RFP - FHI 360

Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance III Project
Request for Proposals
Development of Communication Materials – Lesotho
FANTA Contacts:
Jennifer Marcy, Technical Officer
Sandra Remancus, Project Director
Joseph Diederich, Associate Director, Finance
Ann Bourns, Deputy Director, Operations
Elizabeth Mugala, Contracts Specialist
Period of Performance:
January 1, 2015 – September 31, 2015
Project Numbers:
Lesotho is one of six African countries participating in the Partnership for HIV-free Survival (PHFS). As
part of PHFS, FANTA is one of several partners helping the Government of Lesotho (GOL) to implement
high quality interventions designed to increase the rate of HIV-free survival among HIV-exposed infants
and young children. Nutrition assessment, counselling, and support (NACS) interventions are an integral
part of the government of Lesotho’s National Plan for the Elimination of Mother-to-Child Transmission
of HIV (EMTCT). FANTA, through the PHFS initiative, aims to support the integration of NACS within
postnatal care and MNCH settings and strengthen Ministry of Health (MOH) capacity to implement,
monitor, and evaluate these activities. Activities are coordinated with quality improvement
interventions being led by the USAID ASSIST project and are reflected in a joint work plan completed in
The MOH has asked FANTA to support the process of revising and developing nutrition counselling cards
to be used by health workers in facilities and take-home materials for clients. FANTA and the MOH
conducted a workshop in August 2014 that included stakeholders from government, international NGOs,
and local community-based organizations. During the workshop, FANTA gathered input about the target
groups and behavioral determinants, the key technical content for nutrition messages, and about how
and where communications materials might be used. It was agreed that materials will most likely take
the form of counseling cards to be used in one-on-one interactions in health facilities, however, the
same materials will be used for group education purposes, and may also be used by community health
workers in household or community group settings. Literacy levels should be ascertained and
accommodated in the materials. It was agreed to prioritize developing the following communications
support tools:
1. A set of infant and young child feeding (IYCF) counselling cards for use by health workers
2. A set of maternal nutrition counselling cards for use by health workers
3. A set of counselling cards on nutrition for people living with HIV (PLHIV) for use by health
4. A calendar or other take-home item that reinforces key messages for clients and their families
5. One to three posters or other material that can be displayed in facilities to complement
messages in counseling materials
FANTA is seeking a local firm to assist with the development, testing, and finalization of the abovereferenced materials. Applicants should have extensive experience in creative conceptualization,
development and design of creative campaigns and materials for interpersonal communication and
counseling in health topics, as well as related research (formative research and testing of materials). The
purpose of this RFP is to outline the specific tasks required and to solicit offers to perform the work
A. Adaptation of IYCF Counselling Cards
In 2009 the USAID-funded IYCF project assisted the MOH to develop a set of IYCF counselling cards. The
set contains 17 cards, each with an image on one side to show the client, and key messages for the
health provider on the other side. The set is printed in and bound with a folded support for stand-up
display on a desk. Currently, the counselling cards are primarily being used during group education
sessions in ante-natal care and under-5 clinics.
Since the completion of the cards in 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) released new guidance
on IYCF in the context of HIV, thereby rendering the existing IYCF cards technically out of date. FANTA
will provide up-to-date technical content for the counselling cards. During the workshop, participants
also identified issues with organization of the material. FANTA will provide the selected firm with the
existing set of cards along with guidance, based on participant input, on how to reorganize the
information for a new set of counseling cards and one poster. The selected firm will work with FANTA’s
artist to modify existing images and text following FANTA guidelines, develop and implement a pre-test
of the materials with clients and health providers, and finalize the new materials after incorporating
input from the pre-test.
B. Development of Materials for Maternal Nutrition and Nutrition for PLHIV
Lesotho does not currently have any communication support tools for providers to use when discussing
maternal nutrition or nutrition for PLHIV with clients. FANTA aims to produce approximately 10 cards on
maternal nutrition and 10 cards on nutrition for PLHIV, which will be designed and tested by the
selected firm. Initial ideas for content will be based on FANTA’s experience in other countries.
Relatively little research has been conducted on these issues in Lesotho. Therefore, the approach to
developing these materials will be more comprehensive than the approach used for the IYCF cards.
Since time and funding are not available to conduct formative research prior to developing these
materials, a testing protocol will be designed to include investigation of barriers and facilitators to
behavior change that will be used to refine messages. FANTA will provide guidance on questions for this
research component. The selected firm will: 1) Develop layout and designs for the two sets of counseling
cards, including images and text, based on FANTA’s creative briefs, as well as one or two complementary
posters; 2) design and conduct a concept/pre-test that will include limited formative research with
clients and health providers; and 3) incorporate test results into final products.
C. Development of Take-Home Calendar
In 2009, the IYCN project assisted the MOH to develop several take-home brochures on IYCF and
maternal nutrition topics. During the August 2014 workshop, participants agreed that the brochures
contained too much text and were rarely used. Participants suggested that a calendar would be a better
take-home product. Two key purposes for the calendar (or other take-home item) were identified: to
reinforce messages and information provided at the health facility (“reminders” for the client), and to
communicate key messages to other members of the household. The content from the calendar or
other product will draw from the content in the maternal nutrition and IYCF counselling cards. FANTA
will select the topics to be included. The selected firm will: 1) Determine if a calendar is the most
appropriate take-home item; 2) develop the layout and designs for the calendar or other take-home
item, based on content in the counseling materials and guidance from FANTA; 3) design and conduct a
pre-test that will include limited formative research with clients and health providers; and 4) incorporate
pre-test results into final products.
D. Posters
The MOH has indicated that posters containing key nutrition messages are helpful when displayed in the
health centers. Based on the results of the concept round and pre-tests of the other materials, up to 3
key messages and images will be selected to be used on posters. The selected firm will: 1) Make
recommendations for the topics and images to be used on posters; 2) develop and design poster
content; 3) design and conduct a concept/pre-test of the posters; and 4) incorporate test results into
final products.
Summary of communication materials to develop:
IYCF counseling
Nutrition and
HIV counseling
Target Audience
Pregnant women,
mothers and
caretakers with
children under 2
Adolescent women,
pregnant and nursing
Health workers,
Adapt current set (add,
delete, modify images and
text), test and complete
Health workers,
Create new set, test and
Health workers,
Create new set, test and
PLW, health staff
Take home
calendar or
other takehome item
Mothers, all family
members and visitors
to household
Client and other
Create posters using images
from other materials and
adding text
Create, test and complete
A. General responsibilities of the selected firm
Communicate with FANTA. Key personnel from selected firm will meet with FANTA to discuss the scope
of work, review schedule, and discuss project deliverables. This and other meetings may include FANTA
representatives in Maseru and in Washington, D.C., who will connect via Skype or telephone. Regular
email communications will be an essential element throughout this contract.
Collaborate with FANTA to ensure all necessary ethical approvals are obtained before beginning any
concept testing or pre-testing: Using the approved concept testing and pre-testing protocols, FANTA
will seek ethics approval from the FHI360 review board. The selected firm will liaise with the MOH to
ensure that ethical approvals required by the MOH are obtained prior to beginning work.
Organize and conduct concept testing
Before any materials are drafted, contractor should plan to conduct concept testing. The selected firm
will develop and submit to FANTA a draft protocol for the concept development research. Tasks for
concept testing will include:
- interview health workers who have used the existing IYCF cards
- conduct exploratory concept testing to determine the most promising formats and concepts to
develop (this will include determining if counseling cards and a calendar or some other formats
will be the most effective to achieve communication objectives)
o One round can be conducted to address issues for IYCF and Maternal Nutrition topics,
and a separate group for PLHIV nutrition.
o FANTA would like to use an “Action Media” methodology for this phase, so applicants
with experience using this or similar participatory methods will be preferred.
The selected firm will develop and submit to FANTA a report on the results of the concept testing.
Develop preliminary designs of the materials.
- Design materials with illustrations similar in style to the existing IYCF cards. Adjust the draft
designs based on feedback provided by FANTA until the versions for pre-testing are agreed
Pre-testing of the draft materials. The selected firm will develop and submit to FANTA a protocol for
pre-testing each of the materials. The protocol should include:
- background, problem definition
- objectives
description of sample and sampling method
o data collection approach
o questionnaires/data collection tools
o data analysis approach
o ethical considerations/informed consent
FANTA will provide guidance on the sampling approach in order to capture intended users and target
audiences. FANTA will also provide input on content for the pre-test questions, which will investigate
behavioral determinants such as knowledge, attitudes, practices and beliefs that could present barriers
and facilitators to behavior change as well as questions referring to draft materials. FANTA may suggest
revisions to the draft protocol. When finalized, FANTA will submit the protocol and necessary
documentation to its institutional review board and the ethics committee of the MOH for approval, as
After the protocol is approved, the selected firm will conduct testing. The selected firm will arrange for
data collectors and demonstrate to FANTA that they have appropriate training and supervision to
conduct research. All individuals who participate in the data collection or analysis using FANTA funds will
be required to complete an online ethics training and certification course approved by FHI360.
The selected firm will provide FANTA with a concise report of the pre-test activities and results. The
report should describe: summary, background, methods (including sampling, data collection sites,
training for data collectors if any, consent and ethical considerations, data collection methods approach
to data management and analysis), results, and recommendations. Based on the findings, FANTA and
the selected firm will discuss and agree upon revisions to the materials. These drafts will be shared with
selected stakeholders to garner additional feedback. The selected firm will be available to explain to
stakeholders the methodologies and findings used during the development and pre-testing of materials.
Finalize content and formats of the materials. The selected firm will revise all materials to incorporate
findings from the pre-test and stakeholder input and present final draft materials for approval by FANTA
and the MOH. Upon approval, the selected firm will prepare materials for print (camera ready art/color
separations) and produce the electronic media/files. Prior to the final edits and development of final
versions, the selected firm will get approvals from FANTA. The selected firm will provide all files
associated with the final products.
Note: All art files and designs produced under this sub-award will be the property of FANTA and the U.S.
government. FANTA is fully-funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development and as such, our
materials are free and accessible under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Funding by the U.S.
government implies property rights to any deliverable created including art files. For more information
on ownership, copyright and the FOIA, please go to http://www.copyright.gov/foia/foia-faq.html.
FANTA prefers Adobe Creative Suite 6 (CS6) software, and prefers that the contractor only use Adobe
InDesign (CS6) for design layout. Adobe Illustrator (CS6) is preferred only for drawings, maps, graphics or
figures, and should not be used for design layout. Alternatives to Adobe CS6 may be considered, but the
contractor’s preferred software should be listed in the proposal.
Materials must be accessible on websites in PDF format and able to be sent in emails. This means that,
in addition to print-ready files, an alternative small file-size PDF (web-friendly) version must be created
and must be considered at the start of the design process. Please also avoid the use of unnecessary
watermarks or masked layers that contribute to PDFs with large file sizes.
Submit all final art files (EPS, INDD, AI, PSD, etc.) along with materials in PDFs or JPGs to FANTA on CDrom or through a file-sharing system where they can be downloaded.
B. Tasks and deliverables to be completed by the selected firm
Meet with FANTA to discuss the scope of work, schedule, and
IYCF cards adaptation
Meet with FANTA to review existing cards and discuss guidelines for
Develop drafts of revised pages
Work with FANTA’s artist to update and develop images
Develop concept and pre-testing protocols
Conduct Action Media or other agreed form of concept development
research (covering IYCF and maternal nutrition)
Conduct pretest of adapted IYCF materials
Submit a report with pre-test results and recommendations
Meet with FANTA to discuss revisions
Make revisions
Submit final materials in Adobe Illustrator to FANTA on CD
Maternal nutrition cards development
Meet with FANTA to review creative brief and discuss guidelines for
content. Review any relevant documentation on nutrition for PLW.
Develop draft designs, including text and images, layout.
Develop pre-testing protocol
Conduct pretest of materials
Submit a report with pre-test results and recommendations
Meet with FANTA to discuss revisions
Make revisions
Submit final materials to FANTA in Adobe Illustrator on CD
PLHIV nutrition cards development
Meet with FANTA to discuss guidelines for content. Review any
relevant documentation on nutrition for PLHIV.
Develop concept development/Action Media protocol
Conduct Action Media or other agreed form of concept development
Develop draft designs, including text and images, layout
Develop pre-testing protocol
Conduct pretest of materials
Submit a report with pre-test results and recommendations
Meet with FANTA to discuss revisions
Make revisions
Submit final materials to FANTA on CD
Take-home calendar or other take-home options
Develop 2 design options for a take home product, one of which will
be a calendar. Develop text and images to be included, layout, design
Test draft concepts during concept development exercise
Submit preliminary draft of preferred option to FANTA for approval
Develop pre-testing protocol
Submit protocol to FANTA for approval
Conduct pretest of materials
Submit report with pre-test results and recommendations
Meet with FANTA to discuss revisions
Make revisions
Submit final materials in Adobe Illustrator to FANTA on CD
Use results from concept round and pre-tests of other materials to
recommend topics and images for posters to FANTA
Develop up to three poster designs, including text and images
Develop a pre-testing protocol
Conduct pretest of materials
Submit a report with pre-test results and recommendations
Meet with FANTA to discuss revisions
Payment Schedule
FANTA will pay contractor percentages of fee based on FANTA’s approval of deliverables as follows:
Pre-test protocol
Drafts of all 4 materials to be pre-tested
Detailed pre-test report
Final products in Adobe Illustrator
FHI 360 anticipates issuing a fixed price sub-award. Fixed payment(s) will be issued based on submission
and approval of deliverables or measurable performance milestones. Once an award is issued, it will
include a fixed price payment schedule with deliverables/milestones specified in the sub-award.
Interested firms should read the following proposal instructions carefully. All interested parties must
provide the following in English:
A. Technical Proposal: Based on the scope of work and creative briefs (Annexes A-C) provided, provide
a description of your team’s approach, methodology, and rational. All proposals must describe the
contractor’s proposed approach to the following activities:
Concept testing
Developing pre-testing protocol and questionnaires
Developing draft materials
Data analysis
For each activity list the proposed time frame. Deadlines will be confirmed with FANTA during contract
B. Organizational Capacity and Personnel: Background summary of the contractor should be
included, with descriptions of staffing/functions/ departments of the organization, and how
accounts are serviced.
Please include:
1. CVs of staff assigned to this project.
2. If you intend to outsource any activity, such as data collection, please provide a detailed
3. Past Performance. A current client list and contact information for references.
4. Organizational capabilities. Submit a description of three previous, relevant projects completed
by your organization. Descriptions should include examples of working with the Lesotho MOH.
Each description should not exceed ½ page.
5. Past Performance. Submit a sample of materials previously designed by the contractor and any
evaluation that took place of the campaign/exercise.
6. Software packages used for data analysis.
7. Software used for graphic design.
C. Cost Proposal: Interested firms should submit a fixed price proposal entitled “COST PROPOSAL”
in Excel format with sufficient detail to allow evaluation of elements of costs proposed. Budget
should be submitted in US dollars and should include, if needed: Personnel, Fringe Benefits,
Consultants, Travel and Per Diem, Administrative Costs, VAT, etc. A detailed budget narrative
that describes and justifies the cost assumptions for each category and line item in the budget
spreadsheet is required. For cost comparisons and contract negotiations, firms are encouraged
to submit realistic and competitive costs.
Proposals will be evaluated and ranked by committee according to the conditions described in the
evaluation criteria below. The proposal that represents the best value will be selected.
40 points
Technical Proposal
35 points
Organizational Capabilities
25 points
All responses to this RFP must be received no later than close of business Monday, December 15, 2014.
Proposals should be submitted as follows:
 Electronic email copy must be submitted to jmarcy@fhi360.org in Word, Excel, or PDF format.
 All inquiries and requests for information affecting this RFP must be submitted by e-mail to
jmarcy@fhi360.org no later than close of business, Monday, December 8, 2014.
 Inquiries and answers to inquiries will be shared with all offerers.
 FHI 360 will not compensate any offerer for preparation of its response to this RFP.
Contract Mechanism
A fixed price sub-award may be awarded to the selected firm.
Client Prior Approval
The solicited services, once an offeror has been selected, will be subject to funding agency for
approval before a sub-ward is issued. Therefore, organizations are reminded that there may be delays
for this process to be completed. In addition, should such approval not be given, this solicitation will be
Terms and Conditions
Firms are responsible for review of the terms and conditions described below and in the award template
attached. If relevant, particular attention should be paid to clauses regarding USAID rules and
Withdrawals of Proposals
Firms may withdraw proposals by written notice via email received at any time before the award.
Proposals may be withdrawn in person by an authorized representative if the representative’s identity is
made known and the representative signs a receipt for the proposal before the award.
Right to Select/Reject
FHI 360 reserves the right to select and negotiate with those firms it determines, in its sole discretion, to
be qualified for competitive proposals and to terminate negotiations without incurring any liability. FHI
360 also reserves the right to reject any or all proposals received without explanation.
This RFP represents only a definition of requirements. It is merely an invitation for submission of
proposals and does not legally obligate FHI 360 to accept any of the submitted proposals in whole or in
part, nor is FHI 360 obligated to select the lowest priced proposal. FHI 360 reserves the right to
negotiate with any or all firms, both with respect to price, cost and/or scope of services. FHI 360 has no
contractual obligations with any firm based upon issuance of this RFP. It is not an offer to contract. Only
the execution of a written contract shall obligate FHI 360 in accordance with the terms and conditions
contained in such contract.
Request for Proposal Firm Guarantee
All information submitted in connection with this RFP will be valid for three (3) months from the RFP
due date. This includes, but is not limited to, cost, pricing, terms and conditions, service levels, and all
other information. If your organization is awarded the contract, all information in the RFP and
negotiation process is contractually binding.
Offer Verification
FHI 360 may contact firms to confirm contact person, address, and bid amount and to confirm that the
bid was submitted for this solicitation.
False Statements in Offer
Offerers must provide full, accurate and complete information as required by this solicitation and its
Conflict of Interest
Offerers must provide disclosure of any past, present or future relationships with any parties associated
with the issuance, review or management of this solicitation and anticipated award. Failure to provide
full and open disclosure may result in FHI 360 having to re-evaluate selection of a potential offerer.
Reserved Rights
All RFP responses become the property of FHI 360 and FHI 360 reserves the right in its sole discretion to:
 To disqualify any offer based on offerer failure to follow solicitation instructions.
 FHI 360 reserves the right to waive any deviations by offerers from the requirements of this
solicitation that in FHI 360's opinion are considered not to be material defects requiring
rejection or disqualification; or where such a waiver will promote increased competition.
 Extend the time for submission of all RFP responses after notification to all offerers.
 Terminate or modify the RFP process at any time and re-issue the RFP to whomever FHI 360
deems appropriate.
 FHI 360 reserves the right to issue an award based on the initial evaluation of offers without
 Award only part of the activities in the solicitation or issue multiple awards based on solicitation
 FHI 360 will not compensate organizations for preparation of their response to this RFP.
 Issuing this RFP is not a guarantee that FHI 360 will award a subcontract.
 FHI 360 may choose to award a purchase order to more than one organization for specific parts
of the activities in the RFP.
 FHI 360 may request from short-listed organizations a second or third round of either oral
presentation or written response to a more specific and detailed scope of work that is based on
a general scope of work in the original RFP.
This solicitation and any resulting contract shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the U.S.
Government except in cases where they contradict Lesotho’s law. The English language version of this
solicitation and any resulting contract shall govern, and all notices pursuant to the provisions of this
solicitation and any resulting contract shall be in English.