CIW Web Foundations Associate exam 1D0-610 FAQ

CIW Web Foundations Associate exam 1D0-610 FAQ
CIW Web Foundations Associate exam 1D0-610 FAQ
When will the new CIW Web Foundations Associate exam (1D0-610) be released?
December 2012. Check with your preferred testing center for exact dates and availability details. The new
modular CIW Associate exams (1D0-61A, 1D0-61B, 1D0-61C) will also be released at this time.
When will the current/previous CIW Web Foundations Associate exam (1D0-510) be
December 2013. The modular CIW Associate exams (1D0-51A, 1D0-51B, 1D0-51C) will also be retired at
this time. Note the overlap period of one year, which allows candidates who are already preparing for any
1D0-51x exam(s) to complete their course of study.
Will you still offer CIW Web Foundations Associate in three modular exams?
Yes. CIW Web Foundations Associate is available as a single comprehensive exam, and as three separate
smaller exam components. You can take the CIW Web Foundations Associate exam series in either
format. The following table provides an overview of each exam:
Comprehensive CIW Web Foundations
Associate Exam
Modular CIW Associate Exams
Exam 1D0-610
Exam 1D0-61A
CIW Web Foundations Associate
CIW Internet Business Associate
90 minutes
90 multiple-choice questions
30 minutes
30 multiple-choice questions
Tests skills objectives covered in three CIW
knowledge domains:
Tests skills objectives covered in one CIW knowledge domain:
- Internet Business Associate
- Site Development Associate
- Network Technology Associate
- Internet Business Associate
Exam 1D0-61B
CIW Site Development Associate
30 minutes
30 multiple-choice questions
Tests skills objectives covered in one CIW knowledge domain:
- Site Development Associate
Exam 1D0-61C
CIW Network Technology Associate
30 minutes
30 multiple-choice questions
Tests skills objectives covered in one CIW knowledge domain:
- Network Technology Associate
What CIW certification(s) will I earn by passing the new exam(s)?
Candidates who take and pass the comprehensive CIW Web Foundations Associate exam (1D0-610)
earn the CIW Web Foundations Associate certification.
Candidates who take and pass a modular CIW Associate exam (1D0-61A, 1D0-61B or 1D0-61C) earn
a modular certification matching the exam's knowledge domain.
Candidates who pass all three modular exams (1D0-61A, 1D0-61B and 1D0-61C) are also awarded
the CIW Web Foundations Associate certification status.
© 2012 Certification Partners, LLC. — All Rights Reserved.
CIW Web Foundations Associate exam 1D0-610 FAQ
Candidates who take and pass the single CIW Web Foundations Associate exam (1D0-610) to earn the
CIW Web Foundations Associate certification are not awarded the additional modular certifications.
Modular certifications are awarded only for passing modular exams.
Will the previous versions of the CIW Web Foundations Associate courseware (version
1.x) prepare me for the new 1D0-61x exam series?
No. We have significantly updated the skills objectives for the CIW Web Foundations Associate series to
cover the latest Web technologies. The new courseware (version 2.x) covers many new topics in depth, and
the new exams (1D0-61x) test your knowledge of this new material. The previous courseware (version 1.x)
does not cover the new topics tested on the new exam.
Will the new versions of the CIW Web Foundations Associate courseware (version 2.x)
prepare me for the previous 1D0-51x exam series?
Not adequately. We have significantly updated the skills objectives for the new CIW Web Foundations
Associate series to cover the latest Web technologies. The new courseware (version 2.x) covers many new
topics in depth, and thus it does not focus on, and in some cases has omitted, many previous exam
topics. The previous exams (1D0-51x) test some older, less relevant standards and technologies that are
no longer covered in the new courseware. The previous exams also do not test the new skills objectives
taught in the new courseware.
How much does it cost to take the CIW Web Foundations Associate exam 1D0-610?
USD $150 at Prometric and VUE testing centers; prices vary in international locations, depending on
currency. Check with your local testing provider for your exact price.
Significant discounts may apply if your learning institution offers our CTC Online in-class testing service.
I have a voucher for exam 1D0-510. But I want to take exam 1D0-610. Can I do that?
Yes. When exam 1D0-610 is released in December 2012, all valid vouchers for exam 1D0-510 will be
updated to also be valid for 1D0-610. Expiration dates will not change or be extended. Vouchers for the
modular exams will also be updated.
I've taken one of the 1D0-51x modular exams. Can I take the other two 1D0-61x
modular exams and still earn the CIW Web Foundations Associate certification?
Yes. Candidates pursuing all three modular certifications who have already passed one or two of the
previous 1D0-51x exams will still receive credit for those modular certification(s) toward the
comprehensive CIW Web Foundations Associate designation. Candidates can choose to continue with the
previous 1D0-51x exam series while it is available, or they can combine updated 1D0-61x exam(s) with
1D0-51x exam(s) to complete the exam series for the CIW Web Foundations Associate certification.
Where can I get more information about CIW exams and courses?
Feel free to contact us at your convenience:
Phone: (602) 275-7700
Linked In:
© 2012 Certification Partners, LLC. — All Rights Reserved.