The PetLynx SuperNET A simple powerful new technology for the

The PetLynx SuperNET
A simple powerful new technology for the pet industry
What is PetLynx?
Why is PetLynx so totally Unique?
PetLynx is a system for storing and retrieving
information about pets. In its simplest form, PetLynx
is an automated global recovery system that can be
used to recover a pet no matter how it is identified,
where it is lost or who finds it. PetLynx and its powerful
search capabilities will deliver the first big win for the
pet industry by reuniting millions of the pets that go
missing from their families. This safety net is being
placed under the entire pet industry so that every
pet is protected and every pet person has peace of
mind. That is why we call it:
Since 1999, PetLynx has invested significant resources
to understand the pet industry and the needs of
each entity; pets, pet owners, non-pet owners,
communities, service providers, legislators, and those
who protect the health and wellness of animals. By
driving this understanding through robust cycles of
prototyping, development and beta testing, PetLynx
is able to discover what works and provides value to
the entire pet industry. Although the system continues
to develop, there are four things that already make
the PetLynx SuperNET totally unique:
• Improved recovery performance no
• matter which type or system of
• identification is used
• Equal access for all entities regardless of
• market channel or brand
• Opt in opportunities for all entities
• Recognition as the lowest cost provider
• of recovery services
‘The SuperNET for Pets and People’
How does the Automated
Global Recovery System work?
First, PetLynx is able to track every kind of device and
system used for identification. Second, the PetLynx
SuperNET is backed by the most powerful search
and recovery system available today. Third, the
AutoMatch search engine is open to everyone - from
the general public who may find an animal in distress
- to those who work in animal recovery every day like
veterinarians, shelters and animal control personnel.
Finally, PetLynx automatically searches the admissions
to shelters, pounds and hospitals for lost animals that
are registered in its database with ID information
or a text description called a DataSketch™. Once
the AutoMatch™ system finds a potential match it
automatically sends the pet owner or pet finder an
email that lets them know of the potential match.
In addition, shelter, hospital and municipal staff are
also notified of potential matches at the time they
enter an admission into the system. This automated
search of admissions provides an additional level of
protection to keep an animal from being adopted
or euthanized. The PetLynx Terminological based
Recovery and Automated Contact System [TRACS™]
is the only automated global recovery system
in the world.
How does PetLynx help pets?
Millions of pets are lost every year. A major reason more
of them can’t be reunited with their families is they
aren’t registered on any system and they are unable to
tell us where they live. The PetLynx SuperNET uses any
of the visual or non-visual means of identification to
speak for them and allow them to be recovered. The
PetLynx SuperNET also solves the industry problems of
incompatible technologies, missing data, data islands
and open industry access. When pets are registered
on the system with a lifetime subscription, the powerful
search and recover technology of the PetLynx SuperNET,
automatically protects pets for their entire lifetime.
The PetLynx SuperNET is the only
system in the world that has the ability
to automatically recover pets that
are not pre-registered.
How does PetLynx help pet owners?
Pet owners have the exclusive responsibility for
protecting their pet(s). However, before the advent
of the PetLynx SuperNET, they did not have adequate
tools. It is little wonder pet owners feel such anxiety
and hopelessness when a pet goes missing. With
PetLynx they have the tools to manage and secure
their own information. PetLynx allows pet owners to
add information and photographs, and to update
their emergency contact information as they travel
or move. Most important, with the powerful PetLynx
AutoMatch™ technology, they can alert the entire
industry and the general public if their pet becomes
lost. It is also possible, for a pet owner who hasn’t
registered on the PetLynx SuperNET before a loss;
to register after the fact and employ the PetLynx
AutoMatch™ system to help find their missing loved
one. The PetLynx SuperNET provides pet owners with
a lifetime of protection and peace of mind.
How does PetLynx help
the general public?
Most lost pets are discovered by the general public.
These people are often reluctant to become involved
because they have limited ability to help reunite an
animal with its family. These individuals also worry
they may in some way become responsible for the
animal. This is why turning and walking away from an
animal in distress is often the easiest choice. PetLynx
provides the general public with one easy place to
report a found pet and, with simple but powerful
tools, to either reunite the animal with its family or
obtain the services and resources the animal requires.
PetLynx provides the general public with a simple
one-stop solution and helps eliminate the risks they
may associate with assisting a pet.
How does PetLynx
help Veterinarians?
Veterinarians have important relationships with
animals before, during and after a lost or found
episode. By using the PetLynx SuperNET, veterinarians
can ensure each animal has permanent identification
entered into a brand neutral registry and automated
recovery system they can trust. By providing their
clients with access to the PetLynx SuperNET, they
reduce the involvement and cost they are required
to shoulder while improving the quality of client and
pet information. PetLynx also provides veterinarians
with powerful tools to automate the lost and found
process of their entire community, thus eliminating
the need to fax or call others for tattoo or other
identification. Finally, by using the PetLynx SuperNET,
vets are involved in their communities, protecting
their animal clients and supporting their people
clients when a lost or found episode takes place.
How does PetLynx help
Shelters and Rescue Agencies?
Shelters and rescue agencies are where many
distressed or homeless animals end up in our
communities. These agencies have few resources to
help reunite pets with their families. This is especially
true if the process is too difficult or there is no useful
means of identification. Often these agencies have
short windows of opportunity before they are forced
to dispose of the animals they receive. PetLynx
provides each community with simple and powerful
tools that will automatically search the pet registry
as well as the admissions to shelters, pounds and
hospitals. In this way, the PetLynx system reduces the
number of admissions, reduces the number of lost and
found calls, and increases the number of animals that
are returned to their owners. By freeing resources,
other important roles can be undertaken that are
important for pets and people in these communities.
In addition, the PetLynx shelter management
application ShelterLynx™ helps these agencies
to achieve lower costs, increase their revenues,
promote responsible pet ownership and have fewer
liabilities resulting from a pet that is adopted or
euthanized in error.
How does PetLynx help
Animal Control Agencies?
Although animal control agencies are more directed
to protecting people from pets, they are another
place that animals end up in our communities. Many
of these agencies have limited resources and few
have useful automation to assist them with their job.
PetLynx provides animal control agencies with an
automated lost and found for their community that
is linked to everyone in the community.
How does PetLynx help Breeders?
Breeders are provided a number of useful resources
by the PetLynx system. Parentage records and breed
association information can be stored with each
animal record. As the animal moves through the
breeder system, the animal record can be appended
to add medical interventions, behaviour notes and
personal preferences. Once the animal has been
placed in a home, the animal record is electronically
transferred to the new owner. The added value of
the animal card [Electronic Passport], visual collar
tag and lifetime PetLynx subscription creates goodwill
with breeder clients. The PetLynx lifetime registration
also protects the animal against loss and provides
peace of mind to both breeder and pet owner in
those important first few weeks when a new pet can
go missing.
How does PetLynx
help the pet industry?
The pet industry uses many forms and systems to
maintain animal and pet owner data. These existing
systems cannot work together because they are
manual or use technologies that aren’t compatible.
This is why even though the information to assist
Fluffy or Felix exists somewhere; it often can’t be
accessed in time to meet the need. By establishing
a SuperNET underneath the entire industry, PetLynx
has provided the means for the industry to connect,
to communicate, to protect and to assist each pet
to live a better and longer life. PetLynx provides
each person that has a relationship with an animal,
the ability to access the knowledge base for this
animal. Finally, all entities can opt into the system
at their convenience - a microchip provider with
a branded recovery service, a service provider
that isn’t an Authorized Service Centre and a pet
owner who hasn’t registered their pet on the PetLynx
SuperNET prior to loss, can all still use the Petlynx
automated global recovery system to reunite pets
and families. The powerful PetLynx technology
provides emergency access while securing the
privacy of each pet and people record. This is why
we call PetLynx the SuperNET, and this is why it alone
can provide so many benefits to the industry and the
pets it protects.
What does the future
hold for PetLynx?
The future for PetLynx is very exciting. As the internet
becomes all-encompassing, there will be opportunities
to create specific applications for all the entities that
serve pets in the industry. We envision a day when
MuniLynx™, VetLynx™ and BreederLynx™ to name a
few, are assisting service providers in these channels.
We envision a day when the SuperNET stretches
underneath the entire industry, and is able to protect
and support the millions of animals that currently fall
through the ‘cracks’. We envision a day when PetLynx
is a ubiquitous, essential service for the pet industry,
as common to the industry as the other utilities now
used to supply telecommunications, water and
energy. It’s a grand vision and it is accompanied by
a prudent plan and tenacious loyalty to execution.
For more information about how you can bring the PetLynx SuperNET to your
community please contact your local Veterinarian, Shelter or Municipal agency
or contact us at to record your interest.
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