Consumers Digest Recognizes the Navien Product as a 2012 Best

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Consumers Digest Recognizes the Navien
Product as a 2012 Best Buy
In the January/February issue of US magazine Consumers Digest, a Navien product won the Best Buy
award in the “gas tankless water heater premium” category by receiving the highest score over an aggregate of criteria, including features, energy efficiency and warranty.
Navien Representative demonstrate the efficiency of Tankless Water Heater to sales rep and contractors.
Navien Headquarters in Korea
K - Herald
avien (KD Navien, in Korea)
is well-known
in Korea as
leading brand thanks to its
#1 market position there.
So many Koreans want to
purchase a Navien boiler
that “I’m going to have to
install a Navien boiler at
my parents’ house” has become something of a popular catch-phrase. Today,
the company is expanding
aggressively internationally in order to become a
well-loved brand in the
US, as well as elsewhere
around the world.
Navien has achieved
this success primarily due
to the company’s persistence in developing its
own superior technology
for over twenty years. This
stubbornness is evident
in the new NPE product,
which was released in October. At the launch to in-
troduce and explain about
the NPE, sales reps and
contractors in attendance
were amazed by the features and predicted that
the NPE would become a
big hit in the market.
Industry insiders are
saying that the Navien
NPE will transform the
N. American hot water
heater market, which has
long been dominated by
low-efficiency heaters that
continuously burn gas to
maintain water temperature. This is because Navien’s approach utilizes a
crystal for negative pressure gas control, making
it possible to burn gas in
short bursts without having to replace existing ½
inch gas pipes. This is a key
technological achievement
that overcomes the low gas
pressure issues faced by
other gas tankless hot water heaters on the market
today.Also, other tankless
hot water heaters require
the use of expensive stainless steel materials to deal
exhaust gases. However,
all of the Navien products,
including the NPE, apply advanced condensing
technology to reduce the
temperature of exhaust
gases, and this facilitates
the use of cheap and easyto-install PVC materials.
The materials for a 20-foot
stainless steel vent cost
around $500-700, but for
PVC, the price falls to $50.
Thus, by leading with advanced technology, Navien
is gaining a strong following among contractors in
the home services market.
Eric Moffroid, Navien’s
Vice President of Sales, explains, “American consumers prefer high-efficiency
instantaneous hot water
heaters, but because these
preferred products don’t
work with legacy piping,
many people just stick
with tank-type heaters in
order to avoid the high
costs of installing new
gas pipes and vents, even
though energy efficiency
remains low. The NPE is
a game changer because
it makes it more economical than ever before
for consumers to replace
their low-efficiency heaters with something much
better. We hope that this
will raise energy efficiency
across the entire hot water
heater sector and contribute to energy savings at a
national level.” Navien has
been riding a remarkably
rapid growth trajectory
for several years, having
reached the #2 position in
the US for instantaneous
gas hot water heaters in
2011, just three years after entering the market.
In gas condensing tankless water heaters, Navien
has even taken the #1 spot,
and in 2011, just two years
after releasing a wall hung
boiler, it achieved #2 in
this category. The corporate results for 2012 will
be announced soon and
based on recent trends,
it’s just a matter of time
before Navien becomes #1
in every market in which
it competes. The year 2013
has already started out
heating equipment, and
top manufacturers from
120 countries around the
world come to attend and
participate. Navien CEO,
Harrison Kim, expressed
his quiet confidence by
with good news for
Navien. On the 29th
of January at the 2013
AHR Expo in Dallas, the
Navien NPE was crowned
the winner in the plumbing category. The AHR
Expo is the largest show in
the world for cooling and
Navien Tankless Water Heaters highlighted in Consumer's Digest.
Consumer experts testing out the Navien Tankless Water Heater.
saying, “Navien is growing
at a surprisingly fast annual rate thanks to the following we’ve earned with US
consumers for our technology and product quality. It is even more meaningful to note that this
was achieved during
very bad economic
conditions following
the US financial crisis.
In particular, we want
to prove in 2013 that
consumers are finally
choosing environmentally friendly high-efficiency products.”