STRATEGIC PLAN SANTA CLARA COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION SYSTEM Santa Clara County Parks and Recreation Department Background Report: Mission, Values, and Vision INTRODUCTION The following information is in draft form. This information is presented for review and discussion by the Santa Clara County Strategic Plan Steering Committee, County Parks and Recreation Staff, and by the general public. Presented below are thoughts about parks, recreation, and outdoor education in Santa Clara County that have been expressed through the initial phase of the Santa Clara County Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan process. This phase included an extensive participation program to solicit a wide variety of opinions and attitudes about parks and recreation in Santa Clara County. FRAMEWORK Figure 1 illustrates the overall Strategic Plan framework. The hierarchy of the Strategic Plan begins with defining the Mission of the Santa Clara County Parks and Recreation Department and the Values and Vision for a park and recreation system in Santa Clara County. DEFINITIONS The following definitions apply to the Strategic Plan Framework. Mission A statement describing why we exist and what we do. Values Statements that express the enduring ideals, or shared beliefs, that we will always hold true. Identifying these beliefs is of the utmost importance to us, for they will guide us on the road to achieving our vision for Santa Clara County. Vision A description outlining what Santa Clara County Parks will be like in the future. By having a clear image of the ideal future, we can marshal our energies to shape that future. Strategy A plan, method, or series of maneuvers for implementing a specific vision. Strategies set the stage for groupings of policies and implementation actions. Policy A general statement intended to guide decision-making and to indicate a clear commitment or position of the legislative body. Implementation Action A statement that refers to actions, procedures, programs, or techniques that carry out the policies to which they relate. Priorities Actions that could reasonably be expected to be completed, or at least put into motion, within five years. B ACKGROUND REPORT : M ISSION , V ALUES , AND VISION (10/12/01) © Note: This is a progress report. All information outlined herein is for planning purposes only and is subject to change 1 S T R A T E G I C P LAN SANTA CLARA COUNTY PARKS AND R ECREATION SYSTEM Santa Clara County Parks and Recreation Department SYSTEM PERSPECTIVE The perspective taken in the Santa Clara County Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan is to address the future of parks and recreation in the County as a system of resources. This system is inclusive of all the government agencies and private organizations that either provide or support the provision and management of park and open space lands that are used for outdoor recreation and education within the County. While the Mission Statement applies specifically to the Santa Clara County Parks and Recreation Department, the Values and Vision presented below apply to all public park and recreation resources within the County. B ACKGROUND REPORT : M ISSION , V ALUES , AND VISION (10/12/01) © Note: This is a progress report. All information outlined herein is for planning purposes only and is subject to change 2 STRATEGIC PLAN SANTA CLARA COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION SYSTEM Santa Clara County Parks and Recreation Department Strategic Plan Framework Mission Statement Values and Vision Needs Assessment Mission: Why we exist and what we do Values: Enduring ideals and shared beliefs Vision: What Santa Clara County Parks will be like in the future Opportunities & Constraints Strategies and Policies Systemwide Strategies and Policies Program Strategies and Policies Parkland Classification System Specific Strategies, Priorities, & Implementation Actions Acquisition Plan Trails Plan Capital Improvement Program Operations / Maintenance Plan Recreation Plan Natural Resource Management Plan Interpretive Plan Marketing / Customer Service Staffing / Organizational Plan Partnership Plan Lease / Concessions Plan Volunteer Plan Financial Plan Draft: 10/12/01 S T R A T E G I C P LAN SANTA CLARA COUNTY PARKS AND R ECREATION SYSTEM Santa Clara County Parks and Recreation Department MISSION Existing Mission Statement The overall Mission Statement for the County Parks and Recreation Department adopted by the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors is: The Mission of Santa Clara County Parks and Recreation Department is to provide, protect, and preserve regional parklands for the enjoyment1, education and inspiration of this and future generations. Alternatives to Mission Statement Discussions about Values and Vision for a future County-wide park system generated a variety of suggestions to amend the Department’s Mission Statement. These suggestions have included: recognition of the County as a leader to Cities and other recreation and open space providers within the County; recognition of a long-term need to enhance the quantity and quality of both park resources and public use facilities; and recognition that many aspects of outdoor recreation2 may not necessarily be encompassed in the term “enjoyment”. The Department’s Project Team generally thought that the Department’s Mission Statement should be as brief as possible and easily memorable3. With this in mind, the Project Team agreed that: • The Department’s role as a leader was not appropriate to include in a Mission Statement, but may be an important attribute to recognize within the Strategic Plan policies. • The term “enhance” was vague and could lead to confusion about facility development, resource management activities, and appropriate uses of parks. • That the term enjoyment generally included recreation. However, it was also recognized that reference to regional parklands in the existing Mission Statement did not necessarily include urban and rural trails outside of parks. An alternative Mission statement for consideration is (edits shown for comparative purposes): We provide, protect, and preserve regional parklands and outdoor recreation opportunities for the enjoyment, education and inspiration of this and future generations. 1 2 3 Enjoyment: (1) The act of enjoying. (2) The possession, use, or occupancy of anything with satisfaction or pleasure. (3) A particular form or source of pleasure. (4) Law: the exercise of a right. Source: Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary. Recreation: (1) Refreshment by means of some pastime, agreeable exercise, or the like. (2) A pastime, diversion, exercise, or other resource affording relaxation and enjoyment. (3) The act of creating anew. Source: Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary. Examples of other Mission Statements are found in Appendix A B ACKGROUND REPORT : M ISSION , V ALUES , AND VISION (10/12/01) © Note: This is a progress report. All information outlined herein is for planning purposes only and is subject to change 4 S T R A T E G I C P LAN SANTA CLARA COUNTY PARKS AND R ECREATION SYSTEM Santa Clara County Parks and Recreation Department VALUES Values are the beliefs or ideals that create the foundation upon which the Vision for the County’s park system will be built. During the discussions about core values, though not specifically included as an agenda item at any meeting, a basic debate about the meaning of the words “park” and “recreation” took place. To a great extent, it should be noted that the opportunity to step away from home and work and to “re-create” the human spirit is viewed as a key element to the present and future quality of life in Santa Clara County. This need is reflected as a value to individuals, to families, to workers, to entrepreneurs, and to business managers. Generally, the more urban the context is, the greater the value of outdoor recreation. There are four general themes that encompass the values for the Strategic Plan. These are: Experience, Balance, Community, and Quality. Table 1 presents a series of value statements that will frame the Vision, Strategies, and Policies for the future Santa Clara County system of parks. B ACKGROUND REPORT : M ISSION , V ALUES , AND VISION (10/12/01) © Note: This is a progress report. All information outlined herein is for planning purposes only and is subject to change 5 S T R A T E G I C P LAN SANTA CLARA COUNTY PARKS AND R ECREATION SYSTEM Santa Clara County Parks and Recreation Department TABLE 1: STRATEGIC PLAN VALUES Value Theme Value Statement Experience: managing • Optimal Visitor Experience: Provision of parks that parks such that each are safe, clean, and well-maintained so that park users visitor's experience is enjoy a recreational/educational experience of the best optimized possible quality. Support of efforts to make every park the best it can be. • Safety: Recognition that “safety first” is of utmost importance. • Broad User-group Appeal / Diversity of Experience: Provision of a diverse and varied range of experiences and recreational opportunities for all ages, ethnicities, types of users, and levels of ability. Balance: providing a sense of equilibrium to the park system expressed in a variety of ways • • • • Community: ensuring parks are readily available to all who wish to use them and involving the local community in parks' use and care • • • • Balanced Lifestyle / Compatibility: Enablement of healthy lifestyles for County residents by providing recreational opportunities that fit in easily with user's daily routines to help to balance work and other responsibilities with the need to relax. Resource Protection / Park Stewardship: Assurance of the long-term preservation, restoration, conservation and management of natural and cultural resources, while at the same time providing for public access and use of those resources. Responsiveness: Recognition of and appropriate responsiveness to changing demographics and County residents’ needs. Respect and Fairness: Respect for individuals' use of their own property and fairness in accommodating the public good without placing an undue burden on the property owner. Equality of Access: Convenient, affordable and equitable accessibility to parks for all residents of Santa Clara County. Public Awareness / Education: Ongoing education of both the public and staff that continues to enlighten them all about what parks have to offer and how to keep park resources viable. Community Participation: Encouragement and support of community programs that involve people with their parks (e.g. clean-up days, "adoption" programs, neighborhood gatherings, and the like). Volunteerism: Development, encouragement, and sustenance of volunteer programs. B ACKGROUND REPORT : M ISSION , V ALUES , AND VISION (10/12/01) © Note: This is a progress report. All information outlined herein is for planning purposes only and is subject to change 6 S T R A T E G I C P LAN SANTA CLARA COUNTY PARKS AND R ECREATION SYSTEM Santa Clara County Parks and Recreation Department TABLE 1: STRATEGIC PLAN VALUES (continued) Value Theme Value Statement Quality: taking pride in a Parks and Recreation Department that stresses serving its public • • • • • Leadership through Action: Adoption of a leadership role that encourages active partnerships that benefit parks and recreation programs. Sustainability: Development, use, and management of parks such that they can be maintained without destroying the ecological balance. Excellence of Service / Staff Worth / Employee Enrichment: Maintenance of a working environment that encourages staff members to enjoy their work, benefit from quality staff training, and receive appropriate recognition for jobs well-done. Professionalism: Visibility of a staff and department that is competent, knowledgeable, friendly, wellfunded, and is committed to providing the best service possible. Operational Efficiency/Level of Service: Encouragement and support of staff in striving for state-of-the-art excellence of service in all areas of operation. B ACKGROUND REPORT : M ISSION , V ALUES , AND VISION (10/12/01) © Note: This is a progress report. All information outlined herein is for planning purposes only and is subject to change 7 S T R A T E G I C P LAN SANTA CLARA COUNTY PARKS AND R ECREATION SYSTEM Santa Clara County Parks and Recreation Department VISION Vision is the ability to see; to create a picture of the future. In the context of strategic planning, the benefit of developing a clear Vision is to focus implementation actions so that the Vision will be realized. Existing General Plan Vision The current Vision for parks within the Santa Clara County General Plan was established in the late 1960s. The regional parks, trails, and open space system envisioned was often referred to as “a necklace of parks.” It consisted of a series of major regional parks located in the foothills and mountains around the valley, similar to pearls on a necklace. These regional park “pearls” were intended to preserve, and make available for public recreation, examples of the county’s finest natural resources. Recreational trails were proposed to link these regional parks with one another as well as to provide access from the valley floor. On the valley floor, the vision included major streamside park chains passing through the urban area, providing recreation opportunities in themselves and also serving as important trail linkages to the nearby parks. Proposed Vision A revised Vision for parks in Santa Clara County would be a multi-faceted one. It would embrace geographic parameters, program characteristics, experiential considerations, and social attributes that strongly relate to the dominant urban character of Silicon Valley. The following is a summary of Vision suggestions made to date. They are organized into five summary statements that, when taken as a whole, provide a panoramic snapshot of what the future of parks in Santa Clara County should be. THE SANTA CLARA COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION SYSTEM IS: A Jeweled Web - consisting of a tiered necklace of parks with regional park pearls. Elements of the Jeweled Web: • A radial network of parks whose inner rings generally serve group activities, while outer rings provide for more solitary park experiences. • Major regional parks located in the foothills and mountains around the valley, similar to pearls on a necklace. • On the valley floor, a trail system and major streamside park chains -- visual and recreational ribbons of green -- passing through the urban area, providing recreation opportunities in themselves and also serving as important linkages to the nearby foothill, mountain, reservoir, and baylands parks. • Ownership of public parkland in both urban and rural areas, with emphasis placed on riparian, valley and hillside areas. B ACKGROUND REPORT : M ISSION , V ALUES , AND VISION (10/12/01) © Note: This is a progress report. All information outlined herein is for planning purposes only and is subject to change 8 S T R A T E G I C P LAN SANTA CLARA COUNTY PARKS AND R ECREATION SYSTEM Santa Clara County Parks and Recreation Department A Seamless Program – that balances recreation opportunities, park management, and resource conservation. Elements of a Seamless Program: • A balance of active and passive outdoor recreation opportunities that appeal to a broad group of user interests. • Systematic natural and cultural resource conservation and interpretation programs. • Consistent and easily understood inter-jurisdictional rules, regulations, and management. • Accessibility options that ensure all County residents can use parks. • Private/public use such that where County parks adjoin private property, respect for the property owners' use of their land, their privacy, and their liability concerns are important considerations. • Human, technical, and fiscal sharing between the County, cities, open space authorities, water district, and other organizations working towards an integrated system of parks. A Quality Park Experience – composed of opportunities for the general public to safely explore the mind, the body, and the landscape. Park themes and management attributes that would offer the park visitor a Quality Park Experience: • Magnet Parks: a series of parks themed around specific uses. • Multiple-use and Flexibility: parks that serve a variety of uses and that can be easily modified over time to accommodate changing needs. • Gateways: parks that include a few familiar urban recreation facilities to encourage children and families to visit them and thence to experience other forms of outdoor recreation opportunities they were not necessarily aware of before visiting these parks. • Trailhead to Exploration and Adventure: parks that serve as a “first” experience for many outdoor recreation pursuits such that once those opportunities are either exhausted or an individual's talents for a particular recreation activity are improved, the individual would have the competence to venture to other park resources within and beyond the County. • Service and Professionalism: park management provides quality leadership that is friendly, informed, courteous, and committed to the best service. A Lifestyle Foil – that reflects the pace and technological ambiance of Silicon Valley. Aspects of the park system that would provide recreational use opportunities contributing to the achievment of a balanced lifestyle: • Parks built around resident lifestyles including: • Neighborhood clusters • Work clusters • Weekend clusters B ACKGROUND REPORT : M ISSION , V ALUES , AND VISION (10/12/01) © Note: This is a progress report. All information outlined herein is for planning purposes only and is subject to change 9 S T R A T E G I C P LAN SANTA CLARA COUNTY PARKS AND R ECREATION SYSTEM Santa Clara County Parks and Recreation Department • Parks that link public transportation and recreation opportunities and particularly east-west linear parks that link major north-south mass-transit routes. Resource Longevity through Conservation and Stewardship – that assures the existence of vibrant, quality parks for future generations. Elements vital to Resource Longevity: • Ecosystem and habitat protection and resource management of riparian, valley, hillside, and mountain environments. • Identification and preservation of the County’s historical resources. • Outdoor educational programs highlighting the diversity of natural and cultural resources within the County and the interaction between the two. NEXT STEPS After review and revision (as appropriate) by the Strategic Plan Steering Committee, the Mission, Values, and set of five summary Vision statements above will also be reviewed with the Department Staff, Parks and Recreation Commissioners from throughout the County, the Strategic Plan Technical Advisory Groups, and the general public. The goal of this review will be to succinctly articulate the Mission of the County Parks and Recreation Department, and to clearly define the Vision for the future park system in Santa Clara County. B ACKGROUND REPORT : M ISSION , V ALUES , AND VISION (10/12/01) © Note: This is a progress report. All information outlined herein is for planning purposes only and is subject to change 10 S T R A T E G I C P LAN SANTA CLARA COUNTY PARKS AND R ECREATION SYSTEM Santa Clara County Parks and Recreation Department APPENDIX A Related Mission Statements National Park Service The National Park Service preserves unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the national park system for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations. The Park Service cooperates with partners to extend the benefits of natural and cultural resource conservation and outdoor recreation throughout this country and the world. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's mission is, working with others, to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife, and plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people. California State Parks To provide for the health, inspiration and education of the people of California by helping to preserve the state's extraordinary biological diversity, protecting its most valued natural and cultural resources, and creating opportunities for high-quality outdoor recreation. Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District To acquire and preserve a regional greenbelt of open space land in perpetuity; protect and restore the natural environment; and provide opportunities for ecologically sensitive public enjoyment and education. Santa Clara County Open Space Authority To preserve, protect and manage, for the use and enjoyment of all people, a well-balanced system of urban and non-urban areas of outstanding scenic, recreational and agricultural importance. The Nature Conservancy To preserve the plants, animals and natural communities that represent the diversity of life on Earth by protecting the lands and waters they need to survive. East Bay Regional Park District We will acquire, develop, manage, and maintain a high quality, diverse system of interconnected parklands which balances public usage and education programs with protection and preservation of our natural and cultural resources. B ACKGROUND REPORT : M ISSION , V ALUES , AND VISION (10/12/01) © Note: This is a progress report. All information outlined herein is for planning purposes only and is subject to change Appendix A-1