Conversation Practice: Personal Interview A: Ni hao! B: Ni hao! Hello! Hello! A: Ni jiao shenme mingzi? B: Wo jiao ...... ni ne? A: Wo jiao ................ What's your name? My name is ......... What's your's? My name is ........... B: Ni hao ma? How are you? A: Wo .........(choose answer) ni ne? I'm ...... (choose answer) And you? B: Wo .........(choose answer) I'm ...... (choose answer) Choose answer ... Interview continues Wo hen hao. I'm very well. Wo bu cuo. I'm not bad. Wo hai ke yi. I'm OK / pretty good. Wo feichang hao. I'm extremely good. Wo bu hao. I'm not good. Wo mamahuhu. I'm so-so. A: Ni zhu zai nar? Where do you live? B: Wo zhu zai ................... I live in .................. (choose answer) A: Ni shi na guo ren? What nationality are you? B: Wo shi ............ (choose nationality) I am ................ zh$ngguó China Just add ren to change country name to nationality. eg: Australian would be aodaliyaren. xi"ngg!ng àodàlìyà Australia m!i guó USA rìb!n Japan f!guó France hánguó Click here to find out other country names in Chinese ... Interview continues Hong Kong Korea ji" ná dà Canada m!láix#yà Malaysia y#ng guó England (UK) yìdàlì Italy A: Ni zui xihuan shen me yan se? What's your favourite colour(s)? B: Wo zui xihuan ..............(choose answer) My favourite colour is .......... Don't forget the word for and lán se is hóng se huáng se hé ! " (qian) means light ! (shen) means dark Interview continues l! se chéng se f"nhóng se z# se h$i se bái se z%ng se A: Ni xihuan shenme yundong? Which sport(s) do you like? B: Wo xihuan ............ (choose answer) I like ......... ao zu qiu Aussie Rules wang qiu Tennis wu dangban lan qiu Netball zu qiu Football (Soccer) bang qiu Baseball lei qiu Softball pingpang qiu Table Tennis lan qiu Basketball you yong Swimming Interview continues Don't forget the and hé word for ! is ban qiu yu mao qiu Cricket pai qiu gan lan qiu Volleyball Rugby jing ji Athletics Badminton A: Zaijian! B: Zaijian! Goodbye! Goodbye! !"#