Do you know that one US president, Franklin Pierce, was from New

Do you know that one US president, Franklin Pierce, was from
New Hampshire?
Before you read:
militia - army composed of citizens, not professional soldiers
gifted - smart, talented
legislature -law makers for a country or a state
welfare - good being
gesticulation - movements of hands and arms adding force to a speech
inauguration - formal ceremony of beginning the work
indecisive - can not make a decision
civil war - war inside a country
generosity - readiness to give or share
fortune - good luck
oppression - discrimination
injustice - unfair, wrong
personal gain - personal money and property
Read the following information:
Franklin Pierce, the only President of the USA from New Hampshire, was born in
1804, in Hillsboro, NH. He had four brothers and three sisters. His father, a militia
general who served in the American Revolution, was a passionate Democrat. He
taught his son his sense of patriotism.
Young Franklin was a very gifted student. He entered college at the age of 15. In
1826 he entered a law school in Northampton, Massachusetts . At the age of 24, he
was elected to the New Hampshire State Legislature. He served four years in this
office and was named Speaker of the House. At the age of 29, he was elected to
the United States House of Representatives.
At the outbreak of the Mexican War, he enlisted in the Army. In the campaign
against Mexico City, he was commissioned as a Brigadier General. He got a
painful injury resulting from a fall off his horse. At the end of the war, Pierce
resigned from the Army. In this brief war, General Pierce displayed a personal
bravery and a regard for the welfare of his men that won him the highest respect.
That respect did much for his future career.
Franklin Pierce was a brilliant lawyer and orator, he had a handsome face, an
elegant figure, graceful and impressive gesticulation, and a clear, musical voice.
His manner showed the kindness of his heart and contributed much to his political
and professional success.
2 (Franklin Pierce)
In 1853, at the age of 49, he became the youngest elected President of the USA.
But his presidential term began with a personal tragedy. Two months before the
inauguration, a train accident resulted in the horrible death of his only child,
Benjamin. His wife blamed Franklin's political ambitions for their son's death.
Grieving and nervously exhausted, Pierce started the Presidency. His work was
not considered a success. His wife stayed away from the society and didn’t
support him at home.
Pierce is ranked among the least effective U.S. Presidents as well as an indecisive
politician who was easily influenced. He was unable to command as President and
provide the needed national leadership.
During his administration Pierce faced a series of troubles. With roots and home in
the northern, anti-slavery state of New Hampshire, Pierce sided with the South on
the issue of slavery. He was sympathetic with Southerners who wanted to bring
slavery to other areas. That policy was based on the theory that the slavery was
guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States, and it was the duty of the
National Government to protect it. His goal was to avoid civil war at all cost.
Pierce’s views made him unpopular in the North and he failed to win a second
The administration's foreign affairs policy was also disappointing.
From 1861, the beginning of the Civil War, until his death he lived in retirement at
Concord, New Hampshire.
People remember Franklin Pierce for generosity and kindness of heart. In his
professional career, he was always willing, at any risk to his fortune or popularity,
to help the poor and protect them from oppression and injustice.
It is remembered, too, that in public life he didn’t take opportunities for personal
gain. After nine years' service in Congress and in the Senate of the United States,
after a brilliant and successful professional career and four years in the presidency,
his estate hardly amounted to $72,000.
The remains of General Pierce and his family now rest in the cemetery at
Concord, New Hampshire.
3 (Franklin Pierce)
Choose the correct answer:
Franklin Pierce entered college at the age of:
a) 15 years old
b) 24 years old
c) 29 years old
Franklin Pierce’s father served as a militia general in:
a) American Revolutionary war
b) Mexican war
c) Civil war
At the age of 29, Franklin Pierce:
a) entered a law school
b) was elected to the New Hampshire State Legislature
c) was elected to the United States House of Representatives.
During Mexican war, Franklin Pierce won the highest respect because:
a) he got injured
b) he enlisted in the Army
c) He proved a personal bravery and a regard for the welfare of his soldiers
His political and professional success grew because
a) Franklin Pierce was very rich
b) He knew a lot of people in the government
c) He was a brilliant lawyer and orator
Franklin Pierce became the youngest elected President of the USA at the age of:
a) 49
b) 53
c) 33
His presidential term began with a personal tragedy:
a) his wife left him
b) his only son was killed in an accident
c) he got seriously ill
Franklin Pierce’s leadership of the country was:
a) the least effective
b) the most effective
c) controversial
Franklin Pierce was defending slavery because
a) he had friends in the South
b) he had a lot of slaves himself
c) slavery was in the Constitution of the USA
His goal was to avoid at all cost:
a) the civil war
b) the liberation of slaves
c) his own reelection
4 (Franklin Pierce)
After his retirement, Franklin Pierce lived in
a) Concord, NH
b) Hillsboro, NH
c) Washington, DC
Franklin Pierce didn’t take opportunities for personal gain.
a) he didn’t gain any popularity
b) he didn’t become rich
c) he didn’t ask the people for help
The graves of Franklin Pierce and his family are in
a) Hillsboro, NH,
b) Manchester, NH
c) Concord, NH
Tell what you have learned about Franklin Pierce:
- beginning of his career
- his participation in the war
- his presidency
–his personal tragedy
- his good and bad characteristics as a leader
1. Concord Monitor: Franklin Pierce (the abridged version). By Mike Pride. April 25, 2010
2. Concord Monitor: Come celebrate Tuesday. November 21, 2004
3. Franklin Pierce Engraving. Appleton's' Encyclopedia, Copyright © 2002 Virtualology
4. www.
5. www.