Science 8 Name ____________________________ (always first and last) PW Library Orientation Teacher: ____________________ Block _________ Science 8 Branches of Science Assignment Use the library resources to select a branch of science that interests you. Only one person will be able to select a specific branch of science, so once you have made your decision let your teacher know and write your branch of science in the space below. My branch of science is ____________________________________________ Due Date ______________________________________________________ On the blank sheet of poster paper: Name the branch of science and identify the career associated with it Describe this branch of science Describe what this type of scientist might do Provide at least two illustrations (drawing, photo, diagram etc) related to this branch of science (don’t forget the citation) Provide some additional information about this branch of science (this will be your choice) Put your name and block on your poster (don’t forget) Use at least three references and put the list (Works Cited) on a separate letter size (8½” x 11”) sheet of paper (Teacher-librarians will mark this according to the PW Works Cited criteria so don’t forget your name, block and teacher’s name) Evaluation: You will be evaluated on content as indicated above, the quality of your poster, including design, attractiveness, use of colour, and appropriateness of your illustration. 25 marks based on the rubric below. Assessment Criteria Content- level of understanding Content – use illustrations (e.g. photos, drawing and /or diagrams) – properly cited Appearance of poster – clarity and organization Content – sources of information 5 Poster shows an advanced understanding of a particular branch of science Advanced use of illustrations. All visual are clearly necessary (not just fillers) Poster is extremely well organized, entirely clear and well laid out. More than 3 different types of sources, properly referenced in MLA style 4 Poster shows a strong understanding of a particular branch of science Good use of illustrations. 3 Poster shows a sufficient understanding of a particular branch of science Sufficient use of illustrations 2 Poster shows an insufficient understanding of a particular branch of science Insufficient use of illustrations 1 Poster shows a superficial understanding of a particular branch of science Superficial use of illustrations Poster is well organized, but layout may be inconsistent Poster is well organized, but may contain some superficial distracting items. 3 or more sources, but may have errors in MLA reference style Poster is somewhat organized, display may be contain superficial distracting items Fewer than 3 sources that may have errors in MLA reference style Poster is disorganized X1 No sources are cited X1 3 or more sources properly referenced in MLA style Adapted from Mrs. Greig; rubric adapted from Mr. Humphries Multiply by X3 Mark X1 Page 1 Science 8 PW Library Orientation Name ________________________ (always first and last) Find the following information from the Science careers website located on the PW Library webpage: Branches of Science 1. The three general divisions of science are _______________________________, ______________________________ and ______________________________. 2. ___________________ is frequently referred to as the language of science because ________________________________________________________________. 3. The __________________________________________ sciences include physics, ______________________________ and ______________________________. 4. The __________________________________________ sciences include geology, ______________________________ and ______________________________. 5. The __________________sciences include all the branches of biology such as __________________, _________________, _________________ and medicine. 6. Each of theses subjects can be divided into different branches, for example, branches of physics include ___________________________________________. 7. These are several fields of science that are combination of branches, for example biophysics is a combination of ___________________ and ___________________ while geochemistry is a combination of _______________ and ________________. 8. Applied sciences are concerned with ____________________________________. 9. Some examples of applied sciences are: __________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Complete the following table with information from the presentations earlier today: Branch of Science Presenter *Division of Science 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. *Divisions of science include: physical science, life science, earth science and applied science. Adapted from Mrs. Greig; rubric adapted from Mr. Humphries Page 2