The Beacon 144 - UK Election 2010 Prepare for

The Beacon
No. 144
April 2010
BTM, PO Box 415, Swansea, SA5 8YH UK
25 years
Books by K B Napier:
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The Turn of History –
Secular Inquisition Coming
In the midst of growing hatred
for Christians and their beliefs we
must say that the secular inquisition
is coming. It will begin with the
election of the new government, if
any of the main three parties get
into power, each of whom is already
intolerance and totalitarianism.
In 2010 we are standing at the very
turn of history. There are many turns that can
decisively alter the course of history, and the
UK political elections are a major turn,
probably more significant than many others
through the centuries, because it heralds the
fulfilment of prophecy, the start of the end
times. We know, of course, that unbelievers
will laugh in derision at such a concept, but we
no longer care, because they have been
laughing for years! As they laugh they bring in
unprecedented scorn for everything decent
and good, and the people, ever asleep, have
no idea where it is leading them.
Initially, they will accept what is
happening because it hits them at the lowest
common denominator – their own vanity and
desires. But, after a while, they will realise, too
late, what is really happening to them: they are
being manipulated by those in power, and
those in power will not relinquish their hold.
We have already warned that a vote
for any of the three main parties would result in
totalitarianism and sexual evils via the
homosexual myth. Judges are already
condemning Christians simply because they do
not wish to be part of the ‘gay revolution’, and
are being made out to be incompetent by the
same judges, who pompously tell us our
beliefs are nothing and to be rejected as
sources of mores and truth.
It is now time for Christians to hit them
between the eyes! This has nothing to do with
violence or hatred. It is to do with the very
fabric of life. All people of all types base what
they think, say and do, on presuppositions, on
suppositions, on surmises. So do judges! All
laws are based on suppositions - beliefs!
Judges have declared Christian beliefs
to be worthless, without merit. So, they say we
must obey the law on homosexuality. Oh no
we don’t!
Judges’ Beliefs Unacceptable, Too
They say that claiming a special case
for beliefs is not acceptable. THEN WHY
OWN BELIEFS? We must aim for the spot
between their eyes! That spot is the beliefs on
which judges found their absurd statements,
which directly affect all Christians. We must get
people in general to understand that judges
are not just attacking Christian beliefs, but also
their own lives, for any law that enforces
submission without respite or real reason is
fascist and widespread. The same law used
against Christians will also be used against
ANYONE who dares to disagree with gay rule!
And, after that, laws will demand submission to
ANY demand by government.
Homosexual laws are deliberately
hateful of Christianity. That is a fact admitted
by gay activists themselves. They tell us they
MUST get rid of all Christian influence, so they
can bring in the very worst of homosexual
behaviours, activities so evil and disgusting
that most civil people cannot even imagine
what they are! But, first gay activists must get
supposed ‘protection’ under their belts, with
‘equality’. How a dog is equal to a cat I cannot
tell, but judges believe they are the same! So
do politicians, law-makers, church leaders,
college heads, and most who pretend to be
‘intellectual’. But, there is nothing intellectual
about denying people the freedom to reject an
argument! It is anti-intellectualism, the kind
found in Hitler’s Germany and Stalin’s Russia.
It is like that of China and many eastern
countries ruled by an iron fist. And this is
where we are heading if one of the main
parties gets into power!
Fake Christians Abound
There are countless fake Christians
around. Tony Blair is one of them. David
Cameron is another. Even homosexuals have
their own brand of Christianity! But, they are all
fake – you can tell because their teachings and
beliefs have no connection to what the Bible
says! I find it incredible that people like Blair,
Cameron and judges can pontificate to
genuine Christians when they have no idea
what they are talking about.
Previously, I have said that David
Cameron was manic in his rush to give gays
whatever they want. In that rush he is more
than willing to crush Christians, and anyone
else who disobeys gay laws. That is why I
asked him outright if he is homosexual himself.
He did not bother to deny it, so you must
decide for yourself what is going on. If He is
homosexual it explains his utter hatred for
Christians and his manic desire to give gays
whatever they demand, without checking to
see if they are reasonable.
But, they are NOT ‘his’ laws, or the
laws of any politician; they are laws written and
enforced by gay activists. We know this is true
because no politician has ever taken counsel
from any genuine Christian, or anyone who
has actual expertise in the subject! This is
positive proof that what they devise is one
sided and unbalanced.
Real Facts Needed
The USA appears to have the hardnosed Christians we need. They run groups
like NARTH, whose expertise covers every
known aspect of homosexual claims. They
base their expertise not only on what scripture
says, but on science, medicine and social
facts. Not mere beliefs, as are held by judges
and politicians. They can back up their claims
with tough truths. Our politicians can’t,
because they prefer to have one-sided bias
from gay activists. And, in the process, they
take on board the wicked attitude of gay
activists, who absolutely hate Christians!
In the run-up to the election we have
issued several hard-hitting articles and
contacted many MPs and those standing for
election. Readers have joined us in this activity
and the results are very telling, showing a UKwide hatred for Christians by government and
those who want gay laws. Of course, the
media are PC and refuse to mention them. We
have approached many MPs and prospective
MPs, but every one of them has sided with the
subjective and unfounded claims of gay
activism! Even when offered mounds of factual
material they prefer gay activist information.
Now what do we call this? Yes – prejudice and
deliberate avoidance of truth.
Homosexual Propaganda is not Truth
All pro-gay laws and policies are
founded only on gay activist information. That
is, propaganda. It is not good propaganda but
misinformation designed to spread hatred
against Christians, the main source of gay
activist angst. It is why my own livelihood was
destroyed by activists, twice! It is why judges
destroy the careers of professionals who dare
to stand for their consciences and beliefs.
As gay activists and other Marxists tell
us in the USA, simply destroying without
reason is far quicker than explaining why!! We
are already seeing the formation of the coming
secular inquisition. If any of the three main
parties gets into power, we can expect it to
begin in earnest, with Christians in particular
pushed into a corner, a ghetto, before we are
attacked ferociously in the hope we will be
obliterated. Look at the history of Germany and
Russia, because they contain all the details we
need. They precisely map what is now
happening and what will happen very swiftly.
And after the Christians have been
obliterated (or so they think) the next victims
will be the general public, who will also be
beaten into submission with harsh laws and
policies. These are already in motion, in the
guise of ‘greenism’, and will get far worse as
the EU dictates what we believe and how, in
any subject they wish to criminalize.
The aim of all this is destruction of
genuine beliefs and the imposition of
secularism and Marxism/Fascism. History is
repeating itself with a vengeance, and those in
power see the advantages to themselves. The
‘gay thing’ is only a front for future power
grabs. It is being used to demonstrate that
government is the current god, whose will must
be obeyed.
MPs Treat People with Contempt
The recent expenses scandal proved
this without doubt, as MPs just carried on
regardless, treating the public with contempt.
Yes, there were a very small number of
sacrificial scapegoats, to placate the public.
But, the arrogance and wickedness of MPs
carries on still. They simply don’t care who
says what. They don’t care what anyone
believes. All they care about is their own
power, incomes and authority. Instead of being
servants of the people they have become our
The only way to combat them is to fully
disrupt parliament, even to get rid of it in its
present form. If we had a minor party in power
at least they would start to listen to a public
that is so angry with MPs and government. We
are so very close to civil unrest and yet MPs
continue in their repeated evils and crushing of
people with genuine beliefs.
Why are secular beliefs any more
worthy than Christian ones? They cannot
answer that. Why is the Christian belief in
peace, love and social truth counted as worse
than the gay beliefs in promiscuity, violence,
hatred and bad health? It does not make any
sense whatever! And why is it imperative for
everyone to be battered with gay laws, when
their very consciences cannot allow it? Judges
use their consciences (or lack of them) as
‘reasons’ to cull Christianity. What makes their
underlying beliefs better than ours?
No Truth So Bad Laws
The reason gay activists have
successfully attacked us is NOT because of
their superior arguments, but because of the
LACK of arguments. They have hidden and
banished all genuine opposition, not just by
media but by law. Any true society would allow
opposite arguments to go out, with the most
reasonable argument winning the day. This is
precisely why gay activists MUST destroy
Christians, whose arguments would destroy
their own, with logic and facts.
Sadly, too many Christians think they
must only reply with scripture quotes. I say it is
sad, because they just quote Bible and nothing
else. They don’t explain the relevance. What
Christians must do is hit them hard with facts
and research! This is because gay activists
use false information to convince everyone.
The actual facts are very potent because they
cut the legs from under all gay claims!
We have, then, been our own worse
enemies, by not fighting back. It is true that we
are in the last days of this corrupt earth. What
we are seeing now was prophesied centuries
ago in the Bible. It is all coming about as
predicted. But, this does not mean we just sit
back and allow ourselves to be beaten down.
We also have a duty toward all of society,
because we live within it. The Marxist-Fascist
aims of governments must be thwarted or we
become attackers of ourselves!
Your Opportunity to Change Things
Meanwhile, I will say “I told you so” in
advance of the elections. God has no qualms
in saying “I told you so” when we reap the
results of our own stupidity. So, I say it again If any of the three main parties get into power,
we can expect a swift attack on all Christian
values and beliefs. Remember that the attacks
will come from those who are also basing their
actions on beliefs, but their beliefs are without
foundation, leading to demise of culture,
society and everything good. This short article
will stand testimony in the future, to both the
wickedness of secular leaders and the laxity of
Armed Forces as Jailers
This is no conspiracy theory. The USA
already has plans for imprisoning protesters. It
is called the ‘Civilian Inmate Labor Program’
and is found on the official army website. Go to
Troops are briefed to arrest and
imprison those who belong to the ‘Tea-Party’
groups who oppose socialist government,
calling them ‘bomb making terrorists’. In other
words, argue with government and you will go
to jail. This can happen in the UK and has
been mooted by Labour before. Christians are
already regarded as an irrelevant waste of
space. We are already criminalized and taken
to court. Next step is logical – put us in prison.
It is the way things are going.
Is It Wrong To Talk Like This?
I have been piously told that as a
minister I should not try to influence voting.
Though I do not say who to vote for I definitely
advise who NOT to vote for. This is with good
cause, for the three main parties are all
defiantly arrogant, refusing to listen to reason
of the voters.
I have been told it is okay for us to
advise others privately!! What nonsense! There
is no difference in telling others privately and
telling others in bulk!!
Calvin, Luther, Christ, Paul, and many
reformers, all acted politically and warned the
people. For myself I will know I have done
what I could to thwart the aims of wicked men.
What do you do to stop them? Many hide
behind what is called ‘prayer’ so as to avoid
being more involved. It can be just an excuse.
We acknowledge that we are coming
to the last days and whatever God has
prophesied will come to pass. But, this does
not prevent us from speaking out against
wickedness in high places! Not to do so is to
act the coward, go easy on sin, and invite
Satan to just take over without a challenge.
Christians who oppose us in this matter of
witness should be ashamed of themselves, but
they would be the first to enjoy the privileges of
freedom if we ever get it back!
How would they cope with being an
underground church? Because it might easily
come to that… and I know that many would be
only too pleased to call the police on us. I also
know that many who call themselves ‘Christian’
would ‘settle scores’ by informing on true
believers. Too far fetched? No doubt Christians
in Russia and Germany thought that, too!
A Short Tribute
It is rare to find genuine believers who
have the courage of their convictions. I know
one couple who have been severely acted
against for their Christianity. Because I haven’t
had permission to mention their names, I will
just refer to them as G and R F.
I also know a lovely Christian couple
who have suffered at the hands of
homosexuals. Though I would have loved to
meet them before, I have not yet done so. The
husband has just died (D) and his wife (K) is
displaying amazing and beautiful faith in the
Lord. D, in earlier years, was a local councillor
who stood against pro-gay activities, and was
attacked publicly for it. More recently, D’s dear
wife, K, stood up for her beliefs before
prospective MP candidates and was similarly
attacked, in the midst of her grief. Basically,
Christians are to be got rid of… but this couple
stood firm. I therefore pay tribute to them,
including D who has just left this world for a far
better place. If all Christians were like them,
and like R&G F, what a big difference we
would see all around us. Their faiths are a
beacon to all and an example to follow. God
bless them.
Satan Works to Blaspheme God
Satan works in many ways and
through many people, including, at this time,
homosexuals, pro-homosexuals and the green
movement. But how many are aware of the
way Satan works against us through the
churches, whose laxity and heresies slowly eat
away at truth?
There are also false Christ’s, who
masquerade as Jesus, leading false churches.
The latest to be made known to me is a South
American, Jose Miranda, who blatantly tells
everyone that he is the Christ promised at the
Second Coming. That is, Christ returned in
him. He also tells people not to follow Jesus
Christ, because he is now dead.
He openly says he is God and his
followers are tattooed with the numbers 666.
The man says he is the anti-Christ, but twists
the Bible meaning by saying it really means
another Christ – Him! He tells followers there is
no sin and no hell… clearly Satan is the
founder of this wickedness. He says he does
greater miracles than Jesus ever did (where
are they??). At age 61 I wonder how his
followers will react when he dies or is knocked
down by a truck? Not so eternal, then, eh?
Satan will abound more and more as
time starts to fail and the end comes nearer.
Expect them, oppose them, and very
importantly witness to the truth.
If you want to hear the 666 man for
yourself try YouTube:
his false Christ is not the only one –
people even follow Oprah, who also detracts
people away from God and His word, and uses
her TV presence to influence everyone into
disbelieving God. Now politicians are adding
their voices to the clamour of wickedness. Will
you stand out against this evil crowd? Or sink
back into anonymity hoping no-one will
approach you or accuse you of being a
believer? I know what I see and know many
will be like Peter before Jesus’ death, denying
Him hotly.
Kim Clement
False prophets feel it is below them to
answer objections to their lies! I asked Kim
Clement, the one who made the utterly false
prophecy about Obama being converted, to
recant, repent and tell his audience publicly
that he had made a false prophecy. Nope! He
just ignored that.
Better still, he went on Elijah List yet
again and made even more false prophecies!!
Not content with making the one about Obama,
he is nor predicting what the White House will
do, turning full circle to witness to Christ!!
Firstly all the homosexuals there in power (and
there are many) will and must repent. They
must then tell the country they have repented,
and will remove all gay laws and policies.
Kim Clement can only survive within
his charismatic circle. Outside it he would be
dead in the water! I have presented the whole
prophecy in a separate article, with comments.
The Gay Thing
I said a while ago that my time fighting
against homosexuality was over. The only
reason I have concentrated on it recently is
because the election will be the literal breaking
or making of Christian freedoms. But, after this,
I will return to non-responses.
Partly, the reason is personal. After
over thirty years opposing this most wicked of
sins, and having been attacked constantly
throughout, especially in two special
incidences (the last being 2005), I am literally
sick of the subject. I know what these people
do with, and to, each other; I know what they
do to kids; I know what they are doing to
society and law… and, frankly, every time I
deal with the subject I feel sick to my stomach.
I simply have had enough of it.
I believe I have ‘done my time’, so am
more than willing to hand over the baton to
those who wish to fight it. I already have many
battle scars, and many memories I wish I did
not have. My time is gone. I just hope
someone will carry on, bravely and with
toughness. And before anyone dares to
accuse me of ‘giving in’… I was fighting
beyond 2005, but I was suddenly stopped in
my spirit. Therefore, knowing my human frailty,
God removed me from the field of combat. I
am still doing battle in another battle-field, but
my strength for fighting this particular evil has
now gone.
Follow Christ, Not Man
“Whosoever will come after me, let
him deny himself, and take up his cross,
and follow me… whosoever… shall be
ashamed of me and of my words… of him
also shall the Son of man be ashamed…”