Defining the role of glia in the enteric nervous system Meenakshi Rao, MD, PhD Columbia University October 9, 2015 Disclosures No relevant conflicts to disclose. Enteric nervous system (ENS) • Can function independently of CNS • Regulates: Gastrointestinal motility Secretion Mucosal maintenance Mucosal immunity Hormonal secretion Neurons.Glia 1 Enteric glia are essential for GI function • Chemical ablation (HSV‐Tk + ganciclovir) – – – – Severe jejunoileitis Altered epithelial proliferation Altered epithelial barrier Neuronal degeneration Bush et. al., Cell, 1998. • Immune‐mediated targeting of enteric glia These methods all targeted GFAP‐expressing cells. Proteolipid protein 1 (PLP1) is a new marker of enteric glia Rao, M., et al. Glia, 2015. Genetic model for conditional ablation of enteric glia Rosa26 LoxP STOP LoxP DTA Rosa26 Cre recombinase Rosa26 LoxP DTA Rosa26 PLPCreERT: Expresses tamoxifen‐inducible Cre recombinase within PLP1‐expressing cells Experimental groups: Cre+, Tamoxifen Cre‐, Tamoxifen 2 Cre ‐ Cre + Crypts S100+ cells/0.1mm2 p < 0.001 300 200 100 0 Cre- Cre+ Villi Ablation of PLP1+ glia does NOT result in intestinal inflammation How does loss of enteric glia affect gastrointestinal function? • Intestinal‐epithelial barrier: No effect • Epithelial proliferation & repair: No effect • Enteric neurons Survival: No effect Function: ? 3 GI Transit Time (min) Enteric glial loss alters neuronal function 250 p = 0.07 200 150 100 50 0 15 15 Cre- Cre+ Females n.s. GI Transit Time (min) GI Transit Time (min) Males 250 200 150 100 50 0 8 8 Cre- Cre+ 250 p = 0.02 200 150 100 50 0 7 7 Cre- Cre+ Enteric glial loss does not alter UGI transit n.s. 80 60 40 20 0 Cre- Females Gastric Emptying (%) Gastric Emptying Gastric Emptying (%) Males 100 Cre+ 8 6 n.s. 4 2 0 80 60 40 20 0 Cre- Cre+ 10 Cre- Geometric Center Small Intestinal Transit Geometric Center 10 n.s. 100 8 6 2 0 Cre+ n.s. 4 Cre- Cre+ Analyzing colonic motility ex vivo Females CMMC 15 10 5 0 Cre- p = 0.03 Cre- Cre+ Cre+ 4 Summary • Enteric glia widely express PLP1 • Conditional expression of DTA in PLP1‐ expressing cells is a robust, non‐inflammatory model of enteric glial ablation • Enteric glia play a sexually dimorphic role in colonic motility Does this underlie sex differences in functional disorders? Thanks Michael Gershon, M.D. NASPGHAN Foundation Gabriel Corfas, Ph.D. NIH (NIDDK) Svetlana Sabel, M.D. Daniella Rastelli Lauren Dong Sophia Chiu Milton Fund Glaxo Smith Kline CUMC Dept. of Pediatrics BCH Div. of Pediatric GI Wanda Setlik Bradlee Nelms Michael Rutlin, Ph.D. 5 Glial ablation alters colonic motility in a sex‐dependent manner Males Females 15 15 p = 0.03 5 0 Speed (mm/sec) 2.5 Contraction Speed CMMC 10 5 Cre+ p = n.s. 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 10 0 Cre- Cre- Cre+ Cre- Cre+ 2.5 Speed (mm/sec) Contraction Frequency CMMC p = n.s. 2.0 p = n.s. 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 Cre- Cre+ Immuno‐EM confirms loss of S100β+ enteric glia Cre ‐ Cre + S100β PLP1 S100β.PLP1 GFAP PLP1 GFAP.PLP1 PLP1 only GFAP only PLP1 & GFAP 6 GFAP HSV‐Tk mice express Tk protein in epithelial cells GFAP HSV-Tk GFAP.HSV-Tk Enteric glial ablation does not alter epithelial barrier penetration 15000 Fluorescein (ng/mL) 15000 FITC (ng/mL) 10000 5000 10000 5000 n.s. n.s. 0 0 DSS Cre- Cre+ M.W. 4400 Da Cre- Cre+ M.W. 478 Da Enteric glial ablation does not alter bacterial penetration n.s. 10 16S qPCR Mesenteric Lymph Nodes CT 8 6 4 2 0 Cre- Cre+ 7 n.s. 10 6 n.s. 4 2 0 Cre- Cre+ Duodenum n.s. 30 8 Cre- Cre+ Ileum Ki67+ Cells/Crypt Villus to Crypt Ratio Glial ablation does not affect epithelial proliferation n.s. 20 10 0 Cre- Cre+ Duodenum Cre- Cre+ Ileum 8