
Juan and Catalina Barajas
Kelly & Carolyn Bass
Fred and Catherine Beltran
Benjamin Franklin Plumbing
Howard and Stephanie Berman
Ukrit and Nipa Bhavindhu
C.W. & Isabelle Bird
Claude Bishop
Katherine and Claude Blankiet
David Bloom
Micahel and Nancy Borah
Phil Braga
Betty Brandt
Katherine Brobeck
Rhys and Mandy Brooks
Beverly Brunson
Julie and Doug Burch
Jared and Erin Camp
Denis Sutro and Anne Carver
Michael Casey
Curt Cassels and Daniel Bayless
Nancy Caton
Derek Chen
Annie Choung
Clif Bar
Jaime D'Alessandro
DFS Commercial Inc,
Richard & Jean Diaz
Steven and Pamela Dinkelspiel
Debra and David Dix
Dolan Concrete
Mike and Liz Dowling
Diana and David Edwards
Linda Eller
Elan Esakoff
Richard Essey and Lee Meyer
Ellen Falkensamma
Rick Fedick
Philip & Lisa Feldman
Hal Fischer
Florsheim Bros Foundation
Richard Freemon
Fresh Start Advantage, Inc.
Diana Friedman
Kimberly Fullerton & Stephen Johnson
Bertha Galarza
Dennis and Leslie Gilday
Mr. & Mrs. George Girvin
Brian and Diana Gleghorn
Karen and Bill Gough
Robert Green
Grey Creek Viticultural Services
John and Terri Hanhauser
Kirk Hatfield
Dr. & Mrs. Sam Hawgood
Vince and Amanda Hoenigman
Jeff Hoppen
Kristin Horne
Stephen Janachowski
Todd and Jodi Janzen
Jennifer Jeffries
David and Hope Jensen
Denise and Marcus Johnson
Christian Joos
Larae Kaarup
Mehul and Reha Kamdar
Raj and Madhu Kamdar
Kane and Finkel Healthcare Com
Yueh Kao
Elliot Katz
Andy & Elizabeth Kelleher
Consuelo Kellers
Kate Kelly and Tom Klein
Bill Knuff
Ms. Rachel Krevans
Chuck and Mary Jean Kronbetter
Nancy Langjahr
Allan and Anne Lerch
Nina Lescher
LD Lyon
Ms. Jennifer Mackey
Mike and Wendy Malon
Sandra and Mark Mandel
Vaughn and Wayne Marshall
Marissa Mayer
James and Kathleen McGee
Lillian McGough
Gerald and Marion McGovern
Roxanne and Todd McKinnon
Maureen Lucey Mihelich
Jan and Larry Miller
Michael and Linda Mitchell
Fred and Kathleen Morse
Chuck and Beverly Mumford
Lou and Susan Neff
Jim and Janie Nesmith
Catherine & Andrew Newman
Bill Newsom
James & Aileen Nichelini
Edward and Christine O'Gara
Molly O'Riordan
Bernard and Sandra Orsi
Parthenon Capital
Janet and George Pasha
Leslie Patterson
Amy Price
Progress Hardware
Glenda and Berwil Jr. Putnam
Tom and Mary Quinlan
Paul Raczynski
John Radick
Maureen and Timothy Reardon
David and Marcie Rhodes
Mack and Debbie Roach
Marisa Robbins
Karine Roman and Heinz Holba
Kerri Rosen and Mike Marvin
Henry and Genieve Schlangen
Edward & Liliane Schneider Family
Andrew Schwartz
John and Carrie Schwartz
Bob and Gail Shack
Jeffrey and Gretchen Shophoff
Lisa and Michael Skube
Jeff Smith and Carolyn Duryea
Brad and Diana Solso
Vic Sotto
Soule Foundation
Kevin and Debbie Souza
Doug and Kristen Stanton
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Steinberg
Scott Takaoka
Jack Topham
Vickie Tucker
Kelly Turk and Debra Reidel
Keena and Linda Turner
Jan Tuttleman
Nick Vangalio
Fred Voss
Larry and Barbara Walsh
Dr. William Wara
Michael & Patricia Ward
Sara and Stan Warne
Ernest and Margot Weil
Ron and Carrie Welsh
Amy Wender
David White
Ron and Barbara Winchell
Andrew Woeber
Sue and Dick Wollack
Jessica and Stephen Wynne
Catherine Young
Laleh Zelinsky
Under $500
2Peas1Pod .Com
Richard and Nancy Aaron
Forrest & Karen Aarvig
William and Susan Abraham
Robert and Linda Abramovitz
Matthew Absher
Jaime Ackerhalt
Benjamin Sidney Adams
Elizabeth Adams
Sam & Jennifer Adams
Gordon and Susan Adelman
Suzanne Agasi
Roxanne Alaniz
Marc & Meg Alexander
Brett and Kristin Alldredege
Kristin Sorenson Alldredge
Michelle and Jack Allison
Alan and Liseanne Alperin
Michael and Nancy Alvarez
Judith Alvey and Matthew Hanko
Brooke Amaral
Matt and Amy Amaral
Douglas Amarelo
Christina and Michael Amerio
Dong An
Bonnie Andersen
Ame Anderson
Lisa Anderson
Sherry and Tim Anderson
Tyrone Anderson
Christopher Andrews
Maggie Antaramian
Denise Anton
Applied Motion Products
Nazik Arisian
Charles and Pamela Armor
Ida Grace Armor
Atlas Senior Care
Mary Luz Arredondo & Christian
Ray and Michele Ashford
Dominique and Ani Atamian
Simran and Harnek Atwal
Luis and Vicki Azevedo
Alexei Babazadeh
Kathy Babcock & Steve Welter
Jerry Badler
Betty Baggott
Steve & Lora Lee Bale
Leigh Balkan
James and Ami Ballard
Brad Lee Barbeau
Dr. & Mrs. Donald Barbour
Steven E. Barbour
Larry Bardoff & Lilli Alberga
Judith Barringer
Lon and Tamara Baugh
Donald and Audrey Barnes
Kelly Barnes
Gumaro and Refugio Barraza
Dennis and Carol Bartolomei
Wendy and Joseph Bartolomei
Jean Barton
Carol and Joan Basore
Kelly and Carolyn Bass
Mark Batenburg
Raymond and Janet Bauer
Lon and Tamara Baugh
Kris and Jamie Baxter
Lisa Beal & John Stemmler
Wendy Bean
Joan Beard
Catherine Bechtel
Kristin Becksted
Hergop and Rozine Bedoyan
Bell, Rosenberg & Hughes LLP
Jennifer Belissant
Diane Bellas & Janis Chiamulon
Darlene Bellucci & Tonino Drovandi
Fred and Rose Beltran
Margette and Chris Benedicto-Hill
James and Gayle Bengson
Wendy Benson
Donald and Audrey Bernes
Patricia Bertino
Beta Sigma Phi
Paul Berning
Simone Berkowitz
Alyssa and Mark Berwick
Carol M. Best
Beta Sigma Phi
Kekai Beyer
Kevin Billeci
Wendy Bingham
Vivian and Karkor Birazian
CW and Isabelle Bird
Mr. & Mrs. Claude Bishop
James Bitter
Sharon and William Black
H.D. & Shirley Blocher
Shirley Blocher
Prof. Jack Block
Cheryl and Stephen Bloxom
Bode Gravel Company
Walter and Patricia Bognuda
JC Boisset
Doreen Bordessa
Debra and Robert Bosetti
Norman Bouton
Jospehine Bovill Erpf
Justin Bower
Wayne and Pamela Bower
Laura Brady
Michael and Anne Branch
Tom and Kathy Brandal
Hank and Michelle Brasch
Bob and Alice Breakstone
Carol Brittain
Howard and Pamela Broadman
Kim Bromley
Richard and Lanette Brown
Rodney and Linda Brown
John Brunello
Rendell and Violet Brushey
Melissa Buckley
Stacey Buffo
Jennifer and Jim Bullis
Julie and Doug Burke
Kathryn A Burg
David & Minde Busch
Margaret Butt
Butte County District Attorney
Doug Byles
Ronald and Elizabeth Caceres
Michael and Holly Cacheiro
Richard and Rita Caldwell
Marcia and Gary Campbell
Margaret Campbell
Patricia Campbell
Gregory and Carol Cannon
Jim and Kris Cannon
John Capizzi and Glenn Riddel
Gene Carbone
Ivy Cardinaux
James and Jamie Carduff
Jodi Carnes
Brett Care
Jacklyn Care
Stephen Carlson
Wayne Carlson
Karen Carlstrom
Carl Carmichael
Lynne Carmichael
Stella Carmona
Jodi Carnes
Brain and Amy Carr
Alma and Feliciano Carrasco
Larry and Robin Carter
David & Marcia Carucci
Catherine Caserza
Bill and Pam Casey
Mary and Dan Casey
William and Marie Casey
Casino Executive Search, LLC
Raquel and Bryan Casity
Rhonda Cavin
Vinci Ceballos
Stephen and Teresa Cepeda
Kathryn Ceseare
Eric Chais
Anna Chakalian
Viola Chan
Eva Chang-Hoffman
Wesley Chao
Karen and Phil Chase
Myra and Noel Chavira
Steven Chen
Chenco Investment California L
Steven and Nonna Cheney
Amy Cheng
Bobbi Chessani and Doug Hendon
Peter and Jode Chevalier
Michael Chituras
Miyeon and Jonathan Cho
Kechung and Sanli Kao Chou
Christ Lutheran Church
Joseph Christiano
Hsiu-Chen Chu
Gordon and Suzanne Chun
Ann Cierley
David and Bobbe Clark
Clark Family
Joey Clay
Christopher Clayton
Rebecca Clevenger
Linne Cline
Clipped Wings, Palo Alto
Susan and Mark Cloutier
Peter and Carole Clum
Monica and Ryan Cochran
Joshua and Janet Cohen
Michael Collins
Janell and Mark Colosio
Community One Federal Credit
Patrick Conley
Peter Conlon
Guy and Pauline Conversano
Sean Cooley and Jean Kayser
Jeff Coolican
Carolyn Cooper
Michael and Judith Cotta
Mary Coughlin
Courtside Club
Dr. & Mrs. Mort Cowan
Suzanne and Stephen Cowan
Gerald and Betty Craft
Charles Craik and Nancy Sambol
Richard and Danielle Crawford
Maria & Jesus Creano
Joanne Croy
Daniel and Terrie Cruz
William Csaklos
Gabriel Cuevas
Scott Cullerton
Robert Curley
Candida Curridori
William Csaklos
Steve & Madeline Dallas
Patrick Daly
Richard and Patricia Daniel
Aaron Danzer
Kim Darin
Paul and Ursula Davidson
Connie and Rick Davila
Kristi Davis
Lisa and Scott Davis
Mike Davis
Paul and Barbara Davis
Lupe De La Torre
Richard and Beverly Deaner
Wm and Mollie Dear
John DeDominic
Lupe De La Torre
Rhoda Del Portillo
Maria Delucchi-Kahale
Seth Demain
George and Josephine Demos
Vivian and Chris Deniston
Zaven and Berjouhie Devejian
Amrik and Gurdish Dhugga
Ethel and Albert Dias
Mary and Bob Dickson
Susan and Stephen Dickson
John and Georgene Diener
John and Sue Dimmick
Michale and Patricia Dinstell
David and Mildred Dixon
Don't Be Frantic Computer Sale
Mike and Atelvina Donnelly
Robert and Virginia Donnelly
Troy and Judy Donoviel
Courtney and Jeff Dorman
Danielle Dottavio
Mike Dowling
Clifford and Phyllis Draper
Dorothy Drumm
Jane Drumm
Jenny and Matias Duarte
Karen Dumas
Stephen Dunne
Guadalupe and Juaquin Duran
Denine Duron
Jeffrey Duryn
Larry and Kathy Dutto
Katie and Jaimie Dyos
Earth Share of California
Mark Eaton
Nicole Eberhard
Elizabeth and Virginia Edmunds
Shirley Edward
Donald and Janet Eggleston
Isabel and Tom Eichner
Maria Einaudi
CW Eischen
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Roy Eisenhardt
Kim Elia
Trina, Jon, Paige and Maya Elliot
Kate Elston
The Congregation Emanu-El
William and Marnice Emerson
Peter and Lindy Emrich
Environmental Federation of CA
Aaron and Linda Epperly
Drs. Charles & Lois Epstein
Josephine Bovill Erpf
Antoinette and Don Ericksen
Carolyn Ervin
Elan Esakoff
Miguel Espinosa
Kristi Essick
Jovy and Edgardo Estabillo
Vehanoush Estefanian
Darlene Estes
Dorothy Eustis
Charles Evans
Dan Evans
Elizabeth and Dale Evans
Nancy Everett
Ms. Inger Fair
Nael Fakhry
Paul and Winnie Farley
Julie and wes Farriss
Roxanne and Anthony Fernandes
Mary and John Ferons
Fredrick and Elene Ferrero
Matt and Mary Ferrick
Brett and Liana Ferry
Lesley Fetterman
Fieraband Family
Ed and Liza Fierro
Ernie and Patty Filice
Timothy and Janice Filice
William Filice
Keith Fink
Roberta and Jessie Fink
Jennifer Fiore
Fireside Bank
Charles and Lavinia Fischer
Karen Fish
Pablo Fitting
Gerald and Barbara Fitzgerald
Carolyn Foley
Teri Follett
Lori Fonzi
Frank and Ruby Fortino
Mary Foster
Michael Foster
Pat Foster
John & Mary Foucault
Edward and Jeannine Fox
Mary and Robert Fox
Rebecca and Brent Fox
Dean and Susan Franciskovich
Lawrence and Karen Frank
Isabelle Fraser
David and Edna Fraysher
Lynn Freed
Kristen Frescura
Brian Friedlander
Beth and James Fry
Tiffany Fuscellaro
Ed Gaither
Louise and June Lombardi Gaito
Noreen Gallagher
Melissa Galliani
Sarika Gangar
Livier Garcia
Maria and Roberto Garcia
Kevin Gardiner
Patricia and Paul Gardner
Carolyn and Don Garibaldi
John Garner
David & Jeanette Gartner
Robert and Joanne Garty
Katie and Wayne Gavin
Lauren Gavin
Jennifer Gebert
Gene and Evelyn Gershen
Gettysburg Elementary School
Ravikirn Gill
Denise and Stephen Gipson
George and Marcia Giumarra
Michale and Merita Giusti
Arnet Givargiznia
Give Something Back
Robert N. Gold
Janet and Henry Goldberg
Patricia Golden
Lee and Jill Goldman
Steven and Diane Goldman
Rob and Cynthia Goldsby
Sandra Gonostiza
Stephen M. Goodman
Leslie Gordon and Craig Etlin
Clotilde Goria
Gloria Gorostiza
Karen and William Gourdin
Mr. and Mrs. John Goy
Grant Thornton
Michael and Jane Augusto Grassel
Catherine Gray
Lisa and Ryan Gray
Robert Green
Merlyn and Susan Green
Edward and Patricia Greene
Lorrie and Richard Greene
George and Ann Gregory
Nancy and Gary Gregory
John and Amy Grehan
Vicki & David Gresham
Grey Creek Viticultural Servic
Lynda Gribben
Emily and Mark Griffin
Richard and Nancy Griffith
Phil & Miriam Gross
Clyde and Cynthia Grossman
Dr. & Mrs. Moses Grossman
Jesse Barry Grove & Leanne Moody
Kent Grubaugh
Leonardo Guerrero
Mrs. Leslie Guggenheim
Kimberly and Sergio Guizar
Michelle Gursky
Clair Henry Gustafson
Cordella and James Hacket
Ms. Nancy Hair
Carl and Joyce Hakin
Scott and Laura Halfwassen
Courtney and Raymond Hall
Doug and Shelley Halverson
Karen and Rich Hamblin
Jirayir and Mariyam Hancer
Sabina Hancher
Liana and Michael Hans
Kelly Hansel
Chris & Hilary Hansen
Rebecca Hansen
Johanna Harder
Vicki Harrington
Charles & Linda Harris
Julia and Donald Harris
Greg and Suzanne Hartman
Tammy and Jim Hartzell
Isabelle Hau
Eleanor Hayes
Catherine & David Haynes
Annie Hazelhurst
Irvin and Evelyn Heald
Dennis Heinke
Heldfond Book Gallery
Joni Helton
Jerry Henry
Ian Hepworth
James and Cynthia Herbert
Lisa Hernandez
Miriam and Mario Hernandez
Roberta Hernandez
The Heron Family Foundation
Byron and Veronica Herrera
Pat & Alice Herrera
Pauline Hershey
Hal and Carolyn Hewes
Marjorie and Harley Hickman
Athada and Joe Higgs
Hilo Erectors
Eden Hildebrand
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hill
Laura Hill
John Hingley
Lynn and Scott Hiorns
Kim Hitchcock
San Dee Hodges
Steven and Julia Hoffman
Jennifer Hohmann
Brandon Holland
Therese Irene Holland
Matt Holman
Edwin Holmsten
Bill Holt
Ms. Susan H. Hossfeld
Tamara Hostetler
Ron and Mary Houghton
Jeff Howard
Melissa Howard
Ted and Yolanda Howell
Rayleen Cherie Hsu
Dale & Lotus Hubbard
Georgette Huber
Patricia Hunter
Coral Huey
Joanne Huff
Sam Hughes
Patricia Hunter
Amy Hunter
Joanne and Russ Hurley
Patricia Hurt
Adelfo and Clara Hurtado
Mary Ann Hurtubise
Lynda Hutton
Grace Hwang
Ada & Leon Hyman
Bob and Sarah Iezman
Lauren Ingram-Retsch
Samina Irfan
Bradley and Kelly Irving
Kim and Carl Ishii
Dian and Coco Jackson
Judith Jackson & Ryan Chung
Valarie Jasmine
Ben Jasper
David & Hope Jensen
Juan and Anna Jimenez
Robert and Janice Jepsen
Artin and Armine Jibilian
Rae Jimenez
William Jimenez
Michael Johansson
John Plane Construction
Cleve and Nancy Johnson
John and Joy Johnson
Luke and Kevin Jones
Mark, Kathy, Drew and Emma Jones
Julie Jonte
Stacy and Rick Juchtzer
Barbara and Russell Jung
Ted and Sandy Just
Jeffrey and Cindy Kaiser
Berj and Nelly Kalamkarian
Hilary Kalb
Catherine and John Kalin
Jo Anne & John Kaminski
Mehul and Reha Kamdar
Michael Kamps
Lawrence and Christimna Kane
Ira and Judith Kanter
Selna Kaplan
Nayiri and Gregory Karapetian
Kathy Karimi
Dr. Julie Karnazes
Charles Katz
Donald Kaufman
Julie and Scott Kauffman
Donald Kayser
Bonnie Kealoha
Taniel and Silva Keheian
Patricia Keiser
Hagop and Shiela Kelejian
Bruce Kelley
Jerome Kelley
John I. and Elaine M. Kelly
Michael and Christine Kennedy
Trisha Kenney
Steven and Cynthia Kepple
Renee and Scott Kerr
Pieter and Deborah Kettner
Alyce and Kazar Khanzadian
Rafi-ud-Din Khawaja
Wesley Kidder
Richard and Kathryn Kimball
Gary King
John Kim
Jean and Jere Kinnan
Jonathan Kinney
Kathleen Kizer
Scott and Robin Klingbeil
Christine Elizabeth Klotsche
John and Natalie Klotsche
Jude Knab
Kenneth and Pamela Knight
Toni Knorr
Joshua Kobal
Mary and Arley Koehler
Jonathan Kollerer
Korte Company
Branko Kosovic
Ms. Kreider
Virginia and Michael Kristo
Nikolas Krukowski
Jennifer Kuenster
Rose Kwok
Daniel Kwon
Ginger La Jeunesse
Giuseppe and Lillian La Pira
Annette La Rue
Miriam Lacambra
Glenn and Jeanene LaFevers
Tracy Laidley
Sharon Lamb
Brad and Suzanne Lancaster
Randy and Jill Lance
Jim and Ellie Lange
Victor and Theresa Laquadra
Mark and Jan Laret
Kathleen and Joshua Larson
Judith and Joseph Laureno
Greg and Svidlana Lawless
Jane and Steve Lawrence
Stephen and Jacqueline Lawton
Elaine and Bruce Lazarus
Pauline Le & Kiet Lam
Nancy Langjahr
Neil and Liz Lark
Chris Leach
Barry and Donna Leatherman
Bob, Ivy and Scott Lee
Garrett & Sandi Lee
Dr. & Mrs. George Lee
Hyman Lee
Legatus of Las Vegas
Barbara and Richard Lemyre
Jack Lenhert
Katie Leong
Paul and Elsa Lerro
Robert and Patricia Lesko
Rob Lester
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
John Levi
Brian Levine
Ms. Claire Levinson
Johnnie and Eppie Lew
Lorin Lew
Dorothy and Dan Lewis
Jodi and Tony Liano
Maritza and Jeffrey Liaw
Mary Jo and John Lichty
Dr. Ronald Light
Margaret and Peter Lindstrand
Joe Linhares
Stuart Lippner
Theresa Lipscomb
Joyce E. Lively & Ronald Kardon
Richard and Jennifer Lofton
Sharon and Tony Lopez
Constance Lopez
Darien Louie & Michael Fong
Mark Loveall
Karen Luchessa & Robert Speaker
Marjorie Luera
John and Sue Lukrich
Michael and Carol Lusk
Tom and Winnie Lyall
Grace Lynch
Melissa Ma
Robin MacRae
Barbara Madden
Daniel and Hildet Madrid
Leo Mahon
Chad Malchow
Laurel Maloney
Theresa Maloney
Paul and Jill Manchester
Bob Mangarelli
Mr and Ms. Theo Maniatis
Cindy and Jim Manley
Rick Mariano
Maroevich, O’Shea & Coghlan
Richard and Christina Marshall
Marston Family
Tim and Dawn Martin
Jose Martina
Jose Martinez & Miriam Palmerian
Manuel and Erica Martinez
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Martino
Jeff Maso & Bevely Langer
Avedis and Takoohi Massoyan
Ken and Gloria Matheson
Susan Mathews
Dr. Robert S. Mathias
Theresa and Jerry Matthias
Shannon Mattingly
Denise and Gustav Mauler
Timothy McCann
Marcela McCarthy
Noel and Mary Maren McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McCay
Kathy McCloskey
Hayden McComas
Steve and Paula Rivers McConnell
Donna McCormick
John and Robin McCrane
W. J. and Diana McDermott
Jennifer McDonald
Karen and Michael McGee
John McGill
Melody and Gloria McGill
Lillian McGough
Tina and Ed McGovern
Marion McInerney
Kathryn McIntosh
Roxanne and Todd McKinnon
John and Iris McLean
Emily McMahon
Rita McMullen
Jacqueline McNamara
Judith McNeil
Kathleen McTernan
Alice McTighe
Thomas & Bernice McWhorter
Randy Melin
John and Ann Mendosa
Steve Meeks
Shilla Mehrafshani
Michael Meier
Jose and Wendy Mejia
Katie and Kevin Melancon
Randall & Christina Mellin
Georgina Melo
John & Adelaide Mendonca
John and Ann Mendonsa
Kenneth & Cathy Menghini
William and Roni Mentzer
Pamela and Dwight Merkel
Andrew Meyers
Mike and Mary Migirian
Ron and Ruth Miguel
Cynthia Miller
David Miller & Anita Feder-Chernila
Gary and Mary Ann Miller
Marla Miller
Walter and Leilani Miller
Jay and Denise Millet
Elizabeth and Barbara Miloscia
Mike Milstein
Berj Minasian
Andrea and David Mitchell
Michale and Linda Mitchell
Vincent & Linnea Mitchell
Alison Mitsuhashi
Ann Mizel
Karl and Kathy Modgling
Chandrika SinghDeo Mohanty
Brian Mohr
Thomas Moniz
Eric and Maria Montemagni
Jonathan Montgomery
Sherilyn Moody
Alexander and Maureen Moomjy
Gradon and Nancy Moon
Sheryl Moore
Phillip and Martha Moore
Dean Morehous
Sabrina Moreno
Debi & Jeff Morgen
Eric Morishita
Winifred Morris
Elizabeth Mosier
Jane and David Mraz
Maureen Mullen
Josh and Erica Mullen
Tim Muller
Joe and Lori Murnin
Eugenia Murphy
William and Karin Murphy
William Murray
Richard & Marjorie Murray
Mary Murtagh
Aruna and Vani Muvvala
Greg and Barbara Myers
Matthew Myzak
Georgia and Masamichi Nakano
Karen Nalley
Jim and Christie Nance
Chelsea Nann
Beth and Alex Naranjo
Joshua Nasvik
Suzanne Naylor
Ananda Neil
Muriel Neuman & Diane Fields
David Newman
Hilary Newsom
Dea Nichols
Kristen Niedecken
Joyce and Elisabeth Nishioka
Matthew Nixon
Linda Noftle
Michael Nordberg
Andy Noroyan
Dale and Sharon Norton
Joanne Nottage
Steve and Erin Novotny
Robert Nurisso
Brian and Lori Nuss
Audrey O'Connor
LE O'Connor-Meyer
Shawn O'Hale
O'Melveny & Myers, LLP
George and Linda Obertello
Mr. and Mrs. John Olds
Joseph and Henrietta Olma
Carol and Richard Olrich
Judith and Arthur Olsen
Denise and Ian Olson
Julie and Jeff Olson
David Orain
Ali and Amir Orandi
Robert and Elleen Osaki
Sarah Ostendorf
Laura Ottersen
David Otto
Paul Owens
Toni and Ihsan Ozun
Greg & Donna Pace
Nancy and John Packard
Janice Pacofsky
Kevin Page
Shon and Soo Pak
Barun and Lakshmi Pal
Ms. Gloria Palmer
Meredith Pantaleoni
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Paris
Elias Parisca
Aaron Riley and Jane Parker
James Parker
Frank and Deborah Parks
Pete and Jeanette Parnagian
Mary and Doug Parrott
Venkata Paruchuru
Orlando and Heidi Payne
Amy E. Pearson
Dana and Kim Pederson
Kathy Pederson
Loy and Bernie Pehrson
Bonita Perez & Roberto Strada
Beverly and Jennipher Perkins
Joe and Charlotte Perry
Anthony and Lynn Peters
Rich and Tanya Peterson
Allyse Petrini
Lorene Petrini
Ofelia Petrini
Andrea Phelps
Dr. & Mrs. Theodore Phillips
Daniel Phippen
Jacqueline Piecuch
Peter and Cynthia Pillsbury
Kevin Pirozzoli
Vivien and John Pisor
Bryan Plotts
Jeff and Napisa Pollock
Larry and Julianne Port
Martha Port
Allegra Porter
Darlene Portillo
Richard and Marylee Post
Presbyterian Salud
Maggie and Walter Price
Project Sunshine
Nora Puckett
Robin and Chris Putnam
Kevin & Caroline Quindica
Brendan Quinn
Torena and Benjamin Quinn
R&D Furniture
Susan Rabens
Riki Rafner
Natalie Ragni
Lynette & Steven Rainwater
Charles and Rosario Rambo
Ashley Ramirez
Liliana and Domingo Ramos
Olivia and Isidro Ramos
Marla Ranieri
Shirley Rankin
Brenna and Chad Raugewitz
Ms. June Rector
Maureen and Timothy Reardon
Fred Reeder
Trey Rees
Charles and Yvonne Regan
Elizabeth Reilly
Bill and Bonita Reimel
Alice and Andrew Reis
Ethan and Sue Revsin
David and Colleen Reynolds
Bion Rice
Glen and Patricia Richardson
Cheryl Riggins
Ron and Benete Riley
Frank Riley and Margaret Baker
James Riley
Laura and Dan Ringer
Morton Rivo & Yuriko Miyazaki
Donna Robinson
Gaspar Roby & Amria Bistue
Jessica Roessler
James Rogers
Mark and Sally Rogers
Kerri Rosen
Sally Rosenblatt
Anne Ross
Conrad and Darlene Rossback
Barry and Kathleen Rotwitt
Rachel and Peter Ruiz
Doug & Catherine Rundle
Nick Russell
Richard and Elizabeth Rustic
Darrel Rustigian
Kevin Saavedra
Mike & Mary Sager
Sarkis and Iris Sahatdjian
Maria Sam
David and Cecil Samoulian
David and Rebecca Samoulian
Brenda and Jose Sandoval
Guadalupe Sandoval
Robert and Cheryl Sandoval
Susan Sangiacomo
Raffi and Hilda Santikian
Philip and Marilyn Sarasqueta
Angel and Matthew Sarkarian
Todd and Marsha Saunders
Patricia and Vincent Sauret
Kelly Scatton
Thomas Schaal
John and Laura Shearer
John Scherrer
Tom and Sylvie Schill
Rudi and Sonya Schmid
Curt and Sharon Schmidt
Frank Schmitz
Avis and C. Schneider
Nancy and Gerald Schneider
Lawrence and Linda Schreiber
Doug and Cheryl Schultz
Peter Schumacher & Judith May
Cathy Schwartz
Schweiger Vineyards
Aislinn Scofield
Kim Scott
Zachary Scott
John and Irene Scully
Robert and Teresa Seeley
Seldon, Vanni, Humphrey & Kawa
Marilyn Selfaison
Carol Sepersky
Megan Serow
George Serpa
Stanley & Betty Serpa
Beth and Manou Serres
Roy and Janis Sessions
Mary-Ann Shafer
Paras Shah
Renita Shah
Glenn and Lori Shannon
Kevin Shannon
Matthew Shannon
Cheryl Sharp
Don and Dianne Sharples
Gregory Shaughnessy
Robert and Susie Shaw
Sharon Shaw
Shea Labagh Dobberstein
John and Laura Shearer
Bill and Jan Sheehy
Jayne Sheehy
Lauren Sherman
Mark Sherman & Susan Mohun
Elliott, Linda and Rachael Sherr
Lori Shia
Gloria Shioji
Fred Shoemaker
Barbara and Russel Shutts
Gillian Shyu
Amy Siegel
Darlene and Verne Siemens
Gina Signorello
Albert and Betty Signorotti
Diane Silva
Jodie and Jay Simmer
Siress Group
Barbara Slattery
Terry Slotnick
David Smith
Gail and Robert Smith
Kent Smith & Kylie Keefer
Linda Smith
Dr. & Mrs. Lloyd Smith
Noreen and Ken Smith
Philip and Carol Smith
Stan and Mary Smith
Stephanie Smith & Matt Roeper
Natalia Smothers
Kevin and Amy Solliday
David and Gabriele Somerville
Jamie Somphanthabansou
Sonoma Technology Inc.
Sandy Sossamon
Anne Soule
Chris Souza
John and Alisa Sparks
Brian and Debbie Spiers
Danielle and Matt Spreier
Russell Sprunger
David Stanton
Paul and Maryann Steelman
David Steinberg
Stephens and Long Insurance Br
Linda Stermer
Don and Louise Stevens
Elizabeth Stevens
Kay Stodd
Cheryl Stoddard
Gregory Stolowitz
Carol and Thomas Strauser
Betsy Strazzarino
Margaret and Tom Street
Kay and John Sullivan
Sunset Communications
Stanley Surabian
Helen Swenson
Barbara Szegedi
John Taggart
Mohammad Tahir
John and Yoshiko Takayama
Stephen Tang
Barbara Tanner
Tarrant Partners
Dr. & Mrs. Frank Tavel
Gary & Cheryl Taylor
Margaret Tempero
Jeanne Temple
Simon and Theo Teng
David Tepper
Ludene Teranishi
Poloka Tereise
Larry Thuet
Leslie & Jeff Thom
Amy and Chad Thomas
Bill Thomas
John and Corinna Thomas
Charles Thompson
Harvey & Judy Thompson
Kendra and Paul Thompson
Thurgood Marshall High School
Don Tiefenbrunn
Shawn and Wendy Tienken
Herman and Erlene Toews
Ronald Q Tom
Jack and Carol Topham
Andre and Taki Torigian
Roseann Torres
Teresa Torres
Ruth E. Tosh
Donna Toth
Autumn and Chris Toussaint
Traci Townsend
Jane Tran
Trinity Capital Advisors
Mark and Natasha Tronstein
Richard and Judith Trusendi
Jane and Tut Tutalak
Annie and Robert Tutunjian
Gale Tyner
Paul Ugenti
Annemarie Ulbrich
LaWanda Ultan
Kimberlyn Underwood
Margaret, John and Peggy Unruh
Ben and Alice Urrutia
Vallejo Suburban Kiwanis Club
Michel and Francis Van Bergen
William Van Horn
Serop and Azniev Vartanian
Marjeet & Valjeet Virdi
Al Volpatti
Mr. & Mrs. George Von Gnatensky
Maggie Vuong
Edwin and Anita Wagner
Maren and Todd Wagner
Camille Walker
Richard Walker
Rosemary Walker
Daniel Wallace
Denise Wallace
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Walsh
Ronald Walsh
Don and Peggy Walters
Donna Walther
Esther Wan
Denise and Jeff Ward
Michael and Sukki Ward
Greg Wardle
Sherry and Rick Warp
Emmett and Margaret Waterman
Robert & Jackie Weaver
Anthony and Michele Webb
Jameson Weber
Jessica Wedland
Stephen Weinberg
Irene and Howard Weiss
Lara Weiss & Nora Wynne
Joshua Leon Welch
Joshua Welsh
Sherene and William Werner
Dean & Paula West
Stewart & Elaine West
Katrina and Jerry Wetle
Nicole Wetzel
Karon Wetzler
Beany and Dick Wezelman
Bob and Mary White
Raymond and Marie White
Ronald and Anne White
Steven White
Gary Whitehouse
Joseph and Anita Whiteley
Mary Whitlock
Lee and Sue Whitmer
April and Jason Wiest
Jeffrey and Bridget Williams
Laurie and Steve Williams
Mary Willis
Gayle Willscher
Amber Wilson
Elizabeth Jo Wilson
Patricia Wilson
Sandra Wilson
Ted Windsor & Angie Risser
Katherine Wisinski
Ken & Ronda Wittenberg
Lon and Linda Wixon
Paul Wolf
Sue and Dick Wollack
Coleen and Michael Womack
Alvin Wong
Karen Wong
Harold and Janet Wood
Paul Woodard
Stephanie Woodham
Mike and Deneen Woods
Bill and Elizabeth Workman
Jim and Jane Wright
Kelly and Paul Wright
Marjorie Ann Wright
Mary and Eugene Wright
Patti Wright
Thomas Wu
Winston Wu
Jessica and Stephen Wynne
Chetan and Kapila Yagnik
Bennie and Carol Yamane
Tina Yamane
John & Phyllis Yanchewski
William and Amy Yee
Betty Yen
Kiyomi & Greg Yim
Julia Yost
Giselle Young
Stacey Joy Young
Mary Lou Youngerman
Alma Zavala
Ariana Zibilich
George and Marilyn Zibilich
Dr. Seymour Zoger
Kevork and Elizabeth Zoryan
2006 25th Anniversary Gala
Auction Donors
Debbie and Art Ablin
Alpine Meadows
Amici's Pizzeria
Amoeba Music
Anomaly Vineyards
Robert Anderson
Aperto Restaurant
Aquarium of the Bay
Bill's Place
Blackhawk Museum
Debbie and RobBosetti
Brooks Collection
Derek Brown
Cafe Rouge
Debb Campbell
Harvey Campbell
Carneros Creek Winery
Scott Cardel
Chabot Space Center
Chalk Hill Estate
Clos DuBois
Cole Hardware
Joseph Cozza Salon
Ursula Davidson
The Delicate Daisy, House of Flowers
Delicious! Inc.
Dry Creek Inn
Mark Cruz Eaton
Ets-Hokin Studios
Family House Board of Directors
Firefly Restaurant
Joan Finton
Food by Hand
Patrcia Foster
Edwin Go
Goat Hill Pizza
Golden Oak Jewelers
Kyndel and Nancy Gregory
Greystone Home Collection
Marty and Joyce Griffin
Hafner Vineyards
Happy Woman Jewelry
Harris’ Steakhouse
Maj-Britt Hilstrom
Hotel Nikko San Francisco
Hwang Bishop Designs
Nancy and Kleve Johnson
Kate Kelly, KPIX
Kenwood Vineyards
Korbel Champagne Cellars
La Mediterranee
Landmark Vineyards
Lilli Lynton & Michael Ryan
M. Lowe & Co.
Maggie Skin & Color Color
Magic Mountain
Marine World
Christina Marshall
Kerry Marshall
Marvel Maids
Karen McLean-McGraw
David Miller
Mission Cliffs
Monterey Foundation
Alexandra Morgan
Hazel Murray
Neiman Marcus
Bela Newman
North Berkeley Frame
Audry O'Connor
Omni San Francisco
Osmosis Enzyme Bath & Massage
Pan Pacific Hotel San Francisco
Paulson Press
Pelton House Bed and Breakfast
Pinzette Glass
Rabin Worldwide
Ravenswood Winery
Rennaissance Parc 55
Ritz Carlton
Trudi Roth
Victoria Ryan
Renate Sadrozinski
San Francsico 49ers
San Francisco Giants
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Sara Lee Coffee and Tea
Sawgrass Marriott
Scandanavian Details
Cecile Schreiber
Schumacher Photography
Sorensen's Resort
St. Regis Hotel, San Francisco
Stanford Athletics
Sunset Day Spa
Sutherland Teak
Sven Design Handbags
Symphony Space
Tail of the Yak
Tommy Toy’s
Kathleen and Dan Toney
Don Tyson
The Phoenix Pastificio
Thomas W. Morgan, Inc.
Timeless Treasures
Keena & Linda Turner
Lawanda Ultan
Urban Allure
Jonah and Zach Ward
Westin St. Francis
Beany and Dick Wezelman
Robert S. Woods, ABC
Yukiko Sato New York
Debbie Zachareas
2006 Best of the Bay Auction
Adventure Cat Sailing Charters
Alexandra Morgan
Alma, London
America Passage Yachts, Inc.
American Golf Anchor Brewing
Aquarium of the Bay
Bacchus Bicycle Tours
The Bancroft Hotel
Beach Blanket Babylon
Bella Giorna Jewelry
Bella Pelle
Brian Haller
Broadway by the Bay
CAL Performances
California Canoe and Kayak
Camp K-9 of Marin
Carmel Bach Festival
Chez TJ
Christopher-Clark Fine Art
Circus Center
City Arts and Lectures
Dan Toney
Dana Levitt Designs
David Clay Jewelers
David DeRosa
Diablo Grande Art and Wine Gallery
E&O Trading Company
Elisa Cicinelli
Fine Art Museum
First Crush
Four Seasons Resort Santa Barbara
Four Seasons San Francisco
Gallo Family Vineyards
Gloria Ferrer
Grey Goose
Hackett-Freedman Gallery
Heath Ceramics
Hilton Grand Vacations Club
His By Her
Incredible Adventures
Jack Falstaff
Jeanine Payer
Jim Thompson Thai Silk
John Atencio
Korbel Champagne Cellars
Koret Family House
L'Auberge de Sedona
Le Bistro
Levende Lounge
Lu Lu Petite
Maj-Britt Hillstrom
Markham Vineyards
Marvel Maids
Matanzas Creek Winery
Midway Paintball Xtreme
Myth Restaurant
New Kapadokia
Novella Spa and Imports Boutique
Old Faithful Geyser of California
PGA Tour
Pacific Art Collective
Paramounts Great Piperade
Purcell Murray
Raymond Weil
Rebecca Godson
Red Ink Studios
Restaurant LuLu
San Francisco 49ers
San Francisco Ballet
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Scharffen Berger Chocolate Maker
Shari's Berries
Shimmer Magic Tan
Shreve & Co.
Signature Hospitality Group
Six Flags Marine World
Sonoma Valley Vintners & Growers
Stanford Court Hotel
Stanyan Park Hotel
Sticks and Stones
Th girl and the fig
The Argent Hotel
The Claremont Resort & Spa
The Container Store
The Laser Center of Marin
The Oregon Shakespeare Festival
The Palace Hotel
The Restaurant at Wente Vineyareds
The Ritz-Carlton, Half Moon Bay
The Westin St. Francis
Tommy Toy's Cuisine Chiose
Trumer Pils
W Union Square
The Wax Museum
Yerba Buena Center for the Arts
Zwillinger & Co.
2007 Cabernet for Connoisseurs
Auction Donors
Amuse Bouche Winery
Andrew Geoffrey Vineyards
Anomaly Vineyards
Archipel Vineyards
Artiste Winery and Tasting Studio
Atlas Peak
Barbour Vineyards
Barnett Vineyards
Daniel Bayless
Blankiet Estate
Brown Estate Vineyards
Carver Sutro Wines
Clark-Claudon Vineyards
Cloud View Vineyards
Colgin Cellars
Corte Riva
Dalla Valle
Diamond Creek Vineyards
DR Stephens Estate
Duckhorn Vineyards
Egelhoff Wines
Elan Vineyards
Far Niente
Four Seasons Hotel, San Francisco
Freeman Family Vineyard & Winery
Grace Family Vineyards
Geyser Peak Winery
Harlan Estate
Hart Davis Hart Wine Co.
Dan and Barbara Heffernan
Herb Lamb Vineyards
Hilton San Francisco
Hundred Acre
The Huntington Hotel
Jax Vineyards
Joseph Phelps Vineyards
Judd's Hill
Karl Lawrence
Kingston Family Vineyards
La Sirena
Wendell Laidley
Lail Vineyards
Lamborn Family Vineyards
Le Meridien, San Francisco
The Mandarin Oriental, San Francisco
JW Marriott, San Francisco
Louis M Martini
Marilyn Monroe - Nova Wines, Inc.
Marston Family Vineyard
Miner Family Vineyards
Oakville Ranch
Palladium Fine & Patina Estate Jewelry
Page Wine Cellars
Palace Hotel, San Francisco
PGA Tour
Pride Mountain Vineyards
The Prescott Hotel, San Francisco
Realm Cellars
Relic Wines
Retro Celllars
Revana Family Vineyard
Dave Reynolds
The Ritz-Carlton San Francisco
Robert Foley Vineyards
Romeo Style
San Francisco Helicopters
Schweiger Vineyards
Screaming Eagle
Sequoia Grove Vineyards
Bill and Elizabeth Shea
Sherwin Family Vineyards
St. Regis Hotel
Staglin Family Vineyard
The Stanford Court Hotel
Stanton Vineyards
Switchback Ridge
The Terraces
Vineyard 29
Hotel Vitale
Von Strasser Winery
The Westin St. Francis
US Grant Hotel
W Chicago
W San Francsico
Walter Adams Gallery
William Cole Vineyards
Wolf Family Vineyards
Ashley and Minnott Wessinger
Arnold Wong
ZD Wines
(partial list)
Beatrize Agustin
Dong An
Kevin August
Melissa Bailey
Hannah Beach
Grazia Benedetti
Simone Berkowitz
Simran Bhatia
Hannah Bigalke
Aleksandra Burlyga
Devin Busby
Chris Cereske
Eric Charles
Bonnie Cheng
Deborah Collins
Stanley Choi
Darryl Choy
Joaquin DelaTorre
Elizabeth DeMartini
Paula DeMartini
Larry DeMartini
Erin Donaldson
Jordan Elliston
David Elison
Will Fehlhaber
Brendan Fitzpatrick
Eileen Flannigan
Lizzy Fox
Jackie Geving
Leslie Gordon
Ollie Gordon
Jordan Graham
Karine Hargarten
Maureen Healy
Jerry Hollister
Josh Hornthal
Siobhan Hudson
Alexis Huff
Megan Hugel
Taylor Humphreys
Pat Hunter
Eunjeon Jang
Michele Kern
John Kim
Suzanne Kim
Teresa King
Rachel Kung
Kathryn Lawson
Chris Lee
Scott Lee
Wai Har Lee
LePage-Carton, Nikki
Melissa Lewis
Eric Li
Shirley Liano
Kenny Lo
Colleen Ma
Lydia Markoff
Ray Markoff
Kelli Marks
Melanie Marks
Rinako Matsui
James McAdams
Kathleen McGee
Lillian McGough
Cindy McLaughlin
Judy McNeil
Debi Morgen
Jamie Morgen
Karalen Morthole
Amanda Mutagh
Linda Noftle
Denise Olson
Barun Pal
Joann Pan
Sara Philips
Anetta Phonseya
Diane Plante
Sarah Plante
Brooke Powell
Greg Pratt
Paul Rechsteiner
Hanan Rasheed
Sofia Rizzo
Eric Robinson
Liz Robinson
Gianna Romo
Adam Rosasco
Joel Rutledge
Andrew Schwartz
Christina Sangiacomo
Natalie Sangiacomo
Ian Sarmiento
Cele Schreiber
Michael Sebastinelli
Dylan Seligman
Lauren Sherman
Adam Slater
Leanne Spagnola
Lucas Stratton
Christine Swift
Joe Tam
LaWanda Ultan
Shawna Valenta
Sam Vexler
Walt Viviani
Barb Walsh
Sandra Waszak
Lisa Wight
Ted Wight
Lydia Wong
Winston Wong
Our Families
Diana Edwards – Diana Edwards is a pediatrician in San Francisco,
where she lives with her husband, David, and their children. Having
lost a sister to cancer at a young age, Diana uniquely understands the
impact that serious illness has on the entire family, and works to
improve the quality of life during a family’s stay at Family House.
Maureen Lucey Mihelich – Maureen is a native San Franciscan with
86 first-cousins, and joins Family House as our new Treasurer with
over twenty-five years experience specializing in accounting, tax and
financial management issues for growing businesses. Maureen
continues the tradition of our partnership with Burr, Pilger, Mayer
Accountancy Firm. She and her husband have two active boys.
Nancy J. Russell – Nancy joins the board of Family House with a
long history as a nonprofit volunteer and Family House donor. She is
Chairman and CEO of Krytar, manufacturer of broadband
microwave components. She lives in San Francisco where she enjoys
her growing number of grandchildren.
Beth Schnitzer – Beth is Vice President for Market Development at
Pier 39 in San Francisco, and a long-time Family House volunteer.
Her history in marketing, public relations, sports promotions and
special events add wonderful talent to our board.
Bill Shea – Bill is a long-time donor and member of the Family House family, and was instrumental in founding our annual
Cabernet for Connoisseurs event 13 years ago. Under his guidance and leadership, Cabernet has become our signature annual
fundraising event. Bill is generous to many child-oriented non-profits, and is President of Kelley Transportation Services.
He and his wife, Elizabeth, reside in San Francisco with their children.
Family House Board of Directors
Kathleen Toney, Chair
Neil Aldoroty, MD
Adorean Boleancu
Mimi Brasch
Joanne Calabrese
Mike Dowling
George Eberle
Diana Edwards, MD
Diana Farmer, MD
Anne Finigan
Joan Finton-Baumrind
George C. Fleharty
John R. Foote, Esq.
Daniel Glunt
Frank Holminski
Maureen Lucey Mihelich
Robert Nibbi
Andrew Olma
Laurence Pelosi
David Pillsbury
Frank Pizzo
Nancy J. Russell
Gerry Sangiacomo
Beth Schnitzer
Julie Shafer
William Shea
Rob Stuart
Linda Turner
Tay C. Via, Esq
Debbie Zachareas
Advisory Council
Arthur R. Ablin, MD
Deborah S. Ablin
Pamela Baer
Robert Brasch, MD
Debb Campbell
Daniel Heffernan
Douglas Schultz
Keena Turner
Resident Managers
Paul Goold
Kent Smith
Alexandra E. Morgan
Assistant Manager
Joe Blodgett
Business Director
Jessica Presson Creager
House Cleaner
Edis Ayala
Development Associate
Susan Neff
Volunteer Coordinator
Debbie Bosetti
2006 was the year for volunteer groups!
We have been blessed to work with an
abundance of hardworking San
Francisco corporate, church, school
and independent groups.
Many groups have found their way
to us through HOBA (Hands on Bay
Area). HOBA creates, manages and
Children’s Place — The Disney Store
Levi Strauss
leads volunteer projects that benefit
more than 300 Bay Area nonprofit
agencies by partnering them with
corporations that want to support their
employees in giving back to the
communities where they work and live.
Among those who have helped keep us
in good shape through “Done in a Day”
projects are Charles Schwab & Co., Gap
McKesson Corporation
Great Exchange Covenant Church
Inc., McKesson Corporation, Disney
Store’s Children’s Place, and Levi Strauss
& Co. Family House is better because of
the love, support and commitment of
these companies.
Corporate projects include
prepping and painting bedrooms,
bathrooms and common areas,
gardening, deep-cleaning and other
Tzu Chi Foundation
The Gap
chores. This kind of help is invaluable to us!
The Tzu Chi Foundation, a Buddhist Compassion group, helps out with monthly gardening, preparing nutritious meals
throughout the year and with holiday dinners.
Great Exchange Covenant Church joined the Family House volunteer roster when a member of the church and our neighbor
called about preparing a special dinner for our families. Twenty volunteers showed up an not only prepared a delicious meal,
but made sure that there were leftovers. What a treat! They, too, support our holiday celebrations.
Not to be outdone by other faith groups Emanu-El sends teens to Family House monthly, where they provide a monthly
meal and help out with holiday dinners. The pre-school teachers at Congregation Emanul-El ran a toy drive among their
students and donated canned goods during the holidays.
Two groups of developmentally disabled adults, ARC and WorkLink serve Family House on a weekly basis. We are so
fortunate to have their loving spirits working hard to keep our houses clean and tidy.
High school students from Convent of the Sacred Heart and Stuart Hall have been to Family House using their young energy
to deep clean bedrooms, organize canned food shelves and toy closets.
Family House thanks all of the GROUPS that offer their love, time, and talent to our families!
Volunteer Groups:
Vounteer Restaurants:
ARC of San Francisco • Charles Schwab
Children’s Place – The Disney Store • Employment Plus
Federal Reserve Bank • Fresh Lifelines for Youths, Inc. (“F. L.Y.”) •
Gap • Great Exchange Covenant Church
Levi Strauss • McKesson Corporation
One Brick • Temple Emmanuel
Triage Consulting Group • Tzu Chi Foundation
Hands on Bay Area (HOBA) • Wells Fargo • WorkLink
Arizmendi’s Bakery• Garibaldi’s Restaurant
Posh Bagels • Toasties Sandwiches
Special Volunteers:
David “Boswick the Clown” Magidson • Darryl M. Choy, CMT •
Peter Schumacher • Mrs. Martinelli’s 2nd Grade Class •
The Walsh Family Musicians • Tracy Stanwick, Haircutter
200 Best of the Bay Volunteers • Steven Hoffman • John Kugler
Ollie the Dog • Bobbie “the Bunny” Thomas
To receive these newsletters and future correspondence electronically,
please email Susan at your email
Family House staff on Halloween
50 Irving Street
San Francisco, CA 94122
Washcloths (white)
Japanese /Privacy Screens
Gifts for Young Adults
(iPods and electronic games)
FOOD ITEMS (Canned or Dried)
Canned Fruits and Veggies
Large Potted House Plants
Peanut Butter
Bath/Body Towels (white)
Commercial Grade Vacuum
Canned Tuna/Chicken
Twin Sheets (white)
Toilet Paper
Color Copier/Xerox
Juice Boxes
Queen Sheets (solid neutral
Paper Towels
Computer (2005 or newer)
Dried Pasta
Multi-use White Copy Paper
Spaghetti Sauce
Hand Towels(white)
Pillowcases (white)
Pillows – Standard Size
12”-13” Portable TV/VCR or DVD
Mac and Cheese
(NO feather, king or queen)
Handyman Services
Mattress Pads (queen and twin
Rice Cookers
Computer Support/Services
X-Box Games
Landscape/Garden Service
Sugar, Salt
3M waterproof bed bags/liners
DVD Movies
10th Avenue room facelifts
Pepper, Flour, Spices
(twin and queen sizes)
Magazine Subscriptions
Aero Beds (twin size)