Land of the Firebird

Exclusive Tour of the Russian Volga River Heartland
June 17 – June 28, 2010
Land of the Firebird
Exclusive Tour of the Russian Volga River Heartland
June 17 – June 28, 2010
Experience One Thousand Years of History, Culture and
Contemporary Life in the Volga Cradle of Russia – the Yaroslavl Region.
Commemorating the One Thousand Year Anniversary
of the Founding of the City of Yaroslavl
hope that you will come and join me for this rare chance to
visit the heartland of the land of the firebird and celebrate
the 1000 birthday of the historic city of Yaroslavl—a region
and city rarely seen by the average tourist. Founded ten cenuries
ago by early Russia’s most enlightened prince, Yaroslav the
Wise, on the banks of the Volga the great river celebrated in art
and song as the Mother of Russian Rivers.
Yaroslavl became famous as a major trading and artistic center
and one of Russia’s most important icon painting schools —a city
of artists and artisans, the home of Russia’s first theater and great
actors. You will visit the great architectural and artistic treasures
of the city, meet the outstanding craftsmen and see folk art native
to the region which rank among the finest in Russia. What makes
this visit unique will be the opportunity—so rare on ordinary
tourist trips—to meet talented artists and energetic citizens living
and working in Yaroslavl today. As the saying goes Paris is not all
of France and Moscow is certainly not all of Russia. To know the
Russia of today you must explore further. Believe me, it will be an
eye opener which you will never forget.
Suzanne Massie
Author “Land of the Firebird”
his exclusive tour of the Russian Volga heartland will open up
Russia to discriminating travelers who want more than a surface
view. Seeing Moscow and St. Petersburg is far from a comprehensive look at Russia. The majority of Russians live in cities where the
culture of Russia took shape and where the future of modern Russia
lies. Drawing on years of experience, Suzanne Massie and Daniel Satinsky will share their insight and personal understanding of Russian
life with a select group of travellers through an in-depth exploration
of the history, culture and contemporary life of the Yaroslavl Region.
Yaroslavl, older than Moscow and located on the banks of the Volga, will celebrate its
1000-year anniversary in 2010. Yaroslavl and the neighboring cities of Rostov the Great
and Kostroma are the perfect location to explore the themes of the tour: art, craft, musical
and cultural traditions; lifestyles of business people in the pre and post-Soviet eras; and
the history and revival of the Russian Orthodox Church.
Of course, the tour will include magnificent historical buildings, churches and museums,
linking them to the continuity of Russian culture, religion and crafts through the centuries.
But, most importantly, there will also be active discussions with contemporary Russians –
entrepreneurs, artists and students. Join Suzanne Massie and Daniel Satinsky in this oncein-a-lifetime opportunity to see Russia through the eyes of its own people.
Tour Schedule
Wednesday, June 16
Assemble at U.S. Group Departure Point.
Thursday, June 17
Arrival in Russia and Transfer to Yaroslavl.
Arrive in Moscow and transfer to bus for ride to
Hotel rooms in
Yaroslavl will be at
the Ring Premier
Hotel, a modern
4-star hotel in the
center of the city.
The group will
travel by a modern,
comfortable tour
Friday, June 18
Volga River – Motherland and Gateway to
Monastery of our Savior and Transfiguration
Introduction to Russian cultural traditions by
Suzanne Massie
Cruise and dinner on the Volga River with
entertainment and conversation with members
of the Russian – American Friendship Society of
Saturday, June 19
Modern Religion and Artifacts of Past.
Tolga Nunnery
Lunch at Tolga Nunnery
Time and Music Museum – Private museum of
music, bells, clocks, icons and antiques on Volga
Dinner at Sobranie restaurant at the Time and
Music Museum
Sunday, June 20
Life of Russian Gentry and Life of Today’s
Travel to Karabikha Estate – former estate of
Nikolay Nekrasov and now a historical museum.
Lunch at Karabikha Estate
Dinner with Yaroslavl entrepreneurs at their
country houses (dachas).
The Tolga Nunnery has been revived as a functioning
institution in the post-Soviet period. The Tolga Nunnery is
home to the icon “Tolga Virgin,” which is believed to have
healing powers. There will be an opportunity to view and
participate in a Russian Orthodox service.
The countryside
estate of the Russian
poet Nekrasov. The
estate has been
preserved with its
original architectural
appearance from
the 18th Century.
The visit includes
historical reenactments from the
18th Century life of
the Russian gentry.
Monday, June 21
Historic Heartland of Russia
Tuesday, June 22
Artistic Treasures of Yaroslavl
Sunset on the Volga River.
Bus to Rostov the Great.
Rostov the Great Kremlin architectural ensemble.
Enamel Workshop – specialty craft of Rostov the
Dinner at Traktir na Naberezhnoy on Yaroslavl
Volga embankment – traditional food and music.
Metropolitan Chambers –
Museum of unique Yaroslavl
religious and fine art.
Workshop of Nikolai
Mukhin – one of foremost
living Russia artists, who
is also actively reviving
the Yaroslavl style of icon
Dinner at Poplavok, riverside fish restaurant.
Wednesday, June 23
Historical and Traditional Industries.
Rostrov the Great - Located about 45 minutes by bus from
Yaroslavl was once the headquarters of the Russian Orthodox
Church in the Yaroslavl Region.
Museum of the History of the City – interactive
craft exhibits
Yaroslavl Vodka Factory – 100-year old maker of
distinctive Russian drink.
Visit Russian “Valenki” (felt boot) factory or free
Dinner Yaroslavl State University students for
discussion of their view of future of Yaroslavl and
of Russia
Friday, June 25
Contemporary Artistry in Yaroslavl.
Petrov Animation Studio – Oscar winner for “Old
Man and the Sea”
Lunch at the Georgian restaurant Pirosmani
Packing, shopping, free time
Farewell dinner at the restaurant Vanilla Sky on
the Volga Embankment.
Join us in for an unforgettable tour of the Volga Heartland of
Thursday, June 24
Home of Russian Rulers – Kostroma.
Bus to Kostroma
Museum of Romanov Family – ancestral home of
Tsarist ruling family.
Museum of Wooden Crafts – traditional birch
bark crafts.
Dinner in Kostroma at Sobinov restaurant.
Saturday, June 26
Travel Day.
Bus to Moscow
Stop at Pereslavl-Zalessky – Boyhood resident
of Peter the Great.
Overnight in Moscow
Dinner in Moscow
Sunday, June 27
Depart for U.S.
Tour Information
Tour Dates: Depart U.S. on June 17 and return to U.S.
on June 28.
Tour Organizers: Daniel Satinsky, President of B.E.A.
Associates ( and President
Emeritus of the U.S.-Russia Chamber of Commerce of
New England and Irina Alekseevna Novikova, Founder and President of InTC and InTC Service, Yaroslavl,
Russia ( Tour assistance from
Yarobltour, largest tour operator in Yaroslavl Region
Tour Guest Lecturer: Ms. Suzanne Massie, author of
Land of the Firebird, lecturer and former Presidential
advisor on Russian cultural matters ( Ms. Massie will participate as expert
commentator and lecturor on Russian culture.
Number of Tour Participants: The total number of
tour participants will be limited to 14 to preserve the
unique personal and individual aspect of the tour experience.
Hotel Accommodations: Hotel rooms in Yaroslavl will
be at the Ring Premier Hotel, a modern 4-star hotel in
the center of the city. (
Meals: All breakfasts will be buffet style at the Ring Premier Hotel dining room. Lunches and dinners will be
at various restaurants selected for variety and quality
of food. There will be limited choice meals at all restaurants. If vegetarian options are required, advance
notification required.
Schedule Notes: Tour schedule is subject to change. The
craft and artist workshop visits will showcase actual
living arts and crafts and will not be designed for sale
of merchandise. Items may be available for purchase,
but the tour organizers are not promoting or benefiting
from sales.
Tour Fee: The cost of the tour is $5,995 per person,
which includes hotel accommodations, three meals per
day, all guides, translators and admission fees and local transport in Russia. This fee assumes double occupancy hotel rooms. Not included are international airfare, visa fees, cost of alcoholic beverages, gratuities,
trip insurance and medical insurance or proof of medical insurance that will be required of all participants.
Airfare: Group rate tickets will be available and all participants are expected to fly together as a group. Tickets are priced separately from the Tour Fee and all cancellation and refunds are subject to air carrier rules.
Registration, Deposit and Cancellation Dates: Registration will be first come, first serve until the maximum number is reached. A deposit of $500 is required
at registration. If a minimum number of participants
is not reached by March 1, 2010, the deposit will be
returned in full. Full payment will be required no later
than March 15. No refunds will be made once final confirmation and full payment is made. Travel insurance
is recommended.
Contact Information: For further information or to register for the tour, please contact Daniel Satinsky, 617
297 2875 or