Registrationfor the 2014/15 School Year

W e b p a g e :
T e l e ph o n e: 9 0 5 3 35 -5 5 88
F a x: 9 0 5 3 3 5 - 1 9 27
Registration for the 2014/15 School Year
Tues. August 26 or Wed. August 27 TIME: 10 am - 2 pm
The Student Engagement Fee supports:
Voluntary Student Engagement Fee
Phys Ed Uniform
Dudley Lock
$ 5.00
 Student Council School-Wide Spirit Events
 Assemblies
 Anti-Bullying Initiatives
 Link Crew
 Student Leadership Training
 University Fairs
 Motivational Speakers
 Student Orientation Events
 Commencement
 Student Excellence Celebrations
 Student Recognition Awards
A positive and engaging school culture makes
us all better and happier learners
YOU WILL RECEIVE: Your Timetable, Computer Log On, Student Photo ID and Agenda.
PLEASE BRING: Student Verification Form , Student Freedom Of Information Form, and any outstanding books/materials.
Please make cheques payable to MM Robinson High School NO POST-DATED CHEQUES PLEASE
If you have 3 or more children at MMR and would like to arrange a payment schedule, please speak with an Administrator.
Principal: Andrea Taylor
 Pay All School Fees: Registration, Field Trips, Athletic Fees
and More!
 Swipe Your Student Card in the Cafeteria for food purchases!
Registration is EASY: Just follow these 3 steps
Log onto and click on “Sign
Up Now”.
Complete the online registration and retrieve your Parent
Centre Account Number.
Activate your Parent Account by setting up “Payee” with
your Banking Institution OR enjoy the quick and easy convenience of “E-Deposit”
While "cashless payments" is an option for all fees and activities, parents have the option of paying by cash or by cheque.
First Day of School:
Vice Principal: Jim Noble (Responsible for A-L)
Vice Principal: Helen Soden
(Responsible for M-Z)
Guidance Head: Nicole Hagley
Leah Rosa, Counsellor
Peter van der Meulen, Counsellor
Centre/LifeSkills Lead Teacher: Stephanie Clapham
Social Worker: Laura Clement
Special Education Head: Susan Gabriele
Student Success Teacher: Craig Bradshaw
School Council Chair: Lynn Wilson
Dane Tutton
Dianna Bower
Tuesday, Sept. 2, 2014 (See Page 2 for Special Schedule)1
MM Matters
for 1st Day of School - Tue. Sept. 2nd
Grade 9
8:00-11:00 am
Grade 9 students ONLY
Parent/Student Progress Interviews:
Thursday, October 16
Period 1
12:20 - 12:56
Period 2
12:59 - 1:35
Period 4
1:38 - 2:14
Period 5
2:17 - 2:52
Late Slips to Class
What? Now scheduled after 5th Week Reports,
INSTEAD of after Mid-Term Reports.
What? Students who are late to class need to
check in with their teacher FIRST, then go to the
office for a late slip, to replace a reported absence.
Why? To communicate and connect with parents
and students earlier in the semester so that improvements in achievement can happen BEFORE
Mid-Term Reports.
Why? Accuracy in attendance has shown to improve student achievement as home and school
work together to improve student attendance.
School Photos
School photographs will be taken after you
Register in the Gym.
If you can’t make it to registration, you can still
have your photo taken on the first day of school:
Tues. Sept. 2nd
Photo Re-Take Day will be—Tues. Sept. 25th
Cheques should be made payable to:
Pegasus School Images
See enclosed flyer for more information.
Regular Classes Begin at 12:20
for all students ~ Grades 9-12
Period 1 Teachers
will assign LOCKERS on the 1st
day of school.
Please DO NOT put locks on lockers
before Period 1 on the 1st Day of
Any locks found on lockers before
this time WILL BE CUT OFF.
Student Services
MM Matters
Fall Registration and Timetable Changes
Tues. Aug. 26th Wed. Aug. 27th & Thurs. Aug. 28th
Office hours will be: 9:00 am-2:00 pm
The following procedure will be in effect:
In order to make a timetable change,
Students must have in their possession:
a) A copy of their timetable
b) A note from a parent/guardian (for students under 18 years of age) indicating that a
timetable change may be made.
Students will be prioritized based on the nature of their concern as
New registrations
Those students who have not been assigned a timetable
Course conflicts and/or unbalanced timetables
Senior students needing specific courses to graduate
Failures from the previous school year and/or those students lacking a prerequisite
Grade 9 ,10 and 11 students with fewer than four courses in a semester
Other problems (want to switch courses)
Waiting Lists:
Students will be “wait listed” on the appropriate priority list.
Depending on the priorities, some students will be asked to wait, while others will be
given an appointment time.
If a student does not have an opportunity to see a Counsellor during Registration, they will
need to go to Student Services on Tuesday, September 2nd.
During the first week of classes, STUDENTS MUST ATTEND ALL OF THE CLASSES THAT
APPEAR ON THEIR TIMETABLE. If they are not present in class when their name is called, their
name will be placed at the bottom of the list.
The Student Services Department will attempt to deal with each student in a timely fashion. In an
effort to see every student with a timetable concern, students will be limited to one visit to a
Guidance Counsellor.
Any student with an IEP should deal directly with Ms. Gabriele (Head of Learning Resources),
or one of the Learning Resources teachers regarding timetabling concerns.
MM Matters
Regular School Day Schedule
Period 1
8:25 -
Period 2
9:48 - 11:02
11:02 - 12:16
Period 4
12:20 -
Period 5
Sept. 24, 2014
Oct. 8, 2014
Nov. 12, 2014
Dec. 10, 2014
Jan. No Collaborative Day
Feb. 11, 2015
March No Collaborative Day
April 8, 2015
May 6, 2015
June No Collaborative Day
Planning Time
Period 1
- 10:25
Period 2
10:28 - 11:33
11:36 - 12:41
Period 4
12:44 -
Period 5
MM Matters
Students are responsible for providing evidence of their learning within established timelines. Due dates for assignments and the scheduling of tests
will be communicated well in advance to allow students to schedule their
time. Students who are unable to follow an agreed upon timeline are expected to demonstrate their responsibility and organizational skills by discussing with their teacher the challenges they are facing as far in advance
of the deadline as possible. Teachers will use a variety of strategies to help
students develop their responsibility and organization skills. If a student
misses a due date, his/her teacher will:
conference with the student to ensure the completion of late or missed assignments;
set up a student contract (oral or written) which includes an appropriate closure date for submission of the missing evidence of learning;
ensure students and parents/guardians are kept informed of incomplete, late, and non-submitted
assignments that are having a significant impact on a student’s reported grade;
work with students to help them remediate the learning skills and work habits required to meet due
dates and provide evidence of their learning;
in the event of a lack of evidence of student achievement that is having a significant impact on a
student’s success, refer the student to the Student Success Team/teacher or School Resource
Team to collaboratively problem solve and create a plan of action.
If, after setting a appropriate closure date for the work, a student still has not provided evidence of
his/her learning then a zero may be assigned for the missing work. Later, through work in credit recovery, the student may have an opportunity to provide alternative evidence of the curriculum overall
expectations he/she didn’t initially achieve.
As well as meeting due dates, students are responsible for being academically honest in all aspects of
their schoolwork so that the marks they receive are a true reflection of their achievement. Plagiarism
is using the words, ideas or work of someone else without giving appropriate credit to the original creator. This is a form of cheating.
Consequences for not meeting these academic standards of meeting due dates and expectations of academic honesty may include:
 reporting the issue to parents/guardians;
 requiring a student to complete the original or alternative work after school or during lunch period;
 requiring a student to complete an alternative assignment;
 mark deduction of 5% per day;
 suspension;
 assigning a “zero” for an assignment not completed prior to an agreed upon closure date.
HDSB Policies and Procedures for “Lates & Missed Assignments” and “Cheating and Plagiarism” may be found at
MM Matters
Students in grades 9, 10 and 11 take a full academic timetable of
four courses in each semester. Students in grade 12 who are on
track to graduate may exercise their option to take a spare. The
purpose of the spare is to allow students to meet the workload of
senior courses (this time is used to complete homework, projects,
study, etc.). In order to maintain a positive learning atmosphere at
MM Robinson, students on spare are asked not to be in the halls of
learning areas. Students on spare are welcome to be in the upper
foyer, the library or the cafeteria.
Our goal is to provide a positive school climate where all students can focus on learning in a safe, respectful and enjoyable environment. The MMR
Dress Code seeks to strike a balance between individual expression and
the expectation of society for appropriate attire in an academic setting.
 Student dress should be appropriate for a learning environment and
should not be a distraction for students and staff. (e.g., to cover shoulders
via t-shirts or cardigans & mid-thigh shorts and skirts)
 Hats are to be removed during the playing of the national anthem, during formal assemblies, and in classes where directed by staff.
 For reasons of safety and sanitation, shoes must be worn at all times.
 Clothing or accessories with drug or alcohol images or overtones are
not permitted.
 Gang-related, hate-related, racist, sexist, or homophobic statements, symbols and/or images
are not permitted on clothing or as accessories i.e. jewelry (i.e. spiked jewelry potentially dangerous), bandanas, doo rags, chains, other than those normally defined as jewelry. Only officially recognized religious headgear is permitted to be worn in the school building at all times.
 To encourage a distraction free learning environment, revealing and provocative clothing is not
 Student participation in technical, laboratory, arts, and physical education programs may require special considerations for dressing safely.
Students who do not meet Dress Code standards may be asked by a teacher or a school administrator to remove or reverse the offensive items or borrow an alternate piece of clothing to use as
a cover up.
Some examples of fashion trends, which are NOT conducive to a distraction-free learning
environment, are:
For both males and females: any visible undergarments (females = bra straps, thongs: males =
boxer shorts, undershirt tank tops), no bare bellies, no short shorts or skirts.
MM Matters
Student Council Executive
PRESIDENT: Corinne Bulger
VICE PRESIDENT: Bailey Nimmrichter
ECO Director:
Caroline Marais
Lexus Wagner
Michelle Dang
Samantha Monday
Megan Lee
Jack Pocaluyko
Jennifer Choma
Stephanie Saladziak
EVENTS Director:
Carley Hubbell
Kayla Trevor
Eryn Loney
Madison Jupp
SPIRIT Director:
Samantha Takrani
Christina Lyle
Reporting A Student Absence
The Halton Board automated attendance system (Synrevoice) will call home for every absence, unless
the absence has been authorized by a parent or is a school related field trip or sporting event. Parents
should call the school to report an absence (905) 335-5588.
Absence line is available from 4:00 pm- 8:00 am.
If your child must sign out during the school day for any reason, a note from the parent/guardian,
should be brought to the office where the student will sign out. If the student does not have a note
from home, he/she should come to the office and contact a parent/guardian by phone—a secretary will
confirm with the parent/guardian that the child has permission to leave the school. No student under
18 years of age will be allowed to sign out without a note or parental contact by phone.
Students 18 years and older may call themselves in absent, as well as sign themselves out of school for
any reason, without parental permission.
On-Line Student Information System
Parents and students under 18, now have EASY ACCESS to attendance,
schedules and credit information online.
Simply go to the following website:
Enter your child’s student number (which can be found on the report
card), and your child’s birth date. You can click on the individual classes
to review your child’s attendance, as well as view the credit and mark
MM Matters
Healthy Active Living
Phys. Ed. Uniform:
Our healthy active living courses will continue to require
students to wear Robinson Phys. Ed. uniforms. This uniform
consists of Robinson T-shirt and Robinson gym shorts. Proper
running shoes will also be required in order to participate.
Rams T-shirt & Shorts
(Your own socks and running shoes)
The Marcello Campanaro Fitness Centre
This facility provides our students and the Robinson Community with an
outstanding opportunity to develop a healthy lifestyle. A wide range of
equipment is available to address all areas of fitness.
Take advantage of this facility and make a commitment to a healthy active
Fitness Centre Membership Fee: $35.00
Robinson Athletics
At MM Robinson we have maintained a strong tradition in athletics. An extensive number of opportunities
exist for students to participate at the interschool level. Announcements are made regularly for start up times
and tryouts for all teams. Please check the School Website under Athletics for news and updates
Students who want to compete against other schools are encouraged to get involved. Each student who is a
member of any team is required to pay a minimum athletic fee. The Athletic fee is non-refundable after the 1st
league game or event is played.
Costs include: Athletic Association fees, umpire/referee fees, travel costs, championship fees, equipment
purchases, maintenance, first aid supplies, office supplies, uniform purchases and/or replacements,
miscellaneous operating costs, and year-end awards . The fee will also include a ticket to the year-end Annual
Athletic Awards Banquet held in June of each year.
Costs: $50.00 initial fee
$25.00 athletic fee for any other sport played in the same school year.
Also, TBA by Specific Teams: Costs incurred beyond regularly scheduled Athletic Association
activities, ie. tournaments, exhibition games etc.
Athletic Council
Dance Team
French Club
Gay/Straight Alliance
Improv Team
IT Crew & Club
Manga Club
School Reach Teams
Monopoly Club
Link Crew
Science Club
Spanish Club
Student Council
Stage/Tech Crew
Intercollegiate Sports
Basketball—Jr & Sr Boys/Girls
Field Hockey –Jr & Sr Girls
Football—Jr & Sr Boys
Hockey - Jr & Sr Boys/Girls
Rugby—Girls Varsity
Soccer—Jr & Sr Boys/Girls
Swim Team—Co-ed
Track & Field—Co-ed
Volleyball—Jr & Sr Boys/Girls
MM Matters
MMR School Advisory Council
Parents: Be a Part of Your School Advisory Council
“Compulsory Community Hours, Special Education, School Safety, User Fees, Dress Code”, are a
few of the topics discussed at School Council.
Understand the issues — meet the staff and voice an opinion. Students whose parents are
actively involved in the secondary school are more successful academically than they would be
without their parents’ involvement. Do your children and other adolescents a favour. Get
The first meeting of the 2014-2015 School Year will be held Monday, October 6th at 6:30 pm in the Library.
Elections/Interest 2014-2015
We invite you to submit your name for several vacancies on the council: One year term - Attendance at
monthly meetings: first Monday of each month 6:30—8:00 pm from October 2014 to May 2015.
Tasks: provide advice on a variety of issues, committee work, and other activities as decided by the group
Individuals interested in being part of the MM Robinson High School Advisory Council are asked to attend the
first meeting October 6, 2014 at 6:30 pm in the Library for introductions and a question/answer period.
To declare your interest, please fill out the form below
and return it to the school by September 10, 2014.
For more information: Contact Andrea Taylor, Principal (905) 335-5588
School Advisory Council
Phone #
MMR Student’s Name:
Business/Professional Experience:
Areas of Interest in Education:
MM Matters
Bon Voyage 2015
Travel is a great way to learn about the world around you.
Exploring other cultures, meeting new people and seeing
other lands and historical landmarks raises awareness and
creates curiosity which leads to a broader knowledge and
understanding of humanity. Bon Voyage 2015 will allow students to expand their learning through international travel.
An international trip has been planned for March Break
2015. Bon Voyage 2015 will take students to the country of
France. We will tour Paris, including visits to the Louvre and
the Notre Dame cathedral. The trip will then move on to Provence and the French Riviera.
Students or parents can listen for announcements of upcoming Bon Voyage 2015 meetings or they can visit and enter tour number 1580556BD to find
out more. The earlier students enroll, the more discounts
they can incur and the more time they have to save for the
trip. Students can enroll at any time by accessing the EF
tours website. On September 11th, 2014 there will be a general information meeting in the school library over the lunch
If you have questions about this international excursion, feel
free to contact Janet Milanowski ( or
Stephen Payne (
Student Transportation
MM Matters
2014 - 2015 * SEMESTER I
PHONE & STUDENT ABSENTEE #: (905) 335-5588
September 1
Labour Day (no classes)
September 2
8:00 am - 11:00 am – Grd 9’s ONLY - Orientation
12:20 pm - Classes Begin for ALL GRADES
Photo Make-Up Day (for students not at Registration)
September 4
September 18
Last day for course changes by 12 noon
September 25
October 10
Photo Re-Take Day J
5th Week Reports (distributed)
Student Excellence Evening
PD Day (no classes)
October 13
Thanksgiving Day (school closed)
October 16
Student Progress Interview Night 5:45-8 pm
November 3-20
Grad Photos
November 5
End: Sem.1–Term 1 (½ credit courses)
November 11
Remembrance Day Assemblies
November 13
November 21
Mid-Semester Report Distribution
Grade 8 Program Night
P.D. Day (no classes)
November 24
Full Disclosure (Last Day to Drop Classes)
December 18
15th Week Reports (mailed)
December 19
Last day of classes (1:30 dismissal)
Dec. 22 – Jan. 2
Winter Break
January 5
1st day of classes
January 14
January 13 & 15
University Applications Due (Online)
January 21
Last day of classes
January 22 – 28
Exams / Exam Performance Task
January 29
Exam Review Day
January 30
P.D. Day (no classes)
College Applications Due (Online)
October 9
Grade 9 Program Night