FY 2015 DFPS Residential Child-Care Intensive Psychiatric Transition Program Contract Executive Overview The Fiscal Year 2015 (FY15) Intensive Psychiatric Transition Program (IPTP) Contract for Residential Child-Care Services (Contract) with the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS or Department) reflects the Department’s efforts to align Contractor’s requirements with the policy and program requirements of Child Protective Services. This executive summary has been developed to assist with identifying the most significant changes to the FY15 IPTP Contract. Please visit the residential contracts website for additional information and supporting documents at: http://www.dfps.state.tx.us/PCS/Residential_Contracts/default.asp The Fiscal Year 2015 Residential Child-Care IPTP Contract revisions are related to: • Adds requirements regarding Court Attendance and notifications; • Strengthened the requirements concerning Children with Primary Medical Needs (PMN); • Additional education requirements relating to: School Requirements, the Education Portfolio, and Post-Secondary Educational and Vocational Activities; • Modified requirements for Travel; • Updated applicable Contracts Sections regarding the Former Foster Care Children (FFCC) Health Care Program; • Strengthened language regarding Access to Children; • Updated the National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD) timeframes; • Modified Contract language pertaining to the use of a photo or image of a Child; • Updated the State Office Discharge Mailbox email address; FY 2015 Residential Child-Care Contract 2282IPTP Executive Overview September 2014 Page 1 of 34 • Updates to Attachment B by adding the definition of Education DecisionMaker, Education Plan, Sibling Group, Surrogate Parent, and modifying the definition of Contract Period, Education Portfolio, and STAR Health; • Updates to Attachment F, Performance Measures; • Updates to Attachment E, Intensive Psychiatric Transition Program Services; and • Added language regarding the Agreement and Terms of the Contract Please be aware that this summary does not identify all the changes to the FY15 Residential Child-Care IPTP Contract nor do the explanations below each change describe the full extent of the Contract modifications. Ensure that the Contract is reviewed thoroughly prior to signature. Below is a summary of the most significant changes to the FY 15 Residential Child-Care IPTP Contract. Bracketed and struck through text is Contract language that will be removed. Text underlined and in parentheses is new Contract language. Comments providing additional explanation are in parentheses. Modifies Section 6. of the Contract by deleting the Section in its entirety, and substituting the following for same: Voluntary Extended Foster Care and Return for Extended Foster Care. Children 18 to 22 years of age who meet eligibility criteria and voluntarily agree to participate in the Extended Foster Care program, as defined in applicable Section of 40 TAC §700.316, [are also eligible for Medicaid, and] may be served under the terms of this Contract once approved by the Department. A) The Contractor must offer assistance to the Child in maintaining documentation such as school transcripts or pay stubs to demonstrate that any such Child 18 to 22 years of age is qualified to remain in Extended Foster Care. B) The Contractor shall assist the Child in the completion of the Voluntary Extended Foster Care Agreement, Form 2540 upon request by CPS. C) If a Child seeks to Return for Extended Foster Care during or after participating in the Trial Independence period and has not yet turned 21 years of age, the Contractor shall direct the Child to contact the regional DFPS Preparation for Adult Living (PAL) staff. http://www.dfps.state.tx.us/Child_Protection/Youth_and_Young_Adults/ Preparation_For_Adult_Living/PAL_coordinators.asp FY 2015 Residential Child-Care Contract 2282IPTP Executive Overview September 2014 Page 2 of 34 (This change was made to align with the new Former Foster Care Children (FFCC) Health Care Program.) Modifies Section 8. of the Contract by adding Subsection E) below: 8. Children's Rights. E) (Court Attendance. The Contractor shall: i. Ensure the Child is provided a copy of court hearing notices; and ii. Ensure Children ages four and older attend permanency and placement court hearings to the extent possible, unless prohibited by court order. If the Child cannot attend the court hearing in person, ensure the Child is available to participate through Telecommunication, or other means allowed by the court.) (This addition was made to include requirements regarding court attendance and notifications in order to align with Department policies and requirements.) Modifies Subsection 9. C) of the Contract by deleting the Subsection in its entirety and substituting the following for the same: C) Psychotropic Medications. i. The Psychotropic Medication Utilization Parameters for Foster Children (Parameters) must be used, where applicable, in the treatment and care of Children served under this Contract. The current Parameters, now incorporated into this Contract by reference, may be accessed at: http://www.dfps.state.tx.us/Child_Protection/Medical_Services/guid e-psychotropic.asp. ii. If a Child is prescribed psychotropic medications the Contractor shall ensure that each Medical Consenter discusses the risks and benefits with the prescribing provider. If the Medical Consenter has additional questions/concerns about the medication regimen for the Child, the Medical Consenter shall request assistance from a STAR Health Service Manager by calling 1-866-912-6283 and notify the Caseworker or the Caseworker’s Chain of Command. iii. If a Child is prescribed psychotropic medications, the Contractor shall ensure that Medical Consenters attend the initial Office Visit with the prescribing physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice nurse in the STAR Health Network within seven days of placement and at a minimum, once monthly to allow the practitioner (to): a. Appropriately monitor the side effects of the drug; FY 2015 Residential Child-Care Contract 2282IPTP Executive Overview September 2014 Page 3 of 34 b. iv. v. vi. Determine whether the drug is helping the Child achieve the treatment goals; c. Assess whether continued use of the drug is appropriate; and d. Comply with Subsections 9.C)i. and 10.C) of this Contract. [The Contractor shall advise Children ages 16 and 17 years of age of their right to request the court to authorize them as their own Medical Consenter under Texas Family Code §266.010.] The Contractor shall assess, for all Children receiving psychotropic medication, the extent to which the Child: a. Is provided appropriate psychosocial therapies, behavior strategies, and other non-pharmacological interventions; and b. Is seen by the psychiatrist in the STAR Health Network as described in Subsection iii above. Contractors must ensure the completion of the DFPS Psychotropic Medication computer-based training and the post-test available at: http://www.dfps.state.tx.us/Child_Protection/Medical_Services/guid e-psychotropic.asp in the following manner: a. Caregivers and employees who administer psychotropic medications must complete as part of pre-service training and annually thereafter, as required in Attachment E, and retain documentation of successful completion of the DFPS Psychotropic Medication Training in staff records; b. Children ages 16 and 17 years of age who have been designated by the court as their own Medical Consenter and have been prescribed psychotropic medications must complete: (1) Within 7 days of the court's designation; or (2) If the Child has a non-emergency appointment with the Child's Behavioral Healthcare Provider within those seven days, but prior to such appointment and submit documentation of successful completion of the DFPS Psychotropic Medication Training to the Caseworker, within five days of completion; and c. For each Child who has been prescribed psychotropic medications, within 120 days prior to their 18th birthday, and submit documentation of successful completion of the DFPS Psychotropic Medication Training to the Caseworker, within five days of completion; Contractors must ensure the following with regard to psychotropic medication documentation and notification: a. Submit the completed Psychotropic Medication Treatment Consent Form (Form 4526) found at: http://www.dfps.state.tx.us/site_map/forms.asp for each new psychotropic medication to the Caseworker, as soon as FY 2015 Residential Child-Care Contract 2282IPTP Executive Overview September 2014 Page 4 of 34 b. possible, but no later than five business days from the date of the appointment; and Notify the Caseworker in writing, within one business day, of any prescribed psychotropic medication and dosage changes. (Contract requirement 9.C)iv. was moved to 27.G)ii. for clarification purposes.) Modifies Subsections 10. D) and F) of the Contract by deleting Subsections D), E) and F) in their entirety, and substituting the following for the same: 10. Assessment, Service Planning and Coordination. D) Service Management. (The Contractor shall:) i. [The Contractor will][e](E)nsure every Child is enrolled and each Caregiver participates in Service Management when the STAR Health contractor (Superior/Cenpatico) determines the Child meets the criteria for the program; [and] ii. (Request coordination services from STAR Health Service Management prior to requesting a placement change for a Child with Primary Medical Needs;) iii. (Provide the Child's Caseworker with the following medical information for a Child with Primary Medical Needs, at the time of request for a placement change: a. Medical conditions and diagnoses; b. Current healthcare needs; c. Current services in place to be transitioned (example, Private Duty Nursing, Personal Care Services, Speech Therapy, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, other therapies, etc.); d. Standing or scheduled future appointments, including those with any specialist providers; e. Special transportation requirements; f. List of purchased or rented Durable Medical Equipment and/or Supplies; and g. Training required for selected Caregiver.) iv. (The Contractor shall participate in a Primary Medical Needs (PMN) Meeting, facilitated by the CPS Well-Being Specialist, to ensure the provision of information for safe transition of a Child with Primary Medical Needs, prior to a placement change. If a PMN Meeting cannot be held prior to a placement change, the Contractor shall coordinate with the Child's Caseworker or Caseworker's Chain of Command to participate in a PMN Meeting as soon as possible, following a placement change.) FY 2015 Residential Child-Care Contract 2282IPTP Executive Overview September 2014 Page 5 of 34 E) F) Stabilization Evaluation. i. The Contractor must ensure that for each Child, stabilization includes on-going treatment reviews and evaluation of the Child’s progress in achieving goals and objectives that directly contribute to the Child’s stabilization. ii. The Contractor must ensure that the IPTP program evaluates the Child’s abilities to manage impulses, decrease targeted behaviors, and improve functioning in the areas of educational achievement, cognitive attainment, health and safety, social and emotional development, and self-management. iii. For each Child who demonstrates decompensation, the IPTP program must coordinate with local psychiatric hospitals to ensure an effective transfer to an in-patient setting, and return to the Contractor from the in-patient setting, when appropriate, and that the Child’s needs are met during their stay in the hospital. Discharge Planning. Contractors will: i. Involve key individuals (e.g. psychiatric facility treatment team, the designated RTC liaison staff or other DFPS designated staff, the Child, the Child’s Attorney Ad Litem, if any) in discharge planning and staffing/reviews. ii. Engage in discharge planning beginning at the time of admission and continuing throughout the Child’s placement with the Contractor identifying potential providers and community resources for the services and supports recommended for the Child. iii. Submit to CPS on the first and fifteenth of each month during the Contract Period an IPTP Provider Discharge Log provided to the Contractor by CPS staff for Children in the IPTP which includes, but is not limited to: a. A list of all Children in the Contractor’s Intensive Psychiatric Transition Program; and b. An estimated date of discharge of each Child, if known. If the estimated date of discharge is unknown for any Child at the time of submission of the IPTP Provider Discharge Log the Contractor must indicate that information on the IPTP Provider Discharge Log. iv. Provide to the Caseworker and Caseworker's Chain of Command a discharge summary, and if the Child is leaving the licensed operation, the following information and items that belong to the Child upon the effective date of discharge: a. The Child’s background information, including progress notes for the past 60 days, if applicable; FY 2015 Residential Child-Care Contract 2282IPTP Executive Overview September 2014 Page 6 of 34 b. c. d. e. v. Medications; (Medicaid ID Card); Clothing and Personal Items; Any unresolved incidents or investigations involving the Child, if applicable; f. Assessments and/or evaluations, including assessments and evaluations conducted while in the IPTP, such as the Child’s admission assessment, diagnostic assessment, educational assessment, and psychiatric or psychological evaluation; g. The Child’s Treatment/Stabilization Plan while in the IPTP; h. Up-to-date Education Portfolio; i. Updated clothing and Personal Items inventory; j. Personal Documents; k. A list of medications the Child is taking, the dosage, frequency, and reason the medication was prescribed; l. The Child’s immunization record; m. Medical/Healthcare Items for treatment of a physical condition that is in progress and requires continuing or follow-up Medical Care; and n. Any other information or items that belong to the Child that were not provided to the Department at the time of discharge. Prepare a discharge/transfer summary for the Child that includes: a. A description of recommended services and supports the Child should receive after discharge; b. A description of behaviors identified at discharge, which include any needs or issues that may disrupt the Child’s stability in a less restrictive setting; c. The Child’s goals, interventions, and objectives as stated in the Child’s Treatment/Stabilization Plan; d. A description of Child’s accomplishments and strengths that may assist in meeting the Child’s needs and success with treatment goals; e. A final diagnosis based on all five axes of the current edition of the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) published by the American Psychiatric Association; f. Aftercare plans and recommendations, including medical, psychiatric, psychological, dental, educational, and social appointments; g. Instructions relating to the amount and type of medications, prescriptions for medications, and a 14 day supply of medication as is required to maintain the appropriate medication regime for the Child; FY 2015 Residential Child-Care Contract 2282IPTP Executive Overview September 2014 Page 7 of 34 h. vi. The date, reasons and circumstances of the discharge and the date, time and reaction of the Child when informed of discharge or transfer; and i. Comments or additional information. Maintain discharge planning documentation as described in the Contract. (The addition strengthens the requirements concerning Children with Primary Medical Needs (PMN) and updated items required at discharge.) Modifies Subsection 11.C) of the Contract by deleting the Subsection in its entirety, and substituting the following for same: C) Room, Board, and Furnishings. The Contractor must: i. Provide each Child with a bed, sheets, towels, blankets, bedspreads, pillows, mattresses and other furnishings necessary to meet the Child's needs. The Contractor shall ensure that the items are kept clean and in good repair. ii. Ensure that Children have personal storage space for their clothing and Personal Items. The Contractor shall provide Children who are able to look after their own needs with individual storage space in their bedrooms for clothing and Personal Items. iii. Provide behavioral, gender and age appropriate living arrangements for each Child, with the exception of (S)[s]ibling (G)[g]roups, where appropriate, in accordance with Minimum Standards. (This revision was made to include Sibling Groups as a definition term listed in Attachment B.) Modifies Subsection 13. A), B), and C) of the Contract by deleting the Subsection in its entirety, and substituting the following for the same: A) School Requirements. The Contractor shall ensure that: i. Each School-Aged Child is enrolled in a Public School within three school days of placement unless an exception has been granted in writing by the Child's Caseworker or Caseworker's Chain of Command; ii. (The Contractor shall provide Placement Authorization Form (Form 2085) and Education Decision-Maker Form (Form 2085-E) to the Public School at the time of the Child's enrollment and at the beginning of each school year.) iii. If a Child has to withdraw from a Public School due to a change in placement, [that results in the Child being discharged,]the FY 2015 Residential Child-Care Contract 2282IPTP Executive Overview September 2014 Page 8 of 34 B) Discharging Contractor must notify the Public School within three school days of (either providing) th(e)[is] (D)[d]ischarge (Notice to DFPS or receiving the Discharge Notice from DFPS), unless an exception has been granted in writing by the Child's Caseworker or Caseworker's Chain of Command; iv. Each School-Aged Child attends a Public School unless the Contractor has received a written exception to this requirement by the Child's Caseworker or Caseworker's Chain of Command; v. Written verification of the Child's enrollment is provided to the Caseworker within five calendar days of the enrollment; [The Department may at any time require that a Child attend the local Public School;] vi. Additional education services will include tutorial services designed to accelerate a Child's academic performance for identified academic deficiencies. vii. In compliance with the Texas Education Code §29.012, the Contractor will provide written notice to the school district in which the Facility is located, not later than the third calendar day after the date a Child is placed in a residential Facility. a. For this written notice, the Contractor should reference the Texas Education Code §29.012 and include the following minimum information: (1) Name and date of birth of Child; (2) Name of Facility; (3) Address of location where Child resides; and (4) Contact information for the representative of the Facility who is submitting such notice; or b. The Contractor also has the option of using the DFPS template for this purpose, which can be accessed at: http://www.dfps.state.tx.us/documents/PCS/CPA_notice_to_IS D_sample_letter.doc; and viii. The Contractor shall [minimize disruptions to a Child's education by] schedul(e)[ing] therapy, (visitation,) and other appointments, outside of school hours, whenever possible. ix. The Department may at any time require that a Child attend the local Public School. Education Portfolio. The Contractor shall ensure that: i. The Education Portfolio is maintained and updated for each SchoolAge Child in the Contractor’s care (and should be kept where the Child resides. If the Education Portfolio is not provided to the Contractor at placement, the Contractor shall retain documentation of requests made to the Child's Caseworker or Caseworker's Chain FY 2015 Residential Child-Care Contract 2282IPTP Executive Overview September 2014 Page 9 of 34 ii. iii. iv. v. vi. of Command requesting the Education Portfolio.)[The Education Portfolio should be kept where the Child resides.] The contents of the Education Portfolio must, where appropriate, include: a. (Form 2085 Placement Authorization); b. (Form 2085-E Designation of Education Decision-Maker); c. School enrollment documentation: Birth certificate, [Social Security number,] Immunizations, and withdrawal notice from the last school; d. Special education documentation: (Referral Forms,) Admission, Review & Dismissal (ARD) team meeting notes, Individual Education Plan (IEP), documents related to Sections 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 regarding reasonable accommodations, Full Individual Evaluations and/or other diagnostic assessments; e. Report cards, progress reports, and/or IEP progress reports; f. Transcripts; g. Standardized test results; h. Referrals, notices, (notes excusing school absences,) or correspondences; [and] i. (Certificates of achievement; and) j. School pictures. (If the Contractor is designated as the Child's Education DecisionMaker, the Contractor must follow the requirements and responsibilities of the Education Decision-Maker listed in Designation of Education Decision-Maker Form (Form 2085-E) available at: http://www.dfps.state.tx.us/site_map/forms.asp) Form 2087, Common Application for Placement of Children in Residential Child Care, and Form 2087ex, Alternative Application for Placement of Children in Residential Care are not included in the Child's Education Portfolio; The Education Portfolio is readily available to the Department, (the Child's Education Decision-Maker, and the Surrogate Parent (if applicable)) for each School-Age Child on any visit with the Child or otherwise, if requested; Report cards, (Education Plans,) and progress reports are discussed with each School-Age Child; The Child’s Education Portfolio is provided to the Department at the time a School-Age Child is discharged from the Contractor’s care. For each School-Aged Child, the Contractor must ensure: a. The most current educational documents and records are in the Child’s Education Portfolio; (and) b. The Child’s Education Portfolio includes the Child’s current school withdrawal paperwork; FY 2015 Residential Child-Care Contract 2282IPTP Executive Overview September 2014 Page 10 of 34 C) Post-Secondary Educational and Vocational Activities. The Contractor shall: i. (Inform) (p)[P]rovide [or] (and) facilitate access to post-secondary education, vocational or technical training (programs), (employment opportunities,) support services and activities, including job readiness (and) skills training, (community volunteer) and apprenticeship program opportunities that are required by the Child's Plan of Service and CPS Transition Plan at 16 years of age and/or as developmentally appropriate, (or as approved by the Child's Caseworker,) so each Child: a. Has access to [appropriate] community vocational (training and volunteer opportunities) [activities], (workforce) [including] services provided by the local Texas Workforce Solutions offices (if available in the area) and post-secondary education programs; and b. Receives the assistance needed to maximize the benefit of these activities; ii. (Inform,) (g)[G]uide and assist the Child in accessing and completing documents when required (and requested) for the (College) [State-Paid] Tuition (and) Fee Waiver (Exemption) and (the) Education and Training Voucher (ETV) Program [if there is a need by the Child]; (Many changes were made to Section 13. Education and Vocational Activities, including, but not limited to: adding new Forms 2085 and 2085-E as required documents for school enrollment, adding new requirements for Discharge Notification to Public Schools, revisions to the scheduling of appointments during school hours, changes and additions to documents required in the Education Portfolio, and clarification regarding the provision of support related to Post-Secondary Educational and Vocational Activities.) Modifies Section 15. of the Contract by deleting the Section in its entirety, and substituting the following for the same: Travel. The Contractor shall provide or arrange all travel to ensure the Child's access to: A) Behavioral Health, Medical, Dental, Vision, and Pharmacy services; B) Recreational, educational and after-school activities, sibling visits, family visits, court hearings, Preparation for Adult Living (PAL) activities, Aging-Out Seminars, Youth Leadership Council activities, Permanency Conferences, CPS Transition Plan Meetings, Family Group Conferences, Circles of Support Conferences, local Texas Workforce Solutions offices, FY 2015 Residential Child-Care Contract 2282IPTP Executive Overview September 2014 Page 11 of 34 C) Transition Centers (if available in the area), (youth's place of employment); and Any other services necessary to fulfill the tasks on a Child’s Plan of Service (and/or the Child's Transition Plan.) (These changes were made to include new requirements regarding Travel.) Modifies Section 26. of the Contract by deleting the Section in its entirety, and substituting the following for the same: Removal and Discharge of Children. A) The Contractor shall make all reasonable attempts to meet the needs of the Child in the Contractor’s care in order to prevent placement disruption. The Department, as managing conservator, may remove a Child whenever the Department determines it is in the best interest of the Child. B) The Contractor shall document the Contractor's efforts and attempts to prevent placement disruptions. C) The Contractor shall provide a Form 2109 as Discharge Notice to the Caseworker, the Caseworker's Chain of Command and the State Office Discharge Mailbox at [dischargemailbox@dfps.state.tx.us] (DFPSdischarge@dfps.state.tx.us) by, at a minimum, providing: i. Notice as soon as possible upon determining that it is no longer in the Child's best interest to remain at the Contractor's Facility, that the Contractor cannot meet the needs of the Child or under the conditions related to discharge in this Section; ii. In addition to the documentation required by Subsections D), E) and G), the reasons for the discharge; suggestions related to the Treatment/Stabilization Plan regarding methods for improving the Child's ability to manage impulses, decrease targeted behaviors, and improve functioning in the areas of educational achievement, cognitive attainment, health and safety, social and emotional development, and self-management; and the provider's recommendation regarding a future placement for the Child that would increase the Child's opportunity to attain a stable placement within the following timeframes; a. For a non-emergency discharge (requiring 14 or 30 day notice), upon deciding to discharge the Child; and b. For an emergency discharge (requiring 24-hour notice), within 48 hours of deciding to discharge a Child. D) After the Contractor exhausts all efforts to stabilize the Child and prevent psychiatric hospitalization, as a final resort, the Contractor will coordinate the admission into psychiatric hospitals of any Child who is a FY 2015 Residential Child-Care Contract 2282IPTP Executive Overview September 2014 Page 12 of 34 E) F) G) danger to self or others within 24 hours. The Contractor will within 24 hours of admission inform the Child’s Caseworker, Caseworker's Chain of Command, and the DFPS State Office Placement Program Specialist by notifying the State Office Discharge Mailbox at [dischargemailbox@dfps.state.tx.us] (DFPSdischarge@dfps.state.tx.us) of the admission and will state whether the Contractor is willing to accept placement of the Child upon discharge from the hospital. If the Contractor provides the Caseworker, Caseworker's Chain of Command, and State Office Discharge Mailbox at [dischargemailbox@dfps.state.tx.us] (DFPSdischarge@dfps.state.tx.us) with Form 2109 as Discharge Notice, a copy of the Treatment/Stabilization Plan, and with documentation from a psychiatrist, licensed psychologist, physician, LCSW-ACP, or LPC showing that the Child consistently exhibits behavior that cannot be managed within licensed programmatic services, the Department will remove the Child within 14 calendar days. The Department shall immediately communicate with the Contractor and staff the Child’s circumstances to determine a plan for moving the Child to ensure the Child’s safety and that of others. If a Child is placed in jail or juvenile detention facility, within 24 hours the Contractor shall: i. Notify the Caseworker, Caseworker's Chain of Command and the State Office Discharge Mailbox at [dischargemailbox@dfps.state.tx.us] (DFPSdischarge@dfps.state.tx.us); ii. Provide whether the Contractor is willing to accept return of the Child upon the Child’s release from jail or juvenile detention; and iii. Upon deciding to discharge the Child, submit Form 2109 as Discharge Notice to the Caseworker, Caseworker's Chain of Command and the State Office Discharge Mailbox at [dischargemailbox@dfps.state.tx.us](DFPSdischarge@dfps.state.tx. us). If the Contractor provides other documentation to the Caseworker, Caseworker's Chain of Command, and the State Office Discharge Mailbox at [dischargemailbox@dfps.state.tx.us] (DFPSdischarge@dfps.state.tx.us) with Form 2109 as Discharge Notice that it is no longer in the Child’s best interest to remain at the Contractor’s Facility, or that the Contractor cannot meet the needs of the Child, the Department will remove the Child within 30 calendar days. This documentation must be signed by the Contractor’s Executive Director, Licensed Child-Care Administrator, or designated employee, other than the Contractor’s Case Manager. The Department will FY 2015 Residential Child-Care Contract 2282IPTP Executive Overview September 2014 Page 13 of 34 H) I) J) K) immediately communicate with the Contractor and staff the Child’s circumstances to determine a plan for moving the Child to ensure the Child’s safety and best interests and those of others. The Department will remove the Child as quickly as is necessary to secure an appropriate placement and to safely meet the needs of the Child. If the Contractor discharges a Child placed by the Department except as stated above, it constitutes a breach of this Contract. No later than 30 calendar days after the Contract is executed, the Contractor must notify the Department’s Residential Contract Manager (RCM) in writing of the Contractor’s designated employee(s) who may approve discharges as described in this Section. Within five calendar days of the Contractor's receipt from the Department of the Form 2085-FC authorizing the placement of a Child with the Contractor, the Receiving Contractor must provide a copy of Form 2085-FC or Form 2085-LR and a written request to the Discharging Contractor for: i. Information not already received that is referenced in the Minimum Standards 40 TAC §§749.1371, 749.1373, 748.1437 and 748.1439, updates to the Education Portfolio; and ii. An opportunity, if necessary, to communicate with the Discharging Contractor about the needs of the Child. Following the discharge of a Child from the Contractor's care, and after the receipt by the Discharging Contractor of a written request from the Receiving Contractor, along with a copy of the Form 2085-FC or Form 2085-LR authorizing such placement, the Discharging Contractor: i. Is authorized by DFPS to release the information referenced in 26.J); ii. Must provide the Receiving Contractor all of the required items referenced in 26.J) within 15 days of discharge; and iii. Must, if requested, provide the Receiving Contractor the opportunity to communicate with the Contractor about the needs of the Child within three days of such request. (Updates were made to the State Office Discharge Mailbox email address.) Modifies Subsections 27. G) and H) of the Contract by deleting the Subsection in its entirety, and substituting the following for the same: G) Medical Consent. i. The Medical Consenter is authorized to access, receive, and review all the Child's medical records. Furthermore, the Medical Consenter FY 2015 Residential Child-Care Contract 2282IPTP Executive Overview September 2014 Page 14 of 34 H) may authorize the release of the Child's medical records to the extent necessary to obtain services for the Child. ii. (The Contractor shall advise Children ages 16 and 17 years of age of their right to request the court to authorize them as their own Medical Consenter under Texas Family Code §266.010.) iii. The Contractor shall ensure the completion of the DFPS computerbased training on Medical Consenter relating to Informed Consent located at: http://www.dfps.state.tx.us/Child_Protection/Medical_Services/med ical-consent-training.asp in the following manner: a. For each Child ages 16 and 17 years of age who has been designated by the court as their own Medical Consenter; (1) Within seven days of the court's designation; (2) If the Child has a non-emergency appointment with the Child's Health or Behavior Healthcare Provider within those seven days but prior to such appointment and submit the completed Acknowledgement and Certificate of Completion of Medical Consent Training (Form 2759) to the Caseworker, within five days of completion; and b. For each Child, within 120 days prior to their 18th birthday, and submit the completed Acknowledgment and Certificate of Completion of Medical Consent Training (Form 2759) to the Caseworker, within five days of completion; iv. Follow the requirements and responsibilities of the Medical Consenter listed in Designation of Medical Consenter Form (Form 2085-B) located at: http://www.dfps.state.tx.us/PCS/Residential_Contracts/medical_for ms.asp. CPS Transition Plan. The Contractor shall coordinate with CPS for Children 16 years of age and older regarding: i. The use of the CPS Transition Plan, Form 2500, as appropriate, at http://www.dfps.state.tx.us/site_map/forms.asp. ii. Maintaining a copy of the Child's Voluntary Extended Foster Care Agreement Form 2540 and Trial Independence: Ability to Return for Extended Foster Care Form 2532 in the Child's record; iii. The provision of information available at http://www.dfps.state.tx.us/Child_Protection/Youth_and_Young_Ad ults/Transitional_Living/ related to: a. Aftercare services, benefits and provider contacts; b. Educational Supports, Services and Benefits; c. Extended Care and Return for Extended Foster Care information; FY 2015 Residential Child-Care Contract 2282IPTP Executive Overview September 2014 Page 15 of 34 d. e. f. iv. v. Preparation for Adult Living (PAL) services; Texas Foster Care Handbook for Youth; (Former Foster Care Children (FFCC) Health Care Program) [Transitional Medicaid] and STAR Health; g. Information related to the Child’s Special Immigrant Juvenile Status, if applicable; and h. Other region-specific services available. The provision of information about Transition Service Centers available under the "contacts link" at: http://www.dfps.state.tx.us/txyouth/default.asp; and The Contractor shall support and facilitate computer access required for job search activities, career research, Texas Youth Connection and approved social media. (Contract requirement 9.C)iv. was moved to 27.G)ii. for clarification purposes, and information regarding the Former Foster Care Children (FFCC) Health Care Program was added to applicable Subsection.) Modifies Subsection 30. C) of the Contract by deleting the Subsection in its entirety, and substituting the following for the same: Disaster and Emergency Response Plan. C) The disaster and emergency response plan and procedures must address the following: i. Mandatory evacuation if directed by local officials; ii. Emergency evacuation; iii. Emergency response; iv. Disaster planning training for all staff and Caregivers; v. Arrangements for adequate provision of: a. Staffing; b. Shelter; c. Food; d. Transportation; e. Medication; f. Supplies; g. Emergency Equipment; [and] h. Emergency Services; (and) i. (Medically necessary equipment and supplies, or access to these items for the Child during an emergency.) vi. Contact information for the Caseworker and the Caseworker’s supervisor; vii. Identification, location and tracking of Children; FY 2015 Residential Child-Care Contract 2282IPTP Executive Overview September 2014 Page 16 of 34 viii. Protection and/or recovery of Children’s records and important paperwork (including but not limited to electronic records, placement information, medical authorizations, Medicaid cards, STAR Health cards, and Education Portfolio); ix. The provision of regular and crisis-response services to Children during and after a disaster, including: a. Methods for ensuring that services such as, but not limited to, crisis counseling are provided to meet the crisis-related needs of the Children in care during and after the disaster; b. Methods for ensuring that medical services are provided to Children throughout the disaster. Such services include, but are not limited to, providing Children with medication as prescribed (including insulin and asthma-related treatments), emergency care, and Medical Care for Children with Primary Medical Needs (as defined in Attachment B); and c. Plans for maintaining the services, as required by a court order and/or the Child’s Service Plan, for the Children in care after the disaster. x. Communication with DFPS and CPS, including: a. Identifying (name, telephone numbers) two emergency contacts designated by the Contractor who will be available to DFPS at all times in the event of an emergency or disaster; b. Contacting CPS to provide information on the location and condition of Children in care who have been evacuated as soon as the Children reach their evacuation destination by contacting CPS through one of the following methods: (1) During times when mass evacuation of part of Texas is anticipated, DFPS will enable an online reporting feature on the DFPS public website at: http://www.dfps.state.tx.us. (2) In situations when DFPS has enabled this online reporting feature and the Contractor has access to the internet, the Contractor should use this method to make the evacuation notification; or (3) In situations where the online reporting feature is not enabled or if the Contractor does not have access to the internet, the evacuation notification can be made by calling the DFPS abuse/neglect hotline at 1-800-252-5400. c. Contractors with multiple facilities and CPAs must contact CPS once per day, at a minimum (unless otherwise instructed by DFPS), to provide information concerning the Children in their care until all Children are accounted for; and xi. Post-disaster activities (including emergency power, food, water, and transportation); FY 2015 Residential Child-Care Contract 2282IPTP Executive Overview September 2014 Page 17 of 34 xii. Plans for return after an evacuation; xiii. Methods to ensure the disaster plan remains current and is reviewed at least every two years and when changes in administration, construction, or emergency phone numbers occur; and (An additional item was added to the disaster and emergency response plan and procedures requirements.) Modifies Section 31. of the Contract by deleting the Section in its entirety, and substituting the following for the same: Access to Children. The Contractor will, at all times, permit access to all Children placed by the Department in the care of the Contractor to the Department, its employees, its designees, its third-party contractor for the Texas Service Level System and its employees, and properly identified individuals appointed by a court of competent jurisdiction (Volunteer or Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA), guardians ad litem, and attorneys ad litem). (The Contractor shall ensure this access allows the Department to visit with the Child privately, without any Caregivers or staff present, and that during this time the Child is not monitored by an open intercom, video, or other monitoring system.) A) All parties will exercise their right of access in a reasonable manner and attempt to plan and coordinate such visits in cooperation with the Contractor and in a manner that minimizes disruption of the care of the Children placed with the Contractor. B) This Section will not be construed to prohibit the Department or its designees from making unannounced visits to the Contractor’s facilities. C) In order to assess that an individual is appointed by a court of competent jurisdiction, a Contractor or Caregiver should: i. If such individual is an employee of the CASA, review for a valid court order; and ii. If such individual is a CASA volunteer, review for a valid court order and a notification letter of volunteer assignment and acceptance, that clarifies the individual's appointment to the Child; or iii. Review that the individual is named on the Child's Contact List. D) If Contractor or Caregiver cannot readily determine the identity or authority of an individual appointed by a court of competent jurisdiction, then the Contractor or Caregiver should obtain approval from the Child's Caseworker or Chain of Command prior to granting the individual access to the Child. (Additional language was added to ensure that the Department is able to visit with the Child privately and that the visit is not monitored.) FY 2015 Residential Child-Care Contract 2282IPTP Executive Overview September 2014 Page 18 of 34 Modifies Section 32. of the Contract by deleting the Section in its entirety, and substituting the following for the same: National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD). The Contractor shall: A) Assist Children and support the necessary activities, including on-going computer access required for Children turning 17 years of age [between October 1, 2013] through September 30, 2014 to: i. Register with NYTD prior to turning 17 years of age; ii. Maintain an email address for NYTD updates; and iii. Complete the NYTD survey within 45 days after the Child's 17th birthday; B) Assist Children who previously took the NYTD Survey at 17 years of age anytime between October 1, 2010 and September 30, 2011 and who have been selected to take the survey through a random selection (during the six month period when they turn 21 years of age,) [at 19 years of age,] to: i. Maintain an email address to receive NYTD updates; ii. Enter NYTD contact updates to the Texas Youth Connection Website www.texasyouthconnection.org; and iii. Complete the NYTD survey between (October 1, 2014 through March 31, 2015 or) April 1, 201(5) [3] [and] (through) September 30, 201(5) [3]. (Updated the National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD) timeframes.) Modifies Section 34. of the Contract by deleting the Section in its entirety, and substituting the following for the same: Contract Performance Measures. The Contractor shall: A) Meet established targets and manage Intensive Psychiatric Transition Program services in a manner which achieves the purpose of each measure for the output and outcome measures outlined in this Section and contained in Attachment F, which include: i. Contract Output Measures as defined in Attachment F: a. Output #1. Each Child’s Education Portfolio is up-to-date (PMET); b. Output #2. Children placed with a Contractor remain in the care of the Contractor until achieving a Successful Discharge from the Intensive Psychiatric Transition Program (IPTP). ii. Contract Outcome Measures as defined in Attachment F: a. Outcome #1 Children are safe in care; b. Outcome #2 Children in IPTP care are able to maintain healthy Connections with caring Family Members who can provide a FY 2015 Residential Child-Care Contract 2282IPTP Executive Overview September 2014 Page 19 of 34 positive influence in their lives (PMET); Outcome #3 Children are able to maintain Connections to siblings d. Outcome #4 Children transition to a Less Restrictive Setting within 60 days of placement; e. Outcome #5 Children remain in a Less Restrictive Setting following Successful Discharge from IPTP; f. Outcome #6 Children benefit from routine recreational activities, including extracurricular activities; Be responsible for collecting and reporting performance measure data for Sections 34.A)i.a, 34.A)ii.b, and 34.A)ii.c by: i. Ensuring registration of an account in the Performance Management Evaluation Tool (PMET) system (no later than) [within] 30 days after the provision of the first service if an account has not already been established; ii. Reporting the results for each Performance Period into the PMET system; iii. Operating in accordance with the PMET instructions found at https://www.dfps.state.tx.us/application/PCSPMET and select Help, then PMET User Guide; iv. Complying with report date time frames by entering into the PMET system within 30 days of the end of the Performance Period in accordance with the table below; c. B) Performance Period First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter Reporting Period Sept, Oct, Nov Dec, Jan, Feb Mar, Apr, May Jun, July, Aug Entry into PMET December 1-30 March 1-30 June 1-30 September 1-30 v. C) Maintaining documentation for each performance period in a manner which allows for testing the validity of the results reported; and Acknowledge that Performance Measures are subject to changes on an annual basis, DFPS may compute new baselines for some measures and may revise the indicators, targets, data sources, or methodologies for the measures at any time during the contract period. If at any time changes to the measures are necessary due to changes in federal or state laws, rules or regulation, the performance of the Contractor will be measured under the new requirements (Changes were made for grammatical purposes only.) FY 2015 Residential Child-Care Contract 2282IPTP Executive Overview September 2014 Page 20 of 34 Modifies Subsection 39. A) of the Contract by deleting the Subsection in its entirety, and substituting the following for the same: Insurance. A) The Contractor shall provide insurance for direct delivery of services under this Contract. The Contractor shall obtain (a Certificate of Insurance with) [and furnish proof of] the following bonding and insurance coverage at the time of the Contract execution and at such other times as may be specified by the Department. The required coverages are: i. Commercial General Liability insurance, or equivalent insurance coverage, including but not limited to, liability with minimum combined bodily injury (including death) and property damage limits of $300,000 per occurrence and $600,000 aggregate; ii. Professional Liability insurance or equivalent insurance coverage for licensed or certified persons who render professional services, with minimum limits of $300,000 per occurrence, and $600,000 aggregate; iii. For Contracts procured prior to April 1, 2012, the Contractor must have dishonesty bonding under a commercial crime policy, business services bonding or equivalent insurance coverage at a $10,000 minimum per occurrence; and iv. For Contracts procured after April 1, 2012, the Contractor must have Commercial Crime Insurance or equivalent insurance coverage to cover losses from fraudulent and dishonest acts with a minimum limit of $25,000. The Commercial Crime Insurance or equivalent insurance coverage must include a third party endorsement and an employee dishonesty endorsement or equivalent endorsements. (Change was made to clarify proof of insurance requirements.) Modifies Subsection 42. L) of the Contract by deleting the Subsection in its entirety, and substituting the following for the same: Retention, Access, and Confidentiality of Records. L) The Contractor may release or otherwise use a photo or image of a Child under the following circumstances: i. Before the Contractor may release or otherwise use a photo or image of a Child, the following conditions must occur: a. It is in the best interest of the Child, poses no threat to the Child’s health or safety, and the use is not for any commercial FY 2015 Residential Child-Care Contract 2282IPTP Executive Overview September 2014 Page 21 of 34 ii. iii. use, publicity, pecuniary benefit, or similar gain for the Contractor or any other party; b. No reference is made to the fact the Child is in the conservatorship of DFPS, and the use does not stigmatize the Child in any way; (and) c. The Child, (if old enough and developmentally able to read and write,) approves of the release or use; [and] [Permission is received prior to release or otherwise use of a photo or image of a Child as described in 43 L)ii. and iii.] The Contractor is not required to receive prior written permission from the Caseworker or (Caseworker's )Chain of Command (in) [when] the following (situations) [conditions are in effect]: a. The photo or image is released or otherwise used by the Child or Caregiver to the Child's friends or to the Caregiver's friends or family, including but not limited to school pictures traded with peers or a family photo sent in a holiday card; b. The photo or image is released by the Child or Caregiver to the Child’s biological family; or c. The photo or image is used as a normal part of a school or extracurricular activity, including but not limited to photos published in the school yearbook or a church newsletter, photos of Honor Roll students published in the local newspaper, a group photo of a scout troop distributed to all the troop members and posted on a community youth center bulletin board, photos of the sports team posted in a school showcase, or other similar publication. Any other release or use of photo or images of a Child, must be approved in writing by the Caseworker or Chain of Command. (Modified Contract language pertaining to the use of a photo or image of a Child.) Modifies Subsection 43. B) of the Contract by deleting the Subsection in its entirety, and substituting the following for the same: Notifications. B) In addition to Minimum Standards notifications: i. The Contractor shall submit Form 2109 to provide Discharge Notice by email to the Caseworker, Caseworker's Chain of Command, and the State Office Discharge Mailbox at [dischargemailbox@dfps.state.tx.us] (DFPSdischarge@dfps.state.tx.us) as required by Section 26 of this FY 2015 Residential Child-Care Contract 2282IPTP Executive Overview September 2014 Page 22 of 34 Contract as soon as possible upon deciding to discharge a Child placed by the Department; ii. Notify the Caseworker, Caseworker's Chain of Command, and the State Office Discharge Mailbox at [dischargemailbox@dfps.state.tx.us] (DFPSdischarge@dfps.state.tx.us) within 24 hours, when the Contractor knows that a Child placed by the Department and in the Contractor’s care requires hospitalization, jail and unauthorized absences; iii. Notify the Caseworker, Caseworker's Chain of Command and DFPS State Office Placement Program Specialist of any Serious Incident, including but not limited to, run away, death, and abuse neglect or exploitation, within the timeframe mandated by Minimum Standards. The Contractor may report Serious Incidents to the Department’s Statewide Intake at 1-800-252-5400 to meet the requirements of this Subsection; iv. Notify Law Enforcement and the Caseworker, Caseworker's Chain of Command and DFPS State Office Placement Program Specialist within two hours of a child running away; v. Notify the Residential Contract Manager within 10 calendar days of any significant changes affecting the Contractor's residential child care program, including, but not limited to, the addition, replacement, or termination of the Administrator or Board President; any change in ownership of the Facility; a change in the Contractor’s status as a for-profit or non-profit entity; any change to the Contractor’s admissions policy, and significant changes to the scope and coverage of the services provided by the Contractor or Subcontractor under this Contract; vi. Notify the Residential Contract Manager within 48 hours of an identified breach of confidentiality of Children’s information; vii. Notify the school the same day of any change that will affect the Child’s attendance at school and, where possible the length of time a Child may be absent; viii. Notify in writing the Caseworker or Caseworker's Chain of Command, within three business days of the date that the Contractor initially receives notice of the following meeting(s) related to the Child: a. Upcoming ARD team meetings; and b. Any meetings regarding student disciplinary actions that may lead to in-school or out-of-school suspension, expulsion, or placement at an alternative education setting; FY 2015 Residential Child-Care Contract 2282IPTP Executive Overview September 2014 Page 23 of 34 ix. Notify the residential.passportaccess@dfps.state.tx.us email box within 48 hours of any additions or deletions of Health Passport Authorized Users; x. Notify the Residential Contract Manager in writing within 10 calendar days if the Contractor receives a formal complaint or lawsuit filed against it regarding non-compliance with any statutes or regulations; xi. Notify in writing, the Child's Caseworker and Caseworker's Chain of Command within 48 hours when a Voluntary Extended Foster Care Agreement signed by the Child has not been completed within 10 calendar days prior to the Child's 18th birthday or a Voluntary Extended Foster Care Agreement has not been received for a Child 18 to 22 years of age participating in Extended Foster Care. Efforts made to obtain a copy of the signed agreement should be documented in the Child’s record; xii. Notify the Child's Caseworker, and Caseworker's Chain of Command within 30 calendar days when a Child 18 to 22 years of age is not participating in school, work or other activity which qualifies the Child for Extended Foster Care or Return for Extended Foster Care; xiii. Notify the Child's Caseworker, and Caseworker's Chain of Command when a Child is 16 years of age or older, if at the time of updating the Child’s Service plan, the Contractor is not aware of a plan for the Child to enroll in or receive PAL Life Skills training classes; and xiv. Notify the Caseworker, Caseworker's Chain of Command or if the Contractor does not know the Child's Caseworker, the regional (PAL) staff, found at http://www.dfps.state.tx.us/Child_Protection/Youth_and_Young_Ad ults/Preparation_For_Adult_Living/PAL_coordinators.asp within 24 hours of the consent for placement by a minor in the Contractor's Transitional Living Program in accordance with the Texas Family Code §32.203. (Updates were made to the State Office Discharge Mailbox email address.) Modifies Subsection 53. E) of the Contract by deleting the Subsection in its entirety, and substituting the following for the same: Subcontracting. E) Contractors will submit form 2033-RCC at least annually listing all subcontracted entities for [Therapy,] Direct Service Delivery and Management Services. (This change was made to remove the term Therapy from the Subcontracting Section.) FY 2015 Residential Child-Care Contract 2282IPTP Executive Overview September 2014 Page 24 of 34 Modifies Section 75. of the Contract by deleting the Section in its entirety, and substituting the following for the same: Entire Agreement. This Contract constitutes the entire legal and binding agreement between the parties, who have duly authorized, executed, and delivered this Contract in accordance with its terms, (and supersedes and replaces any previous Contracts, understandings, or agreements between parties with respect to the subject matter of the Contract.) The undersigned representatives have the authority to execute and agree to this Contract on behalf of their respective represented party. (Language was added regarding the Agreement and Terms of the Contract.) Modifies Attachment B by adding the definition of Education Decision-Maker, Education Plan, Sibling Group, Surrogate Parent, and modifying the definition of Contract Period, Education Portfolio, and STAR Health: Contract Period: Time period (from) [of] the beginning date through the ending date specified in the term of the original Contract, including Contract renewals or Contract extensions. (Education Decision-Maker: The individual designated by DFPS, or the court, to make education decisions for a Child in DFPS conservatorship.) (Education Plan: Identifies educational and ancillary services to meet the Child's education goals.) Education Portfolio: The updated and maintained separate education binder that contains important school documents and is designed to follow School-Age Children to each placement. [This allows for the review of the most current educational records and documentation by school officials, Residential Child-Care Contractors, Foster Parents, Kinship Caregivers, and the Children.] (Sibling Group: Children originating from the same household and in DFPS conservatorship.) STAR Health: A comprehensive managed health care system for Children in the conservatorship of DFPS, young adults up to age 22 with a voluntary foster care agreement and young adults up to age 2(6)[1] who are eligible for (the Former Foster Care Children (FFCC) Health Care Program) [transitional Medicaid ](left foster care following their 18th birthday). FY 2015 Residential Child-Care Contract 2282IPTP Executive Overview September 2014 Page 25 of 34 (Surrogate Parent: A person appointed by the court or school district to make decisions regarding special education services for a Child who does have a parent available. The law prohibits a CPS Caseworker or Residential Treatment Center staff from serving as a Surrogate Parent; a Foster Parent may serve as a Surrogate Parent, if appointed.) (Glossary changes were made to align with related Sections of the Residential Child-Care Contract.) Modifies Attachment E of the Contract by deleting Attachment E in its entirety, and substituting the following for the same: Intensive Psychiatric Transition Program Services 1. Eligible Child Population. The Contractor can expect to serve children in DFPS foster care who are between 12 and (22)[19] years of age. The eligible child population includes all Children referred to the Contractor. The eligible child population will consist of Children who: A) Have been in DFPS conservatorship for the past 90 days; B) Have had at least one psychiatric hospitalization in the preceding 12 months; C) Are either ready for discharge from a psychiatric hospital or are at imminent risk of another psychiatric hospitalization; and D) The Assistant Commissioner of CPS or his/her designee has determined are in Crisis and in need of acute stabilization. 2. Capacity. A) Contractors may create new bed capacity for Intensive Psychiatric Transition Program services. B) Contractors may also convert existing Substitute Care beds into Intensive Psychiatric Transition Program placement beds. C) Contractors may accept a child into the Intensive Psychiatric Transition Program only after a DFPS placement determination and issuance of an authorizing IPTP referral. 3. Service Description. Contractors will be required to provide the services described in this Attachment, and the Components of Care identified in this Intensive Psychiatric Transition Program Residential Contract. Contractors must also comply with the DFPS Minimum Standards for General Residential Operations and Residential Treatment Centers (Minimum Standards), and with all other requirements of this IPTP Contract. FY 2015 Residential Child-Care Contract 2282IPTP Executive Overview September 2014 Page 26 of 34 4. Trauma Informed Care Training. Each Caregiver and direct care staff must complete at least two hour of Trauma Informed Care Training as part of pre-service training and annually thereafter, prior to hire, or being left alone with a Child. Certification of completed Trauma Informed Care Training must be placed in staff records containing the training staff signature, completion date and number of hours. Trauma Informed Care Training options can be found at: http://www.fostercaretx.com/about-us/centene-corporation/training/. and http://www.dfps.state.tx.us/training/trauma_informed_care/. Note: Hours earned for Trauma Informed Care Training may be counted towards pre-service training. 5. DFPS Psychotropic Medication Training. A) Each Caregiver and employee who administers psychotropic medications must complete the computer-based DFPS Psychotropic Medication Training as part of pre-service training and annually thereafter, which is available at: htpp://www.dfps.state.tx.us/Child_Protection/Medical_Services/gui de-psychotropic.asp. Each Caregiver and employee who administers psychotropic medications must demonstrate competence by successful completion of the DFPS Psychotropic Medication Training post-test, contained within the training, and retain documentation of successful completion in staff records. Note: The training received on psychotropic medication may be counted toward the annual training requirement. (Eligible Client Population was updated in Attachment E.) Modifies Attachment F by deleting it in its entirety, and substituting the following for the same: FY14 IPTP Performance Measures Contract Output Measures Output #1: Each Child’s Education Portfolio is up-to-date. Performance Period: Contractor performance for this output is determined for one or more of the following performance periods, wholly or FY 2015 Residential Child-Care Contract 2282IPTP Executive Overview September 2014 Page 27 of 34 partially, depending on the Contract start and end dates: September 1 through November 30, December 1 through February 28/29, March 1 through May 31, and June 1 through August 31. Indicator: Percentage of School-Age Children in the Contractor's care for 30 calendar days or more whose Education Portfolios are up-to-date within 30 calendar days of all applicable items requiring a portfolio change. Target: 100% Purpose: The purpose of this measure is to evaluate the Contractor’s success providing current education information as described in Section 13.B)i of this Contract to successive Caregivers, the Department, and other necessary service providers in order to effectively meet the Child’s education needs. Data Source: Performance Management Evaluation Tool (PMET): information reported by the Contractor: • Number of School-Age Children in the Contractor's care for 30 calendar days or more whose Education Portfolios were up-to-date within 30 calendar days of all applicable items listed in Section 13.B)i requiring a portfolio change during the performance period. • Number of School-Age Children in the Contractor's care for 30 calendar days or more. Methodology: The numerator is the total number of School-Age Children with up-to-date Education Portfolios as described in the Data Source. The denominator is the total number of School-Age Children, as described in the Data Source. Divide the numerator by the denominator. Multiply by 100, and state as a percentage. Output #2: Children placed with a Contractor remain in the care of the Contractor until achieving a Successful Discharge from the Intensive Psychiatric Transition Program (IPTP). Performance Period: Contractor performance for this output is determined for one or more of the following performance periods, wholly or partially, depending on the Contract start and end dates: September 1 FY 2015 Residential Child-Care Contract 2282IPTP Executive Overview September 2014 Page 28 of 34 through November 30, December 1 through February 28/29, March 1 through May 31, and June 1 through August 31. Indicator: Percentage of discharges not initiated by the Contractor, or for specific reasons determined to be, generally, in the best interest of the Child. Target: 38% Purpose: The purpose of this measure is to evaluate the Contractor's ability to address the Child's individual needs and reduce disruptive, unplanned discharges of Children. Data Source: Information Management Protecting Adults and Children in Texas (IMPACT); information used for the performance period: • Number of IPTP discharges initiated by the Contractor during the performance period, excluding those for reasons determined to be generally in the best interest of the Child. • Number of total IPTP discharges during the performance period. Methodology: The numerator is the number of IPTP placement discharges initiated by the Contractor during the performance period, excluding those discharges for specific reasons determined to be generally in the best interest of the Child. The denominator is the total number of IPTP placement discharges during the performance period. Divide the numerator by the denominator. Subtract the result from 1. Multiply by 100, and state as a percentage. Contract Outcome Measures Outcome #1: Children are safe in care. Performance Period: Contractor performance for this outcome is determined by one or more of the following performance periods, wholly or partially, depending on the Contract start and end dates: September 1 through November 30, December 1 through February 28/29, March 1 through May 31 and June 1 through August 31. Indicator: Percentage of Children in DFPS Managing Conservatorship placed in IPTP who are not determined to be Designated Victims resulting in a Reason to Believe (RTB) disposition Upheld during the performance period. FY 2015 Residential Child-Care Contract 2282IPTP Executive Overview September 2014 Page 29 of 34 Target: 100% Purpose: The purpose of this measure is to evaluate the Contractor’s success protecting Children in its care. This outcome directly relates to DFPS’ mission to protect Children from abuse/neglect and to one of the federal outcomes measured by the Child and Family Services Review (CFSR) of the US Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families. Data Source: IMPACT; information used for the performance period: • Facility (operation) as described in 40 TAC §745.37(3)(A)-(I), with an active Contract; • Number of DFPS placements in the contracted Facility that were active at any point during the performance period; and • Number of Designated Victims at the Facility for which a disposition of RTB was upheld during the performance period. Methodology: The numerator is the number of Children who are/were in DFPS Managing Conservatorship, placed with the Contractor, and Designated Victims determined by a Residential Child-Care Licensing (RCCL) investigation, for which a disposition of RTB was Upheld during the performance period. The denominator is the total number of Children in DFPS Managing Conservatorship placed with the Contractor during the performance period. Divide the numerator by the denominator. Subtract the result from one to obtain the complimentary ‘Children not Designated Victims’ measurement. Multiply by 100 and state as a percentage. Outcome #2: Children in IPTP care are able to maintain healthy Connections with caring Family Members who can provide a positive influence in their lives. Performance Period: Contractor performance for this outcome is determined for one or more of the following performance periods, wholly or partially, depending on the Contract start and end dates: September 1 through November 30, December 1 through February 28/29, March 1 through May 31, and June 1 through August 31. Indicator: Percentage of Children in care seven or more days who have at least one Personal Contact during the performance period with a Family FY 2015 Residential Child-Care Contract 2282IPTP Executive Overview September 2014 Page 30 of 34 Member, excluding parents and siblings in care, identified as appropriate for contact by DFPS. Target: 74% Purpose: The purpose of this measure is to assess the Contractor's ability to help the Child maintain beneficial Connections with Family Members, other than the parents or siblings. Data Source: PMET: information reported by the Contractor: • Number of unduplicated Children in the Contractor's care seven or more days who had at least one Personal Contact initiated by the Contractor during the performance period, with a Family Member, other than a parent or sibling in care, identified by DFPS as appropriate for contact (numerator). • Number of unduplicated Children in the Contractor's care seven or more days who had at least one Family Member, other than a parent or sibling in care, identified by DFPS as appropriate for contact (denominator). Methodology: Divide the numerator by the denominator. Multiply by 100, and state as a percentage. Outcome #3: Children are able to maintain connections to siblings. Performance Period: Contractor performance for this outcome is determined for one or more of the following performance periods, wholly or partially, depending on the Contract start and end dates: September 1 through November 30, December 1 through February 28/29, March 1 through May 31, and June 1 through August 31. Indicator: Percent of Children in care who have at least monthly Personal Contact with each sibling in foster care, as described in Section 19 of this Contract. Target: Baseline data will be collected statewide during the contract period to establish future targets. Purpose: The purpose of this measure is to evaluate the Contractor's ability to help the Child maintain connections with siblings who are also in foster care. This relates to Item 13 of the Child and Family Services Review (CFSR) of the US Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families. FY 2015 Residential Child-Care Contract 2282IPTP Executive Overview September 2014 Page 31 of 34 Data Source: Performance Management Evaluation Tool (PMET); information reported by the Contractor: • Number of IPTP Children under age 18 who are part of a (S)[s]ibling (G)[g]roup during any month of the performance period and had at least one sibling in a different placement, including the exceptions noted in the denominator, and have had at least one Face-to-Face contact with each sibling placed within 100 miles, or at least two Telecommunications contacts with each sibling placed more than 100 miles away, for each month during the performance period. • Number of IPTP Children under age 18 who are part of a (S)[s]ibling (G)[g]roup during any month of the performance period and had at least one sibling in a different placement. Exceptions to this include when sibling contact is prohibited by court order, contrary to the best interest of the Child as reflected in any of the Plans of Service of a sibling, or for reasons determined and documented by a mental health professional treating the sibling who should not visit. Methodology: The numerator is the number of Children who are part of a (S)[s]ibling (G)[g]roup and had the specified contact(s) each month, as stated in the Data Source. The denominator is the number of Children who are part of a (S)[s]ibling (G)[g]roup, as stated in the Data Source. Divide the numerator by the denominator. Multiply by 100 and state as a percentage. Outcome #4: Children transition to a Less Restrictive Setting within 60 days of placement. Performance Period: Contractor performance for this outcome is determined by one or more of the following performance periods, wholly or partially, depending on the contract start and end dates: September 1 through November 30, December 1 through February 28/29, March 1 through May 31 and June 1 through August 31. Indicator: Percent of Successful Discharges from the Intensive Psychiatric Transition Program within 60 days of admission. Target: 79% Purpose: The purpose of this measure is to evaluate the Contractor’s success at helping children quickly transition to a Less Restrictive Setting. FY 2015 Residential Child-Care Contract 2282IPTP Executive Overview September 2014 Page 32 of 34 Data Source: IMPACT; information used for the period: • Number of Children who were discharged from IPTP to a Less Restrictive Setting during the performance period and within 60 days of admission to IPTP. • Number of Children who were discharged from IPTP during the performance period. Methodology: The numerator is the total number of discharges that result in a transition to a Less Restrictive Setting within 60 days, as described in the Data Source. The denominator is the total number of discharges, as described in the Data Source. Divide the numerator by the denominator. Multiply by 100 and state as a percentage. Outcome #5: Children remain in a Less Restrictive Setting following Successful Discharge from IPTP. Performance Period: Contractor performance is determined annually through measurement throughout the contract year, for one or more of the following performance periods, wholly or partially, depending on the contract start and end dates: September 1 through November 30, December 1 through February 28/29, March 1 through May 31 and June 1 through August 31. Indicator: Percent of children, following Successful Discharge from the Contractor's IPTP, that do not return to IPTP. Target: 86% Purpose: To evaluate the Contractor's ability to help children successfully transition to a Less Restrictive Setting. Data Source: IMPACT • Number of Successful Discharges from the IPTP during the 12 months prior to the current performance period who have not subsequently been admitted to an IPTP during the performance period. • Number of Successful Discharges from the IPTP during the 12 months prior to the current performance period. FY 2015 Residential Child-Care Contract 2282IPTP Executive Overview September 2014 Page 33 of 34 Methodology: The numerator is the number of Successful Discharges who have not subsequently been admitted to an IPTP, as described in the Data Source. The denominator is the number of Successful Discharges, as described in the Data Source. Divide the numerator by the denominator. Multiply by 100 and state as a percentage. Outcome #6: Children benefit from routine recreational activities, including Extracurricular Activities. Performance Period: Contractor performance for this outcome is determined annually but measured throughout the Contract period during a Monitoring visit. Indicator: Percentage of Children who routinely participate in one or more recreational activities, as described in Section 14 of this Contract. Target: Baseline data will be collected statewide during the Contract period to establish future targets. Purpose: The purpose of this measure is to determine the extent to which the Contractor is helping Children participate in a regular schedule of varied recreational activities they enjoy. Data Sources: • Contract Monitoring - Children interviewed at monitoring determined to have routinely participated in one or more recreational activities. (numerator) • Integrated Management and Reporting for Contracts (iMARC) Number of Children identified as a statistically valid sample and interviewed. Children physically or mentally unable to participate in an interview will not be counted. (denominator) Methodology: Divide the numerator by the denominator. Multiply by 100, and state as a percentage. (Attachment F was updated for clarification purposes only.) FY 2015 Residential Child-Care Contract 2282IPTP Executive Overview September 2014 Page 34 of 34