Helpful Tips for MTC Nursing Students *This List Was Compiled by the Members of the MTC-SNA* 1. Join the MTC-SNA! Everyone knows nursing school is challenging and the MTC- SNA provides students with an instant support system that can help ensure success! 2. Never bleach your nursing uniform shirt! Bleaching your uniform shirt (even a little) will fade your blue “MTC” and you may be required to buy another shirt! If you feel your uniform needs to be sanitized, hot water and Oxi-Clean work great. For stubborn ink stains try applying rubbing alcohol to the stain. As a last resort, try using a Clorox Bleach Pen, but be sure to rinse it out and avoid contact with the “MTC”. 3. Always try to remain positive! Yes, you will be tired and nursing school is often difficult, but keeping a positive attitude can be a major key to your success! 4. Buy your textbooks before you buy your nursing uniform. You will have reading assignments due the first day of class and you will not need your uniform until the semester is almost half way over! 5. Take care of yourself! Be sure to get enough sleep, proper nutrition, and exercise. It may sound simple, but it is actually often hard to do while in school. You are more likely to get sick, etc. if you do not take care of yourself! Remember, “Before you can take care of others, you must first take care of yourself”. 6. Save all of your nursing textbooks! If you take a class with “NUR” in the title, save the textbook, you will probably need it later in the program! 7. During the first week of class, get the contact information of everyone in your clinical group! Also, try to take a picture of your clinical group at the beginning and end of the semester. Many of us regret not having pictures of our clinical groups! 8. You do not need an expensive stethoscope for NUR 101! So, start out with an inexpensive one (most students prefer single tubed stethoscopes). You may want a more expensive one later on! 9. Keep up with all of your assigned readings! Once you get behind it is virtually impossible to catch back up, and that test will be here before you know it! 10. Many students find that they may only need one uniform for NUR 101, so here’s a way to save money! 11. Nude or “flesh colored” undergarments are less visible than white, when wearing your MTC uniform! Also, the buttons of the women’s uniform shirts can pull/gape while moving; exposing you! Many female students either pin the area between the buttons closed with safety pins or they wear an inconspicuous solid white shirt underneath the uniform shirt. 12. It is a good idea to a have separate pair of shoes for clinicals (after you start clinicals this will make sense to you)! Clinical shoes should be white and cleaning them with alcohol or baby wipes is an easy way to help keep them clean. Keep the shoes simple! Some of us bought expensive wedge-like shoes (Danskos, etc.) only to find that they are easy to “slip” off of and can be dangerous to walk in (especially on uneven payment)! Also, “break in” your shoes before clinicals and make sure they are comfortable! 13. Some students prefer drug cards instead of writing out medications for care plans. Drug cards may be purchased at any bookstore, but first make sure that they will be accepted by your clinical instructor. 14. You need a watch with a second hand for clinicals, but like the shoes, get a separate watch for clinicals. Let the watch be inexpensive and waterproof, if possible. Do not wear a watch that you would be afraid to saturate with rubbing alcohol! 15. Some students find study groups helpful! You may want to consider joining or starting a study group. 16. Organization is another key to your success! Use tabs, dividers, etc. to organize your learning and skills packets. Usually nursing packets are NOT in the order that you will study the material. Pay attention to your class calendar for your assignments. Most students reorganize their packets and divide/move the units in relation to tests. For example, test 4 may consist of units 1, 7, 12, and 3- so create a tab that says “test 4” and move units 1, 7, 12, and 3 behind it. The units may now be out of numerical order, but they are in the order that you will study/need them! 17. Many students are now ordering the magnetic nametags from the bookstore. They do cost a little more, but they are easier to put on and they do not poke holes in your uniform. 18. Keep hand lotion on you while in clinicals, because your skin may become dry from continuous hand washing. Vaseline makes a good water resistant lotion that many students use. 19. NUR 101 instructors rely on the internet to keep students updated, so you will need computer access. The closest school computer lab is in the Health Science Building and you will probably become very familiar with it! 20. Even if you are web enabled, see your nursing advisor every semester before registration. Seeing your advisor helps ensure that you do not miss any important policies, procedures, etc. 21. Never assume, without verifying, that your financial aid is taken care. Every time you finish a program (Pre-Nursing, LPN, etc.), change a major (Pre-nursing to AOT), etc. you need to talk to financial aid. 22. If you exit out of the program as a LPN and you want to immediately return to MTC for the ADN program, be aware that there are several steps (in addition to passing your LPN boards) to complete before you will be allowed to return. The process usually takes a semester to complete. 23. Keep an open mind! Keep an open mind not only with your classmates, but with your instructors too! It may sound like a cliché, but....”You may not understand why now, but later on you will”! 24. If you have a grievance that you want addressed, you are more likely to have a positive outcome if you follow the proper “chain of command” and display professional behavior! 25. You will need copies of your care plans and physical assessment sheets. It is best to make copies of these before you need them! 26. Some students prefer pen lights that have removable batteries. Disposable penlights usually die when you need them! Be careful though, battery operated penlights can click on easily in your pocket and you need to carry extra batteries! 27. When completing care plans, type and save your pathos. Not only will they look neater printed out, but you may be able to use them again. Keep all of your care plans, you never know when they may provide “inspiration”. Also, write down page numbers beside your medications, labs, nursing diagnosis, etc. in case you need to look them up again! 28. Establish a support system. A strong support system is another key to success! Rely on your family and friends, and remember that most students can not work full time and complete this program! 29. Never forget how it feels to be a nursing student!