4/13/2015 Social Development in the Family Chapter 11 Attachment A strong emotional bond that forms between infant and caregiver in the second half of the child’s first year Theories of Attachment Psychoanalytic Theory Infants become attached to their mother because they associate her with gratification of their instinctual drive to obtain pleasure through sucking and oral stimulation Learning Theory Drive-reduction learning theorists suggested that the mother becomes an attachment object because she is associated with the reduction of the baby’s primary drive of hunger 1 4/13/2015 Theories of Attachment Harlow’s Research Baby monkeys preferred to cling to the cloth “mother”— especially in moments of stress—even though it dispensed no food Thus, oral gratification and drive reduction are inadequate explanations for attachment Video of Harlow experiments: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrNBEhzjg8I Theories of Attachment Learning Theories Operant Conditioning Attachment development based on visual, auditory, and tactile stimulation that infants receive from their caregivers Limitation: does not explain why abused and maltreated children still form attachments to their abusive caregivers. Theories of Attachment Ethological Theory – Bowlby Theory influenced by Lorenz’s demonstration of imprinting Secure base: A safety zone that the infant can retreat to for comfort and reassurance when stressed or frightened while exploring the environment Three important features of theory: Emphasis on the active role played by the infant’s early social signaling systems Stress on the development of mutual attachments Attachment is a dyadic relationship, not simply a behavior of either the infant or the parent Internal Working Model: a person’s mental representation and interpretation of the type of parenting that he or she received as a child 2 4/13/2015 Phases in Early Attachment Development Phase Age Observed Behavior 1) Preattachment 0-2 months Indiscriminate social responsiveness 2) Attachment in the making 2-7 months Recognition of familiar people 3) Clear-cut attachment Separation protest; wariness of strangers; intentional communication 7-24 months 4) Goal-corrected partnership 24+ months Relationships more two sided; children understand parents’ needs Attachment Meaning and Figures Usually form first attachment by 12 months of age Seek contact and proximity with attachment figure Separation distress or protest - An infant’s distress reaction to being separated from the attachment figure which typically peaks at about 15 months of age Multiple attachments are common Mother - primary Father Grandparent Sibling 3