Tip #1 Sentence Completion

The stain was impossible to get out since it was made by
salfjlksajfls ink.
The fgfdgdsgdfg instructions left me more confused than
ever about how to complete the assignment.
Test-Taking Tip #1: Sentence Completion
There are four types of sentence completion questions:
Context: You can figure out the meaning of a word/blank
based on other words in the sentence.
Contrast: You are looking for a word opposite to what is
in the sentence because of transition words like: but,
however, although.
Similar: You are looking for a word similar to what is in
the sentence because of transition words like: also, and,
Definition: The definition is in the sentence.
The colon (:) is an equal sign. Commas (,) link two
related concepts.
1. Cover Your Answers
2. Know the definition of the all words in the sentence.
If you don’t know a word, use:
A. Word Charge/ Word Association)
 Does the word sound positive or negative?
 Do you remember in what context you have heard the
 Do you know the meaning of a word part?
3. Identify any CLUES
A. Word Clues (box)
 and, because, despite, however, so, nevertheless,
 does the word indicate “same as” or “different
than” (Contrast or Similar)
B. Punctuation Clues (box)
 usually link two related concepts (=) what
happens on one side must be balanced on the other
2. Colons
 (definition) my favorite food: carne asada
C. Context Clues Identify (underline) any word in the
sentence that will help you figure out the blank.
Label blank as “same as” (=) or “different than” (≠ )
context clue.
6. Guess
Because Karma was a gifted actress, her
performance in the classic play was __________.
Same as or different than? _______
Predict answer___________
Since it had nothing at all to do with what we were
discussing, his argument was __________.
Same as or different than? _______
Predict answer___________
Because she did every assignment thoroughly and
accurately, Tina was a ___________ student.
Same as or different than? _______
Predict answer___________
The Cantankerous old man was rude even to Mother
What are your clues (word definition/ word part/ word
charge, word clues, punctuation clues)?
Same as or Different Than?
Substitute your own word for the underlined word.
Find the word with the most similar definition
(eliminate/ guess):
1. evil
2. quarrelsome
3. senile
4. obliging
When the actor was on hiatus, he fled to the sunny
climate of Hawaii.
What are your clues (word definition/ word part/ word
charge, word clues, punctuation clues)?
Same as or Different Than?
Substitute your own word for the underlined word.
Find the word with the most similar definition
1. vacation
2. break
3. task
4. cue
I capitulated early on so I could avoid further
What are your clues (word definition/ word part/ word
charge, word clues, punctuation clues)?
Same as or Different Than?
Substitute your own word for the underlined word.
Find the word with the most similar definition
1. scavenged
2. erased
3. surrendered
4. convinced
Scrooge, in the famous novel by Dickens, was a
_______ : he hated the rest of mankind.
What are your clues (word definition/ word part/ word
charge, word clues, punctuation clues)?
Same as or Different Than?
Substitute your own word for the underlined word.
Find the word with the most similar definition
A. misanthrope
B. hypochondriac
C. philanthropist
D. hedonist
E. sybarite
The meticulous musician had nothing but contempt for
his disorganized friends.
What are your clues (word definition/ word part/ word
charge, word clues, punctuation clues)?
Same as or Different Than?
Substitute your own word for the underlined word.
Find the word with the most similar definition
1. talented
2. careful
3. negligent
4. skillful
The revolution in art has not lost its steam; it ____ on
as fiercely as ever.
What are your clues (word definition/ word part/ word
charge, word clues, punctuation clues)?
Same as or Different Than?
Substitute your own word for the underlined word.
Find the word with the most similar definition
A. trudges
B. meanders
C. edges
D. ambles
E. rages
Be sure to cite your family in the awards acceptance.
What are your clues (word definition/ word part/ word
charge, word clues, punctuation clues)?
Same as or Different Than?
Substitute your own word for the underlined word.
Find the word with the most similar
definition (eliminate/guess):
1. embellish
2. punish
3. discourage
4. mention