Psychology 2301 OBJECTIVES: General Psychology is a fundamental introduction into the science of Psychology. The general goals and objectives for the course are to 1) provide a survey of the field of Psychology, 2) establish a solid foundation in theory and methodology, 3) introduce useful information on psychological principles, 4) explore the historical context of psychological study, and 5) establish a correlation between different physiological states and their effects on behavior. Topics which will be discussed include(but are not limited to)research methods, theories of development, biological causes of behavior, conditioning and learning, memory, life span development, personality mental disorders and maladjusted behavior, gender and sexuality and social behavior. EXAMS, QUIZZES, AND ASSIGNMENTS: There will be 5 exams, each over 3 weeks of material. Each exam will consist of multiple choice questions and essays. Each exam will be worth 100 points. There will be 14 quizzes. The highest 10 quizzes will count in the final grade. Each quiz will be worth 5 points. Each quiz will consist of 5 multiple choice questions. There will be 5 assignments and each will be worth 10 points. Assignments will vary in composition from inclass discussion to internet research to introspection. RECOMMENDED READINGS: The text: Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behavior (Coon, 12th edition) is recommended. All other readings will be supplied by the instructor. Week 1: Lecture: An introduction to Psychology, defining important terms, assessing prior knowledge, historical context. Assignment: Theorist research. Lecture: Questions in Psychology, Normality, research methods. Quiz: Research Methods Week 2: Lecture: The Brain and Behavior, neurons, nervous system, Lecture: Central and Peripheral nervous system, how the brain works, different regions and Quiz: Brain information Week 3: Lecture: The Endocrine System, glands and hormones, their functions and effects. Quiz: Endocrine System Lecture: Drugs: Amphetamines, Depressants, Hallucinogens Video: Drugs and their effects. Quiz: Drug Information Week 4: Major Exam #1: Introduction through Drugs Lecture: Human Development: heredity, genetics, reflexes, genetic disorders Assignment: Genetic Abnormalities Questionnaire. their functions. Week 5: Lecture: Development, parenting styles, Jean Piaget Quiz: 4 stages of Cognitive Development (Piaget) Lecture: Additional views of development (Kohlberg, Erikson) Quiz: stages in Erikson’s development theory Week 6: Lecture: Personality Development (Freud) Assignment: Internet research on Freud Lecture: Continue Freud: stages of theory. Assignment: Research on Freudian theory. Quiz: Freudian Psychology Week 7: Major Exam #2: Human Development through Freudian Psychology Lecture: States of Consciousness: stages of sleep, REM and NREM sleep, Quiz: Sleep information Week 8: Lecture: Psychodynamic Dream Theory, hypnosis Lecture: Learning and Conditioning, Pavlov Assignment: Classical Conditioning Scenarios Week 9: Lecture: Watson, generalization, flooding, systematic desensitization Quiz: Classical Conditioning Lecture: Thorndike, Law of Effect, Skinner, Reinforcement Video: Conditioning Quiz: Operant Conditioning. Week 10 Major Exam #3: States of Consciousness through Operant Conditioning. Lecture: Memory: definitions, short-term/long-term, forgetting Video: Remembering and Forgetting Quiz: Memory Week 11: Lecture: Methods to improve memory, serial position effect, interference Assignment: research memory improvement techniques. Lecture: Creativity and Intelligence, concepts, inductive/deductive reasoning, Types of intelligence tests. Week 12: Lecture: Motivation and Emotion, definitions, brain and related drives, Physiological responses to arousal. Quiz: Motivation definitions and physiological responses. Lecture: Gender and Sexuality: definitions, Gender Role Socialization, Sexual orientation, paraphilias, fetishisms Week 13: Major Exam #4: Memory through Gender and Sexuality. Lecture: Personality: definitions, concepts, introvert, extrovert, traits Quiz: personality definitions and concepts Week 14: Lecture: Psycholanalytic Personality Theory, Id, Ego, Super Ego, contrast with theories of Adler, Horney, and Jung Quiz: Components of Freud’s Personality Theory Lecture: Psychological Disorders: DSM-IV, 4 categories of disorders, Anxiety, Mood Disorders Quiz: Categories of Mental Disorders, specifics on anxiety and mood disorders. Week 15: Lecture: Schizophrenia and Personality Disorders. Video: Mental Disorders Quiz: Video and lecture information Lecture: Therapies: Freud’s therapies, Humanistic therapies, Behavior Modification, Psychodrama, pharmacotherapy, electroconvulsive therapy Week 16: Major Exam #5: Personality through Therapies.