Bibliography - Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission

Communities in Common: Black History in Pennsylvania
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Communities in Common: Black History in Pennsylvania
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Communities in Common: Black History in Pennsylvania
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Sugrue, Thomas J. Sweet Land of Liberty: The Forgotten Struggle for Civil Rights in the North
New York: Random House, 2008.
Sutcliff, Robert. Travels in Some Parts of North America in the Years 1804, 1805 and 1806.
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Books, 2008.
Taslitz, Andrew E. Reconstructing the Fourth Amendment: A History of Search and Seizure,
1789-1868. New York: New York University Press, 2006.
Tillman, John W. Biographical Sketch of the Life and Travels of John W. Tillman, Doe Run,
Chester County, Penna. (1986)
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Trotter, Joe William Jr. and Eric Ledell Smith, eds., African-Americans in Pennsylvania: Shifting
Historical Perspectives. University Park; Penn State Press, 1997.
Turner, Edward Raymond Turner. The Negro in Pennsylvania: Slavery, Servitude, Freedom,
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Van Winkle Keller, Kate. Dance and its Music in America:1528-1729. Hillsdale New York:
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Vermilyea, Peter C. “The Effect Of The Confederate Invasion Of Pennsylvania On Gettysburg’s
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Wallace, Kim E. Brickyard Towns: A History of Refractories Industry Communities in SouthCentral Pennsylvania. Washington, D. C.: Historic American Buildings Survey/Historic
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Washington, Teresa N. Our Mothers, Our Powers, Our Texts: Manifestation of Aje in Africana
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Zimmerman, David “William Whipper in the Black Abolitionist Tradition.” /resources/columbia/whipper.html
Adams County News
Adams Sentinel
Altoona Mirror
A.M.E. Christian Recorder
A.M.E. Church Review
American Republican
American Star
American Telegraph
American Weekly Mercury
Anti Masonic Star
Armstrong True American
Aurora & Pennsylvania Gazette
Aurora and Franklin Gazette
Aurora General Advertiser
Bedford Gazette
Berks and Schuylkill Journal
Blairsville Press, The
Bradford County Republican
Bradford Era
Bristol County Courier
Bristol Daily Courier
Bucks County Courier
Bucks County Courier Times
Bucks County Gazette
Bucks County Times
Carey's United States' Recorder
Communities in Common: Black History in Pennsylvania
Greenville Advance Argus, The
Greenville Advance, The
Greenville Argus
Harrisburg Republican
Hazard’s Register
Huntingdon Daily Journal
Huntingdon Globe
Huntingdon Journal
Illustrated New Age
Indiana County Gazette
Indiana Democrat
Indiana Evening Gazette
Indiana Gazette
Indiana Messenger, The
Indiana Progress
Indiana Weekly Messenger
Indiana Weekly Progress, The
Kane Daily Republican, The
Kane Leader, The
Kane Republican, The
Kane Weekly Blade, The
Kennett Advance
Keystone Courier, The
Lancaster Journal
Lebanon Daily News
Lebanon Daily News and The Lebanon
Daily Times
Lebanon Semi-Weekly News
Levittown Times, The
Literary Intelligencer
Lycoming Chronicle
Lycoming Daily Gazette, The
Lycoming Gazette, The
Lynchburg Weekly Gazette
Lynchburg Weekly Museum
McKean Citizen
McKean County Democrat
McKean County Journal
McKean County Miner
McKean Democrat
McKean Orbit
McKean Yeoman
Mechanics' Free Press
Mifflinburg Telegraph
Monessen Daily Independent
Carlisle Gazette
Carlisle Republican
Charleroi Mail, The
Chester Daily Times
Chester Reporter
Chester Times
Chicago Defender
Claypoole's American Daily Advertiser
Clearfield Evening Progress, The
Clearfield Herald, The
Clearfield Progress
Clearfield Times-Monitor, The
Clearfield Weekly Progress, The
Cleveland Gazette
Colored American
Columbia Spy
Coatesville Record
Columbia Spy
Delaware County American
Delaware County Daily Times
Delaware County Democrat
Delaware County Republican
Doylestown Daily Intelligencer
Dramatic News, The
Du Bois Morning Journal
Dubois Courier
Dubois Daily Courier
Dubois Daily Express, The
Dubois Morning Courier
Dubois Morning Herald, The
Dubois Weekly Courier, The
Farmers' Register
Forester and Smethport Register, The
Franklin Gazette
Franklin Repository
Franklin Repository and Transcript
Freedom’s Journal
Gazette of the United States
General Advertiser
Gettysburg Compiler
Gettysburg Gazette
Gettysburg Star And Republican Banner
Gettysburg Times
Granite Freeman
Greensburgh & Indiana Register
Communities in Common: Black History in Pennsylvania
Poulson's American Daily Advertiser
Reading Adler
Richmond Planet
Shenango Valley News, The
Southwark Gazette
Spirit of the Times
Sprig Of Liberty, The
Star And Adams County Republican Banner,
South Carolina Gazette
Susquehanna Centinel
Tioga County Agitator
Tioga Eagle
Titusville Herald
Titusville Morning Herald
Titusville Weekly Herald
Tyrone Daily Herald
Tyrone Herald
Tyrone Star
United States' Gazette
Universal Gazette
Upland Union, The
Valley Independent, The
Venango Spectator, The
Village Record
Warren County Observer, The
Warren Evening Mirror
Warren Evening Press
Warren Ledger
Warren Morning Mirror
Warren Times Mirror
Warren Times Observer
Warren Tribune, The
Washington Bee
Washington Examiner
Washington Reporter
Weekly Aurora
Wellsboro Gazette
Wellsboro Gazette, The
West Branch Bulletin, The
West Chester Daily Local News
Wilkes-Barre Times
Williamsport Gazette and Bulletin
Williamsport Sun Gazette
Montrose Independent Republican
New Castle News
New Castle Weekly News, The
New National Era
New York Age
New York Freeman
New York Times
North American and Daily Advertiser
North American and United States Gazette
North American, The
North Hills News Record
North Star
Oil City Derrick
Oracle of Dauphin
Oxford Press
Poulson’s American Daily Advertiser
Pennsylvania Chronicle
Pennsylvania Correspondent
Pennsylvania Evening Herald
Pennsylvania Evening Post
Pennsylvania Freeman
Pennsylvania Gazette
Pennsylvania Herald
Pennsylvania Inquirer and Daily Courier
Pennsylvania Inquirer and National Gazette
Pennsylvania Journal
Pennsylvania Ledger
Pennsylvania Mercury
Peoples Press, The
Philadelphia Evening Post
Philadelphia Inquirer
Philadelphia Literary Reporter
Philadelphia Minerva
Philadelphia Public Ledger
Philadelphia Repository
Philadelphia Tribune
Mechanics' Free Press
Philadelphia Times, People's Friend and
Pittsburgh Courier
Pittsburgh Gazette, The
Pittsburgh Post, The
Pocono Record
Pottstown Mercury
Communities in Common: Black History in Pennsylvania
Primary Sources
Allen, Richard. The Life, Experience, and Gospel Labours of the Rt. Rev. Richard Allen. To
Which is Annexed the Rise and Progress of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in the
United States of America. Containing a Narrative of the Yellow Fever in the Year of Our Lord
1793: With an Address to the People of Colour in the United States).
Annals of the First African Church in the United States of America now Styled the African
Episcopal Church of St. Thomas, Philadelphia..., by the Rev. Wm. Douglas, Philadelphia:
King & Baird Printers, 1862.
Anti-Slavery Convention of American Women, 1837. “An Appeal to the Women of the
Nominally Free States.” Found at
“Activities Month Celebration: Pittsburgh Coal Company Villages From May 13th to June 17th
Nineteen Hundred and Thirty-Nine.” Pittsburgh: The Company, 1939.
Carter, Lewis James Jr. “Negro Migrant Labor in Pennsylvania, 1916-1930.” Masters’ Thesis
The Pennsylvania State University, 1936.
Carey, E.L. and A. Hart. Philadelphia in 1830-1, or a Brief Account of various Institutions and
Public Objects in the Metropolis Forming a Complete Guide for Strangers and a Useful
Compendium for the Inhabitants. Philadelphia: J. Kay, 1830.
Carey, Matthew. A Short Account of the Malignant Fever Which Prevailed in Philadelphia.
Philadelphia: Printed by the Author, 1793.
Coker, Daniel. Sermon Delivered in the African Bethel Church in the City of Baltimore on the
21st of January,1816, to a numerous concourse of people, on account of the Coloured People
gaining their Church (Bethel) in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, by the Reverend D.
Coker, Minister of said Church in Aptheker, A Documentary History of the Negro People,
vol. 1, 68-69.
Forty Third Annual Report of the Board of Commissioners of Public Charities for the State of
Pennsylvania for the Year 1912. Harrisburg: Wm. Stanley Ray, 1912.
Free African Society Preamble, in Aptheker, A Documentary History of the Negro People in the
United States, Vol. 1, 17-18.
Jones, Absalom and Richard Allen, A Narrative of the Proceedings of the Black People During
the Late Awful Calamity in Philadelphia in the year 1793. Philadelphia: William Woodward,
Communities in Common: Black History in Pennsylvania
Negro Register 1792-1851, Washington County, Pennsylvania. Call #: fF85494.944.
Photocopied from original in the office of the Recorder of Deeds, Washington, Washington
County, Pennsylvania.
Negro Survey of Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Department of Welfare, Harrisburg, 1928.
“Register of Trades of Colored People in the City of Philadelphia and Districts” (Philadelphia:
Payne, Daniel A. Recollections of Seventy Years. Nashville: A.M.E. Sunday School Union,
Pennsylvania Augustine Society. “An Address, Delivered at Bethel Church, Philadelphia; on the
30th of September, 1818” in Aptheker, A Documentary History of the Negro People in the
United States
Pennsylvania Negro Business Directory, Illustrated, 1910: Industrial and Material Growth of
The Negroes of Pennsylvania. Harrisburg: Jas. H.W. Howard & Son, 1910.
“Statistical Inquiry into the Condition of the People of Colour, of the City and Districts of
Philadelphia” (Philadelphia: 1849)
“Tax Lists, Inhabitants and Slaves, 1800, 1807.” Microfilm. Pennsylvania State Archives, RG47--Records of County Governments.
Williams, Ephie Augustus, Wendell Green Smith, and Joseph Lawrence Jones, History and
Manual of the Colored Knights of Pythias. Nashville: National Baptist Publication Board,
Census, Land and Tax Records
1790-1930 U.S. Federal Censuses
United States Census Bureau, Negro Population, 1790-1915
United States Census Bureau, Negro Population, 1920-32
Allegheny County Censuses 1850-1930
Bedford County Censuses 1850-1930
Beaver County Censuses 1850-1930
Berks County Censuses 1850-1930
Blair County Censuses 1850-1930
Bucks County Censuses 1850-1930
Center County Censuses 1850-1930
Chester County Censuses 1850-1930
Chester County Triennial Returns
Clearfield County Censuses 1850-1930
Clinton County Censuses, 1850-1930
Communities in Common: Black History in Pennsylvania
Columbia County Censuses 1850-1930
Crawford County Censuses 1850-1930
Dauphin County Censuses 1850-1930
Delaware County Censuses 1850-1930
Greene County Censuses 1850-1930
Huntingdon County Censuses 1850-1930
Indiana County Censuses 1850-1930
Luzerne County Censuses 1850-1930
Lycoming County Censuses 1850-1930
Mifflin County Censuses 1850-1930
Monroe County Censuses 1850-1930
Montgomery County Censuses 1850-1930
Philadelphia County Censuses 1850-1930
Venango County Censuses 1850-1930
Washington County Censuses 1850-1930
York County Censuses 1850-1930
Web Sites
http: (The Pennsylvania Iron Industry)
Communities in Common: Black History in Pennsylvania
Dr. Charles A. Butler, Coatesville
Sylvia Washington, Coatesville
James Kennedy, Coatesville
John Robinson, Coatesville
Carmen Boyd, Coatesville
Charles Tate, Coatesville
Thalia Day, Huntingdon
Bernie Chatham, Mount Union
Lowell Rodgers, Mount Union
Gladys Fortsen, Mount Union
J.D. Watson, Wilkes-Barre
Gloria Watson, Wilkes-Barre
Kenneth Burnett, Wilkes-Barre
Ronald Felton, Wilkes-Barre
Connie Wynn, Wilkes-Barre
Mamie Diggs, Williamsport
Carl Diggs, Williamsport
Connie Robinson, Williamsport
Ellen Franklin, Bedford
William Defibaugh, Bedford
Phyllis Johnson, Bedford
Mable Washington, Bedford
Gary Washington, Bedford
Robert Hillman, Stroudsburg
Walter Washington, Stroudsburg
Joyce Ellis, Washington
Dorris Keane, Washington
Margaret Marsh, Washington
James Vactor, Washington, Canonsburg, Meadville
John Brewer, Pittsburgh
Ike Wooden, Montrose