SKEMA BACHELORS SYLLABUS SPRING 2015 COURSE CODE COURSE NAME BAC.EAINA.LGLNG.1002 COMPOSITION AND RHETORIC II Credits EAI Credits Student Workload 3 / ECTS Credits 6 Contact Hours Personal and/or Team Work Evaluation 39 120 3 Teaching Language English Prerequisite COMPOSITION AND RHETORIC I Teaching Period Spring 2015 Department Languages Course Coordinator Alexandra SAUNDERS, BSocSc - Instructor(s) Cynthia ANDREWS-JANET, Fiona MACLEOD, Alexandra SAUNDERS Evaluator(s) Class meets: Tuesday 8.30am-11.30am or Thursday 1.00pm - 4.00pm Cynthia ANDREWS-JANET, Fiona MACLEOD, Alexandra SAUNDERS This course focuses on developing the analytical skills necessary for any close reading of literature, such as short stories, poetry, drama and novels. Course Description Students will apply and improve composition skills acquired in English 1001 including constructing an argument, gathering, evaluating, analyzing and organizing research and information, maintaining focus and coherence throughout their compositions (essays, explications, research paper) and carefully revising and editing. Knowledge and Understanding (subject specific) The student is expected to Recognize and express the relationship of elements such as: Theme, Metaphor, Character, Simile, Plot, Allusion, Setting, Personification, Narration, Alliteration, Point of View, Assonance, and others. Cognitive / Intellectual Skills (generic) The student is expected to : Read, respond to and evaluate literary texts. Analyze language and style. Learning Outcomes Key Transferable Skills (generic) The student is expected to : Write coherently and support a thesis. Use vocabulary specific to a subject. To read, write and think critically. Practical Skills (subject specific) The student is expected to : To navigate the writing process from planning, drafting and revising to editing and proof reading. To employ the correct methodology to undertake academic research and write a research paper. Course registered in the process Yes Assurance of Learning AACSB Written Examination Coefficient % Midterm Exams x2 30 Student Assessment Contiuous Assessment Participation 10 Writing Portfolio 20 Research Paper 40 Lectures Guided Personal Work Teaching Methods Autonomous Personal Work Other (explain): Required for the course References / Books The Norton Introduction to Literature 9th-11th ed. possible ISBN 0-393-92615-X, 978-0-393-93514-1, 978-0-393-91339-2 "The Great Gatsby" F. Scott Fitzgerald Practical Guidelines for Academic Writing II (SKEMA) Web Sites Worksheets available on Knowledge Recommended references English-English dictionary or thesaurus SKEMA BACHELORS SYLLABUS SPRING 2015 Topics Date Week 1 Intro to course (From CRI to CRII), plagiarism, MLA layout etc., and basic grammar expectations. Thu 08/01 Quoting and paraphrasing from the story. Tue 13/01 Elements of fiction Short Story: "Roman Fever" by Edith Wharton HW: Finish reading the short story and complete Worksheet 1 Week 2 Thesis, roadmap and outlining Thu15/01 Elements of fiction Tue 20/01 Summary and discussion of "Roman Fever" by Edith Wharton continued In class: Thesis Statement and Outline for Essay 1 HW: Read "Good People" by David Foster Wallace and Complete Worksheet 2 Week 3 Continue Elements of fiction Thu 22/01 Discussion of "Good People" by David Foster Wallace Tue 27/01 Feedback on thesis statements and outlines. HW: Write Essay 1 based on the thesis statement and outline validated by your teacher (800 words). Week 4 Essay 1 Due Thu 29/01 Discussion of "Good People" by David Foster Wallace contined. Tue 03/02 HW: Read "Hills Like White Elephants" by Ernest Hemingway and Complete Worksheet 3 Week 5 Feedback on Essay 1 Thu 05/02 Discussion of "Hills Like White Elephants" by Ernest Hemingway continued. Tue 10/02 Introduction to Research Papers. HW: Midterm Revision HW: Read first extract from "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald and complete Worksheet 4 Detailed Schedule 11/02/2015 Week 6 Thu 12/02 Tue 17/02 Midterm 1 (1h30 mins) Research Paper topic, structure and content Explanation of Essay 2. Discussion of "The Great Gatsby" with Worksheet 4. HW: Essay 2 (1000 words) HW: Worksheet 5 on "The Great Gatsby" Week 7 Thu 19/02 Tue 03/03 Essay 2 Due "The Great Gatsby" continued. How to research your Research Research Paper Proposals HW: Finalise Research Paper Proposal HW: Complete Worksheet 6 on "The Great Gatsby" SKEMA BACHELORS SYLLABUS SPRING 2015 Date Topics Week 8 Feedback on Essay 2 Thu 05/03 Research Paper Proposals due including printouts of research with sections highlighted Tue 10/03 (5% of final Research Paper grade) Tue 10/03 Preparation for Midterm 2 "The Great Gatsby" Continued. HW: Revise for Midterm 2 11/03/2015 Week 9 Midterm 2 (1h30 mins) Class time to work on Research Papers. Please bring all materials with you. Thu 12/03 Explanation of Essay 3. Tue 17/03 Evaluating research sources. HW: Essay 3 (1000 words) Week 10 Essay 3 Due Thu 19/03 Introduction to Poetry Tue 24/03 Class time to work on Research Papers. Please bring all materials with you. Research Paper trouble-shooting session HW: Prepare an annotated Works Cited page to submit to your teacher (5% of your final Research Paper grade) Week 11 Annotated Works Cited Page due (5% of final Research Paper grade) Thu 26/03 Poetry discussion Tue 31/03 How to write a poetry explication. Class time to work on Research Papers. Please bring all materials with you. HW: Work on Research Papers Detailed Schedule Week 12 Poetry discussion and group poetry explications Thu 02/04 Class time to work on Research Papers. Please bring all materials with you. Tue 07/04 RP: revising, editing and proofreading HW: Finalize Research Papers. Week 13 **RPs due** Thu 09/04 Individual In-Class Poetry Explication (Essay 4) Tue 14/04 This syllabus is subject to change. All worksheets must be completed and brought to the following class. All essays must be sent to Urkund, using the following email address: WRITING PORTFOLIO You will be assigned 4 essays during the course. ALL are obligatory and will make up the portfolio grade. All essays must be completed for the required date. Any work that is not submitted on time will not be marked and will receive a "0", unless an extension is approved by the COMAC within 72 hours. Students must be present for in-class essay assignments. Absence will result in a "0", unless the student obtains COMAC approval to do a make-up assignment. Any work submitted with basic grammar errors will receive a C- maximum. Worksheets must also be handed in on time. If you are absent from a lesson (justified or not) it is your responsibility to find out if an assignment has been set and to give it in for correction on time.