Infotrak Harris Poll on Patriotism Love & Devotion for Kenya Prepared By Infotrak Research & Consulting A global network member of Harris Interactive Global, USA P.O Box 23081,00100 GPO Nairobi Manyani East Rd , Lavington Introduction Patriotism is defined as the love and devotion for one’s country Patriotism has been enlisted under Article 10 of the Constitution of Kenya as one of the national values and principles of governance binding all persons, state organs and state officers February being the month of love and devotion, Infotrak Research and Consulting conducted a nationwide opinion poll to establish Kenyans’ patriotism ie love for their country The key areas assessed in the survey include; o Love for the country o How Kenyans, politicians & the two principals should demonstrate patriotism for the country o Leaders who demonstrate outstanding patriotism for the country o Importance of patriotism in determining choice of leader in forthcoming elections Methodology The Patriotism poll was conducted and sponsored by Infotrak Research & Consulting between 5th and 8th February, 2012 A sample of 2400 respondents was interviewed to represent the Kenyan adult population of 19,462,358 translating into a minimum margin of error of -/+ 2 at 95% degree of confidence. The survey was conducted in all provinces of Kenya Using the 2009 Kenya Population & Housing Census as the sample frame, the sample was designed using Population Proportionate to Size (PPS) and mainly entailed; o Use of stratification, random and systematic sampling in drawing regions to be covered o Ensuring further distribution by area, age and gender o Using the district as the key administrative boundary o Ensured that every person in the sampled area had a known chance of being selected Fieldwork was using face to face interviews o 25% of the interviews were back checked for quality control purposes and data entered twice for validation purposes Data processing & analysis was carried using CS-Pro and SPSS 17.0 The questions asked of respondents are highlighted for each graphic presentation The Sample distribution Region Nairobi 11% (264) County District Sample Nairobi City Nairobi East 99 88 57 20 96 104 68 68 120 72 47 60 102 150 96 Nairobi North Nairobi West Central 14% (336) Coast 8% (192) Eastern 15% (359) North Eastern 4% (96) Nyanza 14% (336) Rift Valley 24% (577) Western 10% (240) Grand Total Westlands Nyeri Nyeri South Muranga Kiambu Muranga South Kiambu East (Kiambaa) Ruiru Mombasa Kilifi Meru Mombasa Kilifi Embu Machakos Garissa Meru Central Imenti South Embu Machakos Garissa// IJara Kisumu Migori Kisii West Pokot Kisumu East Migori Masaba Uasin Gishu Eldoret West Nandi Nandi North Tinderet Nakuru Nakuru Kajiado Kericho Kakamega County West Pokot Kajiado Central Kericho Kakamega Central Mumias Bungoma Bungoma North Busia County Busia Bunyala 164 100 72 48 122 44 20 178 48 117 54 65 51 57 13 2400 Key highlights Whilst 59% of Kenyans rated themselves highly as very patriotic, none of those surveyed considered our politicians as very patriotic Seventy nine percent (79%) of the surveyed respondents were of the opinion that the ordinary citizens love Kenya more than the politicians Twenty one percent (21% )of Kenyans feel that the two coalition principals should demonstrate their patriotism for Kenya by working together in unity for the sake of Kenyans Eighteen percent (18 %) of Kenyans are of the opinion that our political leaders need to demonstrate their patriotism for the country through promoting peace, love and unity More than four in every ten Kenyans feel that their fellow countrymen/women should demonstrate their patriotism for the country through promoting peace and unity Majority of Kenyans would wish our current political leaders to address the high cost of living The Survey Findings Patriotism among Kenyans… Patriotism is defined as the love and devotion for one’s country. February is the month of love and this year we would like to understand your thoughts about patriotism. Comparison ratings between ordinary Mwananchi & Politicians on patriotism (devotion & love) for Kenya Asked to rate the patriotism of our politicians, none of the surveyed respondents rated them as being very patriotic, with majority (52% ) rating them as nonpatriotic 59% of Ordinary Wananchi indicated they are very patriotic for Kenya Mwananchi Politician 100% 80% 60% 48% 34% 40% 20% 59% 52% 7% 0% 0% Not at all patriotic Somewhat Patriotic Very patriotic Comparison ratings between ordinary mwananch & politicians on patriotism (devotion & love) for Kenya n =2400 On a scale of 1 -3 where 1 is Not at all Patriotic, 2 is Somewhat Patriotic and 3 is Very Patriotic, how would you rate your patriotism (devotion & love) for Kenya & that of Politician? A comparative Analysis… Comparing the ordinary citizen and our politicians, who in your opinion loves Kenya more? 79% of Kenyans are of the opinion that ordinary citizens love their country more than our politicians Only 6% of the surveyed respondents were of the opinion that our politicians love Kenya more than the ordinary citizens, with 14% of the respondents indicating that both the politicians and the ordinary citizens love Kenya equally The Wananchi love Kenya more than the politicians The politicians love Kenya more than the Wananchi Both the politicians and the Wananchi love Kenya equally. 100% 80% 81% 79% 80% 79% 78% N =2400 60% 40% 20% 6% 15% 6% 13% 6% 14% 16% 14% 6% 6% Rural Aggregate 0% Male Female Gender Urban Location Comparing the ordinary Kenyan citizen and the politicians, who in your opinion loves Kenya more? Demonstrating Patriotism…. How do you think the following categories of people should demonstrate their patriotism (love and devotion) for Kenya? Working together in harmony is the best way ordinary citizens can demonstrate their patriotism for Kenya Working together in harmony 27% By living together in peace & unity 26% Support the less fortunate especially in this hard economic times Besides working together in harmony (27%), Kenyans should also demonstrate their patriotism for Kenya by living together in peace & unity according to 26% of the surveyed respondents 11% Strongly denouncing tribalism e.g. through intermarriages 8% Partcipating in elections while ensuring the 'right' leaders are voted in 8% Supporting the implementation of the New Constitution 8% Contributing to community projects 4% Paying of taxes to ensure nation building 4% Support the protection and restoration of natural resources i.e. our water… 3% Fighting corruption 2% Not participating in violence 2% 0% 20% A further 8% felt that Kenyans should demonstrate their patriotism for Kenya through denouncing tribalism e.g. encouraging intermarriages 40% 60% 80% 100% N =2387 In your opinion, how do you think the ordinary Kenyans should demonstrate their patriotism (love and devotion) for Kenya? Three in every ten Kenyans feel that our politicians should demonstrate their patriotism for Kenya through promoting peace & unity among Kenyans One in every four Kenyans feel that our politicians should demonstrate their patriotism for Kenya by addressing unemployment especially amongst the youth A further 8% of the surveyed respondents indicated that our politicians should demonstrate their patriotism for Kenya by paying taxes 40% 30% In your opinion, how do you think our politicians should demonstrate their patriotism (love and devotion) for Kenya? 30% 24% 20% N =2389 17% 11% 10% 11% 8% 6% 0% They should Promote peace & They should Support the unity among show dedication implementation support the less fortunate Kenyans in addressing of the New Kenyans unemployment Constitution & especially its ideals amongst the youth Fighting corruption They should pay They should fully taxes support development initiatives in their electorates & Kenya in general What we need to do to demonstrate patriotism… Since February is the month dedicated to love, what is the one thing that you think the two coalition Principals/ MP’s-Politicians/Fellow Kenyans should do to demonstrate their patriotism for Kenya? What the two coalition Principals need to do to demonstrate their patriotism for Kenya How the two principals should demonstrate their patriotism Incidence Work together in unity for the sake of Kenyans 21% Honour their promises to promote peace & reconciliation 19% Resettle IDP's 16% Set the date for the next general election to ensure Kenyans are adequately prepared for the exercise 15% Offer solutions to the high cost of living 13% Address insecurity concerns in Kenya 8% Create employment opportunities especially for the youth 3% Promote economic growth 3% Support & accelerate the implementation of the new constitution 3% Instill integrity in the government & Kenyans to ensure eradication of corruption 2% Enforce payment of taxes by politicians 1% N =2400 Honouring of their promises of promoting peace & reconciliation was one of the main ways (19%) through which the two coalition Principals should demonstrate their patriotism for Kenya A further 16% of the surveyed respondents felt that the two coalition Principals should demonstrate their patriotism for Kenya by resettling the Internally Displaced Persons (IDP’s) Fifteen percent (15% )of Kenyans would like the two coalition Principals demonstrate their patriotism by setting the election date in time for the next general elections. Since February is the month dedicated to love, what is the one thing that you think the two coalition Principals should do to demonstrate their patriotism for Kenya?1 What Members of Parliament need to do to demonstrate their Patriotism for Kenya Promote peace, love & unity amongst Kenyans 18% Work together in unity for the sake of Kenyans 15% Contribute in development projects 14% Support the less fortunate Kenyans 12% Fully support the resettlement of IDPs 11% Embrace corruption eradication activities 8% Support implementation of the new constitution 6% Pay taxes 6% Honour their promises to Kenyans About two in every ten Kenyans (18%) are of the opinion that our Members of Parliament should demonstrate their patriotism for Kenya through promoting peace, love and unity among Kenyans 5% Fight for Kenyans' rights Since February is the month dedicated to love, what is the one thing that you think Members of Parliament/ Politicians should do to demonstrate their patriotism for Kenya? 3% Address the high cost of living 3% Act as role models in the society N =2400 2% 0% 10% 20% 30% What Ordinary Citizens need to do to demonstrate their patriotism for Kenya About four in every ten Kenyans feel that their fellow citizens should demonstrate their patriotism for Kenya by promoting peace and unity e.g. through intermarriages, organizing inter-community activities such as sport etc., while 24% of Kenyans think their fellow citizens should demonstrate patriotism by embracing hard work. A further 5% of Kenyans feel that their fellow Kenyans should participate in the forthcoming general elections and vote wisely as a way of demonstrating their patriotism 50% 43% 40% Since February is the month dedicated to love, what is the one thing that you think fellow Kenyans should do to demonstrate their patriotism for Kenya? 30% 24% 20% 13% 9% 10% 5% 4% 4% Denounce corruption Support the implementation of the New Constitution 1% 1% Pay tax Creation of employment opportunities for needy Kenyans 0% Promote peace & unity N =2391 Embrace Support the less Participate in Participate in hardwork to privileged in the communal the forthcoming ensure nation election & vote society projects building wisely Political Leaders who Kenyans feel have demonstrated outstanding patriotism for Kenya… In your opinion, which one political leader has demonstrated outstanding patriotism for Kenya over the past year and why do you say so? The two coalition Principals came on top as the political leaders whom Kenyans feel have demonstrated outstanding patriotism for Kenya over the past one year 100% 80% 60% 27% 7% 6% 6% 5% 2% 2% 2% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% Kalonzo Musyoka Peter Kenneth Charity Ngilu Mutula Kilonzo Johnstone Muthama Musalia Mudavadi George Saitoti Najib Balala Kenneth Marende John Michuki Gideon Mbuvi ''Sonko"' In your opinion, which one political leader has demonstrated outstanding patriotism for Kenya over the past year? Others 7% William Ruto 13% 8% Martha Karua Raila Oding'a 0% 10% Uhuru Kenyatta 20% Mwai Kibaki 40% n =1682 Patriotism vs Non-Patriotism… In your opinion, what things have our political leaders done in the recent past that are either; Not at all Patriotic or Patriotic Inaction over the high cost of living demonstrates non-patriotism on the part of our politicians Things politicians have done that are not at all Patriotic in nature Not seeking to address the high cost of living Engaging in hate speech & dirty power struggle Incidence 25% 23% Things politicians have done that are Patriotic in nature Promoting peace & unity 22% Supported the passing & implementation of a New Constitution 22% Assisting the needy e.g. IDPs 17% Inciting Kenyans to cause violence 15% Selfishness & greediness like increasing of their salaries 14% Securing our borders i.e. deployment of KDF to fight Al Shabaab Not paying taxes 11% Fighting corruption 5% Supporting ICC suspects & ignoring post-election victims 11% Offering free education 4% Engaging in corruption Development of infrastructure 13% 8% Working together for sake of Kenyans 4% 9% Supporting conservation of environment 3% Giving false promises during campaigns 6% Paying taxes 3% Not supporting the full implementation of the New Constitution & its ideals 4% Creation of employment 3% n =1377 Mismanagement of funds e.g. CDF 4% Good management of CDF 3% Supporting the ICC 2% Supporting important bills like Mututho bill 2% In your opinion, what things have our political leaders done in the recent past that are Patriotic in nature: Not passing crucial bills on time 2% Considering legalizing prostitution 2% Demolition of Kenyans' houses 1% n =2202 Honouring our freedom fighters 1% 0% 10% 20% 30% Does patriotism matter to Kenyans in determining their choice of political leaders Patriotism for Kenya will be an important attribute (at 77%) to majority of Kenyans in determining their choice of political leaders in the forthcoming general elections 90% 77% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 31% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1% 2% 1% 3% Score 1 Score 2 Score 3 Score 4 10% Score 5 14% 12% 13% 14% Score 6 Score 7 Score 8 Score 9 Score 10 on a scale of 1-10, where 1 is not at all important and 10 is very important, how would you rate the importance of patriotism in determining your choice of political leaders in the forthcoming general elections? Mean Index N =2400 Demographics GENDER Male, 49% Female, 51% Base 2400 AGE 35% 32% 30% 25% 23% 20% 15% 12% 12% 10% 10% 5% 5% 0% 18-20 Yrs Base 2400 21-25 Yrs 26-30 Yrs 31-35 Yrs 36-40 Yrs 41- 45 Yrs 3% 3% 46-50 Yrs 51+ Yrs EDUCATION LEVEL 50% 40% 40% 33% 30% 20% 14% 11% 10% 0% Base 2400 1% Primary Secondary College University Post graduate LOCATION Urban, 32% Rural, 68% Base 2400 About Infotrak About Infotrak Infotrak Research and Consulting (hereinafter referred to as Infotrak) is a highly reputed research company with exceptional qualifications and extensive experience in high quality research. Infotrak’s technical strengths lie in its ability to efficiently design and field social science surveys and impact evaluations of the highest quality and to manage survey, administrative, and program data for research and evaluation purposes. The company was founded and incorporated under the Laws of Kenya in 2004 following the vision of the founder to provide the Pan African Market with suitable information solutions required to sustain the needs of the ever-growing economies. Headquartered in Nairobi Kenya, Infotrak also has affiliate offices in Uganda, Tanzania, Nigeria and field contacts in more than 12 other countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. The Research and Consultancy firm, which is currently one of the fastest growing in the region, attributes its rapid growth to not only innovation, high level of professionalism and dynamism, but also on the excellent caliber of personnel who have been described by many as “Business Minds who specialize in research”. In 2007, Infotrak became a global network affiliate of Harris Interactive USA, the 12th largest and fastest-growing market and social research firm in the world. Infotrak has a long history in conducting research and has carried out similar projects for various clients. We have set a worldwide standard in the efficient conduct of scientifically rigorous data collection efforts, which encompass the development of survey instruments, the design of efficiently executable and scientifically valid samples, survey administration and data acquisition, data processing, and analysis. Today, Infotrak is one of the most authoritative pollsters in Kenya, providing political opinion polling under the Infotrak Harris Poll flagship brand. In the recent constitutional referendum in Kenya, Infotrak was the only research firm which accurately predicted the outcome of the referendum. The company has retained both permanent and temporary employees to discharge its activities. The team is comprised of highly motivated, talented and experienced professionals with academic competence in diverse fields. The team has extensive and proven experience in both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies.