Executive Summary The aim is to successfully promote our new 33cl


Executive Summary

The aim is to successfully promote our new 33cl Fanta soft drink, Fanta Sea. We hope to promote it enough to become the number one selling summer soft drink this summer, 2010. Seeing as we are proposing a partnership with the Coca-Cola Company we intend to use their factory and ingredients.

Additional ingredients needed will of course be purchased, or a”shopping list” will at least be handed in to the production managers. We have sampled different ingredients to create our unique tangy lemon and passion fruit flavored soft drink and are currently waiting on a pending patent for our new flavor and recipe. In terms of employees we intend to train the Coca-Cola and Fanta workforce in the factory’s in order to create our product successfully. Seeing as we are proposing a partnership with the Coca-Cola Company we intend to use their factory and ingredients whilst sharing the profit with the company at a rate of 40% equity. FIGURES ROUGH

Business Overview

We are here today to propose a new business partnership within the Fanta branch of the Coca-Cola

Company. Our new venture within the soft drink industry is Fanta Sea, our bright new flavored soft drink aimed for the summer of 2010. We are not looking to replace old Fanta drinkers through any form of cannibalism or taking over, rather creating a new limited flavor for the up and coming summer time here in Sweden.

Our specific roles in this partnership is a combined Marketing and Sales role in which we will be using various methods to market ours and Coca-Cola’s new Fanta product, as well as working hands on with customers in order to maximize sales. Seeing as it’s a proposal for a partnership, we hope and plan to use Coca-Cola’s factories here in Sweden in order to produce our Fanta product.

The machinery needed to create our product is the same as any standard Fanta production line, only the ingredients differ. Seeing as it is a new flavor there is of course new ingredients that will be needed to be added to the production line, but luckily all of these flavors can be bought at a general soda syrup supplier and are already in Coca-Cola’s storing warehouses.

We intend to sell the beverage at all of “Stor Stockholm’s” Ica stores first and if it sells successfully we hope to expand to include other food stores such as the Coop chain or City Gross or even spread nationwide.

Regarding sales we intend to distribute to all of the 60 registered Ica stores within Stor Stockholm.

After asking a local Ica store sales person we have decided that an average of MONEY SALES FIGURES


In terms of a time frame and availability, we already stated that we intend to be a “limited time only summer drink”. Meaning May up until the end of July, specifically the 1st of May through June and finally until July 31st.

Resource wise the entire point of this pitch is to acquire financial aid in order to create and possibly develop this new Fanta Sea. We will be, as stated, working as a partnership meaning we intend to make use of Coca-Cola’s factory and workers for production but we will of course train the workers and teach them the recipe. STARTING CAPITAL FOR X AMOUNT OF UNITS FIGURESFIGURESFIGURES

Target Market

Our target market is everyone. Every person likes a soft drink, whether it’s on a daily basis or a monthly basis. However we do have an expected group to take in to consideration, and that is both male and females of the ages between 13 and 65. We have opted for the young age of 13 to start our expected group because kids at that age are starting, if not already drinking soft drinks. The drinks will be the normal price of 10 kronor so affordability shouldn’t be a problem for both ends of the expected group. According to the Pope’s spokesperson, his favorite drink is Fanta [1] and this is why we have set the expected age group so high. Our target area is Stockholm, as stated before and by that we mean the entire geographical area, as far as all the stores have access to.


Our goal is to promote the drink enough for it to hopefully make a comeback in 2011 as a top selling summer soft drink. We aim to sell enough articles to cover the production and marketing costs as well as providing a profit to create either a new product for the winter or a ”comeback” in 2011 of the Fanta Sea soft drink.


Here in Sweden there are no real soft drink or soda manufacturers that can compare to the Coca-

Cola Company, as it is so in the rest of the world. Here in Sweden, seeing as a majority of the drinks are owned by the Coca-Cola Company there is very little competition except within the alcoholic sectors of the market. The only other soft drinks that come into light are Pepsi-Cola which is run by

Spendrups and Carlsberg. These both manufacture smaller drinks which are traditionally Swedish.

They include drinks such as Sockerdricka and Trocedero but they are more prominent in Norrland and such places, not Stockholm. Julmust is another smaller group but once again it is a traditional drink which is placed at different times compared to our product.

Marketing Strategy

Our product is Fanta Sea produced by Coca-Cola for Stockholm’s län during the summer period of

May up until the end of July. We intend to have the same average price of any other Fanta, that being 10 kronor per can. This is enough to cover the production costs a Fanta

Our marketing mediums and areas include Facebook, T.V and handouts, due to it being available freely to the public. Facebook advertisements for the period of May 1 st

until July 31 st

will cost approximately 14 630.2 kronor. This is based information gathered through the Facebook [2] website where the adverts will reach 1 901 700 users at a cost of 6 kronor per 1000 persons. There is an additional cost of 35 kronor per day for advertising on Facebook. We will be advertising for 92 days from May 1 st

until July 31 st


35 x 91 = 3 220

6 x 1901.7 = 11 410.2

Together the total costs for advertising on Facebook at this magnitude for this long period will be cost 14 630.2 kronor, and that is the maximum we will have to pay.

For the T.V advertisement we have chosen specific times and days to run the commercials. With

Kanal 5 we intend to have 3 days with advertising and it will be between prime time hours from 7pm until 10pm and only every second advertisement will be payed for and shown. Kanal 5 will charge us

1 751 566 kronor for the 11 days we intend to advertise for.

We will also be supplying the youth of the Stockholm’s län with jobs for the summer. In order to complete our advertising and introductory campaign we intend to higher youths to help distribute free sample drinks in the first two weeks of the school summer holiday. That will be the 10 th

of June onwards. A total of 10 youths with an average pay of 70 kronor per hour working for 4 hours per day will lead to a total cost of 28 000 SEK.

(70 x 4) x 10 x 10 days= 28 000 (Monday – Friday)

Job Description

Title: Promotional Assistant.

Department: Advertising and Marketing.

Reports to: Promotional Head.

Overall responsibility: Handing out of free Fanta Sea products with in Stockholm City in order to promote the new product.

Key areas of responsibility: Handing out of flyers, free samples of Fanta Sea and special-offer tickets.

Seeing to that as many customers are reached in town through engaged promotion.

Consults with: Promotional Head, Marketing Head and other Promotional Assistants.

Term of employment: 2 (Two) weeks.

Basic communication skills in both Swedish and English is a must. Sociable and clean-cut is also a necessity. No formal wear is needed.

Income and Outcome

The total number of soda distributors are 465 in Stor Stockholm:

62 McDonalds

49 Vi butikerna

9 Max Hamburgare

19 Hemköp

10 Willys

106 Coop

79 7/11

65 pressbyrån

6 pris xtra

Average liter consumption in Sweden per year – 67,6

( http://sverigesbryggerier.se/lask/laskstatistik/konsumtion-av-lask-i-liter-per-invanare/ )

Stockholm population 1,981,263 ( http://www.scb.se/Pages/TableAndChart____262455.aspx


1,981,263 * 67,6 = 133 933 378,8

133 933 378,8 liter of soda consumed per year in stockholm

133 933 378,8 / 365= 366 940,8

366 940,8 liters consumed per day in Stockholm

Fanta sea can – 0,33 litres (33cl)

366 940,8 / 0.33 = no. of 0.33 liters cans consumed every day

1 111 941,8 cans consumed every day in Stockholm

We are imagining that all coca cola company drinks are only made in 0,33 liters can to make the calculations clearer.

Coca-cola being the biggest soda company of them all Fanta Sea should be able to sell a lot because of the company.

We went around different stores (PrisXtra, Ica, Pressbyrån, Konsum, 7/11,) and looked on their shelf’s to see what soft drinks were dominant and we also asked staff members, and we estimated the amount of coca cola company made drinks are about 70 % of all soft drinks in Stockholm. This might of course not be accurate but when looking at these figures it seems reliable because these are few of the big supermarkets/stores and can be found on several places in Stockholm.

70% of 1 111 941,8 = 778 359,26 cans per day in stockholm

With our figures estimating that 778 359,26 of coca cola made cans would be consumed every day would be positive to Fanta Sea. Because coca cola is a well known label that is trusted one way or another(and during summer the figures for all numbers mentioned would increase because of the weather) With a new and exciting drink as Fanta Sea, the sales would increase rapidly – could be compared to coca cola zero boosted the sales when it was released.( http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/18/business/18coke.html

) Fanta Sea could give coca cola a big push out of the financial crisis. Coca cola zero made coca cola profits raise by 14% during the first-quarter ( http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601103&sid=awZhwNMHbThs ) after it had been released in the US and raised profit with 11% in Europe. Therefore we are hoping to see a very rapid profitable outcome during our limited sales period, and aiming to increase profit during the third-quarter. Because it is a limited edition that will only be sold during summer, we expect the demand to be greater.

‘“The brand's UK sales have dropped steadily recently, falling from £114.5m in 2008 to £108.1m for the year to October.” ( http://www.marketingmagazine.co.uk/news/970818/Coca-Cola-embarksglobal-Fanta-campaign(http://www.marketingmagazine.co.uk/news/970818/Coca-Cola-embarksglobal-Fanta-campaign/)

We want to raise Fanta sales before it decreases and is done in desperate means such as the ongoing campaign due to Fanta sales dropping in UK. One of our aim is to make Fanta a popular drink, and with Fanta Sea it would raise in capital during the sales period – 78 days.

Now we have to calculate how many coca cola cans that would be consumed within 78 days.

778 359,26 * 78= 60 712 022,28 cans would be consumed within these 78 days.

We are aiming for every store(465 in total) to receive a minimum of 100 Fanta Sea’s in 33cl cans for every week and 78 days is approx. around 11 week therefore we would earn about 5,115,000 SEK.

465(no. of distributors) * 11(no. of weeks) * 100(no. of Fanta Sea each store receives every week)*10(the price of a Fanta Sea 33cl) = 5,115,000 SEK.

Income – 5 115 000 SEK

A total of 10 youths with an average pay of 70 kronor per hour working for 4 hours per day will lead to a total cost of 28 000 SEK.

(70 x 4) x 10 x 10 days= 28 000 (Monday – Friday)

Kanal 5 advert - 1 751 566 SEK

Production cost – 19 cent for one can.

( http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080425090244AA2RbNn )

1 cent = 0.078164082 SEK

19 x 0.078164082 = 1, 48 SEK

Amount of Fanta Sea – 511 500

511 500 x 1,48 = 757 020 SEK

Youths employee – 28 000 SEK

Kanal 5 advert – 1 751 566 SEK

Production cost – 757 020 SEK

Total outcome: 2 536 586 SEK

Income – Outcome

5 115 000 –2 536 586 = 2 578 414 SEK = ESTIMATED PROFIT!

[1] http://www.thaindian.com/newsportal/world-news/pope-benedict-xvi-is-addicted-tofanta_10016199.html

[2] https://secure.facebook.com/ads/create/review_ad.php?oid=128687667145120&act=67786545

[3] http://sverigesbryggerier.se/lask/laskstatistik/konsumtion-av-lask-i-liter-per-invanare/

[4] http://www.scb.se/Pages/TableAndChart____262455.aspx

[5] http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/18/business/18coke.html
