Written By: Kyle Lewarchick

Patriots Pen
Written By: Kyle Lewarchick
Patriotism to me means loving and giving devotion to your country. It means you respect your country and
help your country thrive. Patriotism is your love and support to your country. Patriotism spreads through
actions and words but touches people in the heart. The act of patriotism can only go as far as you let it go.
In Afghanistan soldiers fight for our country and die for our country. This shows patriotism by giving their
full devotion and respect to our country. Many soldiers go to war to keep our nation safe and carry out
family pride and tradition. They also don't go to war just to carry out tradition; they go to show that they
have patriotism.
Another example of patriotism is on September 11, 2001 when the twin towers were knocked down by a
terrorist group. This obviously was very upsetting and surprising to America but this brought people together.
Many people showed love and compassion towards the families that had a victim of the attack. Others such
as fire fighters and police died trying to
save people. This was a horrible thing that happened to our country but brought the patriotism in people out
to help those in need. Even today people are still showing their patriotism towards September 11, 2001by
keeping our country a safer place.
After hurricane Katarina hit New Orleans it was devastating to city and even the nation. Many citizens
contributed to the city by donating, time, food, money and shelter to those in need. Others showed their
patriotism by being an emergency resource worker and actually being in the city and helping clean up the
tragic mess.
Overall bad things happen to everyone on a small scale and large scale. When bad things happen it brings
out the patriotism in others to help. True patriotism is love and devotion to one's country, it can be a set
example through actions and words but really only touches people in the heart.
Patriot Essay
by Sloane Pezen
When someone looks at the American Flag, even if they don't live in the country, they should see passion,
devotion and true love that the U.S. is made up of. True patriotism is shown through someone who defends our
country, that helps change their community in a positive way and someone who is a loving person.
To be able to have the will and the power to fight for something you believe in is true patriotism. When
someone puts their life on the line to help others and the support your country you can see how much they care
for the place they call home. My cousin is currently enrolled in the U.S. Military, fighting for the freedom of
others. I feel so blessed to call him my cousin, not just because he is a part of the armed forces but because he
shows the qualities of true patriotism.
Someone that helps their community change in a positive way is some who shows patriotism. What I
mean by changing in a positive way is, is donating to local charities or any other volunteer work, and creating an
organization to help others. An example of someone who shaped a community into something positive is George
Washington. Not only was he the first president, but when being president he enforced laws to shape a healthy
and well-rounded community. George Washington said "Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism". I
believe this means that people may say they are patriotic but they don't actually share all qualities a patriotic
person would.
Being a loving person is a trait not only someone patriotic shall share but everyone. To be a loving
person you have to care about others, not just yourself. To be patriotic you have to love your country along with
the people that live in it. When I think about a loving person, I think of my family, especially my mother who
works hard to put a roof over my head. She also loves to help others and she wants me to do the same, which is
why I believe she shows patriotism.
So what does Patriotism mean to me? Well you do not only share the qualities that i have listed above but
you excel in everything you do, you try your hardest and push yourself to new limits, while also loving your